Gospel Saving Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 317:43:24
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While so many in our world today have perverted and twisted the Holy Scriptures of the Bible by teaching error and false doctrine (usually for their own gain), we at Gospel Saving Church are committed and dedicated to God and to you, to bring true Biblical truth to the world. So please join us weekly to hear Pastor Ed teach verse by verse through each book of the Bible, bringing Biblical truth and true Biblical doctrine to the world.May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.Pastor Ed


  • 062 - Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart... The Mouth Speaks

    17/12/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:33-37) Today we looked at Jesus' direct address to the Pharisees personally, on their judgment of His casting out the demon, in Matthew 12:31-32, when The Pharisees had said that Jesus cast out the demon by Satan. We talked about how Jesus used an allegory of good trees and the good fruit they produce, verses bad trees and the bad fruit they produce to expose the evil hearts of the Pharisees. We also took a good long look at the statement by Jesus towards the Pharisees, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks", and we then made personal application to mankind today. I hope you will be challenged by today's message, and learn and grow in Christ Jesus. God bless you! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 061 - The Unforgiveable Sin

    09/12/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:31-32) In our message we talked about the comfort and amazing love that God has for sinners in the fact that He offers us forgiveness for all of our sins and blasphemies, except for ONE. But unfortunately, as there is comforting good news in the the wonderful salvation that God gives to sinful mankind, there is also bad news in today's message, "The Unforgivable Sin". There is one sin according to Jesus Christ in our text today that God won't forgive, either in this age or the one to come, which is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What is this sin and how do we not stay away from committing it. We discuss all of this in The unforgivable sin. I invite you to listen and be encouraged and challenged in your walk with the Lord. God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 060 - Jesus Cast Out Demons By The Spirit Of God

    02/12/2013 Duration: 59min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:22-30) In our message today we read about the awesome miracle of Christ to heal the demon possessed man, who was blind and mute. Amazing miracle, and the multitudes were amazed starting to believe that He was the Christ. But the Pharisees spoke evil of Jesus and accused Him of casting the demon out by the devil. Come and listen to how Jesus defends Himself against these accusations, and puts these Pharisees to shame. Hope you enjoy, and are challenged in your walk with the Lord by this weeks message. God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 059 - The Fulfillment

    25/11/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:15-21) In our message this week, we looked at Jesus' reaction to the Pharisees leaving and plotting how they might destroy Him. He leaves with His disciples and goes and does some amazing miracles among the multitudes. He then tells those who are with Him not to make Him known, which means that He didn't want anyone to know about all of the healings He had just done. Why did He tell them this? Why Jesus told them not to make Him known is where we get the title of this Meeks message. Take a listen and see why we titled this one "The Fulfillment". God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 058 - From The Grain Field, To The Synagogue

    18/11/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:9-14) We opened up our message with a very easily overlooked detail in the Scripture. We switched gears a little bit and focused on the unstoppable ability of God over mankind, to fulfill His purposes. And as for our main text, we looked at how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with a kindergarten question about healing on the Sabbath, and how He responds back with a questions that even a 9 year old answered correctly. What detail of scripture is easily missed? In what ways is God unstoppable, and what questions did Jesus ask the Pharisees that a 9 year old could answer correctly? Take a listen and find out all of the golden nuggets that God has for you in "From the grain field to the Synagogue". God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com http://facebook.com/gospelsavingchurch

  • 057 - The Smack Down

    11/11/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:1-8) In our message today, we looked at how the Pharisees accused Jesus' disciples of breaking the Law of God, for plucking some grain and eating it on the Sabbath day of rest. Were the disciples really in error for plucking and eating this grain? Or were the religious Pharisees correct in their condemnation of Jesus' disciples? What does the Bible say, guilty or innocent? I invite you to join us, and listen along, and find out the answers as I take you through this powerful challenging section of scripture. God bless you! Pastor Ed Spagnoli http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 056 - Attitude Of The Heart

    04/11/2013 Duration: 58min

    Overview: (Matthew 11:25-30) We started off the sermon with an awesome point that could easily be missed. The fact that Jesus went from talking to the multitudes, to talking to His Heavenly Father. Jesus answers His father (verse 25). We then moved our focus to three kinds of people. The wise, the prudent, and the babes, and we talked about these three types of people for the remainder of the message. Jesus starts thanking God the Father for hiding certain things from the wise and prudent, and revealing them only to the babes. What are the these things Jesus is talking about, and why did God decide to hide them from the wise and prudent, and reveal them only to babes? Come and listen and find out the answers to these questions, and in the midst of getting these answers, you can also come and find out which kind of person you are, a wise and prudent, or a babe? God bless you & enjoy the message! Pastor Ed Watch the video version! http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 055 - The Danger Of Rejecting Jesus

    28/10/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    Overview: (Matthew 11: 19-24) The danger of rejecting Jesus. The title is self explanatory. Jesus throws heavy rebuke on those who saw His miracles and still would not believe. Jesus tells them that the great day of Judgment, called the Great White Throne judgment in Revelation 2:11-15, will be more tolerable or softer for those pagan cities that never saw His works, than for those who saw and still refused to repent of their unbelief of Him as the Christ. Where will you stand on the day of Judgment? Is your name written in the book of life? Come and find out who will stand before God in victory and who will not. God bless you. Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 054 - To What Do I Liken This Generation?

