Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND
How the Power of Prayer can Heal the World
18/06/2014 Duration: 01h02minCan a pray save the world, shift the intentions of many or just help one person to go on in life? Is there power in prayer? Does it take more than one person to pray for the 'intended results'? What is a prayer and what is the potential of words spoken with intention?My guest is Paramahansa Jagadish, author of The Prayer Project. This is a movement to advance the healing of the world with positive prayer in a unified voice. People all over the globe, in many languages and faiths, can join together and direct their energy to shift the results we are seeing now in life to one of more peace, caring, and positive healthy actions. You can make a change in the world, one prayer at a time and when this is amplified by millions of others doing the same action, it takes on a power that will heal the world.For more information on The Prayer Project, visit: or
Moms; The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself While in a Busy Family
17/06/2014 Duration: 01h02minOnce you have kids, did you lose some part of yourself? Have you given everything you can to their upbringing and at the end of the day feel spent? How much time and attention is available for you in this busy world with kids, husband and work? Empty nest can equal an empty mom with health and life issues, learn how to keep yourself going with healthy habits along the way.My guest is Dr. Rick Hanson, a neuropsychologist and New York Times best-selling author who will be sharing about his book Mother Nurture. The latest generation of mothers are having to juggle more than just raising great kids; they have work and schedules that are very over loaded. While looking after a family that is more active than ever, a mother and her needs can get put on the back burner until a health crisis or life challenging event occur. Learn how what simple steps you can take each day to avoid pitfalls later in life.For more information on Nurture Mom, visit the site: and to purchase the book we are dis
How to Choose a Healthy Drink with Nutritional Value - Try Neuro Drinks
12/06/2014 Duration: 31minAre you struggling with knowing what supplements to take and if they are good for you? What if you could drink your supplements in a daily drink to help with sleep, stress, immunity and energy? What if these drinks were low in calories, great on taste and never use artificial colors or flavors? Would you run out to purchase them and give them a try? Neuro drinks are on the market now across the country in grocery stores, drug chains and convenience stores; look for them.My guest is Chris Noonan, the scientific and regulatory affairs advisor for Neuro drinks. He will be sharing how this company got started in a market of many different energy drinks, enhanced waters and spiced up toddies. Neuro is unique as it provides supplements in a drink that are useful for a certain time of day to help you with stress,sleep, energy and immunity; the top things everyone deals with every day. It is so easy to reach for past regular drinks and feel the sugar and energy spikes that do nothing to support your health. B
Angel Readings and Spiritual Help Today with Sunny Dawn Johnston
09/06/2014 Duration: 57minHave you lost a loved one too soon and wish to connect with them? Would you like to know if your departed loved ones have a message for you? Perhaps you just need a few words of encouragement from someone that you are on the right path. We are taking callers today for you to reach out and ask for help from our guest. Angels and spirits will be present as we open connections to allow them in. Join us. My guest is Sunny Dawn Johnston, author, spiritual teacher and psychic medium who is the host of a new series 'A Seance With', June 14, 2014 at 10pm EST on the Lifetime Movie Network. She has been teaching seminars and doing private reading for over 20 years in which she helps you become aware of the power you have to change your life. Her gift to be able to connect with spirts has brought peace and love to those who are in need of some closure or comfort.We will be taking callers on this show: dial 424.258.9318 and when prompted push '1' to be in line to ask a question. We are limited on the number of c
How Dirty are the Words 'Global Warming' and Why You Should Care
05/06/2014 Duration: 59minIf the world was sunshine and roses and 'yes' we all walked up hill in the snow to get to school while our mothers tended to the fields for our meals, the word 'global warming' would never be around, but it is. Is it because we don't live like we used to, we have exploited our planet and now it is kicking us in the derriere?My guest is Todd Lehman, Co-founder and Executive Director of EnviroHub, an environmental science library and sustainability directory free to the public. They help people understand the science behind certain environmental issues like climate change, water pollution and forest economics. People can get involved by searching their directory of sustainability organizations to help make a difference in their own communities. EnviroHub has become one of the largest onine libraries of environmental science and now reaches over 45 countries around the world.If you are an organization or non-profit and wish to be listed in this directory, visit and use the promo code from t
St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Meet Pope Francis in The Love Letters
03/06/2014 Duration: 59minWhat are peace, stillness, love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and how are these being taught in today's Church? What is the role of the Church today? How are we to find a sense of oneness if all the worldly problems are directing a path of the heart?My guest is Bruce Davis, Ph.D, author of The Love Letters: Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi Meet Pope Francis. He is a leading secular expert and psychologist who has spent the last three decades promoting inner peace. Bruce writes a discourse on whether Pope Francis can truly return the Church to the Saints' ideal - humble, compassionate, uplifting embrace of the world's poor and the heart of everyone. You will find deep love of God, Man and Nature from every page as you read the letters between the two saints. For more information on Bruce visit To purchase The Love Letters visit:
Green Polka Dot Box delivers Organic and Healthy Food
29/05/2014 Duration: 57minAre you frustrated by going to the grocery store to find healthy and organic food items and overwhelmed by the diverse selection of tempting foods that you know are not good for you and the price is sky high? Do you know what healthy foods look like and how to snatch them off the shelves with screaming kids and ringing cell phone in a split second to get out of the store? Would you like to just have the right foods shipped to your door at wholesale prices? What a dream that would be, right.My guest is Rod Smith, CEO of Green Polka Dot Box Inc., which is an online membership club for organic and non-GMO natural foods at wholesale pricing. You can pick out your favorite foods and have them delivered to your door when you want and not have to stand in the store trying to figure out what to purchase. The mission of this venture is to make clean organic food affordable to everyone no matter where you live. There is a show special for our listeners: if you sign up for a Club Membership at a yearly cost of $50
How the Feminine Cycle affects Your Life and Relationships
27/05/2014 Duration: 59minIs your life up and down and scattered with stress and challenges? Do you know how much your hormones play a part in your everyday life? Can you find a pattern to your thoughts and expressions that mimic the seasons of nature as the hormones fluctuate? Learn how to master the hormone cycle for peace and balance in a busy life.My guest is Suzanne Mathis McQueen, author of 4 Seasons In 4 Weeks: Awakening the Power, Wisdom and Beauty in Every Woman's Nature. Suzanne coashes women on how to track the energies of their own hormonal rhythm using symbolism, archetypes and an easy-to-follow system. Her book is a real 'ah ha' moment for women who think life is hard, they have challenges in all areas of their lives and sometimes feel out of control. This book will help you take steps to design what actions and interactions are best at different times and seasons.For more information visit her website:
Cancer: New Therapies and How Far Have We Come or Not?
19/05/2014 Duration: 01h01minCancer, a word that was rarely used prior to 1980 but of recent years, everyone you know including your pets have cancer. What is this world coming to? Why are people dying of cancer or fighting a fight that grabs every breath they take? What is happening to our bodies? Who is winning the battle against Cancer or is there ever going to be a winner? Does medicine have all the answers and solutions?My guests are: Dr. James Forsythe, The Compassionate Oncologist and coined 'the best integrative oncologist in the US' also; Al Sanchez, CEO of AMARC Enterprises, producer of Poly MVA, which helps to strengthen the body to promote overall health. Any disease which taxes the immune system and takes us to our knees can be support by providing the nutrients to ramp up the body to fight invaders. Today, Mr. Sanchez will also be speaking about new cancer therapies and how these may be added on your list to check out if you are fighting a battle of your own. Your physician may have a limited list of treatments bu
Endurance Athelete improves Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Changes
16/05/2014 Duration: 33minWe are what we eat and what we eat DOES have an effect on our overall body performance and wellness. What are you eating today and how is it contributing nutrients to fuel body functions? Are you eating things that are attacking your inner body systems? My guest is Triathelete and former model Angela Durazo who had several health challenges in her early 20's. She had to find a way to improve her health as all the physicians could not bring her back to optimum health, she had to find her path. A gluten free and sugar free diet is the core of her plan and it is serving her well. Do you hear all the media buzz on gluten/sugar free diets and just can't wrap your head around the benefits? Angela is here to proclaim the benefits and share her story of survival against the odds.For more information about Angela, visit her website:
