New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Paul Hoffman interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



Create the life of your dreams with daily rituals! Join Paul Hoffman for Day Sculpting: How To Create A Mindset Of Success And Live The Life You Dream About. Paul Hoffman is an internationally known Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach and Transformational Songwriter. He is the CEO, Visionary and Chief Inspirational Officer of The Success Creation Institute, Success Songs and Paul Hoffman Music Inc. He teaches principles and strategies based on creating Mindsets Of Success, which are created though a daily success ritual. His programs have inspired and empowered users to release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that block their desired success as they tap into the true dimension of their highest potential. In this powerful session, you will learn how to create a mindset of success just like highly successful people so, how a focused intention creates a powerful success reflex and an achievable chief aim, how to transform the sabotaging noise of competing commitments and limitations into your very own song of