New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Rhonda Britten interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



Unlock your amazing life! Join Life Coach, Emmy-Award winner and repeat Oprah guest, Rhonda Britten, for Fearless Living: How to Take Risks and Live Free. Rhonda Britten has devoted her life to one thing: to teach people how to master fear. Whether that's a fear of rejection or loss; fear of failure or success; fear of abandonment or pain, Rhonda has created a method for anyone anywhere to master the invisible, insidious fear we all have of 'not being good enough.' What she teaches is what she's lived. In this session, you will discover why every single thing holding you back has one thing in common, the answer to your fears, blocks and challenges, the key secrets that keep 99% of people stuck (and how to avoid it now), exactly why "positive thinking" is not the answer. You will also learn how to tackle the issue of "not being good enough", how to be brave enough to take risks, how to overcome self-judgment, how to have more self love, joy, abundance and LIFE now. To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more