Project Rook



Welcome to the podcast! A wholistic pursuit of Health & Wellness. You're the one and I'm going to prove it. The one to BE happy, the one to BE healthy and the one to BE whole. We're breaking generational curses and taking names. Let's go! #ResultsDontLie


  • PR60: The Ugly Side of the Law of Attraction

    13/07/2017 Duration: 39min

    Everyone loves to talk about what we perceive to be the "positive" benefits to the Law of Attraction. You know, attracting good and kind people, attracting more wealth and abundance or maybe even health. But what happens when what you attract goes against everything you believe you've been asking for? How does one attract chaos or challenging times/people in their lives? A better question to ask is, does this mean the principle of the Law of Attraction is flawed OR maybe just maybe what you've consciously been asking for versus what you've vibrationally been asking for have been two different things all along?

  • PR59: Why Vegans Are Overweight and Sick

    15/06/2017 Duration: 52min

    Well, well, well it looks as though we have some confusion about what veganism and true healing really is. While I do believe in and advocate a vegan based lifestyle we must understand that there are still other key components at play that affect the conditions of our body and its ability to function optimally and to heal. Meat or no meat, what you put in your body, what you absorb and what you properly eliminate should be the key factors we examine when assessing why one too many vegans find themselves overweight and/or sick.

  • PR58: The Power of One More Time

    07/06/2017 Duration: 34min

    PR Episode 58: The Power of One More Time I've found the pursuit of health and wellness is just as much mental as it is physical. So how do you not only stay motivated in your pursuits but actually obtain what it is that you're after? What if I told you that the real juice lies in the foundation that you lay, your ability to tap into your divine greatness and your commitment to becoming your lifelong cheerleader. Is it easy? Maybe not, but I promise you if you can figure out how to execute the power of "one more time", you will blow your own mind and change your life forever. Guaranteed.

  • PR57: Urine, Kidneys and Cleansing

    01/06/2017 Duration: 46min

    This week we're talking pee ya'll! I know we all do it several times a day but it is an integral part of keeping us well. Interestingly enough I've been monitoring mines for the past few months and I am finally seeing some filtration happening!! I will share what that means and where I'll go from here. But more importantly I want you to know that when our glands and organs are functioning properly we have no reason to worry about our overall wellbeing. The body can heal itself!

  • PR56: How Are Black Folks The Authority On God & Magic But Can’t Use Either To Heal Themselves?

    24/05/2017 Duration: 41min

    Let me ask this question again. HOW are Black Folks the Authority on God & Magic But Can't Seem to Use Either to Heal Themselves? We need answers people and don't tell me it's prayer or some magic potion. Been there, done that. Time is up for the foolishness and the cognitive dissonance that prohibits us from logically looking at what we've been doing and believing and how it all measures up, results wise. As a whole, our minds and bodies are spiraling out of control with little sign of improving. I think we can all agree that it's past time to question our belief systems if we're really serious about becoming healthy AND well, for real this time.

  • PR55: My 30 Day Experience on Raw Food Only

    18/05/2017 Duration: 49min

    There are levels to your health journey and it's up to you to decide how far you are willing to go. However, if you're ready to open the door to healing, raw foods can open the gateway to truly repairing the body. So what happens when you eliminate all cooked foods and eat only raw fruit and vegetables for 30 days? While on this episode, I will share what my past 30 days have been like, remember, I have been cleansing for quite a while so if this is your first time on this rodeo you may experience more drastic results. Either way, if you trust the process, your body will thank you!

  • PR54: Why Are We Dying at 40 & 50 Years of Age?

    10/05/2017 Duration: 34min

    Since when did dying at 40 & 50 years of age become normal? Why are we fighting so hard to normalize fat and obesity when we see the results of more and more people dying from stroke and heart disease? Something has to give people. Better yet common sense has to begin to take charge so that your eyes will open to the fact that something has gone awry. The reality is this, if you don't do something different than those you see succumbing prematurely, you will likely suffer the same fate.

  • PR53: Burn Your Boats - The Key To Staying Consistent w/Your Health Goals

    03/05/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    The most common question people ask is, how do I stay consistent with my health goals? The easy response would be to mention one of the buzzwords we seem to like so much such as dedication, commitment and willpower. But I believe the real answer goes a little deeper than that. There is one fundamental principle that, if adopted, can be a game changer in your quest to getting healthy. Three words ... Burn Your Boats!

