Glass Box Podcast



The Book of Mormon is a fascinating work of literature, teeming with stories of prophets, kings, and warriors on the pre-Columbian American continent. Is it a holy writ of ancient history and Christian theology, or did it come from a more recent source. On this podcast, we aim to find out if there are books similar to the Book of Mormon, specifically produced prior to 1830, when the Book of Mormon was published.


  • Ep 17 - Slaves to the Man Who Communed With Jehovah

    27/02/2019 Duration: 01h37min

    Even if it takes Black History Month to spur the conversation, we dive into racism in the Mormon church. We take a brief high-level overview of how non-white people have been treated throughout the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Even though the Priesthood ban was lifted in 1978, racism didn’t go anywhere. From overt examples of prophets advocating slavery, to covert and insidious racism pervading our everyday lives, if we don’t talk about it it’ll never stop being a problem. We wrap with talking about 12 Years a Slave and an initiative in New Orleans to curb homelessness in the wake of hurricane Katrina.   Links:   Racism in Mormon Scripture   Book of Abraham 1:26-7   Green Flake   Five Time Mormons Changed Their Position on Slavery

  • Ep 16 - It’s Alright to Be You

    13/02/2019 Duration: 54min

    Braden did a thing! We start with an interview he had with Milo and Angela about their creative muse: healing after Mormonism. It’s alright to be you, everybody! After that we talk about An Honest Liar, a documentary about The Amazing James Randi, and we wrap up with a story about science winning in a world besieged by “alternative facts”.   Light of Gazalem:   Interview show notes: Song: Angela Soffe: Miles Germer (Milocraft): Patreon:   Show links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 15 - Mormon Whack-a-Mole

    25/01/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    REVELATION! Braden and I go through the history of Mormon Temple ceremonies. Remember folks, religion has ceremonies, cults have rituals… there’s totally a difference. We use history to provide context for the ceremony changes of 2019 and the move toward equality between sexes in the passion narrative. “Between” sexes, not “among”. After that, Braden tells us about Kumare and how private citizens are making due during the Government shutdown.   Temple changes   Summary of changes   SL Trib article   MORMON newsroom release   Alonzo Gaskill post   NewNameNoah Temple Video   Media of Great Price: Kumare (documen

  • Ep 14.3 – Never More Disunited with Joseph Geisner Pt.3

    18/01/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Join us for the epic conclusion to our discussion about disunity in Mormon leadership and censorship of General Conference addresses. We pick up with a long segment about Boyd K. Packer and censoring his various talks, including his address from 2010. Then Joe and I draw some conclusions based on everything discussed in our conversation as a whole. Links mentioned in the show: To the One To Young Men Only Harold Lee talk Benson BYU talk Rector talk Henry Eyring talk Quinn telling about his conflicts with Packer Review of Packer's talk in FARMS Packer provo

  • Ep 14.2 – I Fear Dictatorial Dogmatism with Joseph Geisner Pt.2

    17/01/2019 Duration: 01h59min

    Joe and I pick right back up where we left off with J. Golden Kimball. Joe walks us through nearly 80 years of Mormon history discussing disunity among General Authorities and censorship of General Conference addresses. As we broach more modern General Authorities we discuss how the modern conservative bend of the Mormon church was moved and shaped by prominent figures in the Quorum of Apostles. Ezra Taft Benson and the John Birch Society are the focus for a substantial part. Then Joe documents the lengths the Church will go to cover up controversial opinions from the pulpit, even going so far as to retape a portion of General Conference with a superimposed “cough track” at the cost of $10-15,000. Joe was nice enough to give us over 5 hours of his time, making this episode part 2 of 3. Links mentioned in the show: To the One To Young Men Only Harold Lee talk Benson B

  • Ep 14.1 – General Disunity with Joseph Geisner Pt.1

    16/01/2019 Duration: 01h52min

    Over 7,000 General Conference talks given by hundreds of General Authorities, mistakes must have been made, right? Our guest this week, Joe Geisner, walks us through 120 years of Mormon General Conference addresses that were censored in some way. From the earliest talks by John W. Taylor to more recent addresses by Boyd K. Packer, the history of disunity within the highest ranks of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the resulting censorship, is a surprisingly dense and fascinating subject. Joe was nice enough to give us over 5 hours of his time, making this episode part 1 of 3. Links mentioned in the show: To the One To Young Men Only Harold Lee talk Benson BYU talk Rector talk Henry Eyring talk https://speeches.byu.e

  • Ep 13 - 2018 in Review

    02/01/2019 Duration: 53min

    The title says it all, this is 2018 in review! 2018 was an eventful year for the Mormon church and we review some of the most important headlines with the help of an astute redditor. Be sure to read the post at the link below! After that Braden tells us about the new Pixar movie, Small Foot. Then we take on a happy headline about the cost of coal energy vs. renewable sources.   Reddit post   Light of Gazalem

  • Ep 12 - #DeadPoolIsMySavior

    19/12/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    What do current membership numbers of the Mormon church reveal about overall trends in membership? Is the dip in membership due to the secularization of America, or are Mormons leaving religion at a higher rate than the baseline? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is lying about its membership numbers. Why? After that, Braden tells us about Holy Hell, a documentary about a cult leader…. Apropos, right? Then we talk about a toy maker who’s making Christmas better for thousands of people out of the goodness of their hearts.   Church Membership Numbers: http:/

