Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Four Keys to Meditate with Ease | GR109



Do you also struggle sometimes with a racing mind, feeling completely unsettled and unable to focus or calm down? When living in tumultuous times such as we currently are, it is very easy to get distracted, pulled out of our center and let our mind take us on a wild emotional roller coaster ride. Like our home our mind needs its own regular house cleaning, training and focus to clear the everyday accumulation of stress, fears, overstimulation and unnecessary patterns. Thankfully there are many kinds of meditation to help with this such as; mindfulness, breathing, writing, walking, guided – and even laughing meditation. Would you like to slow down your thoughts, get your energy into a more peaceful place, and feel more in control of your thoughts and feelings? Then you may want to take a closer look at mediation. Of course like many you may have tried to meditate before and decided “this is not for me”. Maybe you fell asleep or found yourself getting frustrated with trying to keep your concentration, even for