Talk, Tales And Trivia



A positive and quirky twist on fun and interesting topics that make up past and present American pop culture.Exciting News! You can now get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store:


  • Here Comes 2017 - The First Week Of The New Year

    29/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    Episode 23 - Here Comes 2017 - The First Week Of The New Year Woot-Woot! Stephanie is so excited about the New Year she wants to wish everybody a great 2017! Let us not forget our resolutions. This may not be important to some, but we can assure you that she takes it very seriously. This year Stephanie is going to try a new plan of getting her resolutions to become realities. Yes she is! Well, this sounds simple but is it really? Hmmm...we'll see. Ok, so as you enjoy a hot cup of tea, with a few left over Christmas sugar cookies, sit back and relax a bit, enjoy the last few moments of 2016. Think about what you really want to accomplish this coming year and then DO IT...with gusto. You'll thank Stephanie later. We know you will! Click here to SUBSCRIBE in iTunes! *Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below: Cartoonr page on *Intro/outro music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Added music is "Excelsior Lang Syne" 

  • Wishing You Have A N.E.A.T. Christmas

    20/12/2016 Duration: 10min

    Episode 22 - Wishing You Have A N.E.A.T. Christmas Merry Christmas to all! Stephanie is extremely excited this week and for good reason. It is Christmas and there's much to celebrate.  The Christmas music, the beautiful decorations, the presents and all that delicious food (especially sweets) which, as it turns out, Stephanie can not say no to. And why even try?! It only happens once a year and Stephanie has a solution anyway. So listen up. N.E.A.T. is the acronym mostly used around her home and here at the production studio. YES! Finally something we can all do this time of year that won't completely stress us out...something we barely even need to think about at all because it comes so natural to us. Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - Yes...hard to say so just use that good 'ol acronym...N.E.A.T.  Fidget, pace, stand, reach, gesture, make that extra, but needed, trip to the mall and you've got the idea behind N.E.A.T. So you absolutely know what to do by now...get that hot cup of tea, or perhaps cocoa, a

  • The "Yule Log" - New York's Christmas Morning Favorite

    13/12/2016 Duration: 12min

    Episode 21 - The "Yule Log" - New York's Christmas Morning Favorite YES! We are getting closer to Christmas Day and Stephanie is getting more and more excited. In this episode Stephanie explains a New York Christmas tradition...the "Yule Log" that aired 4 hours on WPIX Channel 11 every Christmas morning. If you don't know about this regional are not alone. Stephanie goes into what, where, why and how the "Yule Log" actually began and why New Yorker's love it so much. There's so much to love in this Christmas tradition. Yes there is!  *Special Note - Stephanie also wants to give some musicians who play great Christmas music a voice, if you will, on these Christmas episodes. They are so fantastic and rightly deserve recognition. That is why on the past few episodes there has been Christmas music from some wonderful musicians found on Check it out! So go now and grab your slippers, your favorite hot beverage and cozy up to this episode about the "Yule Log". Then

  • YES! The Holidays And Our 20th!

    07/12/2016 Duration: 13min

    Episode 20 - YES! The Holidays And Our 20th! we are at our Big 2-0! Talk, Tales and Trivia turns 20 this episode and to celebrate we have a contest! Woot-Woot! Stephanie is so exciting because, well, she loves spreading good cheer and she loves contests (although she readily admits that she has never won a contest, boo-hoo). This episode is all about the 1964 stop-motion animation "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer". Well, we all know the story...but do we really?! Hmmm... This brings back warm, fuzzy memories for Stephanie as she tells a tale of her own when she was practically a baby. Shhh, let's not talk about THAT. So, you know what to do, right? Get those p.j.'s on, a steaming cup of (insert your favorite beverage here)________ and snuggle in for this episode and then watch "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer". You know that feels cozy! Yes you do. CONTEST RULES You must answer all three of the questions that are in this episode correctly (the answers can be found in past holiday episodes) AND write

  • The Holidays In Other Countries - Yes, There Are Some Differences

    29/11/2016 Duration: 11min

    Episode 19 - The Holidays In Other Countries - Yes, There Are Some Differences Ahhh, Christmas is right upon us now...really it feels like only weeks away! :-) Stephanie is all giddy and excited about the big day. But did you know that some countries have one or two differences in the way they celebrate Christmas? Yes they do! Well, Stephanie explores some countries that might have brought some traditions, customs if you will, to America that make every family have something a little different or special about their Christmas season. As always, Stephanie tells a tale of her own family Christmas traditions and how even her family might celebrate Christmas with a different twist. No matter how we chose to celebrate, it's all about coming together with good cheer and joy. Don't you think? Now, you know what to do. Get that big ol' cup of tea, cocoa if you prefer, and settle in for this episode. Ahhh, doesn't that make you feel all warm and tingly inside? Visit our website: *Her

