Glass Box Podcast



The Book of Mormon is a fascinating work of literature, teeming with stories of prophets, kings, and warriors on the pre-Columbian American continent. Is it a holy writ of ancient history and Christian theology, or did it come from a more recent source. On this podcast, we aim to find out if there are books similar to the Book of Mormon, specifically produced prior to 1830, when the Book of Mormon was published.


  • Ep 56 - Oct 2020 General Conference

    07/10/2020 Duration: 03h23min

    I mean, the title is pretty self-explanatory. Yeah, it’s that long because boiling down 10 hours of brainwashing stupefaction takes a while. But, we discuss what slipped through the cracks and why it matters for us to analyze every nook and cranny of each #GenCON.   Show Links:Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 55 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Memoriam

    23/09/2020 Duration: 02h10min

    We take this week’s episode as a time to reflect on the incredible life and legacy of one of the nation’s brightest minds. SCOTUS lost a paragon of civil rights and gender equality in a contentious election year. We discuss the life and accomplishments of RBG, what her death in September 2020 means, and what we can expect moving forward. After that, Braden phones in to tell us about Pride, a movie about a GLB rights group protesting for miner’s rights in Magaret Thatcher’s U.K. Then we discuss the recent endorsement by Scientific American of Joe Biden, the first in the 175 years of the journal’s history.   Voting resources   RBG resources

  • Ep 54 - Naked Racism and Naked Communist pt. 4

    09/09/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Shannon Grover joins us again for the next installment of The Naked Communist, why don’t we just make it official? Welcome to our new permanent co-host!! We start the show with a quick rundown of a recent talk given by Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of Apostles about the current wave of civil rights protests we see across the nation. We transition seamlessly into The Naked Communist and it’s remarkable how similar the arguments are with 70 years separating them. Then we discussed an ad campaign by reddit to try and increase voter turnout this November.   Quentin L. Cook BYU talk   Happy news   Voting resources   Show Links: Website http://www.glassbo

  • Ep 53 - Mormon Membership Statistics

    26/08/2020 Duration: 02h10min

    We’re joined by Brian Simper for an interview about Mormon membership statistics. Brian gave a presentation at the recent Sunstone Symposium and was kind enough to join me for a deep dive into his methodology and findings. After that we discuss The Invention of Lying and a brief rundown of Steve Bannon’s arrest on wire fraud charges.   Happy news:   Show Links:Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 52 - Shannon Grover; The Naked Communist pt. 2

    12/08/2020 Duration: 02h05min

    Our resident General Authority, Shannon Grover, at long last joins us for an entire episode. We begin with hearing her story growing up in the church, her early life, mission, marriage, and finally apostasy. She’s had quite the incredible journey and we’re lucky to have her share so much. After that, we get through the next chapter of The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen and wrap up with some happy news about a miner in Tanzania!   Happy news

  • Ep 51 - Is Mormonism A Cult?

    22/07/2020 Duration: 02h25min

    A lot of people have debated this question for decades. We sit down with some work from Steven Hassan, Margaret Singer, and other cult experts to discuss what makes a cult a cult. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, yes and it's complicated. Longest answer, yes and listen to the show. Now that I have your attention, reader, here’s a fun activity: send a Facebook message to Braden Hamm and ask him “if the players were required to be drunk, what would be the funniest sport to watch?” But don’t tell him why! I want to know who reads these show notes. If you do, send me a direct message to with your physical address. After that we talk about The Life of Brian and some happy news about New York building up its electric automotive infrastructure.   Cult resources: BITE model Steven Hassan on LDS Church The Cult of Trump Ethi

  • Ep 50 - Ethical Non-Monogamy; The Naked Communist Pt. 1

    08/07/2020 Duration: 02h26min

    This episode begins with a panel discussion with Marie D’Elephant and Marissa McCool about navigating ethical non-monogamy. Open relationships/marriages can be a taboo topic and uncomfortable for some; Marie and Riss help us by giving a 101 discussion to introduce us to the subject, uncover some common pitfalls, and provide resources for further reading should non-monogamy be a topic which interests you. After that Braden and I debrief from the interview before jumping into part 1 of reading through The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen. We wrap with some good news about black-owned businesses experiencing a spike amid the current protests and a little bit of listener mail.   Marie D’Elephant   Marissa McCool (The Purple Amazon) http

