Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Urgent Concerns around End of Life

    26/06/2013 Duration: 01h29min

    How, where, when and with who?  Do you really have control over the moment of death?  Maybe not, but if you are blessed with time, you can know a few things that may help in the moments that are the most precious.  When hit with a life changing event, do we really have our heart and soul at peace?  Will our loved ones be cared for?  And, how will my wishes play out when I cannot speak? My guests today are Dr. Monica Williams-Murphy, MD and Kristian Murphy.  They are the authors of 'It's OK to Die'.  Dr. Monica is an ER physician and has shared her experiences along with suggestions for a better plan should you be allowed time before a life event happens.  Kristian has developed the website and added chapters in the book based on his experience. This is a hard topic for many, it is one which we all wish to deny, and one that many times, is left untouched until there is great pain and suffering which may direct the care from there on out.  Please, take a few moments, listen to the show, live or in archives, vis

  • Helping Children with Anger and Preventing Sexual Abuse

    22/05/2013 Duration: 57min

    Children are exposed to so many challenging life events that anger, violence, and abuse in many forms are affecting their everyday lives.  How does a parent who has not had these issues, support their child who is experiencing them?  By ignoring the problem, icing over the bigger picture, denying the truth that may be present or just by saying 'all is ok, no worries'.  How does that really help the child who is reaching out and working to let you know what they are feeling? My guest today is Julie Federico, a children's author who writes stories about anger problems and child abuse.  She was a middle school counselor for 14 years and encountered a multitude of child abuse stories.  Her books are Some Parts are NOT for Sharing andAnger is OKAY Violence is NOT.  These books are also available in Spanish. Please listen to your child, no matter what the story, no matter how far from your comfort level and no matter how difficult it is to admit.  Julie will share her tips for the cases she worked with as a counsel

  • Dr Carolyn Dean on Magnesium and Your Child's Health

    20/05/2013 Duration: 59min

    Dr. Carolyn Dean is my guest today speaking about your child's health.  Do you know what a magnesium deficiency looks like?  What are the symptoms?  What is the treatment?  Why is this so important?  Dr. Dean will explain about how the body needs magnesium to perform almost all of the body's physiological functions.  Many children are presenting with chronic illness, obesity, diabetes, anxiety and attention issues that perhaps, a magnesium deficiency may contribute to the whole picture.  Dr. Dean, MD, ND has written many children health books over her career.  She looks at the child as being affected by the environment, diet and disease which in past decades, has not been seen in the very young.  If your child is having issues that you just can't seem to get a hold on, perhaps magnesium may help?  Check out her free download book to read about magnesium.

  • Challenging Health Issues; Poly MVA an Option

    14/05/2013 Duration: 01h29min

    The immune system, damaged cells and overall health need an extra boost these days.  Every media piece you read has the tag line on 'immune enhancing or supporting the body'.  Do you really know what that means?  Can you say that every product on the market today, including food items, are doing what you think they are doing ... making your body a powerhouse to repair and be healthy.  Today we will be talking about Poly-MVA, a uniquely-formulated combination of minerals, vitamins and amino acids designed to promote overall health by supporting cellular energy production, and may assist in boosting immune response and support healing damaged cells.  Poly-MVA also replaces specific nutrients that may be depleted during certain therapies.  Al Sanchez, Jr. (CEO of AMARC Enterprises) and Gary Matson (Senior Consultant at AMARC Enterprises), along with a cancer survivor who integrated the nutritional support of Poly-MVA into his treatment approaches, will be with us to discuss exactly what makes Poly-MVA the unique

  • Relapse is Acceptable on the Path of Recovery in Life

    13/05/2013 Duration: 56min

    Have you worked harder than ever on your life, your sobriety, your addictions, and suddenly, without a warning, relapse in your recovery?  Slam; you can hear, feel, sense and regret hitting the cement wall with vengeance.  Now what the heck do you do? Blame, anger, pity, anxiety and depression on the table and you just can't seem to 'clear the palate' of all your past and present patterns. My guest today is Holli Kenley, psychotherapist and author of Mountain Air: Relapsing and finding The Way Back One Breath At A Time.  This book is an honest personal narrative of her experience that will allow you to connect and feel the path along the road.  Feeling alone, regrets, or crawling around the bottom of the self imposed hole you have dug for yourself, please listen, we will be sharing stories of people who have been there also.  Life with challenges are very similar to each other, they may just have a different way of presenting.  No worries. If you would like to find out more about Holli Kenley, click here.  

