Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Children's book; teaching kids to reach for the star!

    21/05/2021 Duration: 20min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes D. L. Young, author of a New Age children's book Smokey's Christmas Adventure, to delight children through elders with an inspiring story that dreams do come true!Children's imagination and adventure in their thoughts is something we should nourish all year long.What do we read to our children these days; stories of folklore, struggles and triumphs of kings and legends, or fantasies of past eons? Did you now read these stories to your kids or grandchildren?What if we break the chain of telling stories to kids that are not realistic in their every day lives and empower them to create a story for themselves to grow each day?D. L.'s book is a story of inspiring children to reach for the stars, like the star on top of the Christmas tree, one branch at a time and one challenge at a time. The kitten delights in the adventure along the way with joy and excitement, isn't that what we want our kids to see each day as?Kids are benefactors of what the past has imprinted upon them in stories they h

  • Heaven and Earth; How to Bring Them Together

    19/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lily Rose, author of The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth, to share her spiritual journey over decades of life.Lily has chronicled her life experiences and saw the progression of the soul journey living heaven on earth. While we stop at times to look in the rear view mirror to see how our legacy is playing out, Lily has grasped in retrospect, a deeper insight into her path.Where is heaven, is it a place in the sky, a place you pray to or where you go when you die? Now, in 2021, we are experiencing life in a different way, but we are still asking the questions about life and death not knowing any answers. Do we need an affirmative answer to the life we were given and the jobs we do to make something of ourselves? Perhaps the life we live, is eternal, our soul essence is the driver and we can see how heaven is already here on earth. Is that possible and what does that mean? Lily shares her words in this podcast.For more information on Lily Rose visit: www.LilyRoseHolisticH

  • When an accident ends life as you know it; how do you live again?

    17/05/2021 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lang Charters, author of Falling into Love: The Transformative Power of Community, to share his devastating fall that almost ended his life and how he found the strength to rebuild a new life.Lang had a mission, to fly high, never connected to the earth, and explore the world that was presented around him. He was in the Air Force, had a personal life that kept having beginnings and endings, and then an accident that stopped him in his tracks; everything of the life he knew disappeared. How did he start again? Who did he ask for help? What pieces were left to put back together and could he find new tools to create a better life, one with following God's direction?Lang died to be born again and to share the process with others through his words and work. He had been running in life, to something or away from something and it was elusive as a cloud. What happens next is you fall away from fear and take away the sense of control, then, there is nothing else to do but fall into unconditional

  • The end of the J O B era: find your truth and create a fulfilled life

    12/05/2021 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Vicki Znavor, author of Authenticity Reawakened: The Path to OWNING Your Life's Story and Fulfilling Your Purpose, to explore how we engage in the world around us to fulfill our dreams and needs. What is our job all about?Now that the world has stopped for over a year, it has been a time for us to stop and see what is important to us. What makes us tick, what drives us to get out of bed in the morning and what do we delight in to share with others? Are we in service jobs, creative exploration options for work, or looking for the next best thing? Perhaps we can see this year, 2021, that the old way of getting a job or profession and 'doing it' until the day we retire is no longer the path of living well. The chains are off and we are free to move about the 'cabin of our minds' to find something to dance with! Are you ready to take off and find a new way to fly?Dr. Jeanette and Vicki share experiences of decades of jobs they traversed through and how those moments in time have created

  • Healing the wounds of abuse over decades and through generations

    11/05/2021 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Christie Somes, author of Meet Carey Jones: Healing and Support for survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Practical Help for Parents and Educators, to discuss healing from lifetimes of abuse.Many elders are now opening up about what happened to them as children and how their lives were changed in an instant. What happens in childhood to our bodies, mind and spirit can adversely affect how we engage as adults, raise our children and feel about the world around us. While the time is now for deep dark pain to start rising up to open the secrets of our lives, what happens when the words and pain start to flow out of us? What do you do when the top is off the box and never to capture the experiences again? Are you ready to relive the moments in time, can you find someone to talk to that will really listen, and are you feeling safe to share the deepness of your shame or guilt?The time for healing is digging up so many hurtful events in our lives and when shared with family members, the stor

  • Exploring how to integrate heaven on earth.

    21/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes April Michelle Lewis, author of STABLE, to explore the afterlife, souls, and awakening, thereby integrating heaven on earth.How do we become the spiritual being that our humanness is so craving? How do we walk the path of awareness, opening, expanded consciousness and be able to say this too is going to be the next phase of our new life, our new world and our new age? We are no longer recreating or going back to a sense of normal. When we create something new, we need to use new tools, new beliefs, new truths and be able to be open to all possibilities. Are you ready for the shift? Are you ready for the time when we say, let it all go? Are science and spirituality separate? What is the near death experience and the afterlife? Might we now begin to explore these concepts instead of fearing them or pushing them away? There is hope for the future and it is time for us to create it one exploration and dance of our heart's energy at a time.For more information on April, visit: www.AprilMiche

  • Today's Energies: Fear and Freedom

    14/03/2021 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes visionary Waeil Borhan, author of "I", to dance with an existential conversation of Fear and Freedom. Where are we today and where are we going? Have we come to a point of creating a New World and what will it take for us to step up? Our beliefs and truths have been challenged and shattered over the last few years; what are we connected to and where does our source energy come from?Where will we go from here and who will take the reigns; a guru, leader, prophecies or the source essence that flows from within women. Women have been the source of all human creation; how will they play a part in healing the global pains, one heart at a time?For more information on Waeil, visit: www.WaeilBorhan.comDr. Jeanette has also spoken with Waeil on two past shows and here are the links to further explore these concepts which have come to our awareness over three years ago: https://www.spreaker.com/user/wellness-radio-with-dr-j/waeil-borhan-speaks-on-living-a-life-of-https://www.spreaker.com/user/we

  • How to walk through cancer or other life altering health experience with support

    08/03/2021 Duration: 41min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dara Kurtz to speak about the human condition in the experience of cancer and life altering health conditions.  Dara had breast cancer and shares her experience today.  From how we look at our health experience to how we wish others could help us are up for discussion with frank responses that many wish they could hear.  She is the author of "Crush Cancer".If you are challenged by a diagnosis, need support but do not know how to ask for it or just feel like you are breaking; check out Dara's website and book.  Help is there for the asking.For more information visit:  www.CrazyPerfectLife.comFor additional health support visit:  www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.com

  • Can you heal with a medical intuitive?

    01/03/2021 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jan Meryl, Medical Intuitive, to share how we seem to 'hit the wall' and search for healing of the pain we hold within. Jan shares how imprints, fragments and chords tether our energy and influence our health and life patterns.  To clear these imprints and blockages will lead to a healing, to leave them intact may lead to health complications and disease.

  • What is Love and how does it evolve?

    07/02/2021 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Shmaya David to talk about LOVE; what is it and what it is not! What is the need that is seemingly deep in our heart that takes us on journeys throughout our life? Do we know the heart language? What is our physical heart saying? Are we attune to our emotional needs vs our mind chatter on love?We have been living from conditional love over the centuries and we are on the precipice of exploring what unconditional love may be. Perhaps we are at the gateway to the great enlightenment and how will we become going forward.Love is forever changing as it is an energy form; how can we navigate its story?Dr. Jeanette and Shmaya share an esoteric and philosophical journey through all the heart aspects as they have experienced over many decades. Perhaps you can find words of comfort, thoughts to inspire or encourage you, or maybe just the validation you need today for your challenges. Love is a beautiful thing but it has some dirty laundry at times! Enjoy its ebb and flow!Shmaya David's new book i

