Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND
Clairvoyant Help for Deep Healing from Life Obstacles
17/04/2014 Duration: 57minIs your life what you thought it would be, are you stuck with moving forward in an ever changing world or are you being held back by unresolved issues deep in your life that you have no clue about? Healing your life and inner being is a task that everyone is here to experience but we have not all been given the direction book to follow. Today, we will learn about obstacles, how to go through them and what a great life would look like.My guest is Tami Urbanek, author of Loving Conor; A Clairvoyant's Memoir on Loving, Bonding and Healing. Tami will be sharing how her life of having some intuitive senses played out with life challenges in this world. She shares many intimate details about her life and perhaps you may find some hope for your life.For more information on Tami visit her website:
Just How Does Hypnosis Work?
15/04/2014 Duration: 39minDid you ever wonder what hypnosis is, what it can help with, and why so many people these days are using it for healing concerns and getting real results? Hypnosis is here to stay, it is accepted by the medical community and so very easy to do. No, it is not like the old pictures in the past of a person totally out of control and 'spilling the beans'. Today, we will get answers about what it really is.My guest is Cindy Parker, a hypnotist who helps clients make wonderful changes in their lives with simple techniques. Do you need to lose weight, ride in a plane, improve your golf game or make more money? This show is for you!For more information on Cindy and to purchase her mp3's visit:
The Power of Alcohol and The Challenges of Sobriety
15/04/2014 Duration: 01h57sWhat is the power of alcohol and the demon in the glass bottle that intrigues so many people to follow it's smell of sweet promises? How can you learn to leave all that behind as it is 'just on illusion'; can you see what is really going on here and how to break loose from the lullaby it claims to seduce you each day?My guest is Scott Stevens, author of Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud, which is his personal story about relapse, sobriety and day to day living. Scott shares so many personal stories that you can relate if you have also been on this path. He leaves nothing to the imagination, he puts everything on the table no matter what the cost as he will tell you, he has lost much in his life. Sobriety is day to day, challenges or gifts, ease or pain, they all seem to appear but it is how you respond that is really what will heal your heart and help you move forward.For more information on Scott and to purchase his book visit:
Advocate Erin Havel on Young Adult Medical Crisis and Insurance Challenges
10/04/2014 Duration: 59minMy guest is Erin Havel, author of The Malformation of Health Care: Illness, Insurance, and a Young American's Struggle for Care. If you have an illness, struggling with insurance companies and generally feel lost and not getting help, this show is for you. Erin is an advocate for young adults, educates them about the issues and gives them hope to survive.Erin tells her story of having a disease that no surgery can fix, of having to fight the powers that be in providing that care and how she is doing today. Her healthcare issues are dealing with vascular malformations, a rare medical condition yet so ellusive it is generally missed until there is a medical crisis.For more information on Erin or to purchase her book, visit:
How to Heal through Humor in Health Experiences
08/04/2014 Duration: 54minHealth and disease are all over the media today and people casually speaking about their 'ports' and 'wigs'; have you sunk into despair or can you see the light in the crack at the bottom of the pill bottle?My guest is Annette Langer, author of Healing Through Humor: Change Your Focus, Change Your Life. This book is a collection of her stories about coping with health issues and bringing a lightness to all her experiences.We all have health challenges and many feel like the next crisis is around the corner, so how do you deal with these issues and make it to the other side?For more information visit:
Find Happiness Right Now on this Show with Jonathan Robinson
02/04/2014 Duration: 54minAre happiness, joy and gratitude a million miles away from your everyday life and seem like an illusion others are finding but you simply cannot? We can find happiness, take the challenge; today!Today, I am honored to have Jonathan Robinson, psychotherapist, professional speaker and author of Find Happiness Now: 50 Shortcuts for Bringing More Love Into Your Life as our guest. Happiness? It is here today, now, no matter what is going on in your life, no matter the tons of baggage you need to set aside to find it, no matter who is holding you down in chains or words. Take the challenge: listen, hear, feel the words of happiness Jonathan shares with us today. You owe this to yourself to take a few moments and be joyful, without pain or suffering that you may be having in this moment. Life is meant to be enjoyed, to be cherished, and to be welcomed in at every breath. Let Jonathan share his energy and spirit with you today, open your heart and soul, be present and join us. For more information about Jona