  • Is Your Life Stuck; physically, emotionally or karma?

    10/05/2013 Duration: 59min

    Did you find yourself grasping for 'the meaning of life' or the reason to get up and face the ever changing world each day while taking the lashings that you feel to your body, mind and spirit?  Rest assured, you are not alone.  Life has taken a hard right turn and if you were not intune, balanced, or in 'shape', you may be noticing the weight of life and fearing what may be around the next corner.  Remember, you are not alone. My guest today is Dr. Alex Lickerman, MD, author of The Undefeated Mind; On The Science of Constructing An Indestructible Self.  Dr. Alex writes of his personal experience, studies from his patients and scientific research that defines a principle which allows us to establish a life that is greater than the suffering life brings. Time to start hanging up the labels that we continuously hold as place cards to excuse our present condition of symptoms which may become bigger than we can handle.  Pain, appreciation, compassion, or finding a sense of life, this is the show for tips to climb

  • Chiidren with ADHD: Parenting Tips Now

    08/05/2013 Duration: 57min

    Are you feeling overwhelmed; you don't really know what to do with your kids who are pulling at your patience and heart, help is here.  The summer is upon us and it may be a rip roaring time of stress, anger and frustration or it can be a learning experience for the whole family.  You choose, what will it be?  My guest today is Dr. Craig Wiener, author of Parenting Your Child with ADHD, a guide for nurturing self-reliance and cooperation.  Dr. Wiener is a psychologist who will be talking about reinforcements and what effect they have on child development and habits.  The span of an ADHD diagnosis is very broad and your child may be on any step of it where one thing will work for you and something else for another child.  Tips on how to make your family life a little easier will be given the entire show.  If you are at wit's end, listen in.  If you wish to purchase the book and see Dr. Craig's website, click  here.

  • ADHD; Anxiety; Bipolar; Mental Health Solutions NOW

    06/05/2013 Duration: 01h53min

    From children to adults, help for mental health conditions is here, now, without adding drugs.  If you have an overactive child, a young adult who is 'out to lunch', a spouse who just 'never seems to get it together', our parents who are seeming to be 'slipping away' .... these are a few of the responses we have heard about our loved ones.  While we love their every being, we are constantly battling our daily life in some form.  If you find yourself constantly taking your loved ones or yourself to a physician and asking the question 'what is wrong with me', 'I am just not feeling like I think I should' or 'there has to be something wrong with me that could be fixed' or 'what the heck is wrong with your kids' .... this show is a must for you.  Two hours of frank discussion with my guest Anthony Stephan, co-founder of Truehope Nutritional Support and Teresa Kolpak of Truehope support services for patients, families and professionals of those who are asking for mental healthy support in the form of nutrients for

  • What are Alternative Health Therapies?

    03/05/2013 Duration: 58min

    Which side of the earth are you on when it comes to your health:  the side that hurts, gets a test, gets a name and gets a drug.  OR  the side that hurts, looks for answers, questions those answers, tries to find what might fit for you personally and then institute that treatment.  How can you make that choice and how can you even find out what else is available if you were never exposed to it in the first place? Be prepared to be introduced to 212 pages of therapies from spiritual to hands on to old remedies or new ways of thinking; all of these are meant to help us find the path to our own wellness.  My guest today is Alan Smith, author of How to Unbreak your Health which is a jam packed guide book that fully describes alternative therapies.  The entries give a definition and description that is very easy to understand.  There are many personal stories and comments along with references to websites.  If you are in need of a health rescue and feel that nothing in the past has completely satisfied your hunger

  • Just Breathe, For Stress and Meditation

    02/05/2013 Duration: 56min

    We have all heard it:  'just breathe' and sometimes when we are in the heat of a big stress situation or other emotional upset, we feel that if we just breathe we will explode!  Don't you?  Sometimes, we even say 'if I hear that ONE MORE TIME, I am going to .......'.  Yep, we are with you. How can something so simple as breathing, relaxing, meditating and calming ourselves down be so darn hard!  Maybe, it is something we need to learn, harness and practice that would give our bodies the greatest sense of peace, but who has the time. My guest today is Heidi Thompson, author of Calm, Focus, Joy:  The Power of Breath Awareness.  She is going to teach us how to breathe, why it is so important and what it can do to improve our overall health.  This practice is for adults and children.  If you really have been told to breathe by others and know that you are popping pills or other alternative remedies to calm down, this show is for you.  Time to stop for the best remedy in town, your breathing and what it can do for

  • Ears, Nose and Throat driving you Crazy?

