Gospel Saving Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 317:43:24
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While so many in our world today have perverted and twisted the Holy Scriptures of the Bible by teaching error and false doctrine (usually for their own gain), we at Gospel Saving Church are committed and dedicated to God and to you, to bring true Biblical truth to the world. So please join us weekly to hear Pastor Ed teach verse by verse through each book of the Bible, bringing Biblical truth and true Biblical doctrine to the world.May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.Pastor Ed


  • 082 - Dangerous Religion

    13/04/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview: (Matthew 15: 1-9) In our message today we studied an encounter between some religious leaders and Jesus over a tradition that the Jewish elders had made concerning ways in which they thought proper to wash before eating. These guys made man's traditions more important than Gods ways, laws and commandments. Jesus does not take it laying down and retaliates back with some powerful words. Come listen along as we study this encounter, and see how exactly Jesus Christ replies and find out what dangerous religion is. God bless you! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com Jesus Christ says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

  • 081 - They Made It To The Other Side

    06/04/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:34-36) In our sermon today we focus on the small detail of the fact that the disciples successfully crossed over to the other side of the sea of Galilee. Small detail, but huge in importance, considering they were stuck at sea going nowhere fast for around 16-18 hours. So how did they successfully manage to make it to the other side without perishing in the storm? Come find out in our message entitled, "They Made It To The Other Side". A message of hope in the midst of the storm. God bless you! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com Jesus Christ says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

  • 080 - GSC Communion Service 3-30-14

    30/03/2014 Duration: 05min

    Every Sunday GSC honors the Lord by being obedient to His command in regard to The Lords Supper. Join us in your home as we partake together. God Bless You! - Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 079 - Christ Was/Is Patient With Doubting, Seeking, Sinners

    30/03/2014 Duration: 52min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:28-33) I already taught on verses 28-29 last week, but we go back and I go over these verses, again this week because in them along with verses 30-31, we find an amazing aspect of God's character, that makes me fall deeper in love with Him. A characteristic about God that really gives mankind some awesome hope. I invite you to listen along, and discover this amazing aspect of God's character, that offers all humanity amazing hope. God bless you! - Pastor Ed Visit our website for more sermons & thought provoking videos! http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 078 - Is It Really You, Jesus?

    23/03/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:28-29) In our message last week entitled, "He Tested Their Hearts and Minds", we studied how Jesus Christ sent the disciples in the boat to cross the sea mainly to test their hearts and minds. In our message today, God showed us, through Peter's statement from the boat "Lord if it is you, command me to come to you" as an example of the fact that He allows a provision for mankind to test Him and God Almighty in certain situations. If that shocked you that I said that, and you don't believe it, that's alright, because that's one of the reason's why I believe God had me teach this concept today. In our message today we look at other Biblical accounts of times when God gave allowance to people to test Him, and things that He told them, and He actually approved of it, just as Jesus did here with Peter and the disciples in Matthew 14:28-29. God bless you! May you grow in the wisdom of the Lord today - Pastor Ed Visit our website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 077 - He Tested Their Hearts And Minds

    18/03/2014 Duration: 55min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:22-27) In this weeks message, we start off once again, looking at the love of Christ in the sacrifice He makes for those 5,000 men (besides women and children) that He fed. We then take a good long look at why Jesus sent His disciples away in a boat, where they faced a terrible storm the entire evening, trying to get to the other side of the sea of Galilee. Yes, Jesus had a reason for giving them this command. He was testing their hearts and minds. Come take a listen to our message today, and find out how. God bless you! - Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/gospelsavingchurch

  • 076 - And He Was Moved With Compassion For Them

    09/03/2014 Duration: 01h10min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:13-21 ) Take a few moments of your day to stop and think. To really think of how enormous God's compassion is for us through the express image of God Himself - Jesus Christ. It is mind-blowing indeed! Are you self"less" or self"ish"? Let Christ be your role model from this day forward. Here at GSC, Jesus really is our "hero". God Bless You! Pastor Ed Jesus Christ says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 075 - The Sad End Of A Great Soldier (John the Baptist)

