Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND
Funeral Pre Planning to Ease what happens next after Death of a Loved One
11/12/2013 Duration: 58minWhen faced with the death of a loved one, what do you do next? Are you frozen in time and just being lead around by what others may suggest to you? Do you have regrets in not having set a plan for what happens after you die with your loved ones? Your life is turned upside down and there is so much emotion, pain and suffering from the loss of life that many people seem to zone out and not make the best decisions about 'what next'.My guest is Mike Boyd, author of How to Bankroll a Funeral Without Breaking the Bank where he teaches us about the language around end of life planning prior to an event. Mike share his tips about pre-planning, costs, types of funerals, and how to know what decision might be best for you. The reason we are doing this show is; in the last decade, due to economic issues, increased death rate or family members being scattered around the country, a death in the family may cause a rift that will last for many more years with the surviving family members. Yes, death and funerals are no
Repair Your Cell Health in the Face of Damaging Therapies or Chronic Illness
10/12/2013 Duration: 01h06minPersonalized health, DNA testing, Preventative prescription medications, and targeted cell therapies are in the news recently with hopes of 'removing a serious illness or cancer' from the body. Therapies have taken a toll on people to the extent of taking their lives. Is this the quality of life that you wish to live while going through therapies, while living with a chronic illness or even with a life that is challenged with stress related illnesses? There is a way to support your body with nutrients specifically designed to replace the factors that are necessary for all cells, damaged or healthy, to work at the highest level of energy possible.My guest is Al Sanchez, Jr., CEO of AMARC Enterprises, Worldwide Exclusive Provider of Poly MVA, a breakthrough supplement that may assist in boosting the immune system and support healing damaged cells. As many therapies set out to destroy diseased cells, they also affect healthy cells leading to significant health issues and decreased quality of life. Poly MVA
Closing Your Life Chapter with Elegance, Grace and Love for All
05/12/2013 Duration: 56minIf you get a serious health diagnosis; can you live the rest of your days in love, comfort and blessed by every sun rise with your loved ones sharing their every inner most feelings and fears to support the entire family? Can you see the gift or blessing of time and love that can grow exponentially from each second that is presented to them? While death is a passage for everyone, when you have a health diagnosis that seems to give you an expiration date, is it something that everyone can accept as a time to heal the heart and grow the love in a family. Many people wait until the end of life to share their feelings of deep love knowing that it is their last chance to share and others hold back and live their lives with regret or guilt. There is a choice, to walk through the pain and suffering along with your loved ones to be compassionate and caring the way our hearts and spirits were meant to be.My guest is Linda Campanella, author of When All That's Left of Me Is Love, which is a journey through terminal
How to Create a Naturvore Life with Dr. Harpe
04/12/2013 Duration: 01h01minHow are you doing with your health these days and what types of nutrition are you providing your body? Do you expect a human body, living breathing organs, reproducing cells every second and brain that does all the thinking for this amazing body to exist on a diet of packaged foods and pharmaceuticals? Really? Is that not the current state of health in this country that is the norm? Disease is common and almost expected to be a factor of life. Have you ever been in a group of people over 40 and sharing your common stories about what medications you are taking and how expensive they are? Perhaps, we could be in a group of people and exchange ideas about how great everyone is feeling and how they got there. Does this paradigm exist in your home town? Does this paradigm exist at your physician's office? Does the physician offer paths to achieve a healthier life? Perhaps all these people really do not know how to help you and answer your questions because they are not on that path.My guest today is Dr. Ch
Helping Others through the Peace Corps at the Age of 62 after Loss of Loved Ones
02/12/2013 Duration: 01h01minHave you lost loved ones and feel there is no meaning to your life and it is hard to get started again? My guest Barbara Joe, author of Triumph and Hope, lost several loved ones but through her grief and sadness, she remembered how to pick up her life and continue to live a full life. Barbara joined the Peace Corps at age 62, really! Her inner spirit for helping others in Honduras helped to soften her grief from losing a son, foster son and husband. Barbara will be sharing her experiences in the Peace Corps and how it touched her heart and soul to help others. Public service, giving back, and learning humanitairian principles are the core of this volunteer program. There is always a need for volunteers no matter what your age or profession. Are you at the crossroads in your life and not sure what to do next? Perhaps take a step back and out of your usual path and learn the real reason for human existence, love, caring and compassion.This is the link to Barbara's blog where she continues to write about h
Mind Body Medicine and How Your Thoughts Affect Your Health
27/11/2013 Duration: 57minDo you know what mind body medicine is or how your thoughts can have an effect on your health? If you are thinking you are hurt and in pain, how can that be measured? How can that be identified to find a treatment? How can it be conclusive that you are no longer in pain and hurt? Just because a physician says a pill will 'pop' away your pain, are you convinced and feel better no matter what?My guest today is Dr. Alfred A. Barrios, a clinical psychologist, who is an authority on the power of the word and its effect on human behavior. He is the inventor of the Stress Control Card and author of the book, Towards Greater Freedom and Happiness. We will be speaking about how hypnosis and biofeedback may be a pathway to healing those diseases and other physical or mental situations that medications are unsuccessful in treating.Dr. Barrios has been publishing his work for decades on hypnosis, free will, biofeedback and positive psychology. His website can be found here for more information.
Seven Steps to Transform Grief into Joy after Death of a Loved One
26/11/2013 Duration: 56minAfter a death of a loved one everyone has a story and tips to help you feel better. They even go so far as to say how long your should be experiencing certain emotions and how to 'click' them off. What happens when the magic wand just does not wash away the feelings you have in your heart? Maybe it is not a switch that goes on or off.My guest today is Vashon Sarkisian, author of Finding Joy After Loss in which she outlines seven steps to remembering your joy. Vashon gives us action steps, doing things, writing things, believing things, motion, and not remaining stagnant in the space of grief but remodeling your emotions and thoughts around where you are and how to get to where you wish.Life is a precious gift, it is here for as long as possible but we do all have to transition. How we affect others is the key to their joy of life. Please join us for a compassionate discussion of grief, death and joy. We will have your back and be honored to listen to your story or have you just sit with the words we spe
How to Be with Your Grief and Learn to Go on Living after a Loss
25/11/2013 Duration: 51minWhen you experience a death of a loved one, everyone has a version of how you should act, what you should do and how you will 'handle it'. While the event is similar the responses are very individualized. There really are no perfect answers nor are their any magic wands to wipe away the pain and suffering that all go through. And then, what will you do when you are on the other side of grief? How can you go on and pull yourself together to enjoy the life you are given without guilt or despair?My guest today is Cynthia MacGregor, author of Good Grief who will share with us her personal experiences. Crying, regrets and a funeral are just a few of the topics we will be speaking on and just how do you handle the memories? Can you put memories away? How to honor everyone and bring a celebration of each individual in life and after death will be touched on this hour.No one will escape having a death of a loved one and no can fly through the event without having some scars. We are talking about this because
Knowing Your Soul and Spirit in Life and Beyond as an Infinite Being
21/11/2013 Duration: 59minWhy are we here on earth, what is our purpose to 'do' and how are we living our life to the fullest? Are you of the belief we get dropped by the stork, we learn in school all the basics of math and reading, to be shipped out and find a job to make money. Still further, your life becomes a pattern of working, doing, getting, having and creating the 'things and people' that fit the ideal you have modeled your life after. Is that all there is? Well.....In the past several years, people are again searching for the meaning of life, the answers to all their questions about what they do each day and how to make their lives better. While this process has helped some to find peace to be loving and caring and giving to others in their work and life, many people are struggling with 'stuckness'. They are stuck in the abyss of realizing what power their soul and spirit have and how to nuture a life purpose that will heal their heart and feed their soul. Mark Pitstick is here to help answer some of these questions.M
How to Use Homeopathy for Children and Women in Natural Healthcare
20/11/2013 Duration: 01h43sDo you have any idea what homeopathy is and how to use it? Why is it so important to find alternative ways to improve your health and prevent further illness? Healthcare is everchanging and it is very clear there are steps we must start to take in order to help ourselves. The cold, flu, simple infections, pain and aches are not doing so well with prescription medications that affect our whole body and therapies that do not clear the illness completely.My guest today is Dr. Lisa Amerine, a Naturopathic Physician, who specializes in homeopathy for children and women in her natural healthcare practice. She helps others in prevention of illness and treatments for acute and chronic illness. Homeopathy is simple, very cost effective, no side effects, and able to purchase and use remedies that are over the counter. What could be better to start and work with homeopathy for common ailments or injuries. Now is the time to learn what it is and how it can help you.Dr. Amerine has a free download here on her websit
Hope and Love at End of Life with Nurse Becki Hawkins
19/11/2013 Duration: 55minEnd of Life stories from a nurse who has been helping patients feel hope and love in the midst of losing everything at life end. Becki Hawkins has been a nurse in many different healthcare settings and she has learned many life lessons while witnessing pain, suffering and loss. Life is a great gift but when the clock is ticking very loud, sometimes hope is the farthest from reality. Hope and faith are necessary to take the final steps in life with love and giving peace to those who are left behind. The rise in elder care, nursing homes and assisted living centers is leaving our most precious relatives in others care and it can be so devastating to all affected. While people are living longer these days, that does not necessarily mean it is a better quality of life or without significant health challenges that leave them unhappy, lonely and bedridden for days, months or years.My guest today, Becki Hawkins will be sharing stories from her decades of life experiences so you can feel that you are not alone in
