Dr. Friedemann Schaub



Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond Your Perceived Limitations    Join Dr. Friedemann for insights and self-empowering approaches on many of the most prevailing challenges in our day-to-day lives. For more than a decade, Dr. Friedemann has discussed such hard-hitting topics as “Are you Addicted to Stress and Anxiety”, ...


  • Sensitivity is a Powerful Gift | GR119

    16/12/2021 Duration: 47min

    Do you struggle with being sensitive? Do you feel too much too quickly?  No question, being over-sensitive can be a challenge. Highly sensitive people sponge emotions – their own and those of others - making them feel easily wired and overwhelmed. There seems to be not enough time or energy to process the feelings and sensations, which can lead eventually to emotional exhaustions and physical problems. On top of it, sensitive people often feel “different” and isolated from the rest of the world.  Generally speaking, our society has little room and patience for feelings. Logic and toughness are far more accepted than emotions and sensitivity. Being highly sensitive is considered a flaw and weakness, with very little “competitive” value. …so what can you do? Suppress your sensitivity or pretend that you are unaffected by it? The fact is that sensitivity is a strength, which when you learn how to control and utilize it can lead to greater self-awareness, success and fulfillment.  Listen to this

  • The Fear of Being Alone & How We Can Overcome It | GR118

    09/12/2021 Duration: 20min

    Are you afraid of being alone? Do you avoid spending time by yourself, because you get too restless, nervous or frustrated with your own company? Just like you can’t overcome the fear of not being good enough by either procrastinating or striving for approval from others, you can’t overcome the fear of being alone by either avoiding yourself or becoming dependent on others. What causes this fear isn’t the lack of relationships with others – but the absence of a relationship with yourself. Listen to Dr. Friedemann Schaub on Empowerment Radio and learn how you can heal the fear of being alone at its subconscious root cause, so that you are able to enjoy and appreciate the one person you will spend every day with for the rest of your life with.  Meet Dr Friedemann Watch The Episode:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzl2AMYSHRc --- Learn more at: https://DrFriedemann.com -- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com//DrFriedemann INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dr.friedemannschaub PINTEREST: https://w

  • The Power of Healing Through The Mind-Body Connection | GR117

    18/11/2021 Duration: 35min

    In my training to become a physician, I was taught that as humans, our bodies and minds are fallible, and we need doctors to rush in and fix them. Since my training and through a lot of research, I found that there is so much more potential in each and every one of our cells to adapt, change and heal than most of us are even aware of. Meaning that each of us has the full potential to heal ourselves, we just haven’t learned how to tap into that yet. Now what would be like if there was a way to heal even more profound accelerated ways, that included the mind, body, heart and soul healing all at once? Well, my guest today is physician Master Sha who is also trained in Chinese medicine and many of the Chinese philosophies and energy healing techniques. He joins me today to discuss and teach about the how and why behind the potential we have to heal ourselves.  Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Intro (00:00) What Is Western Medicine Missing? (1:38) Are Cells Missing Energy? (8:30) How Does The Soul Need Healing (

  • Uncover Your Limiting Beliefs and Take Back Control of Your Reality | GR116

    11/11/2021 Duration: 24min

    Some beliefs give us wings, unleash our creative genius and help us to dig deep when the going gets tough. Others can be the prison walls of our mind, which keep us locked in our imagined limitations. Depending on our early imprints, our core beliefs may place a stronger emphasis on safety or happiness. So how do you erase and replace limiting beliefs that hold you back from growing and expanding into a more confident and empowered version of yourself? Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Intro (00:00) What Are You Doing With Your Belief? (4:37) I Am Not Good Enough (9:18) Bring In Your New Self (17:29) Subconscious Takes Over (22:53) Meet Dr Friedemann WATCH THE EPISODE: https://youtu.be/uC8Kpj4LX6Y Learn more at: https://DrFriedemann.com Social Media: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com//DrFriedemann INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dr.friedemannschaub PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/drfriedemann TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/DrFriedemannS LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfriedemannschaub/ Fri