  • Ep 49 - Defund Politics

    24/06/2020 Duration: 02h46min

    Lots of interlocking stories to discuss this week. We jump right in with a discussion about the most recent headlines sparked by the protests following George Floyd’s death. A lot of legislation has been crafted in response to the protests, including an executive order from President Donald Trump. We examine the organizations he listed during the signing to determine the intent of the order, followed by looking at the text of the order itself. Once created, tools can be used for good and evil. Then we discuss CHOP, the occupation movement in Capitol Hill, Washington. The Seattle City Council crafted resolutions in response to the leverage held by the CHOP protestors joined by protests across the nation. Seattle chose to ban the use of chokeholds, riot control weapons, and officers covering their badge numbers. We weigh in on #DefundPolice and how useful it can be in sparking a conversation, but why does the “defunding” stop at police? Then we finally tackle the Mormon angle by examining the recent rulings in

  • Ep 48 - The Negro: A Proclamation to the World; Case for BoM Final

    10/06/2020 Duration: 02h34min

    Racial tensions and police brutality in America have caused protests, riots, and citizens becoming the victims of war crimes committed by our military-police force. How did we get here? Where do we go? How can we effectively reform policing in America? It’s a complicated issue and a couple of white guys are going to do their best to introduce you to the topic and form a basic foundation on which to build a base of knowledge about these subjects. We also take a look at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints angle of race, as this is a Mormon-centric podcast. We encourage you to use the resources and further reading below. We wrap the episode with the final installment of Case for the Book of Mormon, a tool of genocide and racial supremacy which shaped American history. Links: First Presidency statement Church’s social media post:

  • Ep 47 - Haven’t We Done This Already?

    27/05/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    Update on COVID-19 time! The Mormon church is taking steps to reopen wards around the globe while there’s no evidence that we’ve effectively flattened the curve. They’re also investing some resources into making PPE for medical workers in the form of masks and surgical gowns made from sacred-underwear cotton. Plenty to discuss. Then, Braden tells us about After Life starring Ricky Gervais. We wrap with some happy news about a vodka company based in Utah making hand sanitizer to combat the ‘Rona. Plus listener mail and an iTunes review!   Angel's Trumpet:   Media of Great Price:After Life   Happy News: Interesting contrast to the church. Church worries about

  • Ep 46 - Broken Missionary plus Case for Book of Mormon pt. 4

    13/05/2020 Duration: 01h42min

    We do something a little different this week. This show starts out with an interview of two elders in the mission field who no longer believe in Mormonism, yet are stuck on their mission during COVID lockdown. How do Elders A and B cope with being on a sales force for a product they know isn’t real? They offer a window into the day-to-day life of missionaries stuck in the world of lockdowns while trying to be good people in spite of being missionaries. After that we dive into part 4 of Tad R. Callister’s Case for the Book of Mormon: how to gain a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon. Can we be done with this book yet?! Then we get to some happy news about Germany banning gay conversion therapy for minors at the nationwide level.   Follow Broken Missionary here:   Happy news Show Links:Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 45 - Mormon Trivia: Culture vs. History

    29/04/2020 Duration: 01h55min

    We take a break from headlines and current events to dabble into the lighter side of Mormonism. Braden and I square off in a trivia challenge drinking game. Braden brings the culture, I bring the history and we see who comes out on top. But, it turns out, when you play a drinking game everybody wins! Join us for a light-hearted hangout along with a Media of Great Price about Pineapple Express and a happy news segment about countries transitioning off coal power.   Media of Great Price   Show Links:Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast  

  • Ep 44 - General Conference 4/20

    15/04/2020 Duration: 03h03min

    We hit our goal on! Braden had to watch General Conference for the first time in our podcast history. It, indeed, is a historic conference! We go through talk by talk to see what slipped through the cracks of all 5 sessions of the April 2020 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Strap in, it’s a long one. Did Rusty make this as historic of an event as the hype made it? Just like the other episodes about #GenConf, we get a little extra NSFW on this broadcast; listener beware.   Jana Riess’ article about General Conference   Show Links:Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 43 - Bring the Missionaries Home!