History and Uses of Botanicals with Dr. Engard
18/11/2013 Duration: 59minThe trend is towards a plant based diet but we are yet to fully embrace the medicine of the plants that are around us for our health. What are we waiting for? A health crisis that slams us into the wall, that brings us to our knees or that raises the white flag of surrender. Before you get to the point, plants work their best to keep you in top form. My guest today is Dr. Kim Engard, a Naturopathic Physician who also has been an herbalist for more than 30 years. Dr. Kim's expertise is Botanicals and she works to educate others how to connect to the Natural World of Plants. Her company Wildwoods Botanicals LLC also has workshops, herbal products and information to improve your overall health. As prescription medications are ever changing and presenting with increased side effects, natural therapies have a very safe track record for centuries. Dr. Kim Engard's website is here and her company is here. If you need further support, contact me, Dr. Jeanette Gallagher here and my website is www.outoftheboxheal
ThetaHealing and Getting the Life you Want with Tiffany Bil
15/11/2013 Duration: 01h21minNeed a miracle or just some love and nurturing to get you out of the rut you seem to be in lately, well, you are not alone. If are looking at your life and it just does not seem to be working the way you thought it would, ThetaHealing may be an option to look at. Energy healing is gaining momentum in the last few years and many are looking inside themselves for answers to living in harmony with the world we currently live in. My guest today is Tiffany Bil, an International Spiritual Teacher from Newport Beach, California and ThetaHealing Practitioner/Instructor. She will be sharing how she got started with ThetaHealing and how it has made her life take a 180 degree turn for the better. On this show, we will be taking callers and doing healings. To join us, please call the number on the show page and be sure to push 1 to be heard on the air. Tiffany is very passionate about healing work and knows that it is very important to clear any blockages you may not knowingly have around health, finances and career
Joy and Hope after Death or Trauma with Dr. Simington
14/11/2013 Duration: 59minHow can you pick yourself up and go on after a significant trauma or death of a loved one? How can you find hope that seems to have vanished like the clouds? Does your heart and soul feel like they have vanished from your being? Is your grief so heavy it physically drags you down? What is left? My guest today is Dr. Jane Simington, PH.D, author of Through Soul's Eyes, a book that suggests how to reinvent your life of joy and hope. Dr. Jane is called The Woman of Hope as she has authored many books, CD's and seminars to help others. Her words will inspire those who listen and open their hearts to allow healing of that dark inner space. Join us for a hour of inspiration and techniques to use immediately to ease pain and suffering you may be carrying around. Time to lighten the load and have hope that life is good and full of love and compassion. Dr. Jane Simington's website is here and her products may be purchased here. If you need further support, email me, Dr. Jeanette Gallagher or visit my website:
Women's Health Support with Botanicals and Homeopathy
13/11/2013 Duration: 01h01minNatural medicine support for Women's Health concerns is here to stay because if you have ever had a health issue and not getting the help or answers you need, perhaps you are looking in all the wrong places. Have you ever: had to repeat your symptoms over and over to multiple physicians have you ever felt not heard have you gotten prescriptions to help symptoms that you felt were not the answer you were looking for have you ever felt just as bad before your medical appointment as you do after trying what is recommended for you tired of the spinning wheel of knowing something is off kilter and not knowing how to help yourself do you spend lots of time reading books, checking on the internet and asking friends but still not feeling great My guest today is Dr. Devra Krassner, ND, a Naturopathic Physician who has been practicing natural medicine for women and children for over 25 years. Her area of specialty includes homeopathy and botanical medicine for women and children. Are you ready to hear about op
Teen Singer and Song Writer Helena Albert speaks on Teen Bullying
