Fairtax Power Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 219:36:36
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The FAIRtax Guys discuss the many problems with the current federal income tax and the solution to all those problems, the FAIRtax.


  • #327 It's Your Choice

    27/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    Suppose you need to fly across the country on business. Your boss is going to pay for your ticket and you’re offered two choices. You can fly in the back seat of a 70-year-old Piper Cub, or you can go First Class on one of Delta Airlines’ new A321 Neos. Easy choice, isn’t it?Most people don’t know it, but they have a similar choice when it comes to Federal taxation. They can choose to remain subject to the 109-year-old income tax system, or they can choose the FAIRtax. Truth be told, the difference between the income tax and the FAIRtax is about as dramatic as the difference between the Cub that cruises at around 90 MPH, and the modern jet that moves along at over 500 MPH. In this episode of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys present several of the choices you have when it comes to taxation, and show why people should choose the FAIRtax.

  • #326 What Makes the FAIRtax a Fair Tax

    20/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    Taxes are as old as civilized society itself. There have been thousands of different tax systems throughout history, and they all have one thing in common—a significant number of people affected by them believe them to be unfair. That’s certainly the case with the income tax in the United States. The Internal Revenue Code is a hopeless labyrinth of exemptions, exceptions, deductions and credits that some people get and others don’t. And the rules change every year.In this episode of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys take a look at some of the characteristics that make the FAIRtax a fair tax. Listen and learn how the FAIRtax disempowers government bureaucrats and puts you back in control of how much tax you pay and when you pay it.

  • #325 The Ever Changing Income Tax

    13/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    Imagine that there are two minutes left in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl and your team is down by four points. You need a touchdown to win the game. You have the ball, third and nine on your opponent’s 30 yard line. Your quarterback completes a pass to the tight end for a ten yard gain. You look to the sidelines expecting the officials to signal first down and move the chains. But wait. The referee runs over and tells you that the rules have changed. You now need fifteen yards to get a first down, and it’s fourth and four.Crazy? That might not happen on the football field, but similar things happen all the time with the tax code. Credits are given and then taken away. Temporary measures are implemented. Some expire, some get extended and some are made permanent. You just never know from one year to the next what the tax law in any particular situation is going to be. In this edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the Guys look at just how unstable the income tax has been over time and make the c

  • #324 Americans Overseas and the FAIRtax

    06/07/2022 Duration: 33min

    Most people, including many FAIRtax volunteers, don’t realize that the United States is the only country in the world with citizenship-based taxation as opposed to residency-based taxation. As a result, American citizens living abroad are taxed by both their host country and the American IRS. It’s a really complicated situation that often leads people to renounce their American citizenship.John Richardson is an attorney living in Canada. He specializes in helping American citizens caught in this taxation trap. John joins the FAIRtax Guys to discuss the nightmare that the income tax system inflicts on these Americans and how the FAIRtax would fix everything.

  • #323 The History of Taxation

    29/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    The income tax as we know it today was implemented in 1913. That mean that no one in today’s workforce has known any other system of funding the Federal government. People just assume that the income tax is the only way to do it because it’s the only way they’ve known. And of course, the politicians in DC are all too happy to reinforce that idea in people’s minds.But it doesn’t have to be that way. On today’s FAIRtax Power Radio, FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough puts on his history teacher’s hat and details how the United States got along for over a hundred years without an income tax. And when you see what new insanities and absurdities the Congress Critters are trying to put into the tax code, you’ll agree that replacing the income tax with the FAIRtax is the right way to go.

  • #322 The Supply Chain and the FAIRtax

    22/06/2022 Duration: 35min

    Very few Americans have not been affected by the breakdowns in the supply chain. Once commonly available items are becoming difficult if not impossible to find. Store shelves are empty. Popular items from online retailers are on backorder. And as the law of supply and demand dictates, when supplies shrink, prices go up. It’s a mess, but it doesn’t have to be this way. This very issue was the subject of the June 17 Chairman’s Report written by AFFT president Steve Hayes. So, given the universal interest in this subject, the FAIRtax Guys invited Steve to appear with them this week and explain what’s causing the problem and what’s the best way to fix it.

