Fairtax Power Radio



The FAIRtax Guys discuss the many problems with the current federal income tax and the solution to all those problems, the FAIRtax.


  • #347 Prebate 101

    14/12/2022 Duration: 31min

    The prebate sets the FAIRtax apart from every other sales tax people may be familiar with. In every other case, when you buy a taxable item, you pay the tax, period. However, the FAIRtax actually pays itself on spending up to the poverty level.Every month, every legal household gets a pre-payment to cover the tax they’ll pay at the cash register on their spending up to the poverty level. You don’t take a dime out of your own pocket to pay the FAIRtax until after you’ve taken care of your family’s basic necessities. Compare that to the income tax where Uncle Sam skims his cut right off the top of your paycheck before you even see it.

  • #346 The Times They Are A-Changin

    07/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    Bob Dylan wasn’t thinking about the tax code when he wrote the 60’s protest anthem “The Times They Are A-Changin’”, but he could have been. According to the National Taxpayer Advocate, the tax code changed 4,680 times from 2001 to 2012, an average of just over one change per day. And the pace hasn’t slowed down.This week, the FAIRtax Guys continue a discussion started on the last program noting the ever-shifting nature of the Federal tax code. Its complexity and instability are two primary reasons that the income tax needs to be abolished in favor of the FAIRtax.

  • #345 Smaller Refunds

    30/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    Every year, many people anxiously look forward to their tax refund. This week, the FAIRtax Guys look at an article in which the IRS warns that refunds this year could be smaller because, surprise, there have been a number of changes to the tax code.A constantly changing tax code has been a hallmark of the income/payroll tax system for decades, but for some reason, we keep putting up with it. The FAIRtax is light years ahead of the income tax in terms of simplicity and stability. Plus with the FAIRtax, you get a tax refund every month, not just once a year.

  • #344 More Fraud and Abuse at the IRS

    23/11/2022 Duration: 29min

    We’ve known for a long time that fraudsters and criminals have been helping themselves to our money by filing bogus claims for tax deductions and credits with the IRS. Now, it seems that an entire industry has sprung up to help people claim money they’re not entitled to. And the IRS has admitted defeat.The week, the FAIRtax Guys look at an article from accountingtoday.com detailing the problem. It’s just one more example of how the IRS is broken beyond repair and why we need to put the IRS out of business by replacing the income tax with the FAIRtax.

  • #343 Is There a Medic in the House

    16/11/2022 Duration: 28min

    The FAIRtax Guys were recently introduced to Anthony Parent. Anthony is a practicing tax attorney. He also maintains a YouTube channel under the name “IRS Medic”.His practice has brought him face to face with the absurdity of the tax code and the ruthlessness with which the IRS administers and enforces the code. In this edition of FAIRtax Power Radio, Anthony shares some of his interesting and even controversial thoughts on the tax code. Listen to what he has to say, and you’ll be more convinced than ever that the only way to fix the tax code is to replace it with the FAIRtax.

  • #342 Shifting Sand

    09/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    If you could describe the Internal Revenue Code in one word, that word would be “unstable”. Every week, FAIRtax Power Radio looks at some of the thousands of proposed changes to the tax code in its congress.gov segment.This week, the FAIRtax Guys examine an article published by Intuit/TurboTax detailing a number of things that will be different for 2022 tax year. An unstable tax code isn’t just difficult to comply with. It hurts the economy by creating a business environment filled with uncertainty. You can’t shore it up. We’ll never have a stable tax code until the income tax is replaced with the FAIRtax.

  • #341 The IRS vs. Congress

    02/11/2022 Duration: 29min

    Collecting the taxes needed to keep the government running should not be a partisan process. Unfortunately, neither the politicians nor the IRS got the memo. Using the IRS as a political weapon dates back decades, but now there’s a new wrinkle. The IRS itself is now resisting Congressional oversight, and Congress is divided along party lines over how best to administer that oversight.Passing the FAIRtax won’t eliminate the bitter partisan divide that exists in today’s Washington DC, but it will take the politics out of tax collection. It will also abolish the IRS forever.