Healing with the Power of Voice and Sound
01/04/2014 Duration: 57minYou have a voice in your head that speaks what you think you wish, a voice that others hear which is screened to 'fit in' and a voice of your soul that many never hear; have you recognized these and do you know how to bring them together to become your authentic self? Is it a hard process, do you have to give up something to get it? It is time to bring your fractured self together and love who you are to share with others and heal those you reach.My guest is Dielle Ciesco, author of The Unknown Mother; A Magical Walk with the Goddess of Sound and she shares her voice with us as part of The Pure Heart Ensemble on the CD Bliss of Being. Dielle specializes in the transformational power of the voice to heal and connect us with our own Divinity. She is also the creator of Vocal Toning Meditation, Shamanic Voicework, and Toning for Peace. She will be sharing her book, path to this day and a few snipets of her voice with music.For more information on Dielle: to purchase her book on Amazon, to purchase the CD on
How Elders and Luminaries Build a more Age-friendly world for the Future
28/03/2014 Duration: 01h02minMy guests today are Joan Borysenko, a leading luminary as a Wisdom Keeper affiliated with AgeNation's - Navigating Your Future conference series and George Cappannelli, co-founder of AgeNation and author of Do Not Go Quietly.In the past few decades of knowledge sharing via internet, the increase in college educated teens post WWII, and the improvements in healthcare have led to an increase in the number people over 50 and they are living very long lives long into their 80's and 90's. These are not people who are sitting watching television or just sitting on the porch. Many people now over the age of 50, are rising up; learning more, becoming sometimes more active than before, sharing with people all over the world, and becoming activists for the basics of life, soul, and spirit that keep the meaning of life to the last second of life here on earth. The freeing of the spirit and increased sense of having a life worth living is driving the AgeNation and other luminaries, elders and Wisdom Keepers to begin t
Answering the Question 'Why Can't I lose Weight'
27/03/2014 Duration: 48minYou know everything about food, dieting, how to cook and shop for food but you are still looking to 'lose a few pounds'; so what is holding you back? We all think we know everything about weightloss but there is really no magic bullet or else everyone would be at their ideal weight, right? How can I lose weight and still live a busy, active social life?My guest is Judy Bennett a certified holistic practitioner and owner of Wicked Smart Wellness. Judy teaches women how to reshape their bodies and relationsips with food without starvation or deprivation. For more information about Judy and to learn about her wellness programs to lose weight visit the website:
How can HealingArt align your Spiritual Energy for Health
25/03/2014 Duration: 01h26sAre you learning about visualization, meditation, awareness and new ways to see the world as life is ever changing? Have the dark energies of depression, anxiety, loss and guilt taken over your life and you just cannot see the good nor find your way out of the darkness? HealingArt by Jacqueline will provide her art to allow you to see a way out as each painting is a 'mirror of your soul'. Art is another way to bring a higher frequency to your being and shine your light.My guest is fine art artist, author and healing pioneer, Jacqueline Ripstein. Her book The Art of HealingArt is a template to inspire awakeness through spectacular art work and words of hope to allow humanity to expand the consciousness that is accompanying this Age of Aquarius we are just starting. As the world is ever changing and our spirit light starts to shine brighter, Jacqueline has outlined the steps to encourage us on this path. To know the world and everything in it is an illusion or to know that the way of life we have held so
Improve Sleep, Detox easier and Reduce aches with LifeHealth Science
24/03/2014 Duration: 57minAre you eating all the greens you can and still feel sluggish, tired, sore and not quite well yet; perhaps you are not fully clearing out the toxins in your body. There is a product that can latch on to the heavy metals, biotoxins, and other compounds that block your path to health and remove them from your body.My guest is CEO of LifeHealth Science, Mr. Kent Adams. LifeHealth Science is a biotechnology company that is focused on the cellular and intracellular health of our bodies. They hold many patents for their products and today we will be focusing on ZNatural (patented trademark) for a toxin remover that is just drops twice a day in any liquid. No funky smells, no refrigeration needed, no adjusting to the terrible taste; it is clear, tasteless, and can be carried in your pocket or purse. It is not a drug, it is a supplement with uses nanotechnology to do the toxin relief work.If you are interested in getting to the next level of health and are limited in time, do not wish to be bogged down with many