  • Navigating a Multidimensional Awakened World

    06/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kyemma to explore the concepts of awakening, spirituality, and the New World. What has changed in our human existence in the last few years? Are you finding that old ways just do not allow you engage with them anymore? How are we becoming more aware and in the present moment?Is this new life just for gurus and wayshowers or are all souls starting to wake up to concepts of consciousness, present moment, many dimensions of past lives, and listening to their souls? How does this process show up in our every days lives?Dr. Jeanette and Kyemma talk about their personal experiences and struggles over decades of life challenges. Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Wayshowers have felt deep emotional and physical pain that brought them to a different perspective on what life is all about. Are we healing a new collective?Kyemma's new book Scripts Among Her Glass Walls is a navigational tool to progress through awakening. Dr. Jeanette is providing Soul Healing Sessions to help guide you through the aby

  • Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies! What happened to us in 2020: Is this a Soul Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul?

    08/01/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!What happened to us in 2020: Is this a Soul Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul? Perhaps the earth just tipped upside down and we needed to learn a new way of living? Either way, we are forever changed!Dr. Jeanette and Maggie Moor explore the events of the past few months and share their stories of experiences that rocked their boats!In Awareness: Who are we? What is life about?Are we being held back in our safe places to reset? Are we so much more than this human existence and it took a global event to shake us to the core?Have we evolved even a little bit yet? Perhaps we have a long road ahead but we HAVE opened the door to a new life if we are ready to stick our heads out and see!Maggie Moor, author of "I AM: Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness", and her work can be found here: http://www.IamMindandBody.comDr. Jeanette offer a free book and newsletter here: https://DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • A spiritual philosophical journey through the mind, thoughts, existence and soul

    06/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michael Snow, author of "Mindful Philosophy", to explore the unfolding of our soul essence. How have we been evolving from human 'doing' beings to spiritually, philosophical soul essence consciousness?What is a Spiritual Journey; there has to be so much more to this existence, right?There has been a lot of esoteric philosophical thoughts in the eons past and now we can bring them to light to help guide us in translating the energy of the world we are in today.Truth; who's truth? Is it an illusion? What gives us this static kind of chaos?What is the 'I am'? The consciousness or essence is what we are.We are now in a pause phase that is allowing us to examine what life is about, how to navigate the New World, and how to create a better world. Are you listening? Are you tuned in? Where are we going? Can we be comfortable with the unknown? What about control? Does that work anymore?For more information on Michael visit: http://www.MichaelJSnow.co.ukFor a Soul Guidance session and a free book

  • Are you prepared for a good death; what happens when death has it's own agenda

    30/12/2020 Duration: 47min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!Dr. Jeanette and Kim Best discuss the processes of closing this life book that we put 'out of sight, out of mind' due to our fear of death. The story of your life; what is your legacy all about? What is closure? Have we cleaned up our regrets? Did we speak all the words that we needed to share before our last breathe?Are you prepared for death? What happens when all we have planned goes out the door, when our time of closure comes without a warning, and when the answers and plans have not been made; what next?Kim is the author of How to Live Forever: A Guide to Writing the Final Chapter of Your Life Story and has decades of helping others through their end of life process.Dr. Jeanette supports patients and loved ones through the End of Life process: Walking Souls Home in Grace. For a private session visit: https://MyPersonalAdvocate2.comFor more information on Kim and her services visit: http://www.BestConflictSolutions.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette v

  • Taking the Pulse of Today's Energies; Navigating body, mind and soul awakening

    23/12/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    Dr. Jeanette's Live bi-monthly Sunday Show, "Taking the Pulse of Today's Energies" will be taking callers. Navigating in this world with energy fluctuations, body transformation and spiritual growth is the show's focus. What are we experiencing on a daily basis and how do the signs and symptoms fit into a pattern that we will start to unfold. Dr. Jeanette and her co-host will be sharing experiences and tips to help you find your own path each day with guidance.Today's co-host is Robert Lomax from England, author and channeler.Today's conversation is open to the questions you may have about your own personal experiences with awakening. We will be starting with:- How is your body feeling and what are the thoughts that are coming up? - Do you feel like running away and where would you go?- Are the thoughts in our minds the 'truth' for us?- When there is so much going on, how to navigate the human and soul experience as one"Are you waiting for the shift to happen so that you can get out of the place you are in? T

