Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 756:38:25
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • How Changing Your Mind CAN Change Your Life

    05/03/2014 Duration: 01h45s

    What is the focus of your day; happy, lightness, love and kindness or sadness, pain, struggle, challenges and disappointment?  Everyone has been there but it is a matter if you stay there.  When you get a hit or have a challenge, it is what you focus on and how you get up to get going that make the difference.  Do you know how to get started again?  What if you keep getting hit and knocked down, you have a pattern of not being happy and even still, you don't know what would make you happy, how do you get started?  There is help, it is a matter of changing your mind, your perspective, your thoughts and actions will follow.  Is it that simple?  What are the steps?My guest Kim Ades is the owner and President of Frame of Mind Coaching and the author of What You Focus on Grows which we will be discussing today.  Kim shares many short stories about everyday events and how we perceive them that matters in how we react or act which is the drive in our life.  If we have fear, that will spill over in all we do; if we h

  • Healing the Whole Body at The Hansa Center with Dr. Jernigan

    05/03/2014 Duration: 56min

    Are you searching to Optimum Health and it seems to be elusive?  How can you heal a disease or reduce health symptoms to have a better life?  Do you believe it is just a drug, a treatment or a surgery that will answer all your health problems?  Is it that simple?  No, sorry, it is not that simple nor is the process that you may be familiar with something that will heal your entire body from top to bottom and inside out.  Your heart, soul, spirit, muscles, blood and bones are all involved in the healing of a body that may be having difficulty with functioning.  Can improvements in the functioning of the body heal the symptoms of disease that are presenting?  Dr. Jernigan believes so and has the expertise to help you heal no matter how sick you may be.My guest is Dr. Jernigan, DC, founder of The Hansa Center in Kansas who is an expert in healing those who are at the end of the road, or so they think.  He treats the person and body, not the disease or the lab tests.  His methods include American Biological Medic

  • Christians Strengthening the Law of Attraction

    04/03/2014 Duration: 01h16s

    Where are you in your spiritual life?  Are you a Christian, do you believe and read the Bible and have unconditional faith?  Is your world a place where you feel supported, blessed, honored, and comforted by God?  Do you have personal power?  Can you see how possibly what you are being each day may be a stimulus to holding the life you want to create at an arms length?  Are you still waiting for God to fix things for you but you are not really in the faith, hope, and belief that God works with you, not just for you?My guest is James Patrick Watson, Life coach, Public speaker and Author of Its No Secret "The Christian's Guide to God's Law of Attraction".  James writes of real time challenges in our life and provides the passages of God's words that will inspire you to study and read further to find peace and love in your life.This is a show that will bring together God's words and the thoughts of things that are going on in the world these days.  There is a place where hope, light, love, and faith can all exis

  • What is Soul Health and How can I learn to live fully

    27/02/2014 Duration: 57min

    Do you know what it means to live fully and alive?  Are you feeling that there is something missing in your life or you are just going through the motions?  Are you on a train to success and running the mill while missing what is the essence of life?  Soul health is all about the awakening to who we are and the truth without all the labels and preconceived notions or past history memories.  Can you find your soul?  Are you feeling stuck or on the edge and life is just flat lined and without meaning that you have noted in the past?  Why is life changing so much?  Why is the feeling of completeness so hard to attain these days?My guest is Dr. Katherine Kelly, PhD., a clinical health psychologist with extensive medical and holistic health training and author or Soul Health.  Dr. Kelly has developed a soul plan for health and it includes all areas of our lives and helps us to look at them honestly and see what really is important to us.  An imbalance in anyone of the branches of our life tree will influence the o

  • Meditation and Eastern Philosophy introduced to the West

    26/02/2014 Duration: 55min

    Do we know everything there is to know about life, why we are here, and what it means to be?   Do the teachers of the East hold the ancient answers to modern day living?  Is meditation, spiritual inner work and soul realization something that takes a lifetime to master and only for gurus?  Is your life on purpose?My guest today is John Adago, author of East meets West, which reveals the beliefs of many teachers of the twentieth century whose stories were captured by John.  He recorded the history that connects the lives and philosophy of the master teachers who brought the closely held knowledge and spiritual traditions of the East to the West.  John will be sharing his experiences with the great teachers; P.D. Ouspensky, William Nyland, Andrew MacLaren, Adi Shankara, Shri Gurudeva, and Gurdjieff to name a few.  He will be sharing their thoughts on life, philosophy, soul and spirit. Join us for an inspiring talk with John and perhaps a few thoughts may be something to lift your spirit and inspire you to liste

