Madison Church



Madison Church started in September, 2014 with the mission of connecting people with God and each other. This happens when people grow spiritually, gather together, and give back. We are a community-centric church located on Madison's west side. Our weekend service is a casual and relaxed event. The teaching team is relentless in making sure that you're not just getting information, but experiencing transformation.


  • Truth, Humility, and God's Embrace | Who Needs God (Part 6) | Stephen Feith

    10/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    Are we lying to ourselves more often than we'd like to admit? In the final segment of our conversation on "Who Needs God," we confront the harsh reality of self-deception and its impact on our personal relationships and beliefs. We urge you to be brutally honest with yourself as we reflect on our tendencies to reach conclusions first and then search for supporting arguments and facts to validate them, rather than seeking the truth.As we unravel the layers of guilt often buried in our minds, we explore society's aversion to acknowledging guilt and its replacement with phrases like "I've made mistakes" or "I'm just human." Are these objections to faith simply more convenient than facing our guilt? Join us as we delve into the complex interplay between accountability, humility, and our relationship with God.In conclusion, we ponder the story of James, the brother of Jesus, and his profound message that if we come close to God, he will come close to us. Despite ou

  • Finding Hope in the Face of Injustice | Who Needs God (Part 5) | Daniel Dougherty

    03/03/2019 Duration: 28min

    Why do bad things happen to good people, and what does this mean for our understanding of God? We tackle this eternal question in a thought-provoking discussion, centered around powerful examples such as Francis Collins and his family's experience with injustice. Don't miss this exploration of pain, suffering, and how they can actually lead many to a stronger faith and a deeper understanding of their need for God.Together, we examine the concept of justice and its relationship to the idea of God, discussing how natural selection – a neutral process – cannot lead to justice and how this plays into our comprehension of God as love. Join us as we contemplate the role of injustice in our world, the necessity for judgment to achieve true justice, and the ultimate hope found in the good news of God's mercy. Gain a fresh perspective on the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people and fortify your faith in the process.Support the show

  • The God Dilemma | Who Needs God (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    24/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    What if the gods we grew up believing in don't hold up as adults? This week, we continue our Who Needs God series, diving into the growing trend of "nones" – those who check "none" for religious affiliation on surveys – and discussing the difference between "nones" and atheists. We also explore the idea that disbelief isn't always the greener pasture, examining the "gods of the no testament" and how our Sunday school gods may fail us in adulthood.Through a close look at Jesus and the Samaritan woman from John's Gospel, we investigate the nature of God and how the Jews have been contemplating a big bang for thousands of years. We also consider Jesus' description of God as a father, and how understanding God as the perfection of a father can shift the way we read the Bible. Time, space, and matter reveal a timeless, immaterial being – one deeply involved and caring, despite our imperfections.Lastly, we delve into the apostle John's profound words:

  • Reviving Faith in the Face of Uncertainty | Who Needs God (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    17/02/2019 Duration: 26min

    Have you ever found yourself struggling with faith, feeling stuck between God and something else? In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the challenges believers face when confronting doubts and questions about the Bible, and how this can lead to feeling trapped between doubt and despair. We acknowledge the unsettling aspects of Christianity, but also discuss how living in a world without God can be just as unsettling.We delve into the historical context of the New Testament, examining the evidence surrounding Jesus' existence, his crucifixion, and the early distribution of the New Testament documents throughout the Roman Empire. We also investigate the early church and how Christianity spread quickly despite being illegal at the time, ultimately becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine. This fascinating discussion reveals that the early Christians were drawn to Jesus and his message, rather than the Bible itself.As we wrap up our exploration, we focus on the lo

  • Rejecting False Gods | Who Needs God (Part 2) | Daniel Dougherty

    10/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    Ever wondered why modern Christianity often seems unattractive and leaves you feeling stuck between doubt and atheism? We're diving into the concept of false gods in Christianity and exploring the reasons behind this dilemma. Listen in as we reflect on how various gods throughout history have been given up and how early Christians were considered atheists by their culture.In today's episode, we discuss the version of Christianity many of us grew up with and the two common characteristics that underpin it. We identify the false gods often presented to us, such as the bodyguard God and the God of judgment, and examine Karen Armstrong's view that many of us are left with an incoherent concept of God. Learn how our experiences and understanding of reality may have led us to reject the wrong God.Finally, we investigate the false gods of the 'No Testament' and the dangers of relying on a God who only explains the unexplainable. Discover how science should not be seen as opposed to faith, bu

