Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • New Age Children's Book: Bringing Kids back out into Nature

    23/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Constance Nelson, author of a New Age Children's book, Oakie Dokie's Happy Roots, to guide children to find happiness in nature around them.We all want our kids to grow up happy and have the best experiences we can offer to them, but, what happens when our fears or lack of engagement with our children, stifles their experiences?Can we allow kids to be kids, engage with them and see their wonderment at little things, and perhaps change our own beliefs about getting dirty, playing with bugs, climbing trees, collecting rocks and jumping in puddles? Would you join in too, elders and parents?Can you plant a tree and see the cycle of life and nature? What if you got a pail, dumped in several different packets of seeds and mixed them up, then helped those seeds to sprout? What would you find? What would be the magic you would see? Stability, survival and strength is what we allow our kids to learn from trees; what a great grand experience to create a memory as you sit under a tree with a child

  • Exploring the life of a sensitive, intuitive, and soul awakened spirit

    16/07/2021 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Courtney Marchesani, author of Four Gifts of the Highly Sensitive, to explore the journey of being open and aware through our decades of life.Are we saying there is so much more going on around me and I am bumping into spirit, energy, the wrong path or perhaps the wrong people? Are you feeling 'different' in some esoteric sense than the people you may have been engaging with for a few decades? What vortex opened and unleashed all the changes you are seeing within yourself and the world around you?What do we do when we have experiences it all our lives, shut it off, or packaged it and held it on our shelf because of the life choices that have been made to keep us on the collective wave are now disconnected and do not allow us to reconnect to old energy?You are becoming a sensitive person, are you ready for the journey?What you learn by your life coping mechanism, is how to navigate the world. What happens when you are feeling the energy so deeply from people, nature, spirits, and items a

  • Darkness demons now arising as fear, pain, depression, anger and addictions

    14/07/2021 Duration: 37min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ginger Leigh Davies, author of Dancing with Demons, to explore the darkness of the soul.Are we in denial, hiding our emotions, or keeping them boxed up in the dark for fear of loss of control, hardships, or being ostracized? What is your survival technique that has gotten you to this point and has its ability to carry you forward expired? What are we feeling and how does it feel?What is the door that closes, the relationship that ended, or the serious health event that demanded you stop in your tracks? Did you sit and rest, explore what was being presented each day, and be in awareness of the darkness, pain, struggle, and anger that surfaced? Are you seeking a quick fix, a way out and will sell your soul for a life of ease? We have collected parts to become our identity and when it explodes right before our eyes, what now? May we allow the parts to drift off, clean house, and see what is left? Only then, can we take the next step into a new creation that is totally unknown and brings mir

  • Addiction, Pain and the Soul Journey

    11/07/2021 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Paula Mestayer, author of The Dark Night of the Soul; NAD+ The Light of Hope, to discuss how addictions are rising and how can we look at the presentation with different eyes.What is an addiction? How did you get here? What are you seeking? How far off the edge are you willing to go? Addiction; the ups and downs and the holes in the road. Why are there so many perils in life and why is life so hard? Have we amped up the potency of our drink and drugs to get the highest possible relief and then overdose is the edge of the cliff? Are you going through the process of addiction, detox, treatment, and healing to finally learn the story about why you took the first step and know what you want from life going forward? Why are you here?Treatments are available to heal the brain and the body on fire. If you need help, ask.For more information on Paula and to connect with her clinic visit: www.SpringfieldWellnessCenter.comFor a free newsletter or healing book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanet

  • Creating and navigating your End of Life story

    07/07/2021 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kim Best, author of How to Live Forever: A Guide to Writing the Final Chapter of Your Life Story to explore our final life chapter with all the challenges and hurdles put in front of us.What happens when the best laid plans go out the door and you are left feeling vulnerable to the healthcare, financial or social systems put in place as rescue services? What happens when you have made no plans and things alter your life and the quality of your remaining time is at risk? Who do you turn to, what do you ask for, and when is the right time to create a plan that may help others know what your End of Life wishes are?As we have seen over the last few years, death does not have a plan or a prescribed time frame in which to show up; it just does! We cannot control when or how we die, we cannot demand life saving services to keep us on this planet, and we cannot tell our body that is must perform with all the treatments and technology available. Death is a natural process, the cycle of life. Can

