New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh



Ready for a Fresh Energy Breakthrough? Darius Barazandeh and top spiritual healers, teachers and energy experts help you to heal, transform and awaken matters affecting your life, health and spirit. Every episode contains POWERFUL energy healing work and self help - so catch them all. To listen to LIVE sessions while they happen please visit: and get your Free 3-Step Energy Awakening Kit. All to help continue your journey to your best self and life!


  • Mashhur Anam interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    20/08/2015 Duration: 01h26min

    Reprogram your matrix now! Join Mashhur Anam for Holographic Transformation: Reprogram your Matrix for Abundance and Relationships. In this session you will learn how to program your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields to effortlessly attract abundance in all areas of your life; release blocks, remove old patterns causing disharmony and transform issues using holographic tools and programs; rerogram your personal field and consciousness to attract true love; the quickest way to raise the vibration of your personal energy, your home, your office and your business; how to detach from harmful morphic fields (group consciousness powered by massive number of people) so that you can transform your life faster; how to gradually move toward a 5th dimensional vibration. Experience this life transforming session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Rhonda Britten interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    13/08/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Unlock your amazing life! Join Life Coach, Emmy-Award winner and repeat Oprah guest, Rhonda Britten, for Fearless Living: How to Take Risks and Live Free. Rhonda Britten has devoted her life to one thing: to teach people how to master fear. Whether that's a fear of rejection or loss; fear of failure or success; fear of abandonment or pain, Rhonda has created a method for anyone anywhere to master the invisible, insidious fear we all have of 'not being good enough.' What she teaches is what she's lived. In this session, you will discover why every single thing holding you back has one thing in common, the answer to your fears, blocks and challenges, the key secrets that keep 99% of people stuck (and how to avoid it now), exactly why "positive thinking" is not the answer. You will also learn how to tackle the issue of "not being good enough", how to be brave enough to take risks, how to overcome self-judgment, how to have more self love, joy, abundance and LIFE now. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more

  • Lori Spagna interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    11/08/2015 Duration: 01h35min

    Heal your pets; heal yourself (new threshold!) Note from Darius: "This has been one of the most astounding discoveries of my life. After this session I've really felt a much more intuitive connection NOT ONLY to my pet but what I've been sent here to learn! I really GOT the truth about things I need to learn." In this session, join Professional Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Canine Behavioral Expert for the Spiritually Conscious, Akashic Records Practitioner, and Energy Healer, Lori Spagna, for Embrace Wholeness with Our Animal Companions and Use Their Wisdom and Energy to Heal Ourselves and The World! On this amazing call you will learn how to receive wisdom, knowledge and healing for yourself and for the animals you love, live with and work with (even the human variety), learn to connect with your own animal companions and experience the healing energies they have to share with you, integrate valuable tools and insights for navigating the future of life on Earth from the perspective of the animals and Sour

  • Amethyst Wyldfyre interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    16/07/2015 Duration: 01h17min

    Align yourself with the frequency of wealth! Amethyst always creates amazing shifts during calls with Darius, so get ready! Join Amethyst Wyldfyre for Prepare for Wealth - An Empowered Messenger Wealth Frequency Attunement and Sound Ceremony - Q&A Call. The ancients understood the secrets of channeling - now you can learn how to channel ideas, energies and abundance. In this session, Amethyst will gift you with surfacing and erasing wealth blocking contracts including clearing, Light Body Attunements to connect to the new frequency of wealth, an activation and opening of channels to attract more wealth. Experience a release of the energy that keeps you stuck! Listen to live readings in this session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Kenji Kumara interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    14/07/2015 Duration: 01h21min

    What if you could unlock miracles? Listen to this amazing session and attunement and join us for some exercises on the call! Releasing the energy that keeps us stuck! Join Kenji Kumara for Journey Into Transformation & Miracles Part IV! In this session you will learn powerful processes to start unlocking and releasing core patterns of stress, trauma, and pain. According to Kenji, "We will start creating activations on the DNA and sub-atomic levels. Some might experience a 'light-body' alignment and a magnetic field re-alignment!" What could this mean for you? Be sure to be on this session! Get ready to find out how and experience something new! WARNING: On this session we go deep! This is a Part IV 'Attunment'. Please do not listen if you are not prepared for this level of vibration and attunement. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Jon Griffin Q&A