  • Let’s Talk About It: Tips and Tools to Understanding Your Anxiety | GR115

    21/10/2021 Duration: 31min

    Anxiety is a natural form of communication from our subconscious mind and serves an important function. Similar to physical pain, which calls our attention to an injury or other problems with our body. Often anxiety can be a symptom of deeper emotional and mental wounds - whether they are unresolved traumas, self-sabotaging patterns, or limiting beliefs. By identifying and addressing these deeper root causes, you will not only overcome your anxiety but also gain a greater sense of inner peace, wholeness and confidence. Join me on this latest episode of “Get Real” where I answer your questions and share with you my tips and tools on how to turn anxiety into a catalyst of growth and personal empowerment. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Intro (00:00) Something Made You Feel Unsafe (6:09) When It Comes To Healing (12:26) Is There A Quick Fix? (17:43) I Find It Helpful (23:41) Our Subconscious Keeps Track (27:36) Meet Dr Friedemann WATCH THE EPISODE:  --- Learn more at: https://DrFriedemann.com -- FACEBO

  • Living a Heart Centered Life with Jonathan Goldman | GR114

    14/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    In today’s world we actually have two viruses going on. We have the physical level virus, and we have a virus of fear that is being provoked not only by physical forces but exterior ones too. This fear lives in our third chakra and is the home of dissolution, the ego and fear of death. The antidote for this level of fear is faith; our inbuilt energy in the mental body of our hearts. When we center ourselves and actually live from within our heart, everything changes and becomes more in flow. Versus when we are ego centered and trying to project our will into the world. Wouldn't it be great if we could always live a heart centered life from the space of great compassion and deep faith? My guest this week Jonathan Goldman is here to show us just how possible that is. Join Johnathan and me for a fascinating interview on health, healing and personal evolution.  Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Intro (00:00) How My Understanding Of Chakras Came To Be (10:09) Living Through The Heart Process (17:58) The Root Of Fea

  • 4 Ways to Practice Self-Love | GR113

    30/09/2021 Duration: 25min

    How is your relationship with yourself?  Do you listen to your desires, respect your boundaries and make time to take care of yourself? Or are you your own worst critic, never seeing yourself as good enough. Instead take all your efforts and accomplishments for granted. Now I could imagine that some of you may think, “Loving myself? - Ha, that’s easier said than done”. Or maybe you have even tried the self-love tactics, but believe they didn’t actually work for you. To  really be able to love someone, we need to establish a relationship that is grounded in trust, respect, adoration and the desire to be close to that person. Yet, for most of us it seems much easier to create a close relationship with someone else rather than with ourselves. This is where self discovery comes into play. The truth is we are always way more than we think we are. We just have to take the time to delve into our own selfcare in order to realize that we are in fact worth loving. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Intro (00:00) A S

  • Overcome the Fear of Falling Asleep | GR112

    16/09/2021 Duration: 33min

    Sleep comes to us automatically – like the next breath, or the next heart-beat. The question is – what are we doing to welcome it? Three aspects that influence your sleep are your environment, your body and of course your mind. In order to make sleeping a welcomed task we have to first start thinking about it differently. As in not being something you have to get to or do or a task that needs to be mastered but rather like the French writer Jules Verne says – see sleep as a friend! Join me on this episode of Get Real today as I address the difficulties many of us face when it comes to sleep and what we can do to avoid chasing it but instead allow sleep to approach us. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways Intro (00:00) Imagine Sleep Being Your Friend (5:12) The REM Sleep (11:13) The Mind Struggles The Most (16:53) Enjoy The Sweetness Of Life (20:37) Meet Dr Friedemann Learn more at: https://DrFriedemann.com -- FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com//DrFriedemann INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dr.friedemannschaub PINT

  • Hydrate Yourself to Health | GR111

    09/09/2021 Duration: 31min

    Proper hydration is the key to unlocking our optimal health. Are you getting enough water intake each day? Dr Dana Cohen or as I like to call her “The Water Goddess” joins me today to talk about hydration and how many of us are living in a constant state of dehydration. This can lead to a plethora of health concerns such as; brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, dry skin, dry mucous membranes. As well as more extreme body breakdowns such as; cancers, diabetes, alzheimers and more.  The benefits of proper hydration can have a dramatic effect on your health, your vitality, and your overall quality of life. Time to start paying attention to our water intake and stay ahead of the thirst. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways Intro (00:00) Why Are So Many Dehydrated (2:03) Breathing Is A Hydrating Act (5:05) 8 Glasses A Day (11:02) Drink First Thing In The Morning (13:37) Born To Run (18:22) You Have to Be On Top Of It (25:37) Meet Dr Dana Cohen Dr. Cohen has worked side by side with the late Dr. Robert Atkins,

