Come Heal Yourself



Just as we need to shower every day for our physical hygiene, we need to scrub our spiritual selves as well.Come Heal Yourself includes digging in and identifying ones issues related and then going deep in to release those issues, followed by deep cleansing and complete healing. During this time, you will gain deep insight about your own patterns and belief system giving you Aha moments when you discover those and understand their very root. Come Heal Yourself has been developed keeping in mind, complete physical, mental emotional/spiritual healing that eventually leads to a positive, peaceful, healthy and joyful life.Listen Live at 10 PM ET Sunday on


  • The Tao of Happiness with Taoist Teacher Derek Lin

    25/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 24 November 2015, 11:00 AM ETIf you have not encountered Chuang Tzu before, prepare yourself for a treat. He was the sage who stood apart from all others in Chinese history, and was well known for his deep understanding and sense of humor. When Tzu lived twenty-four hundred years ago, he taught his students about “carefree wandering”–the path of moving through life with a free and happy heart, regardless of how turbulent the journey might be.Celebrated for their accessible, down-to-earth examples, Chuang Tzu’s teachings demonstrate that the Tao is everywhere, not just in holy places or in meditation.About the Guest Taoist Teacher Derek LinDerek Lin is the award-winning author of The Tao of Daily Life, The Tao of Success, and The Tao of Joy Every Day. He was born in Taiwan and grew up with native fluency in both Chinese and English. This background lets him convey Eastern teachings to Western readers in a way that is clear, simple, and authentic. Lin has utilized his linguistic skills to create

  • Seven Cups of Consciousness with Aleya Dao

    11/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms with Aleya DaoAired Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 11:00 AM ETSeven Cups of Consciousness offers step-by-step practical guidance for reaching beyond one’s limited physical experience and energetically opening to the guidance and support of multidimensional resources.Her book outlines specific processes built around “cups of consciousness” that are designed to give readers access to the energetic realm and the innumerable resources it contains. “The physical realm is only one of many. You are a multidimensional being expressing yourself in multiple dimensions,” writes Aleya. “You are never alone. Using your angelic resources can assist you in enormous ways.”Just as a cup of coffee or tea helps you wake up in the morning, Aleya promises readers that sipping from the “cups of consciousness” she offers will help them awaken to higher levels of consciousness and energetic support:* First Cup – You Live in a Multidimensional Reality* S

  • From Chaos to Clarity with Alex Bratty

    04/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 3 November 2015, 11:00 AM ETWho amongst us hasn’t felt stuck at one time or another? Maybe you’re stuck right now! We all know that feeling of not knowing what to do next, or how to break out of the same old patterns of behavior, or listening to all that negative chatter that tells us we’re not enough. As Alex puts it, when this happens, we keep ourselves running in place, playing small and safe.Help is on the way! Like having a personal coach encouraging you, urging you gently and specifically, From Chaos to Clarity, an #1 bestseller, gives you the tools to take back control of your life, to stop struggling and to focus on how to create a life you truly want, rather than one you think you should want.Alex knows that empty feeling. She wasn’t fulfilling her life’s purpose and she felt trapped in a life that was like a hamster wheel she couldn’t get off. In her quest to find the missing piece, she embarked on a personal development journey that helped her uncover the true essence of w

  • The Coming Three Years – What Awaits Us Spiritually

    14/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 13 October 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat the Guru’s and Saints are Saying about the Near Future?What will happen in the next 3 years?How are we to internalize what the guru’s and saints are saying is about the future?How can we be loving in a world that’s full of chaos?How can we overcome fear and replace it with love?How can we live in this world and not be motivated by fear?What spiritual practices should we be doing to get ready.What physical things do we need to have in order before this comes to pass?What chants and mantras should be practicing?”Our honored guest, Dr. Haider will guide us and answer these questions.About the Guest Dr. Paul HaiderDr. Paul Haider has been an author and speaker in the areas of spirituality and herbalism for over 30 years. Speaking on how to create a deep sense of spiritual awareness… and creating health, vitality, and peace in our daily lives. Growing up on a farm in California Dr. Haider had many powerful spiritual experiences that changed his life… and thus he star

  • “Choices” with Nancy Byrne

    07/10/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 11:00 AM ETAnswers you have been seeking are contained within the pages of a new book by author Nancy Byrne called “Choices” (published by Balboa Press). The book itself is a catalyst for personal growth and change. It is written in a refreshingly simplistic and direct manner while utilizing humor and personal anecdotes to deliver a message of encouragement, empowerment, and self-renewal, not only for yourself but for the world you live in.“This book will touch the reader’s soul,” Byrne says. “Anyone who has survived a less than optimal childhood, an abusive relationship or who just experiences a lack of confidence will reap tremendous benefits from this book when they realize they have choices available to them in shaping the course of their lives.”In her book, Byrne helps readers to transcend the limits of common thought, remember who they are and choose to be that person again. She guides readers in listening to the guidance from their souls, rather than the people around the