  • Finding wisdom of the soul in the evolution of humanity

    02/07/2021 Duration: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Michael Goddart, author of A New Now, to discuss how we navigate our days once we realize we 'are' soul. How have we evolved as humans?Is your lower mind dominating your every thought or are you operating from the higher mind of service, kindness, intuition and higher knowing?What is the wisdom we are sifting through our consciousness to find as pearls in the sun; it is a process of knowing self from a deeper level as we then know of the universe and all that is within. We are not separate, it is not just about us or me, and once we lose that identity, we get into a whole new connection with the cosmic world. Our true self is the soul, our mind connects with the soul, and our body is the source that keeps us navigating this world at this time. Can each chapter of your life take you through the process of finding the eleven guiding wisdoms of our truths guiding us towards our purpose here on earth at this time? As we navigate with each expansion of our awareness, we seek to find ways to

  • Humans, animals, and plants are all in a symbiosis of life; how can we support and respect each other?

    27/06/2021 Duration: 41min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Richard Louv, author of OUR WILD CALLING; How Connecting with Animals Can Transform our Lives, to share the interconnection among all the kingdoms on earth as we are dependent on each other for survival. Are humans superior and living in a bubble of existence on this earth? What parts do the animal and plant kingdoms play in human evolution? How will this existence in this century play out?There is a reciprocal interaction with life on earth and it is time to take care of what we have done in the past and how we can rebirth a new way of respect, responsibility and care for all. What are the stories of our ancestors, culture, and society that have gone by the wayside in showing us the life cycle, transitions in habitat and nurture of the universe around us?Richard shares how there is a habitat of the heart; a relationship with the animals around us as they are part of our community. Time to pay attention and deepen the connection with animals, learn their language, see what they may be

  • What are the universal principles that will guide us over the Rainbow Bridge towards peace and harmony?

    25/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Brent Hunter, author of The Rainbow Bridge: Bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace, to explore just what is peace and why should it be on our radar.We have all heard people say they wish for world peace and other's scoff at the idea only to go about their daily business with old beliefs and patterns engrained in them for eons. Are we willing to say there must be another way? Can we stand up and shed all that we believe for a new paradigm to appear? What are the moments in time that alert us to the crack that the old system is failing and we are reading to take ownership of change?How fast is the world changing; are you adjusting, riding the waves or just checking out? What is your perspective, awareness, and outlook on each day?Time is ticking and we are hearing it loud and clear while noticing that we must change as humans, respect others as self, and start to carry burdens that support humanity. This is the New Age of Humans. We are standing tall and ready!For more information on B

  • Traversing the End of Life through despair and enlightenment to the afterlife; what do we fear?

    23/06/2021 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Cynthia Bischoff, author of On Wings of Hope: Leading Lily Home, to explore the fears, beliefs, and challenges at End of Life.What happens when death of a loved one is sudden or a disease takes your breath away; are you stopped in your tracks? Do you rush to prepare and put things in order or struggle with all the chaos of missed opportunities to say your peace?"We are all walking souls home, walking through life, and helping others in the transition from life to the afterlife" shares Dr. Jeanette.What is the fear about life and it's ending that has you tied up in knots and not allowing you to be present and living right to the end? If we are all seeking a deep love and connection with others, why are we waiting until our death bed to find it, accept it, receive it, and expand to share it? What is holding us back? Perhaps we wish to carry our sorrow and despair into the next lifetime as the burden we wish to not put upon another living loved one. Dr. Jeanette and Cynthia shares stories o

  • Praying: God are you on a Sabbatical or did you forget me?

    20/06/2021 Duration: 30min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Toni Lea Larson, author of Prayers To A Heavenly Father, to touch our souls and hearts today in this time of change. Are you ready to receive? Are you ready to seek? Are you ready to change?When you are praying, what is the healing you are hoping for, what are the words you ask with, and what is the solace you are seeking? When we are seeking, are we commanding the need show up as we see it pictured in our mind, and express our disappointment and anger when it does not become the answer to take us out of the pain we are in?Prayer is a tool; to connect us to Source. It is the skill of knowing how to use that tool in our everyday lives to keep us connected. It is not for us to use the tool to define, destroy, hurt, command, or defy, Source.What if the prayer was for faith, hoe and grace to show up, might we accept what comes our way and know there is a greater good at work here?Pray is a process to help dialogue with God to guide us through all that comes our way, light or dark.We are car

  • Wisdom; how is it showing up these days as we venture through our awakening?

