Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • A spiritual philosophical journey through the mind, thoughts, existence and soul

    31/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michael Snow, author of Mindful Philosophy, to explore the unfolding of our soul essence. How have we been evolving from human 'doing' beings to spiritually, philosophical soul essence consciousness?What is a Spiritual Journey; there has to be so much more to this existence, right?There has been a lot of esoteric philosophical thoughts in the eons past and now we can bring them to light to help guide us in translating the energy of the world we are in today.Truth; who's truth? Is it an illusion? What gives us this static kind of chaos?What is the 'I am'? The consciousness or essence is what we are.We are now in a pause phase that is allowing us to examine what life is about, how to nagivate the New World, and how to create a better world. Are you listening? Are you tuned in? Where are we going? Can we be comfortable with the unknown? What about control? Does that work anymore?For more information on Michael visit: www.MichaelJSnow.co.ukFor a Soul Guidance session and a free book from Dr.

  • Shamanism, psychic, intuitive: What is the energy connection beyond the label?

    30/07/2020 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Melissa Bryan, author of Born Into Shamanism, to explore the concepts of connecting with the world and cosmos on a whole different level. Shamanism, how about those awakenings, psychic, intuitive; all words and labels that we seek out the definition to see how we fit into the script they perform within. Perhaps now we are open to the energies of communication with nature, the cosmos and the energy of all beings to dance the cycle of life; so do we need a label? The throat chakras and lungs have taken a great hit the past several months and maybe it is the time to open up and share the stories from decades past of what we have heard, seen, sensed and touched but we kept them a secret.What if we all are a shaman, intuitive and psychic in our own space and time? Can you honor that path?For more information on Melissa visit her website here.For Soul Guidance and a free book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • New Age, ET's, UFO's, Cosmic Christ: What is this all about in 2020?

    28/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Sylvia McKelvey, extraterrestrial researcher and investigator, to explore the New Age concepts that are unfolding in 2020.  Did the world break open and we have no clue what is coming next?Are we being prepped for the changing of the guard for a new world, but just how might that look? Are we letting go of the fear of aliens and ET's?Sylvia McKelvey is the author of Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFO's and the Cosmic Christ book recently released. Stories, research, validation and conversations to bring the alien aspect into this decade and alert us to be all watching as it unfolds.Spirits, souls, and things that fly high in the sky or go bump in the night are losing their fear factor and we are ready for something different but what will that be? Are we now ready to say 'I have seen UFO's, ET's, and they are cool'. What will we learn next? Are we alone on this earth? How far away is the cosmos?Are we just waiting for science to give us the thumbs up for validation of things we dream

  • Did we have a Soul Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul in the last few months?

    26/07/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!What happened to us in 2020: Is this a Soul Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul? Perhaps the earth just tipped upside down and we needed to learn a new way of living? Either way, we are forever changed!Dr. Jeanette and Maggie Moor explore the events of the past few months and share their stories of experiences that rocked their boats!In Awareness: Who are we?  What is life about?Are we being held back in our safe places to reset? Are we so much more than this human existence and it took a global event to shake us to the core?Have we evolved even a little bit yet? Perhaps we have a long road ahead but we HAVE opened the door to a new life if we are ready to stick our heads out and see!Maggie Moor, author of I AM: Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness, and her work can be found here: www.IamMindandBody.comDr. Jeanette offer a free book and newsletter here: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • A Child's Body and Soul: In Death and In Living

    21/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Debbie Sumner, author of Taming Josh's Dragon: A mother's tale of a life too brief, to discuss early childhood death, organ transplant and organ donation.Our hearts break when our children are hurting, ill, terminally ill or struggling so hard to stay alive. What can a mother do? Pray, love, and show up is what Debbie did; she refused to give up and embraced the love of her son's soul and heart every day. When a child suffers, a parent asks: did God forget about you, not hear your prayers, or is he blessing your hearts and souls with unconditional love. Did you feel like you missed something, do you have regrets and guilt; what if there are no answers or solutions to the life challenges we come upon?How can you walk with grace, love and peace in the face of loss, grief, pain and death? For more information on Debbie and her work visit: www.TamingJoshsDragon.comFor a free book and newsletter from Dr. Jeanette on Finding Life's Gems visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Stress taking over your life and you just cannot get out of it?

    17/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Laurel Mellin, author of What's my number? One simple question that unlocks your brain's power for health, happiness and purpose to find help in this time of great trials and challenges. Stress has overwhelmed everyone in 2020.What is Emotional Brain Training for stress? How can it help you make a significant change in your life?Everything that was normal, no longer is; how do you go forward? Is there a reset button and how fast can it work for you?For more information on Dr. Mellin visit: www.EBT.orgFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • The Light and The Awakening: What is it all about?

    16/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michele Baker, author of All We Need Is Love: In Service to the Light Book One, to share how humans are evolving as the world is changing at warp speed around us.Perhaps these past few months, we have been asked to stop and wait for the world to change.  Perhaps we were stopped so we could BE the change?What is the Light? How have you been evolving the past few months or years? Have you even taken a moment in time to recognize it?Where are you on your Soul Journey? There are no levels to attain, goals to slay or templates to complete as the purpose and experiences are unique to each soul. So, how do you know what is going on, what you are doing, and how might you be 'getting it'?For more information from Michele visit: www.MicheleDBaker.comFor a free book and newsletter from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Writing poems of life struggles can offer healing, forgiveness, and comfort

    14/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jane Makovicka, author of With Every End There Is A New Beginning, to share how life experiences can hide from our thoughts and deny the healing in this life we are seeking.Time to express our true feelings on paper and see with our eyes the path we are on.Has your life been so harsh and painful that the sooner you forget it the better? Are you storing up your emotions of grief and anger because you would not want anyone to see them? How hard are you pushing things down inside of you because you are ashamed or feel guilty of your life?Dr. Jeanette and Jane share times of deep pain and hurt in their lives and how getting in touch with the secrets that you bury about how you really feel is the only way out of the space you are in.When we are taken to our knees, that is a time to pray, a time to see the possibilities in life and to see in retrospect for the empathy and mercy you have given to yourself. You see, you are healing by just opening up your heart.For more information on Jane visit

  • How do you navigate the unknown of 2020 with no road map or template?

    12/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!What happened to normal, safe and stable life? When did the bottom break out of your life? How can we put the puzzle pieces together and get back to where we were before?What if the message of the last few months was NOT to GET back to 'something' but rather to create forward from where we are today? Can we see what gift of life we have been given to change the old ways of life that has us running like hamsters?Can we create a mission in life, let go of what we were holding on to and find a greater sense of our divine soul that is guided?Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Angela Rucker, author of Breaking Forth: A Release into Your Kairos Season to explore the way 2020 will only be navigated by faith, hope and grace. Your Kairos season is the correct opportunity to move forward; be in awareness of every moment so you can hear.For more information on Dr. Rucker visit:  www.AlegnaPublishers.comFor a free inspiration book from Dr. Jeanette and newsletter visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher

  • Creative kids are healing parents while changing the world; can you see?

    09/07/2020 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ruth Witte, author of Changing the World Through Children, to explore how we have engaged with kids to teach them about the world. Are we repeating the past? Dishing up the old mistakes? Following old beliefs that were steadfastly held? Isn't it time to make a change and look forward; creating a new life one child at a time. Then, in turn, the children start to affect and heal the hearts of generations going forward. Now that!, is changing the world.How can we take a new path in the lessons we teach kids and release the baggage we hold from the past? For more information on Ruth visit: www.ChangingTheWorldThroughChildren.comFor a free book and newsletter from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Time to align your core beliefs with the job, mission or purpose you choose

    03/07/2020 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Teresa Lodato, author of Why Aren't You Listening to Me: Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence and Connect with Your Team to explore the reasons why we choose the work, job, purpose or mission to engage with on a daily basis. How do we lay nice in the sandbox? Are we in the right place that honors our heart and soul? We now have the change to step up and say no more; it is time to be creative, find a new way of living and how to engage in the world around us. But, what happens when we really don't know what we want to do for work? What happens when we are being reactive and fearful about survival; what type of work will keep you safe?Would your dream job be a choice where you say 'because I enjoy it'? How lucky might you be? Perhaps you can be lucky and step up to claim what makes you happy, what you would like to dance with each day, and take the steps to create that picture that will support your financial needs."Go out and play, go out and find yourself, it is a great journey!" Dr. Jean

  • Tips to nurture body, mind and soul; it is the name of the game for 2020

    02/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jenna Lisa Lobos, author of Love Your Body Love Your Life: 52 Tips That Will Radically Improve Your Health, to share life's little gems that can change your daily perspective. Life is changing at warp speed and challenges just keep showing up that shatter our beliefs or ways of living in the past. We are being uprooted on a daily basis. How can we keep our healthy, joyful, grateful and loving perspective when chaos has a different plan?We can do this! Look for the smallest of gems in each day; that is the only way to navigate our experience and be truly grateful for each breathe, love and kind heart that passes within us.For more information on Jenna visit: www.JennaLobos.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette on life's gems visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Self-Worth: It must be a mystery because we keep seeking it through the decades

    26/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kim Mueller, author of SheWorth Journal, to explore how women view their inner self through words, feelings, and experiences.Validation, self worth, self respect and honoring self; is this a new concept? Have we been here before? Why are we still seeking the core of who we are? Did we miss the memo?Women are saying it is time to step up, come from within and create a life we choose to live. How can that be done when we hold beliefs from past generations and experiences from past decades? What can we give up and how can we do that?What is our worth all about? Perhaps we are still comparing it to something or someone and maybe that is the first step; why?Time to journal your moments in time and then turn the page.  "We experience the present to it's fullest and the time for reflection will come later when the drive to change circumstances has no bearing on the story.  Write your life story with all the anguish, love, caring and deep dives as it is the corners of your heart that want to be

  • Are you prepared for a good death; what happens when death has it's own agenda

    14/06/2020 Duration: 47min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies!Dr. Jeanette and Kim Best discuss the processes of closing this life book that we put 'out of sight, out of mind' due to our fear of death. The story of your life; what is your legacy all about? What is closure? Have we cleaned up our regreats? Did we speak all the words that we needed to share before our last breathe?Are you prepared for death? What happens when all we have planned goes out the door, when our time of closure comes without a warning, and when the answers and plans have not been made; what next?Kim is the author of How to Live Forever: A Guide to Writing the Final Chapter of Your Life Story and has decades of helping others through their end of life process.Dr. Jeanette supports patients and loved ones through the End of Life process: Walking Souls Home in Grace. For a private session visit: www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.comFor more information on Kim and her services visit: www.BestConflictSolutions.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.

  • Finding a balance in life with all the chaos and spinning of life events

    11/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Yu, author of Happy - Reloaded to discuss how to find our balance in a life that is constantly on spin in the chaos and challenges of living each day.How can we rebalance our daily life when so much seems to be in total chaos these days? Life is constantly changing which is the first step to recognize because this will help us to relax into the concept that, this too, will pass. We seek to find happiness and want to have things back to normal but if we can find a moment of happiness in our state of mind, might it influence our actions no matter what gets thrown at us?What is the world we constantly exist in and maybe we walk around constantly disappointed with it's presentation? How can we go on each day?Time to shift our perception, find peace in our hearts and soul and make a conscious decision to be happy.For more information on Jennifer visit: www.HappyTaiChi.orgFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • How will children change generations of stuck energy and create a New World.