  • From Vulnerability to Authenticity | GR110

    02/09/2021 Duration: 31min

    The belief is that the more vulnerable we are, the easier we can get hurt or be taken advantage of. But the reality is the pain we are causing ourselves by shutting down and keeping our hearts closed can be greater than what other people may be able to do to us. Life may appear safer when we avoid vulnerability – but it doesn’t make it happier.  So what can we do when we feel vulnerable? Listen to today’s episode where I talk about being vulnerable and take a look at how we can find strength and wisdom in our vulnerability. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways Intro (00:00) I’m Opening Up (2:54) Authenticity vs Vulnerability (6:41) Alone Time (11:11) Be Curious (16:02) Meet Dr Friedemann Learn more at: https://DrFriedemann.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com//DrFriedemann INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dr.friedemannschaub PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/drfriedemann TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/DrFriedemannS LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfriedemannschaub/ Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD, i

  • Four Keys to Meditate with Ease | GR109

    19/08/2021 Duration: 42min

    Do you also struggle sometimes with a racing mind, feeling completely unsettled and unable to focus or calm down? When living in tumultuous times such as we currently are, it is very easy to get distracted, pulled out of our center and let our mind take us on a wild emotional roller coaster ride. Like our home our mind needs its own regular house cleaning, training and focus to clear the everyday accumulation of stress, fears, overstimulation and unnecessary patterns. Thankfully there are many kinds of meditation to help with this such as; mindfulness, breathing, writing, walking, guided – and even laughing meditation. Would you like to slow down your thoughts, get your energy into a more peaceful place, and feel more in control of your thoughts and feelings? Then you may want to take a closer look at mediation. Of course like many you may have tried to meditate before and decided “this is not for me”. Maybe you fell asleep or found yourself getting frustrated with trying to keep your concentration, even for

  • A Conversation with Paul Selig | GR108

    12/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    In order to heal from the wounds or wrongdoings of our past they need to be brought up from the basement to the surface where they can be seen and faced head on. Even if the process is painful. This is not done to point fingers, place blame or drag others into the darkness with us. Rather it is so we can look at the experience no matter how painful it may be and move through it in order to be released from the pain Join Paul and me in this episode of “Get Real”, as we address topics such as, how to connect to our divine truth, the role of fear in life and making choices on how our life unfolds prior to our incarnation. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways: Meet Paul Selig (00:00) The Action Of The Creator (4:39) Personality Structure (8:32) Humanity Is At A Juncture (14:02) The Action Of Fear (16:48) I Don’t Get A Free Pass (20:49) Grateful For The Path (23:34) One Room Schoolhouse (28:50) Meet Paul: Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his breakthrough works of channel

  • 5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence | GR09

    05/08/2021 Duration: 31min

    Having self-confidence is the belief in our intrinsic worthiness and the trust in ourselves and our abilities to do the things we want to do. Yet, when we lack confidence, we tend to put much of our focus on doing the opposite. Today, on Get Real Dr Friedemann is talking about the lack of confidence that many of us feel and shares 5 tips to help us build up our self-esteem. Dr Friedemann’s Takeaways Greater Sense Of Self Worth (4:04) What Are The Assets That They Appreciate? (11:35) Appreciate And Acknowledge The Little Things (14:13) Stop Undermining Your Confidence (17:01) Protective Mechanism Of Your Subconscious. (21:01) Connect with Dr Friedemann

  • How to Heal Childhood and Generational Wounds with Anat Peri and Chris Marhefka

    15/07/2021 Duration: 42min

    Do you struggle with traumas of your past? Do you have memories of your childhood that continue to resurface? Sam had been tormented by disturbing images inadvertently flashing across the screen of his mind for many years. Daily, he felt forced by his subconscious to watch himself being violently punished by some unrecognizable person. Sam told me that, as a child, he was regularly beaten and slapped around by his father. At first glance, it may seem pretty obvious that the violent images that tortured Sam as an adult were nothing but vivid memories of his traumatic punishments. Yet every form of therapy he’d sought to relieve the effects of these traumas had failed, and a part of Sam continued to project these images onto the screen of his mind. So how did Sam's need for survival lead to these visions? Join me, and Training Camp for the Soul's Anat Peri and Chris Marhefka to explore intergenerational traumas, and beliefs, behaviors and habits that are so ingrained that we don’t know why they are there –

  • Solutions for (and Preventing) Burnout

    01/07/2021 Duration: 32min

    Are you heading towards physical and emotional burnout? After everything we went through in the last 18 months what’s the status of your batteries? You may think that what you are dealing with isn’t that serious; nothing that can’t be fixed with a few good nights’ rest. Yet, the problem is that many people overlook the early signs of burnout