    01/05/2013 Duration: 59min

    Do you have any issues with your ears, nose or throat in these days of environmental exposures or allergens?  Love to take the anti histamines and feel groggy your entire day?  Kids slobbering all over the place and driving you crazy trying to find ways to help them?  Help is here with non medical solutions to many common day ailments.  Unless of course, you love taking prescription medications, in that case, we can't help you today. My guest Dr. Murray Grossan, MD, will be talking today about all the complaints we have concerning sinus and allergy symptoms.  He is the author of Free Yourself From Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently and a specialist for over 40 years.  He has also developed a Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus Irrigator that we will be talking about.  Wash out your sinuses?  Maybe.  If you are taking stock in tissues, hate to shake others hands because what they have or you to share, or constantly clearing your throat, this show is for you, no matter the season. Dr. Grossan can be reached here and hi

  • The Healing Journal: Journey Through Cancer

    30/04/2013 Duration: 55min

    Cancer:  a word of many emotions which you are supposed to navigate yourself if you are ever to get to the other side, remission.  What just happened in the diagnosis, what should I expect for the process of trying to get through this, what support will I need and how will I keep it all together? These are just a few of the questions that will be running through your head if you are diagnosed with cancer.  No matter who you are, how old you are, famous, poor, single, large family, professional or what ever, the process is still devastating.  My guest, Lynda Peterson, is the author of 'The Healing Journal' which she designed to help her through her own Lymphoma diagnosis.  The Journal contains many areas to record your story, keep important information together and places to write your questions so you will understand what is happening.  As Lynda speaks to us on the show, her passion and sadness can be felt in sharing what helped her and what scared her along the way. Join us and perhaps you may hear some comp

  • Betrayal: Find a Way to Peace

    29/04/2013 Duration: 55min

    Have you ever heard the words "But he did...but she needs to... but they owe... "  Or, have you used these words in the last week?  Can you own up to it?  Is there a chain that is binding you from living a happy life?  Betrayal?  What?  Not me? My guest is Holli Kenley, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and author of the book we will be talking about today Breaking Through Betrayal:  And Recovering the Peace Within.  Holli reaches others who have been scarred by a myriad of life's betrayals by helping them validate their feelings and experiences.  Her book is a template to work through the process of releasing betrayal and moving on. If you have ever been betrayed or rather still you have betrayed others; this is going to be an interesting show.  Holli will talk about how to bring forth the truth in life, how to recognize what can be shifted and allow you to find a space of life that will be healthier in judgment and actions. The link to purchase the book here and her website for more information here.

  • Infertility Issues: Path of Solutions and Support

    23/04/2013 Duration: 49min

    Are you faced with the possibility of not having a child of your own?  The shock of infertility issues can affect anyone.  Do you know what to do next? My guest, Iris Waichler, the author of 'Riding the Infertility Roller Coaster' shares her personal journey through infertility treatments.  She has solutions to the many challenges that must be addressed along the way, legal, relationship, health, surrogacy and adoption.  If you are challenged at this time with having a child, listen to Iris and her story to see the options you may not have thought of.  The book has many other stories of couples who also have struggled.  Iris has led support groups, workshops and offers individual counseling.  She also has a Masters in Social Work. Iris can be reached here at her website and you may purchase her book here.

  • Chronic Pain: Helping Everyone with Solutions

    18/04/2013 Duration: 58min

    Does your body hurt?  Do you have any idea where your chronic pain may be coming from or rather what may be contributing to it?  If you are hurting, the first place to go is the Dr. and tell your story, get tests, a prescription and sometimes rehabilitation.  Are you all better now? Medications help with pain, tests sometimes don't say much and after stretching and exercising for a few weeks, you are back with chronic pain that can sideline you for days to years. My guest today is Dr. William Charschan aka 'the body mechanic'.  He is a Chiropractor in New Jersey and the author of the book we will be talking about today 'Cheating Mother Nature'.  Dr. William believes that everything your body screams at you may be related to how your body 'swings' or as he calls it 'gait'.  Remember, we are, as I call it, a 'bag of bones, muscles, fluids and soul'.  Think of the body as a balloon, it is held together in a package and when one thing is out of place, the whole system is shifted to compensate. If you are an athle

  • Overcoming Lung Cancer with natural interventions is real.

