Iron Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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An audio library and podcast site for bodybuilding, sports nutrition, athletes and coaches.


  • Episode 555 IronRadio - Topic 2020 Predictions Q-and-A


    What's coming down the pike in strength sports? The intrepid trio tackle this question in a quick-fire question-and-answer format. Topics include competition, training, and diet trends, bodybuilding supplements, drugs, and other chemicals, new technologies and tons more! Lastly, the show is commercial sponsor-free and listener-supported thanks to listeners like you! Thank you to supporters like John, the Steak-n-Hoagie Shop, Joel, Kara, Austin, and Tony. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 554 IronRadio - Guests Tyler C., Louis V. Topic Ketogenic Diets


    How do you feel about ketogenic diets? Is there a place for high-fat, high-sodium intakes? Get facts and opinions from keto industry entrepreneurs Tyler Cartwright and Louis Villasenor! Also, please don't forget the Funds Drive; the show is ad-free and listener-supported thanks to listeners like you! Huge gratitude goes out to supporters like Steven, Neil, Tyler, Kurt, and Jill. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 553 IronRadio - Topic Deep Winter Gains


    The Holiday Season brings opportunities to clever strength athletes. High-cal foods and short days are not all bad! Grab an egg nog and strategize with Lonnie and Mike on how to get massive! Also, please don't forget the Funds Drive; the show is ad-free and listener-supported! Holiday thanks go out to strong supporters like these - Thomas, Travis, Nathan, Marsh, and Joel. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 552 IronRadio - Topic Don't You Know Who I Am?


    After handling some listener questions and news, the guys offer a rant about self-perceived fitness celebrities. Do they even exist? What drives them to be self-enamored or to publish themselves and what might a consumer look for before becoming a fan? Also, please don't forget the Fall Funds Drive; the show is ad-free and listener-supported! Holiday thanks go out to new supporting member Jacob as well as existing supporters like Philip, Andrew, Christopher, Cory, and Eliazar. You keep the show strong and are appreciated!

  • Episode 551 IronRadio - Topic Sub-goals vs Totals in Power Sports


    It's not always about your total in a powerlifting meet or your overall body weight. Enter sub-goals. The guys discuss particular lagging lifts or body parts and how experienced lifters target them. There's also science news on protein dosing and dietary flexibility. And please don't forget the Fall Funds Drive; the show is ad-free and listener-supported! Holiday thanks go out to new supporting member Joel as well as existing supporters like Stephen, Chris, Matthew, and Korey. You keep the show strong and are appreciated!

  • Episode 550 IronRadio - Topic Absolute Minimum Spot Checks


    What's your absolute minimum respectable performance in various lifts? How do you know? Check in with the guys to get insights! Plus, the news covers FDA actions against CBD companies, and carbohydrate pros and cons. And please don't forget the Fall Funds Drive; the show is ad-free and listener-supported! Finally, thanks go out to recent donor Tony as well as existing supporters like Jon, Andrew, Neil, Tyler, and Steven. You keep the show strong and are appreciated!

  • Episode 549 IronRadio - Topic Phil's Fall 2019 Powerlifting Meet


    It's time for gym talk. After a bit of listener mail and nutrition news, Coach Stevens shares his experience preparing and traveling to California to compete against the big boys. From his initial signature on the dotted line, to setting short and long term goals, to what happened on-site, plenty gets discussed. Also, the Fall Funds Drive is underway! Plus, thanks go out to existing supporters like Neil, Kurt, Jill, Ryan, and the Outdoor Alliance Company. You keep the show strong are appreciated!

  • Episode 548 IronRadio - Guest Dr. Bill Campbell Topic Diet-Physique Research


    Physiology and nutrition professor Bill Campbell checks in with updates on his research into physique athletes. Topics include cyclic calorie restriction, female fitness athletes and more. The news segment covers surprising data on the rate at which tendons rebuild compared to muscle. Also, the Fall Funds Drive is underway! Lastly, gratitude goes out to supporters like these who help bring you the show - Marsh, Joel, Robert, Fred, Todd, and Michael. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 547 IronRadio - Topic Sports Nutrition News Time


    With Phil in California at his meet, Lonnie and Mike nerd out - surprise, surprise. The science news ranges from the sweet spot for over-eating to gain mass, to hyper-palatable foods, to Gen Z food perspectives, to the sun-skin-gut axis. Also, the Fall Funds Drive is underway as well as a new contest! And last but not least, thanks go out to recent donor Steven, as well as strong regulars like these who help bring you the show - Jeff, Jarrett, Wyatt, Jon, and Rory. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 546 IronRadio - Guest Jim Wendler Topic A Call with Jim


    Caution - Potty mouth powerlifters at work. If you're easily offended or listen with kids, you should privately listen-through this special episode first. Phil and Jim have a frank conversation that ranges from coaching kids to leadership to the good old days and more. Also, the Fall Funds Drive is underway as well as a new contest! And last but not least, thanks go out to recent donor Sean and new subscriber Peter, as well as regulars like these who help bring you the show - Austin, Kara, Peter, Nicholas, Jon, and Andrew. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 545 IronRadio - Guest Lacie Mackey Topic Coffee in the Sports Nutrition Business