    20/10/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview: (Matthew 11: 16-19) In our message today we look at what Jesus compares (or likens) His generation of people to. He says it is like some Children that are calling out to some of their companions, but the companions aren't responding. Who are the Children, and who are their companions, and why aren't the companions responding to the outreach of the Children? Join me, as I answer these questions, and discuss some of the awesome love of Christ. God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 053 - He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear

    14/10/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Overview (Matthew 11:12-15): We need to be careful how we hear Jesus, or listen to what He says. Todays group of verses is one of the more difficult ones in the Bible. Easily misunderstood, you could seem to think that God's Kingdome can easily be taken over by mankind by force, and John the Baptist was really reincarnated to be Elijah the prophet. Now we know that no one is greater than God, and the Bible speaks against reincarnation, so what is the deal? Listen and enjoy as I take us through this difficult section of scripture and explain the common misunderstandings. God Bless you! - Pastor Ed

  • 052 - The Citizens Of Heaven

    06/10/2013 Duration: 01h29s

    Overview - The Citizens Of Heaven. Matthew 11: 7-11. In this weeks sermon we focused our attention on how important of a man of God, John the Baptist was to God and the reason he was such. Now, even though God spoke so highly of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ considered him such a great prophet, Jesus said that the least in the Kingdom of God was greater than John. And finally, we took a powerful look at why the least in the Kingdom of Heaven was greater than John. Enjoy the message. God bless you! - Pastor Ed

  • 051 - The Great Doubt

    30/09/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview - The Great Doubt. Matthew 11: 1-6. We focused today on the great John the Baptist. In this section of scripture, John was in prison and sends his disciples to come to Jesus with a question. "Are you the coming one, or do we look for another"? This question shows us that John the Baptist, doubted Jesus being the Christ. How could John the Baptist doubt, with the knowledge he had of Christ? Come find out. Enjoy. God bless you! - Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 050 - He Who Receives You Receives Me

    22/09/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    050 - He Who Receives You Receives Me by Ed Spagnoli

  • 049 - What Is A Christian?

    15/09/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    Overview - What Is A Christian? Matthew 10:34-39. In our message today we read how Jesus told us the depth of the persecution that Christians would face as even their own family members will be divided against them for His name sake. We also looked at Jesus' definition of a real Christian, and the level of dedication that He requires from us. So many in the world we live in today believe they are Christians because they have prayed a prayer of salvation, and accepted Jesus into their hearts, but you will not be able to find these terms in the Bible. Come and listen to todays message and examine your life up against the words of Jesus as He tells us what a real Christian really is. God Bless you. - Pastor Ed

  • 048 - It's All About The Son

    09/09/2013 Duration: 54min

    Overview - It's All About The Son. Matthew 10:32-33. In our message today Jesus told us that if we confess His name before others, He would confess our name before God Almighty. Jesus didn't say, that whoever proclaimed God's Name would be confessed before the Father, He said that whoever confesses His name, would be confessed before the Father. But in stark contrast Jesus also said that if we denied His name before men, He would deny our name before the father. Most people would think that this denial of Jesus would only be a verbal one. And while, denying Jesus verbally is something people can do, the Bible also says that people can confess Christ verbally but deny Him and the faith by living lives that are contrary to God's Word. Do you confess Jesus Christ verbally, but deny Him by the life you live? Please come and take a listen to today's message and find out more. God bless you - Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 047 - The Great Consolation

    01/09/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    Overview - The Great Consolation. Matthew 10:27-31. In this weeks message we looked at how the command of Jesus to evangelize people, with persecutions promised, scared them. Then we got to see the consolation/comfort that Jesus was able to give His disciples to help them not be afraid of, and be obedient to His commands. God Bless You. - Pastor Ed

  • 046 - On The Job Hazards

    26/08/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    Overview - On The Job Hazards. Matthew 10:16-26. In our message today, we studied the hazards that come along with the job/call that God has for all Christians to evangelize. Evangelism is not easy, but God has called all followers of Christ to share the truth with others, even though there will be persecutions even leading to death. Jesus thought we were important enough to go to the cross and lay His life down for us, as Christians should consider Christ important enough to share Jesus with the world, even if it costs us our lives. God Bless you. - Pastor Ed

  • 045 - The Need. The Prayer. The Commission. The Command.

    19/08/2013 Duration: 01h04s

    Overview - The Need. The Prayer. The Commission. The Command. Matthew 9:37-38 - Matthew 10:1-15. In our message today, we looked at how Jesus saw... 1. The need for more evangelists to go tell others about God's Kingdom. And how that led Him to have the disciples 2. To pray for more workers to go into God's harvest, then 3. To Commission the disciples to go and evangelize, and lastly 4. To Command them to go out to the people and tell them about Gods Kingdom. We can easily see the heart of God throughout this section of scripture as Jesus really was a teacher/evangelist and wanted mankind to hear the good news of salvation. God bless you. - Pastor Ed

  • 044 - The Love Of Christ

    11/08/2013 Duration: 48min

    Overview - The Love Of Christ. Matthew 9:35-38. In our message today, we examined many of the different ways in which Jesus Christ showed His love for us by His actions. He was rejected by His own, and He still went forth and ministered to the peoples of His own country. His Love is extravagant. Jesus Christ is "all love", and gave Himself a ransom for many. God bless you. - Pastor Ed

  • 043 - When the Demon Was Cast Out the Mute Spoke

    04/08/2013 Duration: 57min

    Overview - When the Demon Was Cast Out the Mute Spoke. Matthew 9:32-34. In our message today, we got a good look at the amazing love and God-likeness of Jesus as He was under tremendous pressure during His ministry because of the demand He allowed people to put on Him. In the last part of the message we looked at the mute man's healing, and an interesting spiritual parallel that relates to our human sinful condition. God Bless you - Pastor Ed.

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