What are Plant Essences and How Can They Help Your Health
15/05/2014 Duration: 01h03minYou have heard of 'plant based diets' and the importance of eating plants. You have heard of herbal medicine and the abundance of medicinal support plants offer to help heal our bodies. Now, have you ever heard of the vibrational patterns in plants that help to support our mental, spiritual and physical beings? They are called plant essences and it is the most gentle and at times can be the most powerful in supporting our inner being. Plant essences are the inner energy of a plant that is enstilled into vinegar or brandy as a carrier fluid. My guest is Diana Pepper of Tree Frog Farm in the Northwest and an expert on how to make and use plant essences. Diana works with nature and the native plants of the Pacific Northwest, medicinal herbs and other garden plants to create essences for daily challenges like feeling stressed or out of balance to blockages in the energy of body functions.For more information on Tree Frog Farm, visit the website: Diana also has private consultations if
Studies showing Nutrient intake can Improve Mental Health
13/05/2014 Duration: 58minDo you or your children have good and bad days but never related them to dietary intake or lack of it? Are you getting the nutrition that your brain and body needs? Do you have anxiety, mood issues, or other mental health challenges but do not know the necessity of nutrients for cell health? How can your brain work in less than optimal conditions while under the demands of life these days? There are now studies proving nutrients are necessary for ADHD in adults also.My guest is Anthony Stephan of True Hope - The Leaders in Brain Health. Anthony will be sharing the new verifiable studies that link nutrients directly with brain health. True Hope has been providing nutrients that may be lacking in depression, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Fatigue and Stress for over 15 years for children and adults. "Truehope EMPowerplus Advanced(tm) has been consistently found in clinical studies to have positive results and has now been published in renowned medical journals 25 times" as stated on their website; www.trueho
A Holistic Approach to Helping Guide Life's Decisions
08/05/2014 Duration: 57minAre you looking for help in confirming the potential decisions that may be life altering at this time? Are you having trouble finding the house in the woods as you wander around life and don't make concrete decisions? Is your life random in choices and no real path to getting what you believe is the best for you in life right now? If you are stuck, don't know what is coming down the pike next or wish to have a guide post to direct you - Time Mapping is for you with answers.My guest is Rev. Thabiti, author of All About You and developer of the Personal Time Mapping System. Rev. Thabiti takes your birth date and can help guide you, "your life is the result of the choices you make or the direction you take" in life. Time-Map is universally verifiable and mathematically exact as life is not random, it has a true sense of order. For more information on The Personal Time Mapping System and to purchase yours, visit the website:
How to know what Supplements and Vitamins to take
07/05/2014 Duration: 59minDo you follow the media, internet or friends to decide what supplements to take for your health? Are you basing your nutritional support on what is cheap at the store or on sale? Your health may be further at risk if you are not guided by some reliable source as to the nutritional items you put into your body. Don't wing it, learn how to choose wisely.My guest is Dr. Michael Smith, MD, author of The Supplement Pyramid. Dr. Smith is a senior health scientist and nationally-known media personality for Life Extension* - the world's leading organization dedicated to extending the healthy human life span. Dr. Smith will be talking about how to individualize your nutritional regime to not just survive but thrive.For more information on Dr. Smith, visit the website: There you can take the free quizzes for more guidance in your nutritional choices and purchase his book..
How to Create a Life of Deep Meaning in the World Today
06/05/2014 Duration: 01h16sSuccess; a long list of things that you are supposed to be and do that are representative of what society and your peers deem necessary in their eyes. Are you keeping up? How do you measure up? Is this really what life is all about? If not, what else is there? Perhaps a good crash into the wall of reality meets the past beliefs, then what is left, a potentail to create a life that you believe meets with your heart and soul. You in? I am!My guest is Regina Cates, author of Lead With Your Heart; Creating a Life of Love, Compassion and Purpose. Regina will be sharing how she hit the wall in her 40's and realized what she thought life was about was not filling her heart and soul with peace. Her stories are in her new book and she is very open with challenges that we all have had from time to time. It truly is good to hear that we are not the only ones with life questions.For more information on Regina, visit her website: and to purchase her book visit this amazon link.
