Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Sensitivity is a Powerful Gift | GR119



Do you struggle with being sensitive? Do you feel too much too quickly?  No question, being over-sensitive can be a challenge. Highly sensitive people sponge emotions – their own and those of others - making them feel easily wired and overwhelmed. There seems to be not enough time or energy to process the feelings and sensations, which can lead eventually to emotional exhaustions and physical problems. On top of it, sensitive people often feel “different” and isolated from the rest of the world.  Generally speaking, our society has little room and patience for feelings. Logic and toughness are far more accepted than emotions and sensitivity. Being highly sensitive is considered a flaw and weakness, with very little “competitive” value. …so what can you do? Suppress your sensitivity or pretend that you are unaffected by it? The fact is that sensitivity is a strength, which when you learn how to control and utilize it can lead to greater self-awareness, success and fulfillment.  Listen to this