    09/07/2015 Duration: 01h19min

    Get ready for something totally NEW - a frequency attunement! Join modern-day, spiritually motivated composer Jon Griffin for Awaken the Wealth Within: Transcending Limitations to Harmonize with Your Total Wealth. In this session, you'll discover how to drop any fear energy that is holding you back, become open to receiving love and resonate with wealth, use tones and frequencies to shift your life, re-create your resonance now, stimulate the abundance in your body through sound, and understand the magic of omni-directional awareness and intuition. In this session, you will experience tones and frequencies to remove emotional blocks. Find out how and experience something new! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Noah St. John interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    07/07/2015 Duration: 01h26min

    Listen to this session and discover the secret 5 minute technique to create your dreams! Join Noah St. John for Afformations: The Missing Piece to Having Abundance. Would you like to spend a lot less time at work and still make more money? Would you like to be more productive with a lot less stress? And would you like to attract better relationships while being more authentic? Noah is the world's most quoted expert on how to clear the "low energy" that's holding you back. On this call, he's going to tell you about his incredible formula for having more abundance and well-being in less than 5 minutes a day. On this call you'll discover why people hold themselves back from the success they're capable of, why success comes naturally for some, while the rest struggle, what "AFFORMATIONS" are and how we can use them to reach our goals twice as fast with half the effort, the #1 thing "motivational" speakers DON'T want us to know, what a little assumption we make that is costing people a fortune, and so much more. F

  • Joanne Justis Q&A

    02/07/2015 Duration: 01h55min

    To unlock your amazing life - a must listen! Experience LIVE readings! Join Joanne Justis for the Magical Code of Numbers that Unlocks Your Power and Destiny (Chaldean Numerology is Beyond Magic!!). Learn the secrets of chaldean numerology. The Ancients understood the secrets of chaldean numerology. Joanne tells us - The Ancient Science of Numbers says that we are born with a set of unique numbers that have meanings, and from those meanings we can find out our destiny, who we are compatible with, what our personality is really like, and more. Our numbers define a sequence of events for us which, when taken in combination as a whole, describe the entire nature of our life experience. What if you could get laser-like insight into your destiny and purpose, understand your karmic journey and personal characteristics, overcome the behavior patterns that keep your stuck, understand how to take enlightened control of their life, learn where to change your multi-dimensional karmic alignment of self, be guided on whic

  • Dr. Bradley Nelson Q&A

    30/06/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    Rare event! This is one of the few times that Dr. Bradley Nelson takes caller's questions. Ask yourself - Have you been trying to create success in your life? Do you feel stuck, desperate, and like nothing has worked? Have you ever had a bad experience, memory or rejection? Have you had health challenges or a lack of vitality? You may have a "Heart Wall". Let Dr. Bradley set you free in this session! Join Dr. Bradley Nelson for LIVE 1-on-1 work to Unlock the "Secret Abundance" Behind Your "Heart-Wall". In this session you will understand how to remove any 'heart walls' that may be holding you back, learn how to dissolve 'heart walls' remotely, understand the truth about creating abundance, learn why the heart is the 'master key' to abundance. We opened the lines to clear your heart walls. Find out how so many have learned why abundance, love, vitality and joy are yours to experience! Release the energy that keeps you stuck! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Suzanna Kennedy interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    25/06/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    Do YOU have your upgrade? Experience an incredible NEW vibration exercise to purify your energy and body! Join Suzanna Kennedy for amazing new exercises and session to purify and cleanse energetic toxins that could be robbing you of your natural high vibration. During this session with Sizanna you will learn what is a Quantum Awakening, what is a Quantum Upgrade, how does our energy and life respond to an upgrade, how does collective energy effect our awakening, why we need to detox our energy, what opens up during this detox, exercises and practices to detox our energy now, and much, much more! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Panache Desai Clearing