  • #340 Transparency at the IRS, No Way

    26/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    Earlier this year, it was reported that the IRS destroyed over 30 million tax documents. As you might imagine, there is more than just casual curiosity among some Members of Congress about what really happened and why.It should be no surprise that the IRS has ignored repeated requests for data about the incident, and now, other Congressmen are trying to block any further inquiry into the matter. It’s a tangled mess, and it’s just one more reason why the income tax should be replaced by the FAIRtax and the IRS should be put out of business.

  • #339 Book 'em Danno

    19/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    The Justice Department has charged five current and former IRS employees with stealing COVID relief money and using it to make lavish personal purchases—including a new Mercedes and trips to Las Vegas.Of course, this is just one of multiplied thousands of cases where crooks, fraudsters and criminals exploit the fact that the IRS is woefully incapable of preventing these thieves from ripping all of us off. It’s a system that should have been put out of business decades ago. It’s yet another reason why we MUST replace the income tax with the FAIRtax and abolish the IRS forever.

  • #338 Another Expatriate Horror Story

    12/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    Logic and common sense tell you that if you are cooperative and try to do the right thing in your dealings with a government authority, that authority should work with you in the same spirit. Unfortunately, the IRS didn’t get the memo.This week, the FAIRtax Guys look at a story first told by Jim Bennett in his weekly “Grassroots Corner” article. It’s the story of Alexandru Bittner, an American citizen who ran afoul of the American tax code while living in Romania. The treatment he received at the hands of the IRS is nothing short of appalling. It’s just one more reason why the FAIRtax should replace the income tax and relegate the IRS to permanent extinction.

  • #337 The FAIRtax Guys at WTOB

    05/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    The FAIRtax Guys welcome CPA Jade Walle to their annual live program from the studios of WTOB in Winston Salem, NC. Doing a live show gives the Guys the chance to do something they don’t normally get to do—answer live calls from listeners. Jade fields a question from a listener who was concerned that by taxing consumption rather than income, the FAIRtax would hurt the poor. Next, they tackle the non-partisan nature of the FAIRtax and explain why people of all different political ideologies would like and should support the FAIRtax.

  • #336 Bits and Pieces

    28/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    We continue to see fallout from the massive increase in the size of the IRS contained in the Inflation Reduction Act. This week, after their usual look at congress.gov, the FAIRtax Guys touch on several little tidbits, including a new bill in Congress called the IRS Reduction Act.If passed, the IRS Reduction Act would rescind the additional funding for the IRS that’s contained in the Inflation Reduction Act. We have a better idea. How about the IRS Elimination Act—theFAIRtax.

  • #335 Yes the IRS Really Did That

    21/09/2022 Duration: 30min

    Would the IRS really go after an 82-year-old grandmother who made an honest mistake on her taxes and voluntarily tried to correct it? You bet they would—and they did. Would the IRS really publish people’s personal, confidential data on their web site? Again, you better believe they would.This week, the FAIRtax Guys uncover more unbelievable abuses that the IRS has perpetrated against honest taxpayers. And it’s only going to get worse when the army of new IRS agents authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act are turned loose. There’s only one way to stop this. Pass the FAIRtax and put the IRS out of business.

  • #334 Marissa Selvig Revisited

    14/09/2022 Duration: 29min

    Marissa Selvig was the first candidate in the entire country to sign the FAIRtax Candidate Pledge for the 2022 election. She is the Constitution Party’s candidate for Congress in the state of Wyoming.This week, Marissa makes her second appearance on FAIRtax Power Radio. She offers some insight on exactly what’s contained in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, and shares her perspective on how the FAIRtax message of eliminating the IRS is resonating with voters now that 87,000 new IRS agents will be unleashed on American taxpayers.

  • #333 How to Get in Trouble with the IRS

    07/09/2022 Duration: 31min

    The IRS is getting bigger, more powerful, and it could be coming after you. In spite of the politicians’ pledges that the new IRS will only target well-heeled tax cheats, history and plain common sense say otherwise. More audits are definitely on the way, and the IRS has a long history of going after taxpayers who don’t have the resources to fight back. That’s not likely to change.This week, the FAIRtax Guys go through an article that lists ten things that taxpayers should avoid if they want to lessen their chances of being audited. Of course, if you want to completely eliminate your chance of being audited, you need to join the FAIRtax army and help us get rid of the IRS altogether.