  • #321 Correcting the Critics

    15/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    We’re always happy when people write articles about the FAIRtax. Keeping the FAIRtax in the public discussion is critical to getting it passed. Unfortunately, authors who aren’t really familiar with the FAIRtax often get things wrong. This usually happens when an author is trying to present a “fair and balanced” picture of the FAIRtax by discussing its pros and cons. They feel the need to have roughly as many cons as pros so they feel like they’re being thorough and impartial.In this week’s FAIRtax Power Radio, the Guys offer some gentle correction to the authors of two such articles who slipped off the rails a bit when discussing what they see as cons of the FAIRtax.

  • #320 FAIRtax 101 - Part 2

    08/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    After their weekly look at congress.gov, the Guys continue their exploration of the FAIRtax FAQ published at fairtax.org. It’s a really comprehensive resource dealing with a wide variety of questions that people may raise about the FAIRtax.Tune in as Bob and Bob deal with issues like corporate windfalls under the FAIRtax, why there are no exemptions and deductions, and the possibility of having both the FAIRtax and an income tax.

  • #319 FAIRtax 101 - Part 1

    01/06/2022 Duration: 29min

    After several weeks of pointing out all the absurdities, inefficiencies, fraud, abuse and incompetence associated with the income tax and the IRS, the FAIRtax Guys get back to the basics of the FAIRtax. Now, more than twenty years after the FAIRtax was introduced as a legislative proposal, there are still thousands of people who don’t know what the FAIRtax is and how it works. More importantly, they don’t know about all the great things the FAIRtax will do for individuals, businesses and the economy in general.In the first of a two part series, Bob and Bob open up the FAIRtax FAQ published at fairtax.org, and begin to explore the wealth of information contained there. This is “refresher” information for every FAIRtax volunteer, but more importantly, it’s a fantastic introduction to the FAIRtax for those who are not familiar with it.

  • #318 You Might Be a FAIRtax Fan

    25/05/2022 Duration: 29min

    I’ve been a stock car racing fan all my life, but I didn’t know it until my dad took me to my first stock car race. There’s no doubt that millions of Americans are FAIRtax fans and don’t know it because they haven’t been introduced to the FAIRtax and don’t know about all the fantastic things it will do for them.In this week’s FAIRtax Power Radio, Bob and Bob go through a list of specific things that the FAIRtax will do for small (and large) businesses. This should be of interest to all Americans who want the better living that a strong, prosperous economy provides.

  • #317 They Threw Away What??

    18/05/2022 Duration: 28min

    We’ve all heard the horror stories about the mess at the IRS. We’ve heard how many of their printers and copiers don’t work because they’re out of ink. We’ve heard about how old and unreliable their computer system is, and we’ve heard how multiplied thousands of refunds have been delayed as the agency deals with a massive backlog of unprocessed returns.What we didn’t know until just recently is that one of the ways the IRS chose to deal with that backlog was simply to throw away thirty million unprocessed paper returns. In this edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the Guys look at a report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration that details yet another reason why we need to put the IRS out of business by replacing the income tax with the FAIRtax.

  • #316 Walle's World the FAIRtax vs. Inflation

    11/05/2022 Duration: 35min

    Unless you’ve been a coma for the past twelve months, you’ve no doubt noticed that inflation is back in the American economy at a level that hasn’t been seen in forty years. As the inflation monster hungrily gobbles up more and more of our purchasing power, people are desperately searching for a weapon to slay the monster with.In his quarterly Walle’s FAIRtax World, CPA Jade Walle looks at some of the variables in play in the American economy and explores what effect the FAIRtax would have both on the economy in general, and specifically how it would work to curb inflation.

  • #315 Taxes in Five Minutes

    04/05/2022 Duration: 29min

    No one likes spending hours filling out all the complicated forms that make up a tax return. Even taxpayers with relatively simple returns either buy tax preparation software or pay a professional tax preparer to do their taxes for them. Either way, it takes a lot of time, effort and money to comply with our insanely complicated and convoluted tax code. So, it’s no wonder that the thought of doing your taxes in five minutes sounds really good to most people.But not so fast. There’s a lot more to that story. In this week’s edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys dig into an article published in Business Insider and examine just what other little “goodies” will come with a five minute tax return.

