Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

325 - Glinn Glenn Cardassian



Species Focus: CardassiansThey are the villains of the Alpha Quadrant, the occupiers of Bajor, the makers of Terok Nor, the torturers of Picard ... the Cardassians!Introduced in "The Next Generation," fans learned more about this militaristic society in "Deep Space Nine" through characters like Garak and Gul Dukat. But is there more to this species than first meets the eye? Are they only the military and the Obsidian Order? What are "everyday" Cardassians like? What do we know about the history of the Cardassian Union? And what will be their future, following the disaster of the Dominion War?The trio grab a bottle of kanar and investigate what we know about Cardassians.