    03/04/2020 Duration: 01h55min

    How is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints handling the Coronavirus epidemic? We explore current events and the coming end of the world. Then we get into our next installment of The Case for the Book of Mormon by Tad R. Callister… ugh. Finally, we wrap up with some happy news about how celebrities, artists, and regular folk are helping each other through the epidemic.   Being sent home   Samuel L. Jackson reads “Stay the F*** At Home”: http

  • Ep 42 - Coronavirus, Trump, and Mormonism; Everything We Know

    18/03/2020 Duration: 01h58min

    Yes, we’re jumping into the outrage ball-pit of COVID-19, Coronavirus. We do our typical overview of the issue and piece together a chronology from multiple reputable sources. This is a worldwide topic and therefore dives into politics, which we don’t often do. If you want a break from all the hype or don’t want to hear about politics, this may not be the episode for you. If you want to be informed on what a viral outbreak looks like and attempt to gain some perspective, this episode may be worth a listen. Of course, because this is a show about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we tie the issue into Mormonism at the end. Stay safe, everybody. Please follow the guidelines of experts to remain distanced and hygenic. This episode has a bit more NSFW language than usual.   Links:

  • Ep 41 - BSA: Bankrupted by Sex Abuse

    04/03/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    Boy Scouts of America is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy because of child sex abuse? We thank thee, O God, for our Profit, Russel M. Nelson for getting the Mormon church out of Scouts before all those lawsuits crippled BSA! While this isn’t a story directly about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, these issues long predate the divorce of these two institutions. Braden and I explore the common threads and what this bankruptcy means. Then Braden tells us about some kids at a Catholic school who walked out when their gay teachers were fired for being gay!   Links:

  • Ep 40 - The Case for the Book of Mormon pt. 3

    19/02/2020 Duration: 01h37min

    The Wall Street Journal somehow got an interview with two of the leading guys of Mormon Money, the Presiding Bishop, Gerald Causse, and the head of Ensign Peak Advisors, Roger Clarke. We discuss the story with the help of a post in the /r/mormon subreddit (linked below). After that, it’s our next installment of The Case for the Book of Mormon by Tad R. Callister where he decides to go completely offensive because us critics have had the ball in our court for too long! Then we talk about Jeff Bezos pledging $10 billion to climate change. Links:

  • Ep 39 - Super Bold Half-time Show

    05/02/2020 Duration: 50min

    Clutch my pearls! Braden and I talk about the Super Bowl halftime show and the expected responses from Mormons scared that the female figure exists who never batted an eye at a topless and tattoo-covered Adam Levine last year. After that Braden tells us about Ramy, a Hulu series about a Muslim-American finding his way in life. Then we talk about Activision utilizing lootboxes for good, for a pleasant change!   Links: Super Bowl Halftime show: Media of Great Price: Ramy: Light of Gazalem:   Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 38 - It’s Mostly Applesauce Up There

    22/01/2020 Duration: 02h22min

    2019 in review! We read through the recent Jana Riess article about the most significant Mormon headlines of 2019 and discuss some highlights. Then we make predictions for what we might expect in 2020 and also what we’d REALLY like to see in 2020 regardless of how probable they might be. Then we do our next segment of The Case for the Book of Mormon by Tad R. Callister concerning evidence for a historical Book of Mormon. We wrap up with a happy news story about a church in St. Louis paying off thousands of people’s medical debts (yes, we have those in America). We finish off the episode with a bit of listener mail resulting from our Mormon Money series.   Links: Jana Riess:  Seven top Mormon news stories from 2019 Light of Gazalem

  • Ep 37 - Mormon Money pt.4; Welfare Kingdom

    08/01/2020 Duration: 02h36min

    Today’s show centers around an interview with an anonymous person sharing her story of the Mormon welfare system. She’s currently undergoing a divorce and found out in court the church has been paying her estranged husband’s car and mortgage payments, over $18,000, for the past year on accounts bearing her name without her knowledge. When our interviewee attempted to find more information about the financial support for divorce and tax reasons, she was stonewalled by local leadership. She ran up the ranks to find more information only to be stonewalled by a senior attorney at Kirton-McConkie the primary law firm for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her story is incredible and reveals a troubling aspect of the church welfare program; there are simply no checks and balances available to members when they suspect abuse or misappropriation of funds related to fast-offering funds from the Mormon Church. Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @G

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