11/11/2013 Duration: 46minWhat is a bully and why should I care; because bullies are around us every day and at any age, online and in person we experience attacks to our physical and emotional being. This is unacceptable and many are being hurt by the actions of others. If you need help, want to help another or just watching this go on, stand up, take charge and do something now, that is the only way. Action is the only way to give hope so that no one will be a victim with devastating consequences. Helena Albert, singer and song writer of 'Pushed Away' a song about helping a friend in time of need will be my guest today. She is a young teen who has changed schools and experienced bullies in her own life and seen the effects of bullies on her friends lives. Ms. Albert is speaking out about what a bully can do to your life and how to stay stong.If you are a parent, grandparent, teen or anyone seeing or experiencing any form of bully activity there is hope. Stand up, make noise, get help and keep doing it until you get what you ne
Homeopathic Remedies for Childhood Illness Symptoms
07/11/2013 Duration: 01h39sWhen your kids get sick are you always running to the Dr. for a prescription to stop the symptoms of a cold, flu, ear ache, tonsillitis, or cough? Recently, the standard of care to write a prescription every time a child is ill is changing so what are you going to do? The child still has symptoms and is very much in need of care. Do you have any other tools in your kit to help your child? We do, homeopathy. My guest today is Dr. Nazanin Vassighi, a Naturopathic Physician who is an expert in helping children with homeopathic remedies for their seasonal ailments. We will be talking about what homeopathy is, how it can help your child, what remedies you can purchase from a health food store and how to use them. Children and adults can use homeopathic remedies for sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, allergies, earache, sore throat and many other symptoms including a upset stomach. Homeopathic remedies can be a part of your first aid kit and can be given by babysitters, grandparents, and parents by knowing w
Birth Control Pills and How They Affect Your Health
05/11/2013 Duration: 59minThinking of just getting a prescription for birth control pills is as simple as popping a pill and go about your business of life? Think again. Birth control pills have effects on your body that you don't see but will show up later on and may be a serious health risk. Do you know the risks of pill popping BCP? Did you ever read about the risks, ask your physician, know what the drug registers say about the pill and how to make an informed choice in the right birth control pill? The answers are here today as my guest has written a book on just this. My guest today is Ross Pelton, a natural pharmacist who is the author of The Pill Problem. It is all about the side effects of oral contraceptives. No, they are not just a benign pill that just does one thing, stop pregnancy. Join Ross and myself in a candid conversation that is fit for parents, teens and young adults. This is very important information if you are taking BCP, have taken in the past or have kids that are coming of that age. Please join us.
Naturopathic Medicine and Allergies with Dr. Ingels
30/10/2013 Duration: 56minHow can Naturopathic Medicine help kids with asthma, allergies, immune systems dysfunction and chronic infections? If your child is on medication for chronic health conditions and you don't know what may be contributing to make matters worse, this show is for you. Runny noses, congestion and multiple antibiotics do not have to be the usual path kids take to develop an immune system. What can a parent do, listen to this show for tips on helping your child. My guest today, Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Darin Ingels, is an expert in helping children with their allergic symptoms by strengthening their immune system. He has over 20 years experience and will be answering questions about what to do if your child is affected by the environment or germs. Dr. Ingels can be reached here for further discussion or appointments. If you need further information or support, please contact me, Dr. Jeanette Gallagher at
How to Eat Healthier for a Better Life
24/10/2013 Duration: 58minAre you stuck with the newest food crazy and have no clue how to eat healthier? What is healthy eating and why should you care? The only way the body can perform its daily functions is by the foods that you put into it. It seems so simple yet so many of us struggle with what to eat on a daily basis because of social media, peer pressure, poor choices or economic barriers. How can you supply your body with what it needs if you have no clue what that is? Many times I hear people say what they ate for the day and it would be a list of prepared items from someplace convenient. Is there also that possibility that although the picture on the package or the 'sampling' of the item in the product lead you to think you are doing something good, are you really? How far have we drifted from answering the question 'what did you eat today' and the answer being 'an apple, a cucumber, an egg'. Can you do that? My guest today is Dr. Rob Streisfeld, NMD, a Certified Natural Gourmet Chef and Naturopathic Physician. He i

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