  • Ultimate Health Tonic Fire Cider from Shire City Herbals

    25/02/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    So, again, you have a cold, sinus problem, or the usual seasonal afflications and you are at your wits end of knowing what to do to improve your resistance to the germs and 'things that are going around'.  You have heard of herbal remedies, apple cider vinegar, honey, and other tonics that can boost your immune system, have you tried them?  Do you know what to look for when shopping for a tonic to improve your health? My guests are Amy Huebner and Dana St. Pierre of Shire City Herbals which makes and sells Fire Cider in the Northest.  They had an old recipe, adjusted it to taste and updated the components to bring a Fire Cider to market that is potent and palatable for customers today. If you have a concept for a business, can work with others to see it through, and believe in the product, you can bring a product to market in your local area that will greatly support the local people.  The weather in the Northest can bring many seasonal challenges, the people are all about natural and organic foods therefore

  • Five Wishes Living Will is a necessary health document

    20/02/2014 Duration: 58min

    Have you documented and communicated your medical and personal wishes to your family should you be unable to make those decisions for yourself in the case of a health crisis or end of life?  Do they know what treatments you want and do not want?  Have you even had this discussion with your family or others who are close to you?  Why not?  When you are in a medical crisis and you are not able to make a decision for yourself, that right is taken away and given to the person you designate as your health care agent.  Do you have one?  What now, your care and inner most needs to the last of your moments will be decided by someone else and potentially in total contrast to what you would want.My guest today is Paul Malley, CEO of Aging with Dignity that is primarily known for being the creator and distributor of the health care directive called Five Wishes.  It is a booklet that discusses: the person I want to make decisions, the kind of treatment wanted or not, how comfortable I want to be, how I want people to tre

  • Heart Disease and Magnesium with Dr. Dennis Goodman

    18/02/2014 Duration: 57min

    Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States; are you in that number a statistic waiting to happen?  Is seeing your doctor when you have symptoms that make you uncomfortable or impinge on your quality of life your type of healthcare and prevention?  Prevention does not begin with just medical testing and treatment does not wait until you hit the floor and can't get up.  While medical testing and drugs can help you with significant heart medical conditions, are you contributing to the degree of illness by not reporting, recognizing and remediating nutritional deficiences in your body.  To this date, many physicians are not even aware of the effects of magnesium in the body, nor how to test or recommend increased intake to help the body function at an optimal level.  Do you know about magnesium?My guest today is world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Dennis Goodman who is the author of Magnificent Magnesium which discusses your heart health and the use of magnesium.  If you knew of something that was si

  • The Question of Vitamin Usage and Safety Answered

    13/02/2014 Duration: 59min

    The question about vitamins will be clarified here today with a full discussion about the 'recommended daily allowance', the 'Upper limits' of intake and the 'evidence based medicine' parameters that are all putting their view on nutrition intake for the individual.  How much Vitamin C do you need?  How much Vitamin C does Frank need?  How much Vitamin C does an elder need?  Can you say that there are rules for everyone and everyone will follow the same situation for the perfection of health?  And, if they don't follow those parameters, they are over or under dosing?  What are the rules, how did they come to be, and should they still be inforced for every individual regardless of their current state of health or disease?  This has been the crook in 'healing of the population' that has rendered the medical community to stop calling disease as cured with drugs or pharmaceuticals.  People are individuals and there is not now nor can there be, rules for an individual to fit into parameters that are uncontrollable

  • Alcoholism Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety

    11/02/2014 Duration: 01h45s

    Alcohol; a simple drink, a binge of your 'freer years' or the chain that drags you down to the bottom of the pit.  How has alcohol affected you, your family, your relationships in the past?  So, you stop drinking, do the rehab and AA rounds but something, somewhere down inside of you, still turns the compass to bring you back to the bottle, why?  Do you love misery?  Are you destined to destroy yourself?  Maybe you just have not recognized the 'Symptoms of Sobriety'.My guest is Scott Stevens, journalist, former mutual fund industry executive and author of the 2013 award winning Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud which is his personal experience with relapse and sobriety.  His story is very uncensored, direct but also provides hope and inspiration for those who have stopped drinking.  It is not enough to just put down the bottle, you need to know how you got there and what brings you to that place.  Almost every alcoholic relapses, so Scott would like you to know, it is not enough to just stop drinking.  He will