  • Opening Your Heart to Love

    30/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 11:00 AM ETThere are truly two ways to view anything – through the eyes of love or through the eyes of fear. Fear comprises doubt, worry, insecurities, feelings of lack and less than. Fear resides in the lower energies, which is our human-ness or ego. Love comes from the heart and is a higher vibration. Shelly Wilson views these choices and have labeled them – TEAM LOVE and TEAM FEAR. When posing this concept to her friends and colleagues, unanimous opinions vote to be included on TEAM LOVE. During discussions, it was also recognized that we do have moments of fear and doubt as well as the other emotions, but we aren’t a regular on that team. With that said, which team are you on?Being an active participant of TEAM LOVE begins with loving you and opening your heart to love. In doing so, you will discover your greatest gift of all – the deep connection to your Higher Self and inner knowingness.About the Author Shelly WilsonHealer of Hearts Shelly Wilson’s personal mission is t

  • Finding Hope in Dire Times: Ocean Country

    23/09/2015 Duration: 51min

    Finding Hope in Dire Times: Ocean Country by Liz CunninghamAired Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 11:00 AM ETOne Woman’s Voyage from Peril to Hope in Her Quest to Save the Seas – Liz Cunningham shows us how people around the world are practicing “hope in action” and why it’s time for all of us to join them. After Liz Cunningham was nearly swallowed by a rogue wave in a kayaking accident in which she was temporarily paralyzed, she was left with a sense of despair and alienation from the waters that she had always turned for solace and healing.As she recovered physically, Cunningham vowed that she would reconnect with the ocean and recover hope – hope for herself and for the planet’s ailing waters. Cunningham shares her two-year global journey to discover how communities and individuals are fighting to save the marine world that every living being depends on and how they are creating hope through action in dire times.Cunningham shows us how people throughout the world are beginning to see that we can have hope, that

  • Can’t Fight Fate with Lisa N. Edwards

    16/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 15 September 2015, 11:00 AM ETHow much do we control our own destiny? In Lisa N. Edwards’ new book, Can’t Fight Fate, Nikki, a lively Australian girl, thought she had her life planned out—until a visit to a psychic flipped her world on its head. During her reading, the psychic describes Nikki’s soul mate, a Hollywood man with crystal green eyes. But then, she lays down a cryptic warning: “Remember, he’s nice to look at, nice to see, but if you chase him, he will flee…”Inspired by her own experiences with psychics, Edwards brings a fresh perspective to romance and finding your soul mate in a chaotic world. Though she had an extremely successful career as owner and Company Director of Melbourne entertainment agency VisionsMCP, she knew she had other dreams to follow and sold the company in 2013.After she successfully auditioned for and completed NIDA’s (Nation Institute of Dramatic Art),Edwards traveled between Hollywood and Australia, during which she co-wrote an award-winning screenplay. Her la

  • Aligning Body, Mind, and Spirit for Healthy Living

    02/09/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 1 September 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat is holistic well-being? How can you stay healthy, happy, and fulfilled through the various trials and tribulations of life? What are some techniques to dial into your divine nature? What are the physical health benefits of spiritual connectedness and a positive state of mind?Join Vidya Venkatesh for an inspiring talk about how to reach and maintain your optimum state of health and balance at all levels. Learn about the intimate connections between the physical, mental and spiritual planes and how to leverage your mind and spirit to maximize physical health.About Guest Vidya VenkateshVidya Venkatesh, C.A.S., P.K.S is a holistic wellness practitioner and lifestyle coach who uses techniques based in Ayurveda, and its sister sciences, yoga and pranayama. She offers personalized daily routine and nutritional guidelines as well as herbal remedies to assist her clients in achieving and maintaining healthy, satisfying, balanced lives. Vidya’s healing techniques and out

  • Pray Until Grace Floods – Be in Oneness

    25/08/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 25 August 2015, 11:00 AM ETOneness has wise, powerful and loving teaching knowledge for we people to live as a real human being. Those teachings are edited as a card deck for people to draw guidance toward their daily encounters or problems. Oneness Cards do not predict future as the future is not predictable. In Oneness, it is said that external world is a reflection of inner space. This deck is to help you see clearly this truth. Teachings should be combined with Deeksha, a very powerful energy to transform knowledge into your own experiences. Join the show to know more about Oneness teachings and feel the power of Deeksha! About Guest BridaBrida, a Oneness giver and trainer from Taiwan, starts her spiritual journey in Oneness Fiji. When waiting for boarding to Fiji, a fellow showed her a Diana Cooper’s card deck and that’s first time she connected with oracle cards and she just fell in love so much with these oracle cards angel cards. Since Oneness Teachings are powerful and loving, Brida

