Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast



Darren, Daniel, and Phillip are marooned on Ceti Alpha 3 with only their expansive knowledge of Star Trek, and a sense of humor, to keep them alive. Join the trio as they discuss 50 years of Trek TV series and feature films.


  • 340 - Star Trextreme 2: More Xtreme

    28/06/2024 Duration: 50min

    Animated TNG seriesA lifetime ago (in another Star Trek podcast), the trio, along with some help, created the idea of a zany late 1990s animated version of The Next Generation. Since then, real Star Trek animation has evolved, with the arrival of both "Lower Decks" and "Prodigy." As the crew of "Prodigy" begin their second season, the trio revisits "Star TreXtreme", adding to what modern animated Star Trek can look like. This includes revisiting some of original pitches from their prior podcast episode - seeing how they either predicted the future or just made some ridiculous ideas.Grab your skateboard, put on some sunglasses, and revisit the 1990s era of cartoon with Star TreXtreme! 

  • 339 - Captain Picard Day

    21/06/2024 Duration: 48min

    Celebrating Captain's DayFans were introduced to the concept of "Captain Picard Day" in the seventh season of The Next Generation. Since then, it has taken a life of its own, with references in later shows like "Picard" and "Lower Decks", as well as real life celebrations of Captain Picard Day (typically June 16). The trio get into the holiday spirit to look at how Captain Picard Day may have started on the USS Enterprise-D and how it could have spread across the Starfleet to celebrate other captains (or station commanders). What would be the best entries in a student competition? What are other ways to celebrate? How much is children-led and how much is enjoy by other members of the crew?Get your papier-mâché ready for a nice sculpture of Jean-Luc's head as we celebrate Captain Picard Day. 

  • 338 - Starfleet Command 90s Show Pitch

    07/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    New 90s Trek Show PitchWelcome to the late 1990s. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has been off the air, entering the universe of feature films. "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" is ending, having found its voice and identity. "Star Trek: Voyager" has taken its first steps, and now carries the weight of continuing the franchise.What's next?In the original timeline of TV, Berman and company, under the auspcies of UPN, begin development of a 22nd Century prequel series that will become "Enterprise." But what if ... the next series had continued the story of the 24th Century?The trio imagine what series will now air contemporareously with "Voyager" in the late 90s. Enter "Star Trek: Starfleet Command," which takes a "higher decks" (if you will) approach to the operations of Starfleet and the Federation. See how planetside environments and Earth Spacedock provide unique settings to continue Trek adventures, spanning the post-Dominion War era. How will the Fleet be rebuilt? What scientific discoveries and explorartion

  • 337 - The Goddard Seven

    31/05/2024 Duration: 48min

    TOS plots in TNGTrek has experimented with either re-visiting older episodes with new crews, as in DS9's "Trials and Tribble-ations" or SNW's "A Quality of Mercy", or recycling plots with TNG's "The Naked Now." The trio look at how exact stories from The Original Series would play out with The Next Generation crew. How would "Galileo Seven" work in Next Gen? Which Enterprise-D crew member would be forced back home in "Amok Time"? How would the classic episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" work in the 24th century?Join us as TOS stories play out in TNG - which combination of crew members can replace the triad of Kirk, Spock, McCoy?

  • 336 - Analog Bynar Bob

    24/05/2024 Duration: 40min

    TNG First Season Stories for Trek GamesThe game, "Star Trek: Resurgence", came to various platforms in 2023. It introduced several new characters (as well as some old favorites) in its post-Nemesis 24th Century storyline. At the heart of the game's story was a sequel to the first season Next Gen episode "The Last Outpost." Since the trio are revisiting the beginnings of TNG, they look at what other episodes could be mined for stories for new Trek games.Join this round-robin pitch of ideas that takes one first season episode, one of its storylines, and applies it to a new Trek game based on an existing (or entirely new) Trek series. How does "Home Soil" continue in game form? How can "Lower Decks" go further into the ideas of "Haven"? Grab your console of choice and let us know your favorite Trek game pitch.

  • 335 - Revisiting Encounter at Farpoint

    17/05/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    TNG's beginningIs it possible to view something from long ago in the Trek canon as a new viewer might? The trio attempt to make the old come to life again by re-examining the pilot episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation."It is hard to begin a Star Trek series re-watch. Which one? Where to start? Do you go 20th or 21st Century shows? After a mix of picking their own series recently, the trio come together for a TNG rewatch. That means starting with that two-hour special "Encounter at Fairpoint." The introduction of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, its crew, the look and feel of the 24th Century ... and Q! There is a lot to take in, even if we ultimately know what production approaches (and characters) don't make it very far. They try to imagine all questions and mysteries this first episode would bring to either a new viewer or die-hard TOS fan. So join them and revisit 1987 with the re-birth of a Star Trek TV series!