  • #332 They've Awakened a Sleeping Giant

    31/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    Advocates for a much larger and more powerful IRS may turn out to be the best friends the FAIRtax movement ever had. FAIRtax advocates have been pointing out all that’s wrong with the IRS for years. It’s invasive, it doesn’t respect the Bill of Rights, and it often acts like a bully. And for years, very few people seemed to care.That appears to be changing. This week, the FAIRtax Guys welcome AFFT president Steve Hayes for a look at how people’s attitudes toward the IRS are changing now that Congress has passed a law mandating “enhanced enforcement” by a substantially bigger and meaner IRS.

  • #331 How to Get Rid of the IRS - Continued

    24/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    Last week, the FAIRtax Guys discussed the public alarm that the “Inflation Reduction” Act has triggered regarding the massive increase in the size and scope of the IRS. All of a sudden, people are paying attention to what’s happening at the IRS and they don’t like what they see.This week, the Guys continue that discussion as “get rid of the IRS” continues to be a very popular internet search. Front and center in this week’s discussion is a job posting that the IRS has since taken down that listed the willingness to use deadly force as a requirement. There’s no question about it. The IRS is about to get massively bigger and massively meaner, and there’s only one way to get rid of it. Pass the FAIRtax. Check it out: https://fairtax.org/about/how-fairtax-works

  • #330 How to Get Rid of the IRS

    17/08/2022 Duration: 29min

    With the passage of the “Inflation Reduction” Act and its gargantuan increase in the IRS’s budget, people on social media seems to be alarmed by the massive changes coming to the government’s most universally hated agency. Memes are pointing out that large football stadiums are still too small to hold the army of new IRS agents that will be hired. Others call for hiring school resource officers rather than IRS agents, and others compare the number of billionaires in the country to the number of new agents being hired to show that the enhanced enforcement isn’t going to be aimed at just the super-rich.Perhaps most telling is the fact that “get rid of the IRS” has suddenly become a very popular internet search. Don’t be fooled. A flat tax won’t get rid of the IRS because a flat tax is still an income tax. The only way to get rid of the IRS is to get rid of the income tax—and that’s exactly what the FAIRtax does. It’s a message we’ve been preaching here on FAIRtax Power Radio for years. Check it all out h

  • #329 Walle's World There HAS to Be a Better Way

    10/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    While FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough takes a vacation, CPA Jade Walle joins Bob Paxton for his quarterly “Walle’s FAIRtax World” on FAIRtax Power Radio. One of the items he discusses is the “Inflation Reduction Act”—a bill hammered out between West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. It sounds like a good idea, until you realize that way too often, a bill in Congress actually has the exact opposite effect of what the name implies.One of the provisions in the bill is a gargantuan increase in the IRS’ s budget which the bill’s crafters say is necessary in order to step up enforcement and collect the nearly $1 trillion a year lost to illegal tax evaders. Another provision is an increase in corporate taxes. With the precision of a surgeon, Jade dissects each of these provisions and exposes the faulty thinking behind them. Then he shows how the FAIRtax would actually solve the problem while saving us billions at the same time.

  • #328 Goverment by Lobbyist

    03/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    Most Americans know that Washington DC is inhabited by an army of lobbyists that try to influence legislation on behalf of their clients. But most people have no idea just how big the lobbying industry is or how much money is spread around in an effort to get Members of Congress to either support or oppose particular pieces of legislation.Opensecrets.org has compiled some rather amazing statistics from publicly available data. This week, the FAIRtax Guys dig into some of that data. Not surprisingly, they discover that taxes is one of the top three issues that lobbyists are trying to influence. When you see how much money is involved, you’ll understand why Congress is so intent on keeping the income tax system and all the lobbying that comes with it. That’s why it’s vitally important that FAIRtax volunteers not give up in their efforts to elect FAIRtax candidates to Congress.

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