  • Peace, Compassion and Humanity: Where are We Today

    16/12/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies: Peace, Compassion and Humanity. How are we stepping up, opening hearts, loving unconditionally and supporting the world we live in?Dr. Jeanette, David Wadell and Luis Gonzalez will be sharing inspiration, insight and wisdom for us in these trying days. In their daily ministry to all souls; challenges of life, death, isolation, pain, and suffering have left no one untouched. How will we step up and be a changed being? Are we willing to let go of all that we have held on to so dearly? How are we being triggered to release deep emotions that we have kept tight to our soul?How are we rising?Life is changing rapidly across the earth and calling all souls to open wide honoring all of life. Are you up to the task?For inspiration from David Waddell visit: www.DavidWaddell.bizFor inspiration from Luis Gonzalez visit: www.WalkingInThePower.orgFor a session with Dr. Jeanette for soul support or comforting inspiration visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Near Death Experience: Stay in Heaven or Come Back to Earth

    12/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    Near death experience, out of body dreams, or spiritual encounters with God or angels; how many of these stories can you tell over your lifetime? It is now safe to start telling the stories of encounters in your life and not feel scared to do so. What power do our stories hold and how can we tell them to help others start to open up to share their stories? My guest, Pamela Neuberth, author of "Life After .... The Day I Died" will be sharing her experience with near death. Her website for more information is http://www.PamelaNeuberth.com For guided support with Dr. Jeanette visit: https://www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • World upside down: check out your birth, name or destiny numbers for guidance

    02/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Sally Faubion, author of You Are Your Best Soul Mate; Learn to Respect Yourself by the Numbers in Your Life, to share how to find guidance by the numbers that are unique to your life.Are you feeling a little lost these days when life has turned upside down? What type work would you like to do going forward? Why did things happen to you in the past and what does the future hold? Can a numerology reading change the perspective you have on life and perhaps ease your fears or challenges just a bit to support happiness and peace going forward?Numbers have a science behind them; the number itself, the order they are presented, the adding of numbers to find a life number and the letters associated with numbers.Listen to Sally and Dr. J explore the magic and science of numbers!For a session with Sally or more information, visit: www.SallysNumbers.comFor a free book and newsletter from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Finding the power within to end a job or relationship now!

    11/08/2020 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Indi Havana, author of Reinstate Your Wings, to explore the complex personal and job relationships we entangle ourselves in.What happens when we feel like we don't know the other person; do we walk away, hold on for dear life, or accept that the story has ended and a new life is on the horizon?Can we find the power within to walk away from a relationship that does not work?What happens when we engage with others and their energy just felt like it took you out, the job is sucking you dry, or the relationship has you tied up? Ready for a new beginning?For more information on Indi visit: www.ReinstateYourWings.comFor a Support Session with Dr. Jeanette or a Free Book, visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Share the stories of your life; it is time to share love, hurts and adventures!

    02/08/2020 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Wayne McFarland, author of Tales From The Day, to encourage others to start sharing their life stories that have been held in their hearts.Is your soul and heart screaming to talk and engage in the dance of life with you, so that you can see you HAVE lived a great life with all the challenges and joys the decades have unfolded?What is the script of your life that has been playing out? Does anyone really know your heart and soul? Perhaps you have become an expert in creating a persona that you share with others and never allow that picture to be tarnished?By sharing your story, you can encourage more openness and connectedness with other people and THAT is what everyone is looking for today.For more information on Wayne and his books visit: www.WayneMcFarland.comFor guided support in sharing your life hurts, troubles and joy with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com and sign up for a free book and newsletter.  

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