  • Ep 11 - Reely High Profile Xd

    05/12/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    From the September Six to Bill Reel, we go through a highlight reel of some of the more prominent excommunications by the Mormon church. The takeaway? If you speak out publicly against the leadership, even if the criticism is true, it’s only a matter of time before you’re on the chopping block. After that Braden tells us about the new Leah Remini series “Scientology: The Aftermath”. We wrap up with Patagonia taking climate change seriously and actually doing something about it.   Excommunication links

  • Ep 10 - Mormon Psychedelics 101

    21/11/2018 Duration: 01h45s

    Cody Noconi joins us to discuss drugs in early Mormonism. We get into the recent developments with Prop 2 in Utah (medical cannabis bill) and the Mormon church’s baseless opposition to it. Voting = democracy, but Utah never was a true democracy.   How to find Cody:   Show links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 9 - Slipped Through the Cracks pt. 2

    07/11/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Part 2 of our analysis of General Conference Oct. 2018. We watched so you don’t have to. Enjoy! Show links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 8 - Slipped Through the Cracks pt. 1

    07/11/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    We watched General Conference so you don’t have to. We cover a number of talks that slipped past the media but it ran a little longer than expected. Y’all get 2 parts for this one. Enjoy!   Show links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 7 - Little Red Hatchling

    26/09/2018 Duration: 01h40min

    It’s long overdue that we make a foray into politics. We examine the life and times of 7-time Utah Senator, Orrin Hatch. After that Braden tells us about Jesse Pinkman leaving a cult, Ryan McKnight joins us for a Mormon Leaks Minute, and there are more tigers in the world than there used to be! A YUGE thanks to our new patron, Joel, and a shoutout to Rhiannon for the 5-star iTunes review!   Orrin Hatch:

  • Ep 6 - The Axe Shall Fall

    12/09/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    Part 2 of the Utah medical cannabis bill and a long bit about Sam Young’s excommunication hearing. Braden recommends a BOOK!? Then we talk about an experimental psychedelic known as Ibogaine used in treating opioid addiction.   Links:   By Common Consent Prop 2 article   Ibogaine treatment article   Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 5 - Can a Biz Kill Prop 2?

    29/08/2018 Duration: 01h24min

    Prop 2 is set to make Utah a medical cannabis state. The Mormon Church released a statement and sent out emails to every member they have on record to vote opposed. The segment went longer than thought so we’re breaking it into 2 parts, this episode has part 1. After that Braden talks about an uplifting movie that’s even family friendly. Then we have on Heretic Woman to tell us about herself and what she’s learned in studying Muhammed and the Quran. We wrap up with a good-feeling story about some common-sense regulation to curtail the ocean plastic crisis.   Links:   Cannabis and Mormon Church links

  • Ep 4 - LDS Really Don’t Care, Do U?

    15/08/2018 Duration: 01h51min

    Braden doesn’t let Bryce fit a word in edgewise as we go through everything you need to know about Protect LDS Children and bishop’s interview policies. After a lengthy introduction, we hear from Sam Young on day 7 of his Hunger Strike and that is followed by a discussion with Nicole Jensen, a trauma and self-care advocate who works closely in the Post-Mormon community to help people process and understand the abuse that happens behind closed doors, one-on-one, in bishop’s offices. This episode is longer than our regular format, but it’s a dense story and requires a lot of information and time to properly dissect.   Nicole Jenson   Protect LDS Children

  • Ep 3 - Affirmatively Bigoted

    01/08/2018 Duration: 56min

    On this episode, we talk about the recent donation made by the Mormon Church to Affirmation, an LGBTQ+ support group in Utah. Turns out, the subject is much more nuanced than it initially seems. After that, we break down Joseph Smith with the help of the Armstrong Lectures and Braden conducts an interview about a recent documentary about LGBTQ+ issues and the Mormon Church. We wrap up with a heartwarming story about two people who got their degrees by helping each other.   Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 2 - Indian Racement Program

    18/07/2018 Duration: 50min

    This episode begins with an extensive Mormon Leaks Minute with guest host Ryan McKnight. We dive into the $32 billion leak and then extensively discuss a report Mormon Leaks released about the Church’s Indian Placement Program. After that, Braden tells us about Schitt’s Creek and we talk about a person who summited Pike Peak against all odds.   Links:   Mormon Leaks   Mandy Horvath summits Pikes Peak   Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter @Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 1 - FREEdumb Festival

    04/07/2018 Duration: 45min

    This episode begins with an Angel’s Trumpet segment about the American Freedom Festival in Provo and the controversy surrounding the organizers banning and immediately retracting that ban of attendance for LGBTQIA+ groups. Then Braden tells us about his new favorite show on Netflix. After that we unbox Joseph Smith for a deep dive into the founder of Mormonism. Then we’re joined by Greg Rattey of the Ex-Mormon UK and Friends Facebook group, an active advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights in the UK. We wrap up with the Light of Gazalem about a guy who bought a bunch of people pizzas. Enjoy!   Show Links: Website Find us on Facebook and Twitter by searching Glass Box Podcast

  • Ep 0 - Introduction LISTEN FIRST

    03/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    Hey, listener! We’re so glad you’re here! This brief episode tells you everything you need to know about Glass Box Podcast: the backlog, the hosts, and the overall format of the show. If you’re thinking about picking up a new podcast subscription, give this episode a listen to see if Glass Box can join the ranks of your regularly-scheduled podcasts!   Important links: Email:  Patreon:  Facebook page: Twitter:  Instagram:  Merch store: Or find the merch store by clicking on “Store” here: One time Paypal donation:   

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