    18/06/2015 Duration: 02h01min

    Ignite boundless receiving - Panache is BACK! Experience this 1-on-1 vibrational transformation session. Join Panache Desai in this session to unlock your amazing life! WARNING: During our last call we witnessed Vicki (a random caller) gain feeling in her legs and step out of her wheelchair! We have never seen or experienced anything like this. Others said the call was like a constant orgasm of JOY! Others were speechless. In this incredible session, Linda (another caller) who had not been able to see for decades, actually started to open up her sight again! What will happen to YOU? Get ready to experience direct vibrational 'uplink' to Universal Consciousness. Panache will reveal vibrational tools to dissolve trapped imprints, so you will feel nourished, inspired, and empowered to access revolutionary insights, and receive a life altering transmission to restore your natural state of being. Download the vibration that resonates with a life filled with your natural abundance. This will be an evolutionary cata

  • Morgana Rae interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    16/06/2015 Duration: 01h15min

    Brad Pitt, Fabio and your money... really? Find out! Exercises Inside! Wait until you experience what we did in this session... experience a SHIFT that will change you! Join Morgana Rae for How To Make Money Fall In Love With You. In this session you will experience something amazing. Get ready to shift your emotional, physical and spiritual energies around money - now! You will learn how to uncover your hidden blocks to your own abundance, how to abolish financial anxiety, learn a new way to relate to money - radically different than anything you have heard before. Discover a way to ask for more wealth and GET it. You can create irresistible "Attractors" to money. IMPORTANT NOTE: Results are not typical - Everyone is different! Discover what could happen in your life! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Carolyn Cooper interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    11/06/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    We are going to move a lot of energy on this session. Join gifted Energy Intuitive and teacher of leading edge energy healing, Carolyn Cooper, for Clearing Transformations that Stick: The #1 Secret to Altering the Outcome of Energy Work Forever. In this session you will learn 3 things you must do to get the best results from any type of Energy Healing, what is an Energetic Stance and why you must understand this, how gratitude affects wholeness of energy healing, how to feel and experience a shift now through Carolyn's method, how to lighten your life and day with fast clearings; clear DNA and lineage issues, blocks and sabotage. You will experience clearings to erase your self-sabotaging programs and shift your energy BIG time. Now - clear linage DNA and cellular memory, release blocks to worthiness, clear blocks to receiving, release fear, doubt and worry, dissolve blocks to feeling 'good enough'. Listen today for an incredible experiential breakthrough. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: h

  • Ann Taylor interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    09/06/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    One of our most popular guests, Ann Taylor, is back with more powerful clearings...THAN EVER! Join Ann for Be Empowered to Manifest Financial Abundance. With Ann's healing work, you can eliminate worry about money, heal fear of lack of money, remove the belief that there's never enough money, and empower yourself to know that making money is easy. Now - you CAN be empowered to manifest financial abundance! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Derek Rydall Process

    04/06/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Amazing Quantum Healing process today - listen to the whole session! Get ready for some powerful clearings based on what you need! Join Derek Rydall for THE LAW OF EMERGENCE: How to Get Unstuck, Become Unstoppable, and Generate Whatever You Need -- No Matter What! In this journey you will learn how to end the struggle of self improvement & effortlessly fulfill your potential, learn how to never be a victim again no matter what obstacles you face, find out why whatever's missing is what you're not giving, understand why many manifestation techniques don't work, discover the difference between attraction & emergence: it's the missing link, realize your deeper calling through a simple but powerful process. In this session, receive a Quantum Prayer Treatment that will instantly activate your untapped potential and lift you to a whole new level! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Wendy Hart interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    02/06/2015 Duration: 01h30min