    Lacie Mackey, fitness professional in the film industry and CEO of her own coffee company, joins the guys to talk about her caffeinated, hard-training world. The episode covers topics from the coffee-fitness connection to medium chain triglyceride products and even gout. Also, the Fall Funds Drive is underway as well as a new contest! Last but not least, THANK YOU to donor Anthony, and regulars like these who help bring you the show - Kurt, Neil, Travis, Alan, and Steven. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 544 IronRadio - Topic Broad Physical Functionality


    After news covering a record breaking performance and the pros and cons of processed foods, the intrepid trio talks shop. How well can bodybuilders and powerlifters run, jump, climb, fight, throw, and do other physical tasks? Get insights! Also, the Fall Funds Drive is starting as well as a new contest! Lastly, huge thanks go out to strong regulars like these who helped bring you this episode - Joe, Thomas, Robert, Joel, and Marsh. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 543 IronRadio - Topic Getting Huge, Now vs Then


    Do you train, eat, supplement, or recover differently from 10 years ago? After the guys cover news ranging from record breakers to testosterone to GMO foods, the discussion examines just that. In fact, acquisition of raw size is the focus. Also tune in for improved audio, new Iron Radio graphics, and an ongoing t-shirt ad from Phil. Plus, the Fall Funds Drive is starting as well as a new contest! Lastly, THANK YOU to strong regulars like these who already help bring you the show - Cory, Jacob, Christopher, Douglas, and Cale. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 542 IronRadio - Topic Fitness and Nutrition Mail and News


    Listener questions and news seem to build up these days. The first half of this episode is dedicated to questions regarding general fitness versus muscle sports, and cycling caffeine and other stimulants. After the mid show break - and surprise celebrity ad - the guys cover news including the Mr. Olympia, more good press for red meat, mind-boosting nootropic drugs and supplements, and plenty more. Also check out our improved audio, new Iron Radio graphics, and a t-shirt ad from Phil! Lastly, thanks go out to new supporter, Nick as well as strong regulars like these who help bring you the show - Kara, Jon, Andrew, and Austin. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 541 IronRadio - Topic Podcaster Media Fest


    In a patchwork episode, the guys share clips and experiences - on site - from the Spartan Media Fest in Lake Tahoe. What was it like to be a strength and size-oriented trio, pilgrimaging in the land of general fitness and obstacle course racers? Find out! Also tune in for the usual listener mail on topics like best practices in HRV monitoring, creatine cycling, and more. Finally, much gratitude goes out to people like these, whose strong support helps bring you IronRadio - Tyler, Neil, Steven, Alan, and of special note this time, David. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 540 IronRadio - Topic Muscle Athlete Citizenship


    Are you a good muscle-sport citizen? Feeling a sense of identity and membership in a community, online or in-person, brings rewards - and requirements. Check in as the guys get philosophical, examining the concept of citizenship and what it entails. Also tune in for news on the plant-versus-meat controversy. Finally, much gratitude goes out to people like these, whose strong support helps bring you IronRadio - Marek, Ryan, David, and Prasan. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 539 IronRadio - Topic News and Questions from the Gym


    This week Dr. Lowery is down but not out with the flu, and Dr. Nelson is globe trotting, so a slightly briefer episode of news and questions gets provided separately by Lonnie and Phil. Topics include coffee research, insect protein, a new faster type of whey protein, weight gain basics, the best heart rate for cardio, and tons more. Lastly, much gratitude goes out to people like these, whose strong support helps bring you IronRadio - Michael, Eliazar, Cory, Jacob, and Douglas. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 538 IronRadio - Topic Muscle Nerds


    With Phil away, Drs. Lowery and Nelson nerd-out. Indeed, after sharing science news defining which types of meat and fruit are most healthful, the guys cover the topic of muscle nerds. From who they are, to what motivates them, to how many exist, plenty gets discussed. Also, thank you to supporters like these whose strong support helped bring you this episode of Iron Radio - Chris, Matthew, Rory, Korey, and Frederick. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 537 IronRadio - Guest Jim McDonald Topic Social Media and Lifters


    After Dr. L remotely offers some mail and science news, Coach Stevens and Dr. Nelson sit down with Jim McDonald to discuss the impact of social media on lifters. Have web sites, blogs, YouTube and other online developments affected you as a lifter? Get insights! Also, much gratitude goes out to supporters like these whose strong support helped bring you this episode of Iron Radio - Jon, Andrew, Tyler, Steven, and Jonathan. You are appreciated!

  • Episode 536 IronRadio - Guest Nick Clayton Topic Virtual Events


    Phil, Mike, and Lonnie - the latter by phone - chat with professional strength event coordinator Nick Clayton, of the National Strength and Conditioning Association and other notable groups. Discussion ranges from content to cost to equivalency of online versus in-person workshops and seminars. Also tune in for new science on melatonin and fat loss. Finally, thanks go out to supporters like these who helped bring you this episode of Iron Radio - Alan, Neil, Jill, Kurt, Marek, Ryan, and the Outdoor Alliance Company. You are appreciated!

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