    18/06/2021 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Connie Cord, author of Message From Love; A Journey of a Lifetime; Breaking Free From Religion's Box to explore wisdom moments that come knocking on our soul.How are you walking through your awakening these days? Are you stumbling, getting stuck in the muck, finding you know less each day or feeling the spinning of the energy around you?Are you asking yourself 'where is this stuff coming from' and 'am I on the wrong road'? It is now time for the seekers, forerunners, and lightworkers to start helping others with our stories and journey's over the last decade. Our wisdom and faith have kept us going and we are willing to share with anyone who asks, how to navigate this path.For more information on Connie visit: www.ConnieCord.comFor help with your spiritual journey and navigating awakening with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com You may also download her gentle days book to provide peace in a time of chaos.

  • When to ask for help after fears, beliefs, abuse, addictions, and pain start to arise.

    16/06/2021 Duration: 26min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Tara Shen, author of Tales of Tara: The Awakening, to discuss our Soul Journey and how it turns our lives inside out.What happens when the world changes, and all the deep dark past you experienced, comes a calling? Are you ready for the excavation of emotions, pain and suffering that have been bottled up inside? Can you go through this long journey without creating an addiction to lean on? What happens when your family and friends start to shun you with all your chaos and change? How can you go on?There is only one way to go on and that is thru it! It can be messy, painful, life altering and at times, down right break you to the core. So, why are we seeing this playing out in the last few years, why are people's lives just imploding?The Awakening; it is the soul journey, expanded consciousness, and spiritual calling that is demanding we pay attention and pay attention we must. It is all hands on deck and asking for help is no small feat but a necessary task.How does trauma show up in

  • Creating a life of possibility, can we really shake our old deep belief structure?

    12/06/2021 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Mel Schwartz, author of The Possibility Principle: How Quantum Physics Can Improve the Way You Think, Live and Love, to explore the stories the mind tells us.Can we see the possibilities around us and create a new way of thinking and doing? Are we stuck in the frame work of the human dogma that affirms only with validation, certainty, and evidence based beliefs to control our lives and direct our path? Is it possible to live in a life of 'maybe', 'what if' and 'unknown' to expand our consciousness? "A truth is only a split second, then why are you so stuck with it, it is gone" Dr. Jeanette shares. What is the out there, the physics of the cosmic world, and where are we operating from? Quantum physics is a perception based potential in a nano second of life, what a glorious experience to exist from. Explore with Dr. Jeanette and Mel, the possibility to change your life in a blink of a second.For more information on Mel Schwartz visit: www.MelSchwartz.com For Soul Journey and Awareness dis

  • A New Age Bible of fantasy and magic to navigate the esoteric soul journey

    10/06/2021 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes KristaLyn Vetovich, astrologist and metaphysical expert, to explore the esoteric questions we are all experiencing as a New Age blossoms. There are no scientific reasons for what we are engaging in our thoughts and no path to define the template of our experiences as common in this New World we are dancing with. Can you feel the vibe has changed, our words are different, we look differently, and we work differently? How exciting are the times we live in?The fire of our path is the essence and everything else is the dressings and shoes we walk along the path; a journey to ask the questions that will open up something else in your consciousness.Manifesting, fighting for self, letting go of the past, the excitement of freedom, the limitations we are bound by, looking for signs from the cosmic energy and what is the perfection we seek, are topics that KristaLyn weaves into her tapestry work. This fantasy novel is called Pure Fyre! A hit with all ages!For more information on KristaLyn and her

  • Exploring intuition, psychic abilities, telepathy and spirits through our life decades

    31/05/2021 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Sally Gallot-Reeves, author of Behind the Open Door: The Book of Light, to explore the open and awareness of what we see, experience and engage with in the ether world.When have we become aware of the cosmic and energy world around us? If we were 'open' children, we knew of this world from a very young age. Then, we 'grow up' and our openness becomes dim or closed because we diverge into a 'knowing the reality' type life that does not include what we cannot prove we see, hear or know about energy beings or nature beings. Sally has written a first in a series book that takes her six year old character on an exploration journey of engaging with all realms presenting to her open and adventurous mind. Others try to connect with her and engage the same experiences but you must be open and many are just not there. The story is very affirming for children who are 'seeing more' than others, exciting for those who were open and now closed, and wonderful to share with an elder as they are ready

  • Decades of terrorism, violations of human rights and destruction in Peru; can there be change?