Cancer; Resources are Available to Help You
01/05/2014 Duration: 58minCancer, the word that is dreaded by all as it clearly takes on a power of its own in guiding your destiny. While the diagnosis, treatments and changes in quality of life are unknown, there is someplace to turn to for help. Are you feeling overwhelmed by thinking about all the questions you have for yourself or if you are taking care of a loved one? There is a place you can go to get answers for your particular diagnosis.My guest today is Mark Burright, founder and CEO for, a central place for cancer patients and loved ones to find creditable information about their diagnosis. This website asks questions you may never have thought of and provides resources and guidance to find your answers. If you have been skimming the web to collect information and feel so overwhelmed, take a step back and check this site first. We will also be talking about the Cancer Peace Portal which is a program on the website that will be able to sort through tons of information based on type of cancer, your locat
Dr. Trish Working helps with Animal Communication
29/04/2014 Duration: 58minDoes your pet need help and you know not what to do? Ask a pet channel to help you. Do you have a pet that has passed and you miss them dearly, call in to this show for help. What part do animals play in humanity and the process of love and nuture? My guest is Dr. Trish Working, author of The Fur Agreements which are lessons in consciousness from animals. Dr. Trish is an animal healer, communicator and advocate. She works with all animals and can truly connect soul to soul with them to share their heart with those who listen. Her work is to channel the Blue Angel and work with animals having health issues as well as those in transition out of body.For more information on Dr. Trish and to purchase here book visit her website:
How to Cook for a Vegetarian or Plant Based Diet
24/04/2014 Duration: 01h29sWe all know how to cook meat, fish, and other animal products but if you are making a lifestyle change or just want to add vegetables to your daily intake, how do you cook them? Microwave or raw seem easy enough but which vegetables work with what type of cooking or do they need to be raw? After a while, salads and smoothies can hit the road if they are always the 'same old thing'. Today, we are going to add diversity and taste back into the plant food diet and many recipes are naturally gluten free.My guest is Jill Nussinow, The Veggie Queen and author of The Veggie Queen: Vegetables Get the Royal Treatment cookbook which has more than 100 seasonal vegetable based recipes. Jill will be sharing her inspiring ideas for plant based eating and why this type of eating is now taking off with so many people wanting to be healthier.For more information and to purchase Jill's book, visit her website:
Toxic Overload in Children and How that can Affect their Health
23/04/2014 Duration: 01h58sAre your children experiencing multiple sensitivities and symptoms that are affecting their quality of life? Do you seem to not know what is coming next with your child and feel like you live at the doctor's office with little or no results? Does your child have a toxic load that you need to clear and you have no clue how? Are you asking what is wrong with my child, help is here.Today we will be speaking with Stephanie Ray of BIORAY The Natural Detox Company. Stephanie and Dr. Timothy Ray, OMD developed their products in 1990 based on proven systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All products are gluten-free, non-GMO, and are made with organic or wildcrafted herbs.If your child needs help with; immune health, communication and speech, bowel and gut function, skin sensitivities and eruptions, and food intolerance, this show is for you. BIORAY products can support the systems of the body to clear out toxins and allow the body to perform at it's best everyday.For more information visit the website: www.
Living a Good Life with Diabetes or Chronic Kidney Disease
22/04/2014 Duration: 54minDo you have diabetes or kidney damage due to diabetes and feel like you are overwhelmed and not living the life you thought you would? Do you understand the disease and what part you need to play to heal? Medications, food choices or living a full life may take the entire day to manage, do you need help?My guest is author Jacquie Lewis-Kemp who tells of her life challenges with juvenile diabetes, kidney failure and kidney transplant in her new book Blessed Assurance: Success Despite The Odds. Jacquie offers life coaching to help you work your way through learning more about diabetes. She listens to where you are and helps guide you through the process. When your health is taking a dive and you feel lost, Jacquie can help you personally.For more information, visit her website:

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