    02/03/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview: (Matthew 14:1-12) In our message today we look at the death of John the Baptist, the great soldier of God/Christ, and the details around that account. John's imprisonment and death are a fulfillment of what Jesus Christ told His disciples in Matthew chapter 10:16 "I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves" (and we know that wolves eat sheep). We also take a look at the false ideology in America today that states that we can have "our best life now". This idea is completely unsupported in the Holy Scripture, as even Jesus Christ says in John 16:33 – "in this world you will have trouble". Jesus Christ never promised anyone that would follow Him a perfect/no problem life. He was persecuted, and He said that we would face the same, if we decided to follow Him. But He is worth whatever persecution we might have to suffer, as He paid the highest price He could for our sins by sacrificing Himself on the cross to offer mankind eternal life and peace with God Almighty. God Bless you! Pastor Ed Visi

  • 074 - Come, Take Communion With Gospel Saving Church (2-23-14)

    24/02/2014 Duration: 05min

    Every Sunday GSC honors the Lord by being obedient to His command in regard to The Lords Supper. Join us in your home as we partake together. God Bless You! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 073 - A Faithful Householder

    23/02/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:51-58) In our message today we look at what it means to be a faithful householder of the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven for God. We examine the responsibility that God has given to each and every believer, no matter the personal cost, to give the directions to the Kingdom of Heaven to others despite the rejection we will face. Are you a faithful householder? Take a listen and find out. God bless you! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 072 - Will You Be Thrown Away?

    16/02/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:47-52) In our sermon today we studied the parable of the dragnet, and it's spiritual explanation according to Jesus. This parable is a picture of the end of the world, and Gods great judgment. In this parable, Jesus tells us who will be able to, and won't be able to inherit eternal life. Where will you stand on this great day of Judgment? Will God throw you out into eternal hell, or gather you up to be with Him unto eternal life? Please examine your life against what the Bible says about who is saved and who is not. God bless you! Pastor Ed Jesus Christ says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 071 - The Seekers And The Wanderers

    09/02/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:44-46) In our message today we explored 2 more of the Kingdom of Heaven is like parables. 1) The Treasure Hidden 2) The Pearl of Great price Again, like last week, we cannot be 100% sure of the deeper spiritual meaning of these parables because Jesus did not teach them. So in "The seekers & the wanderers" I take the common themes we find in these 2 parables and match them up with some of the accounts of the New Testament of the Bible that are similar. I believe the Lord has shown me at least one of the possible deeper spiritual understandings of these parables, so please take a listen to the sermon, and see what you think. I would love any emails with your ideas on other deeper spiritual truths to these parables. God bless you! Pastor Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 070 - The Mustard seed & the Leaven

    02/02/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:31-35) We covered two more of the "Kingdom of Heaven is like" parables in our message today. The parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the leaven. Jesus gave us the physical understanding of these parables, but never gave us the spiritual meanings to them. So nobody can say with 100% certainty the exact spiritual understandings, because Jesus never taught them. So in our sermon, "The Mustard seed & the Leaven" we discuss a possible spiritual understanding of what Jesus was saying in these parables. God bless you! Pastor Ed Gospel Saving Church Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 069 - Have This Mind In You

    26/01/2014 Duration: 59min

    Overview: (Philippian's 1:29-30 through 2:1-11) We have two main points to our message today. #1. Paul's request to the Christians of the church of Philippi to fulfill his joy by being like minded and united together, while not being self centered, And, the reason why they should; #2. because Christ Jesus, came to earth in the very form of God, and humbled Himself and became a bondservant, (to God and to us), to show us the way God wants us to live. A Christian is a follower of Christ, or a "little Christ". Humility is not beneath us, if it was not beneath the Creator of the universe. Examine your life in light of this sermon, are you following Christ as He wants you to? God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com Correction: In today's message, I made a mathematical error. I commented about how Bill Gates has over 42 billion in holdings, and that he could give every American a million dollars and still have lots of money left over. These stats are not true. I apologize for the errors.