Psychic Medium Jamie Clark here to help You
20/03/2014 Duration: 01h43sDo you know what a medium is? Are you feeling more like a lost soul in this ever changing world? Have you felt that loved ones who have passed took part of your heart with them and you will never be the same to go on? What is your life path; or maybe still, why is it so full of quick sand or boulders? How can you move through your life with the grace of a being with love and gratitude? Do you know of what we speak here or is this language foreign to you but you just need a sliver of peace in your life and you wish to hear someone say that you will be ok? This show is for you. We will be having an extended show today and taking callers.My guest is Jamie Clark, a psychic medium and spiritual educator. He is very experienced with sensing spirits' presence and bringing forth thoughts and moments of love from your loved ones who have passed over. Jamie can also help with insight so you can move forward with your life goals, teach you how to listen to spirit for yourself, and touch your heart with love.Jami
Urgent Call to Feed Your Child's Brain and Soul
19/03/2014 Duration: 01h03minThis show is for all parents; inspiration and support for parents of healthy children and hope and guidance for parents of children with problems like ADHA, Autism, Depression and Obesity. Are you a parent and have no clue where to start to help your child that may be having issues in school, health challenges, or social problems that neither counseling or drugs are helping? Is the answer to everything in the bottom of a prescription bottle? Why are we drugging kids, rather than feeding them the nutrition their brains are screaming for? Do you know what proper nutrient dense food items are that kids should be having every day? Are you going to be even more confused with new food labels so you just follow along with blogs and your peers in making nutrition choices for your family?My guest is Dr. Dolev Gilmore, author of Nutrition and Your Child's Soul which is a very important book for all parents to guide them in the importance of a rich, varied diet and how or when to supplement with vitamins and minera
Successful Loving Relationships Defined with Bruce Starr
18/03/2014 Duration: 52minWhat is a loving relationship and how to know when you are looking for love in all the wrong places? Do you have failed relationships in your past? Are you always feeling less than satisfied with how you feel about others in your intimate circle? What is the one thing that you want from another person, love, do you know what that looks like and how to get it? So, what is the name of the game you are playing to rack up conquests rather than getting deeply involved with another person and potentially feel trapped and exploited? Who has taught you how to 'be' with someone in a mutual loving relationship? We go to school to learn, have experiences to learn from, and base our inner thoughts, habits and morals on reflecting back what we learned from our upbringing; so are we acting out in our adult life to complement or spite our 'knowing' of what love really is. Don't worry, the world has millions of people who are learning at the same speed you are and it takes time, patience, knowledge and insight to ditch
The Minute Method to the Spiritual Heart Center
18/03/2014 Duration: 55minHave you found your pot of gold in this lifetime and realized your true potential? Or are you running down the rabbit hole to 'find yourself' only to discover you are deep in the muck of life with no life line to pull you up? How can you find a reason for life that is so profound it has you leaping out of bed in the morning to expeirence it's greatness once again? Have you been jaded by life and people who you believe would give you a sense of who you are but only to notice that you are more dissatistifed and angry with your path than you have ever been before? Tired of the 'helpers' in life and running from one set of life changers to another; well stop, listen to this show and give yourself a minute to learn about yourself and your place in this world. My guest is Carla Mancari is the author and developer of The Minute Method; It's Life Changing! Realize Your Full Potential. In her books, she shares very simple tips to bring you to center your spiritual heart and allow you to look for peace and fullfil
Preventable Global Disasters and 'Yes the Sky is Falling'