  • 334- Onesie Twosie Uniforms

    10/05/2024 Duration: 46min

    Starfleet UniformsFans enjoy cosplaying the many costumes in Star Trek. Starfleet uniforms in particular have been represented onscreen in a variety of ways, from the 22nd century fightsuits of "Enterprise" to the colorful and innate unforms of the 32nd century in "Star Trek: Discovery." The trio go into the costuming department to evaluate the myriad of Starfleet uniforms, from looking at what translates best on screen to what seems the most comfortable. They review some of the more unique choices made, e.g., Seven of Nine and T'Pol, to wondering about the Starfleet clothing that must exist, but is never shown.Join this tour of fashion of starships and spacestation, letting us know who wore it best.

  • 333 - Enterprise A

    26/04/2024 Duration: 48min

    Ship Profile: NCC-1701-AThe history of onscreen Enterprises is rich in detail for some and scant for others.Then there's the U.S.S. Enterprise-A.First introduced in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home as a reward for our TOS-era heroes saving Earth once again, we saw this Constitution refit-class in the next two movies (Star Trek V and Star Trek VI). The trio looks at this ship's origins and purported ending, discovering more mysteries about it than first thought.They look at the largely non-canon origins of the ship, and ask if the U.S.S. Yorktown, then recommissioned as the Enterprise-A, was a new or quite old vessel? What about the history of the Constitution-class and its refits in general? What are the differences, if any, between the refit NCC-1701 and the NCC-1701-A? What was the A's mission in between its malfunctioning introduction in Star Trek V and its scheduled decommissioning in Star Trek VI?Join us as we discuss all things about the first Enterprise to add a letter to its registry and the last with Ca

  • 332 - Ten Ep DS9 Season 4

    22/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    Whittling Down Season Four (DS9) to 10 episodesLove it or hate it, today's Trek means less episodes than the 20th Century series. For some, it's a sign of tighter storytelling, focusing on quality plot and themes. For others, it means missing episodes that are more "day in the life," outside of one season's particular villain/mystery. Or maybe it's just show business wanting to spend less money!Whatever the reason, the trio is going back in time and translating old series of Trek into today's franchise format. What if season four of Deep Space Nine were made today? They look at the initial 25(!) episodes and chop it down to a 10-episode season. Will it be one coherent theme or random episodes? Will it be all about the Klingon-Cardassan war or the rise of the Dominion threat? Or will it just be a series of character-focused stories? Take a listen and find out what episodes made the cut!

  • 331 - Auto Pilots?

    15/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    What If? Features in Pilot Episodes Never ChangedIn most Trek series created in the 20th century, the pilot episodes often have obvious differences from the rest of the series. From a character's make-up to their voice to their actions, change is inevitable. Even the music or look of the show itself can alter from the very beginning. Most of the times, these changes are seen as improvements. But what if they never changed?The trio look at how first episodes of shows, even from current Trek series, were different in tone, style, and specifics from what came later. How different would the shows be if those improvements were never made?

  • 330 - Enterprise Season Five

    08/03/2024 Duration: 52min

    A New Series of Star Trek: EnterpriseStar Trek: Enterprise was the first TV series of the franchise to be unexpectedly cancelled since the 1960s. With the resurrection of the TNG story in "Star Trek: Picard", the trio open up their pitch meeting to map out a new season for the NX-01 crew in the 22nd Century.Twenty years have passed since we last saw the voyage of Enterprise in "Terra Prime." The United Federation of Planets has survived its first few formative years. As for retired Admiral Jonathan Archer, for whatever reasons, he allowed the leadership of the future of the Federation to pass him by. However, he still remains active to the cause as one of Earth's representatives to the Federation Council. As the time to decide about re-election comes, Archer finds himself caught in a brand new adventure, with past friends as foes, and the lingering question of "has Archer's time gone by?" Join the trio as we revisit what happened to the NX-01 crew, featuring Captain Reed of a refit Enterprise, Starfleet Acade

  • 329 - Ten Ep TNG Season 4

    23/02/2024 Duration: 48min

    Whittling Down Season Four (TNG) to 10 episodesLove it or hate it, today's Trek means less episodes than the 20th Century series. For some, it's a sign of tighter storytelling, focusing on quality plot and themes. For others, it means missing episodes that are more "day in the life," outside of one season's particular villain/mystery. Or maybe it's just show business wanting to spend less money!Whatever the reason, the trio is going back in time and translating old series of Trek into today's franchise format. What if season four of The Next Generation were made today? They look at the initial 26(!) episodes and chop it down to a 10-episode season. Will it be one coherent theme or random episodes? Will it be all about the Borg or Klingon politics? Will there be a focus on characters or "just vibes"? Take a listen and find out what episodes made the cut!

  • 328 - Untold Stories

    16/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Character CodasWith the ending of "Star Trek: Discovery" upon us, it's time to look back at the untold endings of our favorite Trek characters. From TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and (arguably) Picard, there are still futures for the main characters that have never been explored. While fans have gotten a few "post-series" peeks at characters, such as Tom Paris and Tuvok, we still don't know what their lives looked like once their series finale ended.The trio hit the random number generator and create codas for main Trek characters from the 20th and 21st century TV shows. What happened to Commander Chekov? Where did Travis Mayweather end up? What does Captain Tuvok do now? Join us in this round of untold stories in Trek.

