Come Heal Yourself

We Are All Healers



Aired Tuesday, 19 May 2015, 11:00 AM ETHave you been awe of all the people who are clairvoyant, clairaudience, healers, fortune tellers, psychics? Do you tend to underestimate the power that lies within you? Has anyone ever told you that your presence is uplifting/ inspiring/ healing? You are on the path of self-discovery? Or are you going through some life changing situation and are looking for some answer, a breakthrough? You are looking towards learning some way to heal naturally but do not know if it is for you?Welcome to the journey of self-exploration as a healer. Healing is the innate ability. It is us. We are living, breathing examples of the healer that we are.You will be tuned and guided through small energy shifts which will help you to discover the healer within. This talk will explore:a) Meaning of Healing.b) Many levels of healingc) How can you know you are a healerd) Simple breathing for empowermente) Simple exercise to feel the subtle energy one can tap intof) feeling groundedg) resources avai