13/03/2014 Duration: 48minWhat is the greatest danger to end the earth as we know it; and do you know what a 'preventable cataclysmic disaster' really is? You go about your day and the big things on your list are job, money, kids, spouse and fun. Are you in the 99% group who believe the world is always safe, life is stable and people who think otherwise are crazy? So, to the crazy ones, what do you think is the biggest hit to the earth that is preventable? We can't control the wind, water or fire, so what can it be? We are only small specks of dust on a bigger globe of life, there is no way our voice could be heard nor recognized to create change, or is there?My guest is Commander Dave Stevens, author of the award winning book Resurrect which exposes these threats and offers possible solutions. Commander Stevens has an extensive military and education resume that is top of the line, Ivy League and Top Secret status, he knows his stuff. He will be sharing what he believes are earth threats, how some may be preventable, what acti
Mary Barrett offers Psychic Answers Today
12/03/2014 Duration: 01h10minHave you ever wished you could have help from some 'knowing' or 'intuitive' realm but just did not know what that would entail? Is your religion keeping you from asking others what signs or spirits are around you? What really is a psychic and how do you think they live their lives in this day of skeptics, naysayers and people that need real help? Can a psychic offer you help that you just can't find yourself? What if asking a psychic for help was just like speaking to a friend and getting an answer back that was in your best interest? Would you ask? Would you take that leap? What are you afraid of? What are your fears?We will be taking callers to ask one question per call. Be sure to push '1' to be in the que to ask a question.My guest Mary Barrett is the author of Psychic Talk and Psychic Talk 2 in which she answers so many of these questions. Mary also add many stories of people she has met along the way and how reading or support to questions have guided others to positive or negative paths in th
How to 'Own' your End of Life Pathway
12/03/2014 Duration: 01h05minIt is time to take responsibility to care for ourselves and care for the lives of our loved ones; learn how to step up and not back at the end of life. Do you walk away and see less and less of loved ones as they age or become ill? Are you waiting for a call to attend a funeral and not spend valuable life changing moments with those you love? Maybe you just don't know how to recognize what you don't know about the end of life and how to make adjustments? Do you know; the signs of dying, what a healthcare agent is, when and what hospice may help with, what is palliative care and if or when you may take a loved one home for their last hours?My guest, Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy, MD, has these answers for us today. She is the author of It's OK To Die which is a very descriptive and informative book that describes many processes and procedures which should be taken care of in the end of life phase. If you don't, as she notes, the decisions will not be for you to make as others will decide for you and it may
Recipes for Living a Sacred Spiritual Life
11/03/2014 Duration: 32minAre you meandering through this ever changing life and hitting circumstances that challenge your beliefs, habits and engrained patterns to only bring up the deeper questions of existence? Is there a place where you can hear stories of how other people may have experienced the same things you are thinking about and can share these with you in a simple way? While you may hear a new language about gratitude, sacred sex, loving nature and forgiveness, how can you see this fitting into your busy life? My guest is Rivvy Neshama, author of Recipes for a Sacred Life, which is a recipe book for how to live a sacred life in a world that is very busy. She has collected meaningful and inspiring stories from her life that answer profound questions which no one before has provided even a template to start to answer. Rivvy is a writer, editor and longtime community organizer whose spiritual path draws from many sources; Eastern/Western religions, Native traditions, shamans and her mom. No matter your age, Rivvy has many
Listen to the Whispers of Your Spirit to Tranform Your Life
06/03/2014 Duration: 58minDo you keep hitting the wall with your choices? Do you know how to listen to the whispers inside yourself that are guiding your life? Can you make a small step each day and have faith that the road is paved with wonderment and love no matter what you handed as your life challenge?My guest is Deborah Lloyd, author of Believe and it is True, a story of healing and life lessons. Deborah knows all about having a life challenge, polio affected her at the age of three and how she proceeded to live her life is nothing short of miracles each day. Her approach to life is to stop, listen and hear what whispers of her spirit may be telling her. She is guided by great faith.Deborah has listed over thirty lessons she has learned to date and shares the stories in her book which we will be discussing today. If you are feeling sad, less than, stuck, hurting or challenged, please listen to this show, call in if you wish or contact Deborah directly here on her website. You may also purchase her book here.

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