    09/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lucie LeBlanc, author of Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children: A parental guide to unlocking your child's inner strength to full self-expression to discuss how children will change the world by touching all generations.Can the children help us evolve by their existence and energy to change generation going forward? Do we need to engrain history and the past stories on kids to have their 'know' about life going forward?Perhaps we have it backwards! Maybe we can learn from kids and see the world from their eyes instead of the heavy filters that decades of hardship and troubles have created as our vision.What is the reality of life? Is there an aspect of life that we all have to align to as we see the world? What if we could dance to a unique path that we create rather than learn to follow or be accepted as our being depends on it for existence.We are at a point in time where it is important to make a choice: to follow, to lead, to create, to be free and to let go. For more infor

  • A broken heart can teach unconditional love right up to the last moment of life

    05/06/2020 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jacqueline Malcolm-Peck to talk about her mother's writings authored in The Story of Love by Melissa Malcolm-Peck. Melissa had many heart attacks and kept living her life, one beat at a time to teach her family unconditional love to her last breath.Melissa had many heart events that were misdiagnosed, life threatening and a miracle by all standards but she kept taking one more breathe for as long as possible. She had a mission: to teach her family about unconditional love and she was determined to fullfill that mission at all costs. Can you find love in all the turns and falling down when your health has declined? Can you still thank God for every second of joy in life even when the doors are open to heaven and it is but a blink of an eye and you will enter the gates to eternal life? Are you angry with God?Melissa has left her legacy clearly stated in a series of books that she had written about her journey. Today, we share about the first of three books and how her life changed forever

  • Powering up your source energy, one chakra at a time!

    04/06/2020 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lisa Erickson, energy worker and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women: Self-Guided Techniques for Healing Trauma, Owning Your Power and Finding Overall Wellness to discuss how healing begins.Almost all women have experienced some aspect of trauma in their lifetime and learning to heal your deep inner core source wounds can take decades. "Now is the time to step into your power", how many times have you heard that? But how do you get started? Awareness of the current moment in time, feel the emotions and sensations of energy in your body, and open yourself up to explore all aspects of self. This may feel like a daunting task but it is truly the only way to start healing and releasing all the eons of our soul. ~ Dr. JeanetteHow can we let go of the past imprints and open ourselves up to the new if we are coming from a sense of fear, destruction or pain? Where are the blockages to getting in touch with our deep feelings if we have been keeping them locked deep inside? What health concerns

  • Exploring Life's Keys; one garage sale at a time

    02/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Marni Foderaro, author of God Came To My Garage Sale, to share a story of the keys of life that God sends if we are willing to see. What are the messages he is sending?The story is a spiritual fiction work that takes us on a journey of every item in a garage sale;  how the stories that are imprinted in them, bring us to explore the deepest of our hearts and soul. The characters that visit the Garage Sale are messangers with important God keys that can allow us to see things differently in retrospect. Your life was a great journey of challenges, love, pain, sorrow and joy; one step at a time. How glorious is that?We hold on to material items over decades of life as the memories they hold seem to create our identity and journies. What happens when it is time to let go? Can we?For more information on Marni visit: www.GodCameToMyGarageSale.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com 

  • Changing the Moment in Time: Our Words Have Power

    31/05/2020 Duration: 48min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies ! Let us change the moment in time: Our words have power and our source energy can respond.Dr. Jeanette and co host Sherry Hopson will be sharing how life events rising are bringing up past energies to be cleared. What we do next is completely and fully within our power; how will we rise? Can we change history? Can we change our own lives? Can we find a way to be better human beings?Yes! Did we forget the power we have within? When did we give our power away? If we feel a victim of the world around us, if we feel pushed to demand things be under certain control; what is the purpose of our being at this time in 2020?For every person who stands up, engages in their own self source of power, and becomes responsible for their own actions; we now create a new way, a new life, and a new humanity.Are you ready? Today, we will clear energies, stop and feel the inner power, and then create words to carry us through the next few months.For more informaiton on Sherry Hopson, Internat

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