  • The Power of Flowers to Heal with Bach Flower Remedies

    04/02/2014 Duration: 56min

    Do you know the power of flowers or perhaps you just never noticed?  When do you notice flowers or send them to others; you are happy, sad, ill, a birth or a death, a celebration or just because it is good to do.  Have you then noticed the first reaction that occurs when the recipient sees the beauty of the flower and smell of the fragrance, you see a smile, a lightening of the spirit, and a sense of connection between two people.  Flowers are messangers of energy for light, love and healing.  Can you see it?  Can you feel it?My guest today is Jamie Levesque, a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner who will introduce us to the power of flowers in remedies that allow the body to feel, sense, balance and heal at levels that no drug or surgery can ever touch, the inner spirit and soul of the person.  Bach Flower Remedies are simple, balanced solutions of the essence of flowers, safe, and cost effective for taking the edge off of life, allowing us to feel better each day with no altering with pharmaceuticals or oth

  • Relieve Stuckness and Imbalance in Your Energy with Sound and Chakra Techniques

    31/01/2014 Duration: 57min

    Are you on the path of spiritual and inner awakening?  Perhaps you have worked with your 'chakra's' already and your results varied or were not what you expected.  What is missing in your life and you are still seeking?  How elusive is balance and inner peace or do you really not know why this is such a hot topic these days?  Do you have to be 'in the know' to find different ways to approach your life these days?  Life is already becoming a greater challenge than our parents had in the mid or late 1900's, however, we really have no choice but to go through our days with the knowledge that we are great people, we can do this and this too shall pass with new techniques to take the edge off the ebbs and flow of energy coming our way.My guest today is Maureen Kelly, author of Chakra Play which we will be talking about today.  This is a simple 'how-to' book celebrating the use of sound and intention to honor flow within our energy fields.  Maureen will be offering techniques to balance our energy, release the stuc

  • Planting Heirloom and Non-GMO Seeds for Healthy Food is Essential

    28/01/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    What is the most important beginning for healthy food?  Safe seeds; non-GMO, Heirloom and from a reputable supplier are essential for the health of your body.  Food starts from seeds and if you do not have a good start, it just goes down hill from there.  Plants are the basis of a healthy diet and they are the most nutrient dense item we can consume.  If you are growing it, nurturing it and harvesting it, you know the safety of your food supply. Heirloom gardening is a lifestyle that has never left, it is saving the plant world.My guest today is Art Davidson, horticulturist and arborist from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company, which carries one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties.  All of their seeds are non-hybrid, non-GMO, non-treated and non-patented.  Baker Creek Co-Founders Jere and Emilee Gettle have authored a book The Heirloom Life Gardener which is the definitive guide to growing healthy and safe food.Baker Creek website is here, you ma

  • Dr Sircus on Cancer, Radiation and Natural Allopathic Therapies

    23/01/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P), is the leader on Natural Allopathic Protocols for Cancer and other life altering challenges the people of the world are experiencing each and every day.  Dr. Sircus is an author who shares his great volumes of research in a way the layperson can understand and start to utilize to make health changes instantly.  He is an expert in learning about the functions of the body down to the cellular and voltage level to share therapies that work for some of the gravest diseases people are facing. Today will be a fast paced show as we will be asking Dr. Sircus to share his thoughts about Cancer, Radiation both medical and environmental and how Magnesium is so essential for life. Dr. Sircus website is here and it is recommended for further information about his work, books, blog posts and consultation information.  While he does reside in Brazil, his work to help anyone who asks, can be done by telephone, emails and Skype. Dr. Sircus is at the top of the list when you are looking for h

  • Hypnosis with a Spiritual Twist for Lasting Results

    21/01/2014 Duration: 01h03s

    Are you looking all around for answers to how your life is showing up these days and no matter what you try, it still seems you are stuck in the muck?  So, how deep is the muck?  Is it time to make a life change that will stick with hypnosis sessions that are brief and effective?  Tired of the 'talk and come back each week' routine?  Get out of the muck and make a change.My guest today is Melanie Mamakos, a certified hypnotherapist in private practice who has a very high regard for Spirit in her work.  She uses the art of Braucherei energy healing for a truly trans-formative and unique hypnosis session, however her methods are effective with a minimal amount of sessions.  Melanie can be reached here for a private consultation or session in person or over the telphone. It is truly time to make a change and get help with seeing the world in a new light while being able to leave all the past behind.  Life has changed, it is harder for some and while looking outside yourself, you think it is easier for others.  B

