Empowered Couples

Grow Your Biz While Growing Your Partnership: Chris + Lori Harder



Chris & Lori Harder live in Santa Monica, CA and are all about growing  a business (in their case multiple businesses), creating a huge impact & having fun all while keeping personal boundaries.  They have built a massive 7 figure business around physical health and wellness through nutrition, tailored workouts and creating a tribe of happy people.  Though this journey they have launched their own podcasts with over a million downloads each, written books, invested into socially conscious businesses and shown so many others how to do the same. All of this happens while keeping their marriage and relationship thriving. How do they do it all?  You will LOVE this interview with this beautiful couple, Lori & Chris.     In this episode you will get:   1. How to make sure YOU are taken care of (even while busy) 2. The mindset behind growing together through it all. 3. The way to thrive in your business, especially Network Marketing. 4. The power in finding out what you're "not good at." 5. How to keep r