Glass Box Podcast

Ep 51 - Is Mormonism A Cult?



A lot of people have debated this question for decades. We sit down with some work from Steven Hassan, Margaret Singer, and other cult experts to discuss what makes a cult a cult. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, yes and it's complicated. Longest answer, yes and listen to the show. Now that I have your attention, reader, here’s a fun activity: send a Facebook message to Braden Hamm and ask him “if the players were required to be drunk, what would be the funniest sport to watch?” But don’t tell him why! I want to know who reads these show notes. If you do, send me a direct message to with your physical address. After that we talk about The Life of Brian and some happy news about New York building up its electric automotive infrastructure.   Cult resources: BITE model Steven Hassan on LDS Church The Cult of Trump Ethi