  • PR52: The State of Black Men’s Health: A Silent Epidemic? w/ Cochise Tarak-Saa

    27/04/2017 Duration: 01h41min

    This week I'm speaking with The King of Inspirational Wellness, the good brother Cochise Tarak-Saa of about the State of Black Men's Health. While we often hear about Women's Health and Wellness needs, have we overlooked the silent epidemic facing black man who statistics show are living less than any other group, with 40% dying from cardiovascular disease and suicide being the third leading cause death? Episode Notes [02:15] Who is Cochise? [07:36 ] The turning point for Cochise to transition to a healthier lifestyle [15:26] Smoking marijuana, healthy or nah? [22:47] The most critical area of focus to black men's health [32:59] How is wellness defined for the black man? [37:55] In the midst of liberating the black women, have we lost sight of our men? [53:55] Is the fit black man really healthy on the inside and what is the long term impact of high protein diets and highly processed supplements? [01:20:55] How can women best support our men? [01:27:20] Why now is the most importan

  • PR51: #DearBlackWoman You Are Making Yourself Sick & Will Die Way Too Soon Because of It

    20/04/2017 Duration: 53min

    Word on the street is that men are not qualified to speak on anything regarding the health or livelihood of women. That's all fine and dandy but since I am a women, I figured it's high time to discuss the deadly path we seem to be on as black women. There appears to be an ongoing "feminist" movement full of vitriol towards men, life and other women yet we lack the foresight to see or understand how, although well intended (by some), we are in fact contributing to the rapid decline of our own health and overall wellness.

  • PR50: What is ProjectRook: A Moment of Reflection

    13/04/2017 Duration: 36min

    As I mark the 50th episode of this podcast, I wanna take a moment to reflect on what Project Rook is, why I started it and what's the overall goal.

  • PR49: If Grandma And Nem Ate It Why Can’t I?

    05/04/2017 Duration: 32min

    I know you've heard it, probably even said it, "If my grandma and nem ate all of the types of foods healthy folk want me to eliminate and they were just fine and lived long, why shouldn't I?". That's a valid argument, right? Or is it? Here's what we know: you are not your grandparents and your food now is different from their food then. If we're going to make comparisons based on the lifestyles of others, it might be wise to look at the whole picture, even the parts we can't "see".

  • PR48: Dear Parent, You Are Responsible For Your Child’s Failing Health

    29/03/2017 Duration: 50min

    Whether we want to own up to it or not, we, the parents are to blame for the declining health of our children. From before conception to the moment they are born we allow them to be bombarded with toxins and chemicals that affect not only their physical health but their mental wellbeing as well. If we truly care about breaking generational curses and leaving new legacies it would behoove us to act before it's too late.

  • PR47: Healthy But Not Well

    22/03/2017 Duration: 47min

    We're on the decline people. Some of us are stuck on counting calories and macro/micro foolishness and others are stuck on getting the "right" numbers from our doctors. Meanwhile the most important aspect our our lives, wellness, goes unattended. Then before you know it, life is spinning out of control and you are seeking some substance or pill you to sustain. Newsflash, there is no true health without an intentional and constant pursuit of wellness.

  • PR46: A Scientific Perspective of Health w/Tanei Ricks

    16/03/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    What does the science say? That's a question I hear often so I figured who better to have on than a budding scientist?! This week we find out the parallels between science and our approach to food and health from the good brother, Tanei Ricks, PhD student and soon to be Dr. Ricks from University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

  • PR45: The V-Word That’s Hindering Your Health

    08/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    I don't know how many times we have to drive home the point that what and how you THINK is more important than what you eat. Yes you read that right. I believe the stagnation in our health is all rooted in one little, or should I say big, word. The v-word.

  • PR44: Healthy vs Fit

    01/03/2017 Duration: 46min

    When we see fit people get sick or suffer from illness what should be our takeaway? Does this mean that sickness is bound to affect us all no matter what or does it mean we should take a closer look at what being healthy really means? Let's talk about it.

  • PR43: The Difference Between Conventional & Alternative Medicine

    22/02/2017 Duration: 41min

    Are doctors needed? For emergencies or trauma? Absolutely. But for preventative and maintenance care who is more likely to aid you in HEALING your body rather than just covering up the symptoms? Let's talk about the real differences between conventional and alternative medicine.

  • PR42: The Power of Small Wins

    15/02/2017 Duration: 52min

    There is sheer magic in not only recognizing but honoring the power of small wins. Yes it's true you must believe it to see it but it is also true that sometimes seeing a win, even a small one, is what you need to convince yourself that you have what it takes to keep pushing.

  • PR41: The Missing Key - What You Must Have To Take Control of Your Health

    08/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    There is one fundamental thing you must have in order to really take control of your health. It is what you need in order to think independently and stand boldly in your conviction to ask questions and make informed decisions for you and your family. Here's a hint, you can't get it from your doctor or anyone else.

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