  • Ahhh, The Holidays - Loving German Christmas Traditions

    24/11/2016 Duration: 10min

    Episode 18 - Ahhh, The Holidays - Loving German Christmas Traditions Well, Stephanie is back this week talking about some German traditions that really capture the fantastic excitement of the holiday spirit. We Americans can attribute some of the Christmas traditions back to Germany and their love of the beautiful holiday season.  Without Thanksgiving (NO, the pilgrims never came there!), Germans begin the Christmas holiday celebrations the week before the American Thanksgiving, which make the holiday season even longer, something Stephanie becomes giddy over! Ahh, yes grab a cup of glüwein, or perhaps cocoa, and settle in for this episode. We promise it will get you in the spirit of the season. Visit our website: *Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below: Cartoonr page on *Intro/End music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's li

  • The Thanksgiving Day Episode Part 2 - Being Thankful

    15/11/2016 Duration: 06min

    Episode 17 - The Thanksgiving Day Episode Part 2 - Being Thankful Thanksgiving Day is only days away! Can you believe it? Boy, how the time just goes. Stephanie has a wonderful message for this special day and, of course, a tale about her own Thanksgiving Day mishap. No worries though. She's over it now. Kind of! A heartfelt thank you to all our dedicated listeners and to all the wonderful people whom make this podcast know who you are. Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe. Visit our website: *Here's a massive thumbs up and a huge thank you to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr. I highly recommend him. See the link below: Cartoonr page on *Intro/End music is "Happy Go Lucky" by Scott Holmes *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better (250 submits needed!): Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast:

  • A Tale About A Christmas Carol - You Are Not The Crankiest Person In Town!

    08/11/2016 Duration: 07min

    Episode 16 - A Tale About A Christmas Carol - You Are Not The Crankiest Person In Town! Yes! Stephanie is back again this week with her "Preeeee-Holiday Episode" episode. She talks about the movie, A Christmas Carol. Now...seriously, Ebenezer Scrooge was one cranky guy! Stephanie shares not only her research but a tale of her own and her humble opinion about the movie and more. Don't let the holidays get you down. Life's too short to be cranky! Get a cup of hot tea, sit down, relax and listen. Now, doesn't that feel good? You know it does! Ahhh. Please visit our website: Click down below to go directly to the amazon page. Yes! Get the Doubleday "Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol - A Coloring Classic" before Christmas and have some stress-free holiday fun: Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook:

  • The OFFICIAL Thanksgiving Day Episode - Part 1

    02/11/2016 Duration: 08min

    Episode 15 - The OFFICIAL Thanksgiving Day Episode - Part 1 YES! It is OFFICIALLY here. Ahhh...the holiday season! As you can imagine, Stephanie is glowing with joy. There is so much to be thankful for. So much, in fact, that there just might be another Thanksgiving Day episode coming up. Who knows, but wouldn't that be cool? Well, as you probably already have guessed, Stephanie has a little Thanksgiving Day history and some past Thanksgiving Day tales that have had a significant impact on her. The memories are wonderful! Aren't they? We think so. It really is a fantastic time of the year. So sit down, relax and listen, perhaps with a hot cup of tea, as Stephanie tells it like she see's it, as always, with a smile on her face and warmth in her heart. Please visit our website: Click here to go to amazon to get all your holiday shopping done... Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: https://twitte

  • The Internet - The Future Of Technology...Just Kidding!

    25/10/2016 Duration: 10min

    Episode 14 - The Internet - The Future Of Technology...Just Kidding! Welly, welly, Stephanie goes again with another fine episode about our past, present (and future) pop culture. This week she delves into talking about the Internet. The technology of the future. That was a joke.  Ahhh...the Internet. Where would we be without it? Stephanie let's us know the good, the bad and, in her humble opinion, what she absolutely can't live without...can you guess what it is? Tune in to find out! Please visit our website: Click here to go to amazon to get all your holiday shopping done... Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: Google Play Music: TalkTalesAndTrivia *Here's a massive t

  • The Movies! - Which One Will You Watch Next?

    18/10/2016 Duration: 09min

    Episode 13 - The Movies! - Which One Will You Watch Next? Ahhh...Wednesday is movie night for Stephanie and she sure looks forward to it! Yes. Stephanie loves the old, nostalgic movies of the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's the best. A "Movie", "Film", "Flick", or "Motion Picture" which ever you call it...Stephanie delves into the movies that are truly a part of past and present American pop culture. Why do we love movies so much and which era is your favorite? We get into it a bit more. And guess what? She has an unexpected scary movie tale of her own to tell you that happened in college. Yikes! Why do we all love movies so much? Hmmm... Please visit our website: Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: http://www.s

  • Columbus Day - It's Never To Late To Celebrate!