  • Exploring Atheism and the Struggles of Faith | Who Needs God (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    03/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    Who among us hasn't struggled with the concept of God and faith at some point in our lives? It's a question as old as humanity itself, and on today's episode, we explore the challenges of believing in God and why so many people, particularly former Christians, find themselves disconnected from religion. We examine the phenomenon of the 'nones' – those who don't necessarily identify as atheists, but simply have no interest in faith or religion.Diving into the complexities of atheism, we discuss thought-provoking questions like, where did something come from nothing, and how did that something evolve into us? We also explore atheist Christopher Hitchens' intriguing idea of the 'illusion of the mind' and the notion that a world governed by physics leaves no room for free will. Join us for this enlightening conversation and stay engaged with the series as we attempt to uncover who truly needs God.Support the show

  • Genetically Generous (Part 4) | Growing In Generosity | Stephen Feith

    27/01/2019 Duration: 33min

    We grow as we stretch ourselves beyond our genetic generosity. We are all wired for generosity, but we experience this wiring in different ways. Understanding our profiles can help us leverage our natural inclinations and also challenge us to recognize areas in which we can grow.Support the show

  • Genetically Generous (Part 3) | Generous Together | Stephen Feith

    20/01/2019 Duration: 26min

    When we join together as one church, our generosity changes the world. We are all wired for generosity, but we experience this wiring in different ways. Understanding our profiles can help us leverage our natural inclinations and also challenge us to recognize areas in which we can grow.Support the show

  • Genetically Generous (Part 2) | Generous Profiles | Daniel Dougherty

    13/01/2019 Duration: 33min

    We are all wired for generosity, but we experience this wiring in different ways. Understanding our profiles can help us leverage our natural inclinations and also challenge us to recognize areas in which we can grow.Support the show

  • Genetically Generous (Part 1) | Wired For Generosity | Stephen Feith

    06/01/2019 Duration: 23min

    The concept behind this series is that we all have a “generosity profile.” We are all wired for generosity, but we experience this wiring in different ways. Understanding our profiles can help us leverage our natural inclinations and also challenge us to recognize areas in which we can grow.Support the show

  • Casting a New Light on Faith, Hope and Inclusivity

    30/12/2018 Duration: 25min

    Does the abundance of fast food chains in America remind you of anything? Interestingly, their omnipresence is akin to the number of churches spread across the United States. However, while the former might be serving up your favorite footlongs and frappes, the latter has a higher calling - to distribute hope to all. As we conclude our 'Hope for Everyone' series, we tackle this unexpected comparison, exploring the potential of churches as hope distributors. We delve into the biblical characters like Abram and symbols of hope, such as the wise men and shepherds in the Christmas story, to shed light on the importance of sharing God's hope. Aren't churches supposed to be epicenters of hope, rather than judgment and anger? It's an uncomfortable question that we confront head-on in our discussions. We explore the universality of hope and challenge the idea that hope is exclusive, reminding ourselves of God's inclusive plan for universal hopeful access. We examine the role of churches

  • Nostalgic Toys, Biblical Reflections, and Rekindling Hope

    23/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    Remember the childlike wonder of waking up on Christmas morning, full of anticipation for the treasures that await you beneath the tree? From a Mickey Mouse V-Tech Choo-Choo train to the Power Rangers' mythical dragon's or, we're taking a trip down memory lane to relive the magic of holiday gifts. But our journey doesn't stop at nostalgia. We also explore the business savvy of Disney and how they've mastered the art of capitalizing on our favorite characters.However, the holiday season is also a time for reflection and spiritual introspection. Picture the Israelites, waiting 400 years for a word from God, and the feelings of fear, doubt, and disappointment that surely arose. We discuss this biblical history and how it mirrors our own experiences of feeling distant from God. Yet, just as the shepherds found unexpected joy in moments of despair, we too can find hope in the most unexpected places. We end the episode by encouraging everyone to approach Christmas differently this year, to

  • Facing Fear and Finding Hope

    16/12/2018 Duration: 25min

    Ever tried to imagine what Joseph must have felt upon learning of Mary's pregnancy in the Bible? We did. Let's journey together as we delve into the cultural context of Joseph and Mary's engagement, shedding light on the sheer fear and humiliation Joseph must have encountered. We discuss the hard choices he had to make, and how his journey provides a compelling backdrop to our exploration of the universal human emotion - fear. In the same breath, however, we reassure you - just as Joseph found hope, so can you. Hear us out as we explore why it's better to be rejected or humiliated with God than walk alone, stumbling over life's many fears. Let's examine the importance of obedience to God in choosing faith over fear and how baptism, small groups, and giving can be pathways to this faith. We wrap up with Jesus’s nurturing words, reminding us he is always with us, lighting our path out of fear. This isn't just about facing the fears - it's about finding the flicker of hope