  • #314 Electing FAIRtax Candidates

    27/04/2022 Duration: 37min

    Unless you have a mountain of campaign cash to contribute to a politician, it can be really hard to get that politician’s attention and convince him/her to support the FAIRtax. Currently, the FAIRtax bill has 29 cosponsors in the House. Adding in the primary sponsor, that’s 30 FAIRtax supporters out of 435 House members. A FAIRtax bill hasn’t even been introduced in the Senate in this Congress. Clearly, getting politicians on board with the FAIRtax after they’ve been elected is a tall order indeed.The lesson here is clear. FAIRtax volunteers should be a lot less focused on winning support for the FAIRtax among sitting politicians, and more focused on electing new politicians who already support the FAIRtax. To that end, the FAIRtax Guys brought in John Gaver for a conversation on how to approach candidates, introduce them to the FAIRtax and secure their support before they get elected.

  • #313 They Just Never Learn

    20/04/2022 Duration: 30min

    It’s been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. For decades criminals and fraudsters have demonstrated just how easy it is to defraud the IRS. Illegal tax evasion now runs close to a trillion dollars a year. Identity thieves steal millions of dollars filing fake tax returns in other people’s names. Other criminals have hundreds of fraudulent refunds sent to the same address and no one catches on.So, it should be no surprise to find that when the IRS was tasked with distributing coronavirus relief stimulus payments, that criminals stole millions of those dollars for themselves. In this edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys discuss an article detailing the level of fraud and abuse in the coronavirus relief program. It’s time to fix the problem once and for all. Get rid of the IRS by replacing the income tax with the FAIRtax.

  • #312 It Costs HOW MUCH!!

    13/04/2022 Duration: 33min

    The income tax system imposes a crushing burden on the American people above and beyond the actual taxes people owe. Americans spend a staggering amount of both time and money doing all that’s necessary in order to comply with an ever changing and ever increasingly complex tax code.In this special “Tax Day” edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the Guys turn to CPA Jade Walle for some insight on just how much our antiquated income tax system really costs us and how much better things would be if we replaced the income tax with the FAIRtax.

  • #311 Gas Pains at the IRS

    06/04/2022 Duration: 29min

    In their regular look at congress.gov, the FAIRtax Guys uncovered HR 7271, the “Putting Gas Money Back in Your Pocket Act”. In reviewing some articles on the subject, they discovered that there are actually several different proposals to reimburse the American people for the extra money they’ve had to spend at the gas pumps in recent months.While the details of these different proposals may vary, they all have one thing in common—the IRS will be tasked with distributing the money. This is the same IRS that is hopelessly backlogged trying to fulfill its primary mission of processing income tax returns. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this isn’t going to end well. Listen as the FAIRtax Guys present a much better way to do this with the FAIRtax.

  • #310 More IRS Meddling in Your Business

    30/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    You wouldn’t put up with it for an instant if your mother-in-law tried to tell you how much of your own money you can put away for your retirement or how much you can withdraw from your savings. That’s none of her business. Yet, people continue to tolerate the IRS doing the exact same thing. And the IRS really has no more business manipulating your personal finances than your mother-in-law has.In this edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, the FAIRtax Guys examine how changes in life expectancy could result in changes to IRS rules regarding Required Minimum Distributions from retirement accounts. If you want to take back control of your personal finances, help us pass the FAIRtax and put the Internal Revenue Service, and all of its rules and regulations, out of business.

  • #309 The IRS Is A Failure

    23/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    Any way you look at it, the IRS is a failed institution. Millions of tax returns go unprocessed delaying refunds for millions of taxpayers. Phone calls go unanswered. Jobs go unfilled. Antiquated equipment doesn’t work, and tax evasion is running rampant costing the government nearly $1 trillion a year. Lest you think this is a recent phenomenon, the FAIRtax Guys discuss an informative article that shows these problems aren’t new. They’ve been an issue for over FORTY YEARS and it’s not going to get any better. The only solution is to put the IRS out of its misery by abolishing the income tax in favor of the FAIRtax.

  • #308 CPAC Wrapup

    16/03/2022 Duration: 37min

    The FAIRtax Guys were privileged to represent the FAIRtax at the recently concluded CPAC conference in Orlando FL. Several other FAIRtax volunteers from as far away as California were in attendance. As they do every year, Bob and Bob made their way around CPAC Central, the vendor/exhibitor area, talking to other attendees, telling them about the FAIRtax and learning about the various causes they represent. In that process, Bob Paxton had the opportunity to speak with “America’s Toughest Sheriff”, Joe Arpaio from Arizona. Bob Scarborough scored an interview with David Thomas Roberts, an author who calls himself “the most audited man in America”. Follow the FAIRtax Guys around CPAC in this episode of FAIRtax Power Radio, and make your plans to join them at the next one.

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