Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

330 - Enterprise Season Five



A New Series of Star Trek: EnterpriseStar Trek: Enterprise was the first TV series of the franchise to be unexpectedly cancelled since the 1960s. With the resurrection of the TNG story in "Star Trek: Picard", the trio open up their pitch meeting to map out a new season for the NX-01 crew in the 22nd Century.Twenty years have passed since we last saw the voyage of Enterprise in "Terra Prime." The United Federation of Planets has survived its first few formative years. As for retired Admiral Jonathan Archer, for whatever reasons, he allowed the leadership of the future of the Federation to pass him by. However, he still remains active to the cause as one of Earth's representatives to the Federation Council. As the time to decide about re-election comes, Archer finds himself caught in a brand new adventure, with past friends as foes, and the lingering question of "has Archer's time gone by?" Join the trio as we revisit what happened to the NX-01 crew, featuring Captain Reed of a refit Enterprise, Starfleet Acade