  • Alternative Medicine Wellness in 2014 with Dr Julie Glass

    06/01/2014 Duration: 01h16min

    In recent years, healthcare has taken a great hit, be it traditional or alternative.  From the nay sayers to the guru's, beliefs and practices have been challenged and thrown into the grinder to see if they would float.  What is the final result and where does that leave people to find help for their health symptoms that seem to be ever increasing?  Well, we will have to wait a few more years to see since we are currently in the vortex of change.Today, Dr. Julie Glass, a Naturopathic physician in Oregon, will be with us to talk about how she helps others see health in a different way and offers solutions that heal the root cause of disease.  Dr. Julie works with her patients to help find the correct symptoms, listen to what they are saying and correct the imbalance in the body to find a healthier tomorrow. Dr. Glass and I will be sharing what Naturopathic Medicine is, how it has been the medicine of centuries and why it is so important to start and find small ways to take care of your own health.  If you have

  • Herbalist David Crow on the Healing Power of Plants

    27/12/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    In this time of healthcare confusion and a significant rise in chronic illnes and cancer, where are we looking for our medicine; at the bottom of a pill bottle or a life altering therapy that decreases our quality of life to a place that we no longer enjoy life?  Plants that grow under our feet and tree that blow in the wind are the beginnings of medicine centuries ago.  So why are we so reluctant to listen to how they can help us and take the wisdom of the plant to heal us? My guest today is David Crow, the world's foremost expert and leading speaker on Botanical Medicine and grassroots healthcare.  David started in acupuncture and herbology in 1987 and has written many essays and books on the story of plants and how important they are for our health and our world.  He is also the founder of Floracopeia, which provide the highest quality of essential oils.David's work brings to light the medicinal qualities of plants, how they fit into a grassroots healthcare system and why many plants are now becoming extin

  • Why is Omega 7 the Hottest Health Trend of 2014?

    20/12/2013 Duration: 01h13s

    You have heard in recent years of Omega 3 and 6 but have you heard of Omega 7 from Sea buckthorn berries and all of the great health benefits?  Have you started to ask what you are putting on your skin or taking into your body and noticed so many chemicals and altered natural substances?  We have noticed what we used to purchase ten years ago is no longer the first reach when we make product choices. My guests today are the McMullins', Bruce and Peter, owners of Sibu Beauty which is the world's largest producer of premium, wildcrafted sea buckthorn that is organic and harvested in the Himalayan Mountains.  Sibu does not alter the natural state of the berry, therefore it retains its natural levels of antioxidants, omega 7 and other nutrient dense vitamins.  Since the berry is used in it's full form, it has an affinity for the outer layers of the skin, intestinal tract, blood vessels and other organs in the body to encourage healthy cell growth and repair. If you are putting gels and creams on your skin trying

  • Urgent Need for Non Profit helping Kids with Life Threatening Illness

    19/12/2013 Duration: 55min

    Stop right now!  Do you have a gift left to give?  Can you find $25.00 right now to purchase cookies?  Are you looking for a special non profit to give to this holiday season?  Can you look at your children and thank God this holiday season they are healthy and living well?Many kids are very ill this holiday season and many do not make it to the next holiday season. My guest is Frank Squeo of Baking Memories 4 Kids which is his non profit.  Frank himself had cancer which was very extensive when it was found.  He underwent radical treatments and is still with us and healthy today.  While undergoing those treatments he knew he had to find a way to give back to kids, so he chose to start baking cookies in November and December using the proceeds to send kids to a vacation spot in Florida.  All the children that come to him requesting support are facing life threatening illness.Stop, find the website here, click on 'purchase cookies here' and please give to help those who are in need.  Thank you from Frank and my

  • What is Your Soul Health and Why it is Important

    16/12/2013 Duration: 01h50s

    Are you running through life in a 'cause and effect' mode with all the touchy feely things that society puts in front of you?  We see something, we want something and seem to follow the crowd or the fad but do we really know deep down inside what is important to our soul and spirit?  Most people have no clue what their soul or spirit is all about but they think it is their religion or ethnic background that supports their life.My guest is Dr. Katherine Kelly, author of Soul Health; Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living and she will be sharing what our soul is, how to recognize when it is speaking and why this is so important going forward in life. There are so many guru's and books out there to tell us how to act, think, behave, repair our health and live fully but they all seem to touch the outer effects of our lives that others can measure and know when we are doing what 'they expect' us to.  What happens when we listen to our inner spirit and it does not fit with those around us?  How do we live in the w

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