Empowered Love Radio

Narcissist Central with Melanie Tonia Evans and Lisa E. Scott, discussion on who is the narcissist?



On the show Lisa and I will be discussing the confusion of the narcissist projecting his damaged self on to you. Not only do you believe that there is something terribly wrong with you, you may start to wonder and fear that you are narcissistic as well, or even worse still the one who is the narcissist in the relationship. This may have also been brought on as a result of the narcissist isolating you and devaluing you to friends, family and associates. Learn how to define the difference between the narcissist and the co-dependent, and how to know that even though you are being significantly damaged that the narcissistic defects are not your own. How is it possible not to absorb these projections? What can you do to protect yourself against the projections of being the one continually at fault. What tactics does the narcissist use to project this blame on to you? Virtually every individual who partners with a narcissist lives through this horrible and degrading phenomena. If you have or are suffering this and