  • The Coming Three Years – What Awaits Us Spiritually

    11/08/2015 Duration: 36min

    Aired Tuesday, 11 August 2015, 11:00 AM ETWhat the Guru’s and Saints are Saying about the Near Future?What will happen in the next 3 years?How are we to internalize what the guru’s and saints are saying is about the future?How can we be loving in a world that’s full of chaos?How can we overcome fear and replace it with love?How can we live in this world and not be motivated by fear?What spiritual practices should we be doing to get ready.What physical things do we need to have in order before this comes to pass?What chants and mantras should be practicing?”Our honored guest, Dr. Haider will guide us and answer these questions.About Guest Dr. Paul HaiderDr. Paul Haider has been an author and speaker in the areas of spirituality and herbalism for over 30 years. Speaking on how to create a deep sense of spiritual awareness… and creating health, vitality, and peace in our daily lives. Growing up on a farm in California Dr. Haider had many powerful spiritual experiences that changed his life… and thus he started h

  • How to Know When to Trust Your Intuition

    05/08/2015 Duration: 30min

    Aired Tuesday, 4 August 2015, 11:00 AM ETLisa K., an expert on intuition, shows people how to access theirs and develop their intuition skill and accuracy. When you know how your intuition works it can guide you to make the best and most advantageous decisions to help you get what you want in life. Your inner guidance system has wisdom that goes beyond your thinking mind and it can always point you in the best direction to maximize your life’s joy and fulfillment. Lisa breaks down intuition in easy to understand concepts on how intuition works so you can know when to trust that it is your intuition speaking to you.About Guest Lisa K.Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches others how to develop their intuition so they can receive their own inner divine guidance. Lisa is considered the intuition expert and has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars both online and in person. Lisa K.’s public a

  • The Power of Your Inherent Spiritual Gifts with Veronica Lee

    08/07/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 7 July 2015, 11:00 AM ETEveryone is born with inherent spiritual gifts; some go dormant for years, while others begin to blossom with such ease that they are hard to recognize as anything special. As we awaken to greater consciousness, many are feeling the resonance of their true selves and wish to express more of who they are – to fulfill their purpose, experience bliss, and to serve. Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Veronica Lee will share insights on discovering, harnessing and sharing your spiritual gifts, which are your most powerful tools for transformation and joy.About Guest Veronica LeeVeronica Lee’s metaphysical upbringing allowed her to explore the mystical realms from childhood on; practicing intuitive perception, hands-on healing, meditation, visualization, and manifesting. She has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe through her videos, articles, speaking engagements and private sessions. With love and integrity, Veronica offers practical tools to support o

  • OMTimes with Liane Buck

    01/07/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 30 June 2015, 11:00 AM ETI am honored to have Liane Buck as our show guest today. She’s a Master/ Teacher/Healer and Founder of OMTimes and Humanity Healing, and a truly selfless spirit. She’ll be sharing her journey with us today and how her experiences led her to who she’s today and what she’s shared with the world in form of her invaluable service to humankind and animals. Let’s all come together and learn from her wisdom.About Guest Liane BuckWe are not unfamiliar with this amazing, selfless, visionary lady, who’s poured her heart into selfless service of humanity. It’s an honor for all of us to listen to her wisdom. Liane Buck, as the Co-Founder of Humanity Healing and OMTimes, is constantly helping healers, spiritual seekers and social workers to spread their message of love and support their cause in betterment of humanity. She’s supporting so many different humane causes. It’s very hard to encompass her impact in words, to know more about her work, I would request you all to please visi

  • Healing Power of Mantras with Acharya Dr Vikramaditya

    24/06/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 23 June 2015, 11:00 AM ETMantras are special sounds vibrating at certain frequencies. Our energy centers or Chakras vibrate at a certain frequency and when we are out of sync, Mantra chanting helps us restore that balance. There are different sounds or mantras for various different healing. OM is the mantra at which the Universe vibrates so chanting OM helps us to be in balance with the universe. Similarly there are different Mantras for all our Chakras, health, peace, love, prosperity and when we chant we bring ourselves up to the frequency of attracting this goodness in our life. Mantras carry love, forgiveness, compassion and light and when we chant these we transcend our thoughts and negativity and unblock ourselves by rising beyond our obstacles.About Guest Acharya VikrmadityaAcharya Vikrmaditya founder sectary Vivekananda Hospital is an authority on Mudra Vigyan Mudra, Yoga, Yagya and the Astrological sciences and is committed to the preservation of ancient Indian Culture and Sciences. He