    09/04/2013 Duration: 57min

    Is the possibility of overcoming lung cancer a reality or a dream?  Is it a possibility that may work for others?  What if?  Why not?  Listen. My guest today is Carl O'Helvie, who has overcome lung cancer being told he had only 6 months to live.  He has written a book:  You Can Beat Lung Cancer:  Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions which clearly outlines his experience.  But wait, think that he just did this on a fluke?  No, he had that diagnosis 38 years ago.  His health has been maintained by the therapies he uses to this day. If you are facing a challenge in health, it does not have to be cancer, but either way, there are simple things you can add to your daily life to improve your health.  With all the environmental and food changes it may not be a good idea to wait until the C word hits you and be proactive now.  Carl will be sharing all his hits and misses on his path to being well all these decades.  It does not have to be a death sentence with a severe illness and we welcome your questions dur

  • Help here: ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, Anxiety, Panic, Depression

    14/12/2012 Duration: 01h14min

    How are you supporting your mental health condition, with micronutrients or high power drugs?  Do you think there may be a better way than drugging you to overload?  Can your children be helped with something other than drugs or special classes at school?  Is a mental health condition always considered a handicap or can it just be called 'the body asking for nutrients'?A must listen for all brain and mental health concerns, help is available.  Call in, ask.  Get help today.  Even if you are on drugs, need drugs and cannot get them, do have a diagnosis, don't know what is wrong with you, or you have been searching the web for answers to your anxiety, panic, ADD, Depression or even bipolar I and II; this show is for you.  Tune in to hear cutting edge talk about supplying the brain with nutrients to stop the 'chatter' that is disorganized in your mind.  Time to step out of the labels and drug stupor and live life to the fullest, in tune and happy. My guest today, Anthony Stephan of Truehope Nutritional Support,

  • Cancer, Chronic Illness, Low Quality of Life: Need help?

    13/12/2012 Duration: 59min

    Do you have a chronic illness or cancer and your body is tired?  Have you lost the energy of each day?  Are you able to absorb the nutrients that you need to support daily bodily functions?  Has your quality of life taken a dive and you feel like you are sinking minute to minute?  Illness, medication and the need to repair the body sucks the life out of the food and nutrients you put into it.  At times it can seem like no matter what you do, it never is enough to raise your energy or improve your daily life.  My guest today, Al Sanchez, CEO of AMARC, will be speaking to us about their top product, Poly-MVA.  It is a uniquely-formulated combination of minerals, vitamins and amino acids designed to support cellular energy production and promote overall health.  Poly-MVA also replaces specific nutrients than may be depleted during certain therapies.  We know that foods give us the best source of nutrients but in many significant health conditions, the body simply cannot take in enough nutrients and in a few inst

  • Life is hard? Suicide is NOT the answer, ask for help

    12/12/2012 Duration: 57min

    Life is changing rapidly these days and it really seems hard but even thinking about suicide is not the answer.  There are people all around you who can help, to talk and support you, even if it seems like that may not be true.  Family members, if there is talk of suicide in your home, it is time to get help, not tomorrow or next week or after a vacation, NOW!  The conversation must be of help, support and action.  This is not a gray area, it is black and white.  Action is required. What happens to a family when the talk of suicide is hushed, not noticed or tabooed?  It happens. My guest today, Carl David, is familiar with suicide, his brother took his life when he was young.  Carl, now, decades later, has committed to speaking to anyone who will listen about the effects of suicide on a family.  He will be sharing how he carried the event with him all his adult life. Carl is the author of  Bader Field; How my family survived Suicide.  It is his life as it unfolded since losing his brother. Yes, life is hard,

  • What is healthcare and how is ObamaCare going to change it?

    11/12/2012 Duration: 02h07s

    What are you calling healthcare right now, no matter what economic level you are at?  Rich, poor, government subsidized, no insurance, small business, large corporation; all are affected.  Are you believing everyone will have coverage and it won't be on my dime anymore?  Think again.  Do you believe that you will go to a hospital and get top notch good care when you need it with no questions asked?  You are not reading between the lines, you are not listening to the back talk, you do not realize what you will be in for. This is not a political bashing show; this is a coming to realize what healthcare is now and what it may potentially be in a matter of months.  Are you ready?  What should you be doing?  Moving; to another state or out of the country? My guest, Dr. Lawrence Gelman, who is one of the leading experts in healthcare today.  As CEO of a major hospital in South Texas, Dr. Gelman is charged with the responsibility of delivering the highest quality of medical care even in the environment of Obama care

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