Madison Church

The God Dilemma | Who Needs God (Part 4) | Stephen Feith



What if the gods we grew up believing in don't hold up as adults? This week, we continue our Who Needs God series, diving into the growing trend of "nones" – those who check "none" for religious affiliation on surveys – and discussing the difference between "nones" and atheists. We also explore the idea that disbelief isn't always the greener pasture, examining the "gods of the no testament" and how our Sunday school gods may fail us in adulthood.Through a close look at Jesus and the Samaritan woman from John's Gospel, we investigate the nature of God and how the Jews have been contemplating a big bang for thousands of years. We also consider Jesus' description of God as a father, and how understanding God as the perfection of a father can shift the way we read the Bible. Time, space, and matter reveal a timeless, immaterial being – one deeply involved and caring, despite our imperfections.Lastly, we delve into the apostle John's profound words: