Nursing And Cursing



Nursing & Cursing is a parenting podcast that covers more than your 10 month old's full diaper. Five friends break down all the crazy that comes after the baby. Kids, husbands, sex, money. Everything from the early days of sore nipples and sleepless nights to parenting with a hangover and picking a preschool. Was your kid screaming on the other side of the bathroom door while you tried to find 5 seconds to put your last tampon in? Then this is the podcast for you.


  • Holidaze

    24/12/2016 Duration: 29min

    Did baby Jesus sleep through the night!? Just wondering over here as we try to manage school holiday parties, kids high on candy canes, visiting family, Amazon prime, wrapping catastrophes, lies about Santa, and OMG that f*cking elf. And is Molly gonna have a Christmas baby!?!? Ahhh, the holidaze. We're here for you mama. Call us the 5 wise women bringing gifts of wine. And wine. And CHEER! #holidays #christmas #santa #hanukkah #parenting #momlife

  • Target Love

    07/12/2016 Duration: 23min

    Admit it mom, no matter what you tell yourself, you didn't just "run in real quick," for a 500-pack of 7th gen diapers, soap, the latest Nate Berkus wall tapestry, your kid's prescription from the pharmacy, or even a latte. No mom, you needed a sweet fix of the kind of sanity and salvation that for some reason can only be found at Target. Listen in as we discuss how Target went from being a store to Safe Space.

  • Pregnancy Sex

    12/11/2016 Duration: 33min

    Sex during pregnancy...who, when, how, and why. Mostly why. Like WHY. Were you a luscious fertile earth mother ready to go all night or were you out of commission and letting your pubes grow to your knees. Or a combo? Whatever your style was, we got you covered. #ORGTRACTIONS #PREGNANCY #SEX #PREGNANCY SEX #HORMONES

  • Season 2 | Ep 1 | BACK TO SCHOOL

    28/09/2016 Duration: 29min

    What's your favorite part about Back to School? The million dollar school supply list? The emotional trauma of dropping off a kid who's devastated to be there? The Google doc of play dates, parties, sports, and activities? The waking up in the dark to pack a lunch that will come home UNTOUCHED, the passive aggressive PTA emails, or the lice? Wasn't Back to School supposed to mean twinkies on the couch and General Hospital!?! Listen to this episode in the doctors office while your pediatrician runs that strep test....(spoiler alert: it's positive). #school #backtoschool #parenting #anxiety #lunch #lice

  • Ep: 21 Welcome to the Jungle

    01/06/2016 Duration: 52min

    Being a mother can feel like being cluelessly lost in the wilderness with no way out and no one to help you. Usually this is a metaphor. But for one of our hosts it was recently a literal reality. Join us for a very special episode and hear how one of us coped when a 3 mile family walk (without daddy) turned into an overnight emergency. Mom, what would you do if a regular day turned into a fucking SOS

  • Episode 20: Christine’s Birth Story

    19/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    Welcome to the second installment of our birth story series! In this episode, Chrissy starts having contractions and hits LA rush hour for the hospital while screaming the whole way at her husband about how messy the car is because: LABOR. Our sweet story starts where every baby story starts...with diareahh. Grab the wet wipes n and the wine and listen up.

  • Episode 19: Mother’s Day

    06/05/2016 Duration: 24min

    Happy Mothers Day you guys!!! What kind of day are you planning to tell your partner to surprise you with this year!? Did you order a gift for yourself? Help your kids make you a card?! Or are you leaving it all to your baby daddy and kids to fuck up? This episode we chat about our hopes and dreams for Mother's Day. Thank you for listening Mamas, We ❤️You.

  • Episode 18: Kate’s Birth Story

    27/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    Kate's Homebirthstagram was perfect: it all happened in the Willow filter, Kate's hair was in a perfectly messy bun, her skin glistened and glowed, and her baby slipped blissfully and effortlessly into the arms of her burly husband who was wading shirtless through the birthing pool like a merman. Turns out Sarah was there and remembers it a little differently.....listen up for the first in our birth story series.