    This is going to be one for the record books. Wendy Joy Hart is going to blast each of us off into a new life! We are doing to learn exactly how to turn off the fear, doubt, worry and blocks so we can manifest our best life now! Join Wendy Joy Hart for The Procrastination Cure: Learn Surprising Ways You've Been Blocking Yourself and What You Can Do Instead! With over 20 years of experience in human behavior, sales and psychology, international speaker and coach Wendy Joy Hart uses little known tools and cutting-edge brain science to develop this unique system that has people end procrastination fast, and for good. Wendy has coached over 2500 clients to reduce overwhelm, increase their sales, and get past whatever barriers were causing them to be drained or stuck. In this session you'll learn exactly how procrastination happens and how to stop it, why procrastination happens (this might shock you), why what you've been using to get "unstuck" hasn't been working, what is the trapped energy that you can remove,

  • Meg Benedicte interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    28/05/2015 Duration: 01h28min

    Learn the secrets to reveal your amazingness! Join Meg Benedicte for Discover How to Use the Quantum Vortex to Unlock Your Supernatural Powers! This is an amazing call. PLEASE NOTE: If you are not used to ULTRA HIGH ENERGY please use CAUTION when listening or taking part in any of these exercises. During this 'hands on' session, you will learn and experience the secrets of how to use quantum physics and zero point field, sacred geometry, ancient art of alchemy and the spiral dynamic of Torus Vortex as tool for transformation at the molecular level; eliminate dis-ease by re-connecting the human self with the divine self in the physical bio-energetic field; use the vortex meditation to unlock gravity and activate the chakra centers to ignite with kundalini life force; create inner stillness, peace and balance with Zero Point Harmonics of PHI; activate the Pineal and neural network of psychic/intuitive communication with Higher Self guidance. WARNING: the exercises in this session use ULTRA HIGH ENERGY. Use CAUT

  • Paul Hoffman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    26/05/2015 Duration: 01h27min

    Create the life of your dreams with daily rituals! Join Paul Hoffman for Day Sculpting: How To Create A Mindset Of Success And Live The Life You Dream About. Paul Hoffman is an internationally known Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach and Transformational Songwriter. He is the CEO, Visionary and Chief Inspirational Officer of The Success Creation Institute, Success Songs and Paul Hoffman Music Inc. He teaches principles and strategies based on creating Mindsets Of Success, which are created though a daily success ritual. His programs have inspired and empowered users to release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that block their desired success as they tap into the true dimension of their highest potential. In this powerful session, you will learn how to create a mindset of success just like highly successful people so, how a focused intention creates a powerful success reflex and an achievable chief aim, how to transform the sabotaging noise of competing commitments and limitations into your very own song of

  • Mas Sajady interviewed by Darius Barazandeh

    21/05/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Warning: Do not listen to this session if you are not serious about transforming your life. Through two near death experiences Mas Sajady has been gifted with astonishing healing abilities. Akin to famous healers throughout history very few have achieved these miraculous levels. Thousands have benefited from this natural phenomenon, in their health, relationships, financial and spiritual arenas of life. Join Mas Sajady for 21 Days to Total Abundance: How to Open the Floodgates to Abundance in All Areas of Your Life. From Mas Sajady, words of caution: For some the paradigm shifts may be too great! During this powerful breakthrough session you will choose a vibrant and healthier you, remove self-defeating patterns, tap into your creative genius, resolve persistent health issues, attract great relationships, energize your inner core for rapid achievement and live in a state of well being. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

  • Christie Marie Sheldon Process Call

    19/05/2015 Duration: 01h41min

    One of our favorites is back for an in-depth Q&A with YOU! Get ready for some powerful money clearings based on what you need! Join Christie Marie Sheldon for Unlimited Abundance - Clear Those Abundance Blocks That Are Silently Sabotaging Your Ability to Attract Wealth Q&A Process Call. In this session with Christie you will experience clearing the resistance to money, release 'Auto-Pilot' programs that are keeping you stuck financially, understand how to release doubt and fear that keep you stuck, understand your 'moto-motor' that controls the abundance you receive (and how to turn it on!), release fears of success, numbers and failures. You will finally understand how your life-robbing blocks to money work and how they are not you! Listener's questions create the clearings in the incredible session! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to:

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