  • Living Your Sacred Essence

    17/06/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 16 June 2015, 11:00 AM ETBased on her profound direct spiritual experiences Nita Goyal has a message, as a friend, reminding others as to their soul’s true essence–that is one of the purest, the grandest and the glorious of all. Before her transformative spiritual experiences she believed in and lived a life as conditioned by her beliefs and concepts, fulfilling the expectations imposed by society. After the transformation she came into realization how misguided and outdated the old paradigm was, though with good intention. She feels the pull of the sacred energies nudging her to step up and help fellow beings realize their pure essence, their wholeness, the intelligence and glory that they are and their divine potential that is just waiting underneath to be embraced. She feels deeply honored to be allowed this role of being a spiritual catalyst helping in shifting the planet to the next level of consciousness. Join us for a unique dialogue with the Author/speaker Nita Goyal.About Guest Nita Go

  • Healing with Archangel Raphael & Mother Mary!

    26/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 26 May 2015, 11:00 AM ETArchangel Raphael is the archangel of healing, medicine, nutrition. “Raphael” means “One who God has healed” or “the Medicine of God.” He is said to have revealed to Noah the curative power of plants. He healed a blind man and is the archangel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda. He is the angel who watches over travel and relationships.Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus is considered to be his divine complement. Mother Mary is famously known for leading the young Saint Bernadette to the miraculous healing waters of Lourdes. Mother Mary heals all mothers, helps with conception and guides parents to raise the children peacefully on earth. She is the embodiment of compassion and is always there to heal any kind of suffering.Let’s invoke these healing angels to help us heal in totality.Please send your healing requests to We will pick a winner for an hour long freeSkype healing session.Love and blessings to all!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal i

  • We Are All Healers

    20/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 19 May 2015, 11:00 AM ETHave you been awe of all the people who are clairvoyant, clairaudience, healers, fortune tellers, psychics? Do you tend to underestimate the power that lies within you? Has anyone ever told you that your presence is uplifting/ inspiring/ healing? You are on the path of self-discovery? Or are you going through some life changing situation and are looking for some answer, a breakthrough? You are looking towards learning some way to heal naturally but do not know if it is for you?Welcome to the journey of self-exploration as a healer. Healing is the innate ability. It is us. We are living, breathing examples of the healer that we are.You will be tuned and guided through small energy shifts which will help you to discover the healer within. This talk will explore:a) Meaning of Healing.b) Many levels of healingc) How can you know you are a healerd) Simple breathing for empowermente) Simple exercise to feel the subtle energy one can tap intof) feeling groundedg) resources avai

  • Healing with Archangel Michael!

    13/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 12 May 2015, 11:00 AM ETUnable to move away from negative relationships? Hard to release unwanted patterns/habits and unhealthy addictions? Feel negative energy pulling you down? Do you suffer with low immunity and constant health issues? Do you feel down when you are in certain surroundings?Let’s welcome Archangel Michael in our lives. His name means, ” He who’s like God”. His chief role is to remove fear from your life and clear you of any negativity in form of cords, negative entities, negative portals, connections, darkness, diseases, lower energy in any form.Please send your healing requests to We will pick a winner for an hour long Skype healing session (Value: $97).Love and blessings to all!About Monika GoyalMonika Goyal is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Psychic/Angel Tarot card Reader and has been practicing for 8+ years. She is a Hypnotherapist and has helped heal several people through Past life regressions. She does private healing sessions

  • Overcoming Fear

    06/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Aired Tuesday, 5 May 2015, 11:00 AM ETAre there times in your life when you feel stuck due to a deep-seated fear? There are so many kinds of fears: fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of being in an elevator or a closed space, fear of people, or the fear of death. The list of fears human beings can experience is endless!For a person experiencing fear, it can take over their mental and emotional well-being and show up in the physical body in numerous ways. Essentially, fears stop us from living a fulfilling and authentic life. While no fear is big or small, untreated, it can destroy a life. As we move towards higher awareness, becoming aware of our fears, facing them, accepting them and taking steps to overcome them, can help us move to our deeper self, our soul's purpose!But can fears like the fear of death even be overcome?Let us look at how fears affect us, physically, emotionally, and mentally. We will also explore ways to overcome fears that stop us in our tracks and prevent us from moving on and living

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