Madison Church

Exploring Atheism and the Struggles of Faith | Who Needs God (Part 1) | Stephen Feith



Who among us hasn't struggled with the concept of God and faith at some point in our lives? It's a question as old as humanity itself, and on today's episode, we explore the challenges of believing in God and why so many people, particularly former Christians, find themselves disconnected from religion. We examine the phenomenon of the 'nones' – those who don't necessarily identify as atheists, but simply have no interest in faith or religion.Diving into the complexities of atheism, we discuss thought-provoking questions like, where did something come from nothing, and how did that something evolve into us? We also explore atheist Christopher Hitchens' intriguing idea of the 'illusion of the mind' and the notion that a world governed by physics leaves no room for free will. Join us for this enlightening conversation and stay engaged with the series as we attempt to uncover who truly needs God.Support the show