Agency Nation Radio - Insurance Marketing, Sales And Technology



The insurance pros podcast. The business of insurance is busy.That doesnt mean you shouldnt have access to the sales, marketing and automation tactics and strategies drive insurance agency growth.Agency Nation Radio will be a weekly podcast hosted by Ryan Hanley, Head of Marketing for and Marty Agather, Senior VP of Strategy for week, well dive into the topics and trends impacting the independent insurance industry. More importantly well provide ideas and guidance to help your insurance business dominate the marketplace.


  • How Many Clients Do You Fire?

    27/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    One thing's for sure, it's probably not enough. There's definitely nothing wrong with obsessing over finding new clients, but it's also alright to want to get rid of some. Sometimes it just doesn't workout, it's no ones fault, there's just a better insurance business relationship out. Having a set of standards to look for in a client is a pretty easy way to make sure you're not getting taken advantage of in the relationship. That's what I talk to Alex Dopazo, of Dopazo and Associates, about what he looks for in the perfect client. P.S. Agency Nation University is a pretty good place to learn the laws of insurance attraction.

  • Are You a Real Risk Manager?

    26/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    If you're not, you just might be a fancy order taker. This is definitely the thing we like to call ourselves the most but the first thing we throw out the window. True "risk management involves actually making recommendations that might not always work out. It's that last part that usually stops most risk managing dead in it's tracks. That's what I talk to my longtime friend Brent Kelly, Executive Coach for the Sitkins Group, about as he tells you how to be one. P.S. You will really manage your risk not screwing up your marketing by checking out Agency Nation University.

  • Finding Ownership in Your Book of Business

    23/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    It's the one thing that destroys agency's and even families more than anything. You would think after all this time we would have figured this out by now. Not owning your life's work can really stand in the way of wanting to do it. What if there was a way around all of that and all of that? That's what I talk to Jason Bott and Dan Lau, from Robertson Ryan & Associates, about how they don't care how much you own. P.S. If you don't own a ticket to Elevate 18 you might want to think about it.

  • Is It Good Enough?

    22/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    No matter who you are or what you do, this question will always try to get the best of you. The secret is, it never is. Getting yourself to a place where good enough gets out the door is the only way to win. The judgement you're afraid of rarely happens and is never worth avoiding. That's what I talk to Woody Brown, of the Rhoads Group, about as he struggles with his effort. P.S. Agency Nation University can help you be good enough.

  • Done Right Insurance Is A Hospitality Business

    21/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    Connecting online consumers to real agents, in real time crushes the competition. A hospitality business focus on person to person connections and their soul defined concerned for the happiness of the people they serve. Insurance companies should consider focusing on the quality of appointed agents rather than the quantity of appointed agents. It's in the depth of those quality relationships that creates separation from everyone else. That's the idea Ryan Hanley was recently stuck with by a young insurance carrier professional over a cup of coffee. P.S. Agency Nation University can teach you how to be more hospitable and create deeper relationships.

  • The Truth About Video Proposals (Part II)

    20/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    Is really a lot more specific than you think. Delivering more information to a potential client is great. Letting them see your face, when it's convenient for them is even better. But, reaching a nirvana like state with video marketing and video proposals is something entirely different. That's what I talk to my buddy Ryan Sautman, of Just4You Insurance, about as he breaks down is process. P.S. Want to know about what videos should be where? Agency Nation University is your ticket. Listen to Part I here.

  • Do Insurance Carriers Want What's Best For You?

    19/02/2018 Duration: 19min

    Or are they just hoping you'll eat up their flavor of the week because you're starving? It's possible it's been a long time since a marketing rep from one of your companies showed up and asked you what kind of business you wanted to write. For too long they've made it about what they want and how we should try and give it too them. What if there was a better way? What if carriers and agents came together to discuss strengths and weaknesses on both sides and how they can be maximized. That's what I talk to Seth Zaremba, of Zinc Insurance, about this morning as he shares his collaboration secret. P.S. Did you know Seth is going to be presenting this data and more at Elevate 18?

  • Accelerating Investment in Insurance Innovation

    16/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    We just need to give the good ideas more money and the freedom to work. It's not rocket science, sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is get out of the way. Get out of the way of innovation, ingenuity and an overall desire to reject the status quo. If you don't then there's a good chance you won't having anything left to get out of the way of. That's just one of a handful of topics I ran trough with Valentina Isakina, Managing Director of Jobs Ohio and Board Chair of FinTech 71, during a quick one-on-one chat after Insurtech Cincinnati. P.S. Accelerate your investment in your agency innovation by jumping in Agency Nation University.

  • Who Are You Talking To?

    15/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    If you're not sure then you've got a big problem. Because the worst thing you can do is nothing and refuse to decide who should be listening. The crazy thing is that it's not always who you think it is. But taking the time to figure it out how to relate to that person will make them want to do what you say. That's what I talk to Becky Taylor, Marketing Manager at Ohio Insurance Agents Association, about as she figures out who should listen to them. P.S. Agency Nation University can teach you how to talk really good.

  • Why Ryan Hanley Should NOT be an Insurance Agent

    14/02/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    It's a question he thinks about every single day. When it's all said and done, the answer is simple, fulfillment. Fulfillment from helping an industry be something it couldn't if he wasn't distributing the knowledge and motivation it needs to move forward. That's just one of many slightly hot topics Ryan discuses with his long time friends Jason Cass during their state of the union conversation. Connect more with Jason: LinkedIn Insurance Agency Intelligence P.S. Elevate is getting closer every day, are you going to be there?

  • Don't Talk Yourself Out Of It

    13/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    They don't want to read your insurance blog post, they need to read it. Once you realize that, creating the things your agency needs to organically attract clients gets a whole lot easier. It's the subtle and simple shift in mindset that will free your desire to create things to help people find you. It's with this freedom you'll be able to figure out who really wants to talk with you. That's what I talk to Terry Grier, of Strive Insurance, about as he comes close to doing it. P.S. There's a whole lot of talking into things Agency Nation University can do.

  • How Warm is Your Welcome (Kit)?

    12/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    You only get one chance to turn up the heat on your relationship with your guests. If you're not taking full advantage of it, you might want to figure it out sooner than later. This is your moment to shine and show them that your fabulous sales process isn't a one hit wonder. Even if it is, they'll never know because they'll be so warm. Or you could just steal Brandon Smith's toasty warm welcome kit to delight your guests all the way home. P.S. We would love to have you as a guest at Elevate 18.

  • Is SEO Dying?

    09/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    It depends on who you ask, no matter what it’s definitely changing fast. Achieving SEO success is the golden cow of traffic and lead generation. Hundreds, thousands and possibly even millions of people are herded right to your digital front door. But it takes time, a lot of time. Time some new and young agents might not have. Enter Facebook ads. The hot new way to drive (pay for) relatively cheap traffic and leads without all the time and effort. The ultimate questions is, will Facebook become so claustrophobic you rarely leave to search for anything ever again? That’s the questions I wanted to politely debate with Nyssa Lieder, SEO wizard for Agency Nation and Preston Schmidli, Facebook whisperer at Company of Closers. P.S. Agency Nation University loves both if you want to know more.

  • This Is When They Call You

    08/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    It should be at the same point every time. If we're getting even crazier, it should be as close to the bottom of the sale as possible. That is if you've provided your prospects with the ability to educate themselves to that point before they reach for the phone. That on demand education will help increase your efficiency and identify the hottest leads. That's what I talk with Eli Gillespie, of Gillespie Insurance Services, about as he tried to figure out his. P.S. Agency Nation University can help get your leads all the way to the bottom.

  • The Future Has Already Arrived

    07/02/2018 Duration: 30min

    It's just not evenly distributed yet.  That's a quote from William Gibson that you might be surprised to hear used to describe our industry.  Welcome to the debut episode of Ryan Hanley: The Podcast where Ryan lays out his vision for this new audio installment. Agency Nation Radio will remain intact to serve as the central hub for all  In this inaugural episode Ryan talks about the leaders dilemma creating.  How can you make it a point to create consistently in your agency and still steer the ship where it needs to go? P.S. The future is going to be on full display at Elevate 18 will you be there to see it?

  • Who Needs to Go First?

    06/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    If no one is raising their hand you'll probably have to duke it out. These are the moments when it's not a whole lot of fun to work in a family business. The family part gets in the way of the business that needs to be done. Because it's not easy to pull your agency out of coast mode, but if you do you'll really enjoy the ride. That's what I talk to Mike Crowley, of Crowley Insurance, about how he took control. P.S. You can be the first one in your agency to go to Elevate 18 this year.

  • Is Your Content Giving You Authority (Agent 2021 Session)

    05/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    If it’s not, then you might want to reconsider what you’re doing. The idea of creating media, not marketing has been around little while now. However, it is rarely practiced to it’s fullest and taken as seriously as it could be. Building out a truly deep media culture inside your agency take serious dedication. Dedication most agents have no idea how to match. That’s what Woody Brown, Chris Paradiso, Ryan Hanley and Steve Babcock discuss in this special Agent 2021 session. P.S. Agency Nation University can give all kinds of authority to your content.

  • Are Your Videos Focused Enough?

    02/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    If not, you might notice them not getting a lot of traction with the people you're trying to find. This also isn't a problem exclusive to video and should apply to all your content. The more specific you are telling people who should watch what, the better you'll be. Those specifics are what give it the grip you need for someone to be able to hold on to it. That's what I talk to Richard Brown and José Villa in two separate casual conversations during IAOA's Innovation 18. P.S. Agency Nation University can teach you a lot more focus.

  • Should You Get A Better Deal?

    01/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    Should You Get A Better Deal?Before you say anything, it might not be that great after all. Because that better deal could come at a cost of your clients well being.  What do you have to do to keep that person loyal during the toughest of times and should they even have to be? That's what I talk with Nancy Nicklow, of Huff Insurance, about the severity of the better deal she often faces.  P.S. Did you know the Agency Nation newsletter is amazing?

  • Should You Sell Enough to Stay Sharp?

    30/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    That's a tough question that really depends on what you're selling to who. There's a lot to be said about not needing/wanting to know something. It's liberating on a level you probably can't imagine, but how practical is it? Does your ear need to be all the way to the ground or can you listen a few feet up? That's what I talk to Bogus Handzel, of Handzel and Associates, about as he figures out how sharp it should be. P.S. Agency Nation University can sharpen all kinds of swords for you.

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