Talk, Tales And Trivia

YES! The Holidays And Our 20th!



Episode 20 - YES! The Holidays And Our 20th! we are at our Big 2-0! Talk, Tales and Trivia turns 20 this episode and to celebrate we have a contest! Woot-Woot! Stephanie is so exciting because, well, she loves spreading good cheer and she loves contests (although she readily admits that she has never won a contest, boo-hoo). This episode is all about the 1964 stop-motion animation "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer". Well, we all know the story...but do we really?! Hmmm... This brings back warm, fuzzy memories for Stephanie as she tells a tale of her own when she was practically a baby. Shhh, let's not talk about THAT. So, you know what to do, right? Get those p.j.'s on, a steaming cup of (insert your favorite beverage here)________ and snuggle in for this episode and then watch "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer". You know that feels cozy! Yes you do. CONTEST RULES You must answer all three of the questions that are in this episode correctly (the answers can be found in past holiday episodes) AND write