    29/05/2021 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Salomon Soria, author of The Unknown Basement - Based on a real-life story, to tell his life story of being held captive in Peru, being made a government scapegoat, and surviving terrorism. Salomon shares his life story regarding kidnapping, tortures and incarceration, while servicing in the National Police of Peru in 1987; concluding in violation of human rights. He wishes to share his story so others can help Peru begin to uncover the corruption and violence that is within its political systems. The atrocities of the past are continuing to today and Peru has changed very little in human rights. What happens when the violence and terrorism you experience is denied by the people in power; how do you stand up, know and say, YES, this did happen and it is true? How do you get through a life ending moment in time while being held in captivity; can your spiritual and mystical experiences allow your soul to keep a drop of life in you to make it through to the other side? How do you heal af

  • Dancing with words through poetry and the challenges of our life

    29/05/2021 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Bloom Greenberg, author of Within My Illusions a book of poetry, to share how words can define our experiences and dance with our dreams.A poetry book that captures your mind and takes you on a journey through your life experiences, dig up some memories, or hold an emotion in time is what we will be talking about today. The dances of words, thoughts, and mystical moments of time is what we hear whispers of and try to capture the feelings calling out to us. What is the dance being presented and are we willing to engage in the whirling around and breath taking adventure that may be possible in our thoughts?Can we allow experiences to be expressed, be good or bad or harsh, and give them some air with less words or chains to drag us through the same old muck? Can our words hold us back and imprison us within an illusion that we create or can we let the words fly free might they morph and change to dance with a new energy of life that is your potential grace flying free? Time to fl

  • Time to explore the stories of our dreams, nightmares and out of body experiences.

    27/05/2021 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lee Adams, author of A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming, to explore what happens when our head hits the pillow and our eyes close. What happens in our sleep state to our consciousness, body, mind and thoughts?Do we need to define and hold a dream as a truth and take it at face value as a messenger or can we explore the possibilities in the dream state when our mind takes us on adventures? What is reality, imagination, past lives, future predictions and cosmic potential all about?In every decade of our life, we traverse with different openings in our awareness such as psychic, healing, emotional events or life transition time and this is when we become aware of life sharing so much more with us. Are you ready to be awakened in sleep state? Lucid dreaming is an adventure through the mind and guiding you to your soul if you are ready.In recent times, we have been forced to slow down and sleep more which is now opening up spiritual awareness through visions, words, experiences and images

  • A mind splintered by abuse, past traumas and experiences can heal.

    25/05/2021 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jean Brunson, author of What Lies in the Shadows: Truth Healed a Splintered Mind, to discuss cases of multiple personalities in women who were abused.How deep and hard must the abuse be that broke the spirit and caused the soul to fragment? Can you regain a sense of self again? The mind can be the sole protector to hold the soul and heart together when the physical and life experiences shatter a person to the core. What are the hurts, pains, abuses, traumas, and violence that affected you in your life? How are you living today? Are you protecting the stories and imprints at all costs and keep them locked away from your everyday reality? What would happen if you broke open? What would happen if the mind spewed its guts all over in words, thoughts, and actions? What would you do?Jean shares her case records of a woman who had multiple personalities and the challenges to help her navigate each day once the door was opened and she started to release the mind to flow what was held back. Th

  • Trust and honor the words of the mind in Sacred Listening

    23/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Margaret Coan, author of Sacred Listening: From Fear to Love, to explore how we engage with each other, the ethers, and the mind as the voice of our soul.How to listen, how to hear, how to sense and how to open up and live a life of awareness is the moment in time we are in 2021. Listening and talking is about what we hear through our ears, what we hear from other people, what we speak, maybe what we read, and how we comprehend what our mind and consciousness bring to us. Are we changing the way we perceive and comprehend the present moment? The human being is no longer the being that works from 8 to 5 and lives in a 2D world, we are more spiritual, philosophical and soul essence than ever before on a human journey. This is the soul journey!When we start to listen more and hear, grief and sadness come up in our thoughts, and healing of the past traumas of body and mind begin to take on our quest in life. Along this path, we encounter silence that transforms the chatter of past hurts an

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