  • 327 - Enterprise C Series

    09/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Pitching a New Trek Series: Enterprise-CThere are "gaps" in Trek history, mostly between the launch of the Enterprise-B and the start of the continuing voyages of the Enterprise-D on "The Next Generation." The trio dives into creating a new series based during the earlier part of the 24th Century with the crew of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-C. Just like Captain Christopher Pike, fans already know the tragic ending for Captain Rachel Garrett, Lieutenant Richard Castillo, and the Ambassador-class ship (and alternate universe Tasha Yar!). But even though the episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" tells us the end of the story, what were the missions and untold stories of this crew?In this proposed new series, Captain Garret leads a senior crew of commanders from various alien worlds, along with some familiar faces along the way. A young, wild, and close-to-losing-his-job junior diplomat Curzon Dax helps the Enterprise-C in its mission of patroling Klingon and Romulan space, with a new class of starship that seems mor

  • 326 - Vulcan Science Fleet

    02/02/2024 Duration: 47min

    Species Focus: VulcansVulcans are everywhere in Star Trek - from the first appearance of Spock to later iterations with Tuvok, T'Pol, and T'Lyn. But how much do we really know about them? And does what we know actually raise even more questions about the way the Federation works?The trio braves the high heat of the desert planet and dives into all things Vulcan. Are they the only major Federation race to maintain their own Fleet? What do the Vulcans do outside of Starfleet? How do we think we'll see them in future Trek series?Suppress your emotions and join us in logically examining Vulcans.

  • 325 - Glinn Glenn Cardassian

    26/01/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Species Focus: CardassiansThey are the villains of the Alpha Quadrant, the occupiers of Bajor, the makers of Terok Nor, the torturers of Picard ... the Cardassians!Introduced in "The Next Generation," fans learned more about this militaristic society in "Deep Space Nine" through characters like Garak and Gul Dukat. But is there more to this species than first meets the eye? Are they only the military and the Obsidian Order? What are "everyday" Cardassians like? What do we know about the history of the Cardassian Union? And what will be their future, following the disaster of the Dominion War?The trio grab a bottle of kanar and investigate what we know about Cardassians.

  • 324 - Star Trek: Resurgence

    19/01/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    Games in the Franchise: Star Trek: ResurgenceIt's been a few months since the release of the adventure game "Star Trek: Resurgence" from Dramatic Labs. Players control two different characters in this story-driven game: Commander Jara Rydek, a Kobliad first officer just joining the USS Resolute, and Petty Officer Carter Diaz, a young but experienced engineering technician. Players decide what actions these characters take in this epic story featuring Ambassador Spock, Captain Riker, other (surprisingly) familiar aliens, new species, and choices that could lead to deaths or saving lives. The trio talks about how this game is more story than game, but how the exciting events makes this (relatively inexpensive) game worth playing. From how to loyal be to a brink-of-retirement captain to how you might choose to sacrifice your friends or yourself. They talk about where someone might get stuck in the game to what parts marveled them as they played. And spoilers: They discuss the random Star Trek episode that serves

  • 323 - The Vulcan Goodbye

    12/01/2024 Duration: 47min

    Discovery and Series FinalesFans have said goodbye to many Star Trek series during the life of the franchise. Some shows ended more suddenly than others, e.g., The Original Series and Enterprise, whilst others had time to plan their ending, e.g., the seven-year series of The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. In the 21st Century, "Star Trek: Picard" has been the first show to say goodbye with a planned series finale. Given all this experience, how do we think Discovery will end?The trio looks at how planned the 2024 Discovery series finale was, what traditions of Trek "goodbyes" are available to use, and what they think are the possibilities of how to end the five seasons show.How will Captain Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery ride into the sunset? Let us know your thoughts!

  • 322 - 2024 Trekscape

    29/12/2023 Duration: 47min

    What's to come in Star TrekIt's been a long road ... from 2023 to what we look towards next year for Star Trek.This past year saw the ending of "Star Trek: Picard", the continuation of "Star Trek: Strange New, Worlds" and "Star Trek: Lower Decks." There was the controversy around "Star Trek: Prodigy", a series that now lives on Netflix. The trio look at what the franchise will bring in 2024.How will we literally watch Star Trek in the months and years to come? They look at the worries about the future of Paramount Plus, and streaming in general, as well as the diminishing ability to purchase "hard media" of Star Trek series and movies. Next year promises the final season of "Star Trek: Discovery," a theoretical "Section 31" movie, as well as season two of "Star Trek: Prodigy," and possibly more "Lower Decks" and "Strange, New Worlds." Will we get more news about the announced Starfleet Academy-based series? And who knows what other surprises are in store?Join us as we look into the crystal ball of Trek 2024.T

  • 321 - Commander Computer

    24/11/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Computer Operations in StarfleetThere is a lot that goes on aboard starships and starbases that we never see. There is no question that one of the most important systems in Starfleet is the computer - it runs all systems and yet we never meet the team who are in charge of maintaining it. Who is the master/mistress of the LCARS? The trio reviews the many computer malfunctions in Trek, and why the IT department was surely ignored by the command team. Who is the ultimate commander of the computer?This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3169638/advertisement

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