  • Finding Purpose in God's Alternative Paths

    09/12/2018 Duration: 29min

    What if the microwave oven, originally developed to spot enemy warplanes, could teach us a life lesson? What if we told you that Mary, Joseph, and Moses had to shelve their Plan A's for something far more extraordinary? Just like bubble wrap, which was initially intended as wallpaper, and the Frisbee, first created as a pie-serving dish, we too can find unexpected possibilities when our original plans don’t pan out.Imagine being Mary, a young woman whose life was upended when the angel Gabriel paid her a visit. Her life, neatly planned out, suddenly became fraught with cultural implications and potential shame. Yet, her unwavering faith in God, despite the drastic changes to her Plan A, is a testament to her strength and trust. Her story is filled with hope and courage, reminding us all of our potential to rise above the unexpected and embrace a Plan B that may be even better than what we originally had in mind.As we buckle up for this fascinating journey, we also reflect on our personal experiences, sha

  • Exploring Hope, Faith, and the True Meaning of Christmas

    02/12/2018 Duration: 22min

    What if the most magical part of the Christmas season is not the twinkling lights or the perfectly wrapped presents, but the moments of hope and reflection it stirs within us? As we navigate the beauty and the chaos of the festive season, we set off on a journey, exploring the Christmas story and its poignant reminder that sometimes, hope means waiting. In our new series, "Hope for Everyone," we walk alongside Zechariah and Elizabeth, a couple whose long-held dreams were met with an unexpected blessing. Their encounter with the angel Gabriel reveals the transformative power of hope even amidst life’s darkest moments. Drawing from their story, we discover how Jesus, the beacon of hope, arrived to offer life and the promise of a better future. So join us in this episode, it's not just about comforting carols and twinkling fairy lights, but a profound exploration of hope, faith, and the true meaning of Christmas.Support the show

  • Uprising (Part 7) | Jude 24-25 | Stephen Feith

    19/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    In life, we need to hear the negative every now and then so that we might be warned about possible dangers and how to avoid them. Jude makes it clear, he was hoping to write an positive letter, but the need of his time forced him to write a very different kind of letter. He uses all his energy to plead with readers to stick to the truth and to reject falsehood - knowing that the decision we make will be the difference between heaven and hell.This doxology is frequently used by pastors as a liturgical form of dismissal, primarily because it is one of the longest and most beautiful doxologies in the New Testament. Jude expands the usual doxology “form”. Some of his additions may have simply been picked up from traditional phraseology, but others relate back to some important themes from the letter.Support the show

  • Uprising (Part 6) | Jude 17-23 | John Davis

    12/08/2018 Duration: 35min

    In life, we need to hear the negative every now and then so that we might be warned about possible dangers and how to avoid them. Jude makes it clear, he was hoping to write an positive letter, but the need of his time forced him to write a very different kind of letter. He uses all his energy to plead with readers to stick to the truth and to reject falsehood - knowing that the decision we make will be the difference between heaven and hell.We should not forget that Jude’s letter was not written to the false teachers; it was written to faithful Christians. These believers, face with an onslaught of false teaching in their churches, needed reassurance and instruction. This Jude provides in his letter.Support the show

  • Uprising (Part 5) | Jude 14-16 | Sarah Hanson

    05/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    In life, we need to hear the negative every now and then so that we might be warned about possible dangers and how to avoid them. Jude makes it clear, he was hoping to write an positive letter, but the need of his time forced him to write a very different kind of letter. He uses all his energy to plead with readers to stick to the truth and to reject falsehood - knowing that the decision we make will be the difference between heaven and hell.Jude caps his denunciation of the false teachers with a prophecy. This in itself is nothing unusual, New Testament writers often apply ancient prophecies to their own situations. But what is unusual about this prophecy is its source...Support the show

  • Uprising (Part 4) | Jude 11-13 | Stephen Feith

    29/07/2018 Duration: 33min

    In life, we need to hear the negative every now and then so that we might be warned about possible dangers and how to avoid them. Jude makes it clear, he was hoping to write an positive letter, but the need of his time forced him to write a very different kind of letter. He uses all his energy to plead with readers to stick to the truth and to reject falsehood - knowing that the decision we make will be the difference between heaven and hell.Jude is not yet finished with the false teachers. So concerned is he about their potential to harm his readers’ walk with the Lord that he is not satisfied his strong polemic against them in verses 5-10 has done the job. He thus launches on more attack against them.Support the show

  • Uprising (Part 3) | Jude 5-10 | Stephen Feith

    22/07/2018 Duration: 26min

    In life, we need to hear the negative every now and then so that we might be warned about possible dangers and how to avoid them. Jude makes it clear, he was hoping to write an positive letter, but the need of his time forced him to write a very different kind of letter. He uses all his energy to plead with readers to stick to the truth and to reject falsehood - knowing that the decision we make will be the difference between heaven and hell.In verses 5-10, Jude elaborates verse 4, describing and condemning the false teachers. These verses fall into three major sections, in each of which Jude cites Old Testament or Jewish traditional material and then applies it to the false teachers.Support the show

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