Gospel Saving Church

061 - The Unforgiveable Sin



Overview: (Matthew 12:31-32) In our message we talked about the comfort and amazing love that God has for sinners in the fact that He offers us forgiveness for all of our sins and blasphemies, except for ONE. But unfortunately, as there is comforting good news in the the wonderful salvation that God gives to sinful mankind, there is also bad news in today's message, "The Unforgivable Sin". There is one sin according to Jesus Christ in our text today that God won't forgive, either in this age or the one to come, which is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. What is this sin and how do we not stay away from committing it. We discuss all of this in The unforgivable sin. I invite you to listen and be encouraged and challenged in your walk with the Lord. God bless you! Pastor Ed http://gospelsavingchurch.com