    11/10/2016 Duration: 06min

    Episode 12 - Columbus Day - It's Never To Late To Celebrate! Columbus Day may be officially over but in this mini episode Stephanie talks some Columbus Day history. We think anytime is a great time to learn a little history. Don't you? There is so much to discover about Christopher Columbus and the contributions and impact he has made to the United States. Just like Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, Stephanie digs deep into the past and present Columbus Day and discovers a few things perhaps we have our own opinions about... Hmmmm... Please visit our website: Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: Google Play Music: TalkTalesAndTrivia *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Au

  • "What Did You Just Ask Me?" - Conversation Ettiquette 101

    04/10/2016 Duration: 09min

    Episode 11 - "What Did You Just Ask Me?" - Conversation Etiquette 101 In this episode Stephanie gets sassy and tells it like she see's, or rather, hears it. Yep, it is true that starting a conversation with a stranger is never really easy but we all get through it, some better than others. Stephanie describes what she considers appropriate and inappropriate conversation and starting out on the right foot when meeting a stranger for the first time. She even admits to her own error while having a conversation. Shocking, we know! Of course, this is all Stephanie's own humble opinion but perhaps there's a few things we can all learn here, too. Please visit our website: Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: http:

  • Let's Celebrate! - It's Our 10th Episode And The Start of Fall

    28/09/2016 Duration: 11min

    Episode 10 - Let's Celebrate! - It's Our 10th Episode And The Start of Fall In this episode Stephanie gives a huge hug of thanks to you, the Talk, Tales and Trivia listener. Yep. It's our 10th episode, who knew? She's pretty darn excited! Stephanie is also very excited about the start of Fall (or Autumn, if you prefer). There are so many beautiful things about Fall and she loves them all. As usual, Stephanie has a tale or two of her own about her Fall memories. Let's just say a leather jacket, two pumpkins and cookies with icing were all a part of her Fall seasons of long ago. Please visit our website: Please visit our Patreon page to contribute to this here podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engi

  • TV - How Much Do We Watch?

    21/09/2016 Duration: 11min

    Episode 9 - TV - How Much Do We Watch? In this episode Stephanie tells a small bit about color television and what year it made its big launch in America. Of course, as always, Stephanie has a tale and a question or two about her own TV watching AND her binge-watching habits. As it turns out, it's all good. Smile, and discover that all is well and thriving in television world even if it's not from a "traditional" TV. WOW! That's a relief! Please visit our website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better (250 submits needed!): *Contacttalktalesandtrivia@gm

  • Pizza - I'd Like A Large Pizza For Delivery, Please. ASAP!

    14/09/2016 Duration: 12min

    Episode 8 - Pizza - I'd Like A Large Pizza For Delivery, Please. ASAP! In this episode Stephanie reveals just how much she loves pizza. We mean she seriously loves it. After all, it is an American favorite! It does, however, seem that it has a following everywhere. Listen as she talks a little about this delicious treat and its Old-World European background and then, as always, Stephanie has a couple of tales of her own about her love of this round, tomato, cheese and pepperoni treat (her favorite). Can we all agree? Yum! Please visit our website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better: https://sur

  • Phrases & Expressions - What Are You Saying To Me?

    07/09/2016 Duration: 23min

    Episode 7 - Phrases & Expressions - What Are You Saying To Me? This week Stephanie delves into some expressions and phrases that she knows all to well. Were they more than likely passed down from her parents and grandparents? Yep. She thinks so. If you're looking to confuse, or perhaps intrigue, friends and family listen to this episode and write your own story. Please visit our website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better: *

  • Labor Day - Resting For All The Workers Who Make My Life Great!

    02/09/2016 Duration: 13min

    Episode 6 - Labor Day - Resting For All The Workers Who Make My Life Great! Ahhh...Labor Day. YES! The end of Summer. In this special holiday edition, complete with soft background music, Stephanie talks about how Labor Day began. Then she has a tale or two of her own about Labor Day and how she plans to spend it. Does a book and a cup of hot tea sound good? Stephanie thinks so! Please visit our website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: iTunes: Stiticher: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better: *

  • My Community - What I Learned From Jane Jacobs

    25/08/2016 Duration: 12min

    Episode 5 - My Community - What I Learned From Jane Jacobs In this episode Stephanie gets excited going back in time to when she was a college student and had to take a prerequisite class to be able to graduate on time. What started out as a boring class ended up being a fantastic learning experience on communities. The book mentioned in this episode: The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs: Buy Death and Life of Great American Cities For more information about organizing your very own Jane Jacob's walk: More about James and Karla Murray NYC tours and Storefronts book: Project For Public Spaces: *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better: *

  • Trivial Pursuit - Is It Really Trivial?

    25/08/2016 Duration: 10min

    Episode 4 - Trivial Pursuit - Is It Really Trivial? In this 4th episode Stephanie has a few thoughts and tales about the game, Trivial Pursuit. Why was it so popular? Were we bored and just looking for something to do with our spare time? Yep. It does seem entirely possible. *Here's a massive thumbs up to our Audio Engineer, Cartoonr: Cartoonr page on *Fill out this really cool survey so we can see who's listening and make Talk, Tales and Trivia even better: *

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