  • 068 - The Parable Of The Wheat And The Tares

    19/01/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43) In our message today we studied the parable of the wheat and tares and Jesus' explanation of it. We looked at how Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven, with wheat and tares. Jesus compared the wheat and the tares to two types of people in the world of mankind. The good seeds of the wheat were the sons of the Kingdom of God, which represents saved people, while the tares were the sons of the wicked one, which represents unsaved people. Does God only create the good seeds or the saved people, and does the devil create the unsaved people? How do we know who are the wheat and who are the tares? Come and find out the answers to these questions and enjoy the sermon. God bless you! - Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 067 - Which Seed Are You?

    12/01/2014 Duration: 01h28min

    Overview: (Matthew 13:1-23) In our sermon today we studied the parable and the understanding that Jesus gave us about the sower. In this parable and the understanding of the parable, Jesus really gives us a spiritual behind the scenes look at what happens in someone's heart when they hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us that there are four possible things that happen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ after it is planted onto someone's heart. Everyone that has ever heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ falls into one of these four categories, which seed are you. Which category do you fall into. Come and listen to "Which seed are you" and try to figure out which category you fall into. Come test yourself. God bless you! - Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 066 - The Truth About Mary

    05/01/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:46-50) In our message today, we looked at the common Catholic belief that Mary the mother of Jesus Christ never had any other children, and died a virgin. We take, Matthew 12:46-50, along with other sections of scripture that parallel this one and we look to some of the original Greek words that influence the Catholic belief about Mary, and we take an in depth look at this theory of Mary being a virgin until death, and we hold it up against what the rest of the Bible says. (Alot of truth in this sermon. If you are a Catholic, or you have Catholic family members, The Truth About Mary, is a sermon you must listen to). *Visit our website to download Pastor Ed's scripture notes for this sermon free of charge. God bless you! Pasted Ed Website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 065 - Understanding Demons & Demon Possession

    29/12/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    065 - Understanding Demons & Demon Possession by Ed Spagnoli

  • 064 - The Birth Of The Mighty King ***(Special Christmas Message Edition)***

    26/12/2013 Duration: 40min

    ***(Special Christmas Message Edition)*** Overview: Matthew (1:18-25 and Matthew 2:1-12) Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday Jesus!!! In our message today, Jesus Christ and the events leading up to His birth, and the events following His birth are the entirety of our message. Jesus Christ takes center stage of today's Christmas message. As He is the reason we even celebrate Christmas, to begin with. Praise God for Jesus Christ coming from Heaven, and becoming the greatest gift mankind could ever get. May God richly bless all of you. We at Gospel Saving Church, want to wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas! - Pastor Ed Visit our website: http://gospelsavingchurch.com

  • 063 - ...and They Still Refused To Believe

    23/12/2013 Duration: 01h14min

    Overview: (Matthew 12:38-42) In our message today we first recapped the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:33-37, where He said "by your words you will be either justified or condemned", on the day of judgment. We then talked about how the Pharisees responded to these sayings of Christ, because He was speaking directly to them. In their response to Him in Matthew 12:38 today, we read that they just went on to test Him more, asking for a sign from Him, even after they just saw Jesus do an exorcism on the demon possessed man, who was blind and mute. Why did they do this? Lastly we looked deeply into the consequences of their sin of refusing to believe in Him, as Jesus told us/them that, both the Queen of Sheba and the Ninevites will rise up against them on judgment day, to judge Jesus' generation. What does it mean to have a true belief in Jesus, unto salvation? You are invited to Come, listen and find out the answer to this question, and much more interesting details in our message today. listen, and be challenged

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