  • What's the meaning of life and what's our consciousness? w/ Mark Gober

    17/06/2021 Duration: 36min

    Do you ever wonder about the purpose of your life and what you are here for?  Most of us don’t take the time to contemplate such philosophical head-scratchers - until we are forced to, which happened to me when I woke up at 2AM with horrible abdominal pain. After being rushed to the ER, it turned out to be a relatively minor gallbladder issue, but it felt like my system was giving me a solid knock to make me notice that lately, I may not have been caring for myself. It also gave me another wake-up call for evaluating my purpose and whether I am living in alignment with it. Fittingly, my guest this week on my Get Real podcast has written two books on consciousness and the meaning of life. Author Mark Gober 's worldview was turned upside down in late 2016 when he was exposed to world-changing science. Mark says, "I argue that the brain acts more like a filtering mechanism that restricts, limits, and processes a consciousness that exists independently of the body. Consciousness doesn’t need a brain to

  • How Our Core Values Define Us

    01/06/2021 Duration: 30min

    Why do we do what we do?   What drives our choices and actions more than any outside influences is also one of the least acknowledged aspects of our psyche. I am talking about core values. Values define what is important to us – and what makes us either go towards something – or away from something. When we live in alignment with our values, we usually feel happier and more fulfilled. When we make choices against our values, we often struggle with anxiety, depression, or a sense of emptiness.   Do you know your values? And do you know whether you are living in alignment with them?   00:00 - Our subconscious values 4:38 - Changing core values 8:22 - Values imprinted upon your early life 11:00 - How to define your own values to live authentically 14:10 - How to properly assess your values 20:48 - An envisioning exercise to see how changes in your life will impact you 25:41 - How to tune into your inner map to guide you   READ MORE ABOUT THIS EPISODE: https://drfriedemann.com/how-our-core-values-define

  • Do We Have Past and Future Lives? w/ Dena Merriam

    20/05/2021 Duration: 38min

    Do you believe in karma, the law of cause and effect? To quote Wayne Dyer: “How people treat you is their karma – how they react is yours.” Another wise man said that we are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequence of our choice. But how often have we seen people doing horrible things, lying, cheating, hurting others – and they still seem to get away with it? Does this mean that karma doesn’t exist and that there is no justice in the universe? But what if our karma is like the blueprint for future lives? What if we had past lives and are working through our old karma this time around? This is how many Eastern philosophies view our existence. You may think past lives don’t exist because you have no recollection of living in ancient Egypt or during the medieval times. But my guest on this next episode of Get Real, Dena Merriam, has very clear memories about her past lives and wrote several bestselling books about it. During her years of meditation, many vivid memories of past births began to

  • Five mistakes we make with our anxiety

    06/05/2021 Duration: 28min

    For almost twenty years, I have been on my soapbox about how to view anxiety not as our enemy but as our responsibility. Rather than wrestling with our emotions, we need to accept them as a form of communication from the deeper parts of our minds. When it comes to anxiety, at first glance, its messages are about not being safe or being worried about the future. Yet, when we dig a bit deeper, we realize that the reason why we feel anxious isn’t that we are in danger, but because our subconscious got triggered into self-defense mode. There are five common mistakes we make when dealing with our anxiety that may make it worse. When I was dealing with anxiety, I made all of them. At the time, I wished there was someone to guide me. In this episode, I share these five mistakes, and how you can easily avoid them to accelerate your healing. READ MORE ON MY BLOG >> 00:00 - General guidelines for anxiety relief 4:04 - First mistake: identifying ourselves with anxiety 6:07 - Second Mistake: being afraid of our own

  • A new, life-changing perspective on health w/ Eileen Day McKusick

    15/04/2021 Duration: 35min

    "Do you remember how electrical currents and ‘unseen waves’ were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy." -- Albert Einstein Emotional health, is one of the areas that cause more head-scratching than certainty. One of the most fiercely discussed topics is whether feelings such as anxiety or sadness are created by our mind or created by biochemical changes in our brain. Medical research has mainly focused on a physiological solution to emotional problems. But what came first—the chicken or the egg? Are neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain the root cause of fear and anxiety, or are they just a biochemical symptom of consciousness-created emotions? And what if there is another explanation for what causes our emotions – an explanation that potentially changes our entire view on health and well-being? My guest on this episode of Get Real is Eileen Day McKusick, a pioneering researcher in the fields of electric health and therapeutic sound... READ MORE

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