  • Episode 17: Discipline

    12/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    Bad kids, bad kids, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when mama comes for you? This week we talk discipline. Why is it so hard to get these damn kids in line!? Ali shares an ingenious method for keeping the peace in paradise....listen up and join us for the #checkmarkchallenge (it's not what you think).

  • Episode 16: What’s for dinner?

    31/03/2016 Duration: 28min

    Hey Mom! What's for Dinner? Didn't I just give you dinner yesterday?!!? Do you dread meal-planning, food-budgeting, grocery-shopping, cooking, and cleanup and wish you could just just feed your kids from a trough of goldfish and cheerios? Then this is the ep for you. Or do you #foodstagram your#easy #healthful meals and get off on watching your kid eat broccoli? Either way listen and judge along because this ep is all about FOOD.

  • Episode 15: P.B.B. (Post Baby Bod)

    11/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    You know you’re a mom when ‘roid rage refers to those hemorrhoids you got in month 8 that never really went away. Cool. This ep we talk about how our postpartum bodies are hashtag strong and hashtag beautiful, but let’s face it: hashtag fuct.  

  • Episode 14: Mom Down !

    24/02/2016 Duration: 22min

    Hey moms, did you know that you used up all your sick days before your baby showed up? No calling out now! So what happens when mom goes down? When she has the flu, or she's hungover, or she's pregnant again, or she (oh shit!) breaks her shoulder?? Then what? I guess dad just does everything and she sleeps til she's better? Uhhh....yeah....Listen to what happens when mom.goes.down (hint: SOS).

  • Episode 13: Sleep

    03/02/2016 Duration: 24min

    Better than chocolate, sex, money, or even wine. Yes, it's S L E E P. What lengths did you go to get some zzz's after your baby was born?? Did you follow the book, your heart, or something in between? This week we discuss what worked and what didn't. Mostly what didn't, because nothing worked. RIP ZZZ's.

  • Episode 12: Placenta, anyone?

    19/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    It’s gluten free, grain free, dairy free, organic and paleo AF. But girl, you gonna EAT that!?!!? I am talking about your PLACENTA. Womb to table. In this ep we chat about what we did and didn’t do with ours….

  • Episode 11: Sex After Childbirth

    08/01/2016 Duration: 23min

    Remember how 6 weeks after you had your your baby you were healed, rested, gorgeous, feeling sexy as hell and ready to get laid all night long? UM. NO. So WTF is with the doc telling you and your man that you can go all the way at 6 weeks?? What a dick. Listen up as we talk sex after childbirth.

  • Episode 10: Flying with Kids

    16/12/2015 Duration: 20min

    Listen in as we discuss the ultimate horror movie: Babies on a Plane. Who let all these mother*ckin babies on this mother plane?!? How is a mom supposed to cope with flying with her kids? iPad? Candy? Benadryl? BEER!?!?

  • Episode 9: PostPartumPTSD

    03/12/2015 Duration: 22min

    You know how you catch TLC’s Waterfalls on the radio and you’re instantly beamed back to rocking out in the car at the top of your lungs without a care in the world? (RIGHT?!?). Well…what takes you back to your first days as a mom? Your first exhausted, insane, body-busted, days with your baby. Listen […]

  • Episode 8 : Mommy Brain

    29/10/2015 Duration: 19min

    Mommy Brain should be the ultimate compliment. Why? Because moms are busy as shit, tired as shit, and taking care of mad shit. Sadly Mommy Brain  doesn’t equal a free ride to Harvard. It equals you lost your keys, forgot your wallet, fell asleep at work, and wait, where’s that baby?!???

  • Episode 7 : Conception

    15/10/2015 Duration: 29min

    Conception: So if you know where babies come from, then you know how to get one and how to um…not get one. Right? Wrong. Listen up as we discuss how and when we first became moms. For some of us it was too easy. For some, too hard. And for some….juuuuust right (so right that […]

  • Episode 6: Baby? Or Baby Daddy?

    30/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    How do you prioritize your relationships? Who comes first, baby? Or baby daddy? Well obviously the one who is crying the loudest and needs you the most! So wait, who comes first?!?? Listen in as we discuss our post partum relationship priorities. Spoiler: sleep is the new sex.

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