Don Woods

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • Pamdemic Rampage


    We are still in lockdown and most people seem to have got the message....but there's always the odd know the type....shaved head,tattoos and T-shirt plus the real tough guy walk....they don't seem to grasp that no matter how hard you think you are this virus doesn't really care.....they had some oaf in America announcing that no-one tells HIM what to do....and all this is a hoax....not a lot of hope really......but I do feel sorry for those who are not computer literate....getting on-line does's hard to believe isn't's like a bad dream.....I can't see this ending very soon....but at least we can get out for a bit of exercise which helps.

  • Will Lockdown Succeed?


    The lockdown continues and the virus continues to seriously affect the least the majority of people obeyed the rules over the Easter holiday...with of course the usual morons who don't think it applies to them....but it's hard to see where this will end...the number of casualties continues to rise so our "isolation" doesn't seem to be having much effect......and of course all the amateur politicians are wading in on Facebook with their pointless criticisms of the Government....which serve no positive purpose....whingeing and whining from your armchair solves nothing.....yes action should have been taken earlier but it's a problem we have never had and certainly weren't expecting....however we still have planes landing from overseas and passengers not being checked which seems a bit stupid but the main thing at the moment is the lack of protective equipment for the I say I don't know what the answer is...if there is one.

  • The Ballad of John Wayne


    We are still in self isolation which should make a lot of people realise not to take so much for granted when this is all's strange situation to be in as you well know....but at least we can go out for a bit of exercise and the television programmes are so bad I don't bother buying the weekly TV point.....and we have a new Labour leader...Sir Kier Starmer... who is a barrister and apparently very well needless to say he is getting a lot of stick.....and because we have been expecting some nice weather we have been told to stay at home nonetheless to prevent the spread of the virus....but this doesn't stop our nation of they go to the countryside to be met by the police who tell them to turn round and go hope mate.

  • Lockdown Continues


    The virus is still filling the news and now the government are being criticised for not acting sooner....which doesn't help the usual those who sit back and look for someone to blame should perhaps get off their arses and actually DO something's supporters we need not's something we have never experienced and it might...just might....get a message home into some of the empty headed morons who are wandering around....and now old Boris has got the virus....what the losers who came second in the last election don't seem to ask themselves is what is the comment.

  • CommonSense in Lockdown


    Ttousands decided to walk up Snowdon in Wales at the weekend while others piled into the parks....which just about sums up the mentality of our nation...not to mention the panic buying in now we are in some sort of "lockdown"......and with the great variety of intellects this has naturally caused an uproar with questions being fired at politicians on TV all starting with "What do I do if...." is a perfect display of the necessity for most of our population to require leading... the whole thing is basically about COMMON SENSE which sadly lacks in a lot of sections of the community....the difficulty is everyone is different...some care for others some only care about themselves which will never change.

  • CoronaVirus Lockdown


    With the coronavirus flooding the news every day we have a new word which is utilised by every news presenter..."Lockdown"...which I always thought applied to prisons and American movies.....what is wrong with "quarantine" or is that too English?....we are being infiltrated with Americanisms such as "go figure"..."24/7"...."high 5"....and worst of all "MOM"'s MUM!!!....this is England not Dodge's bad enough having to listen to the misuse of our language by third rate soap stars who replace "TH" with "F"....anyway I Fink that's enough of lots more.....

  • Media Induced Corona Panic?


    The media are still trying to scare everyone announcing more numbers each day of those contacting the corona virus...what we are not told is how many have actually recovered....and this has caused our nation of sheep to panic buy toilet rolls and hand sanitisers ... in case we all have to lock ourselves in our houses....there have been THREE fatalities where the people involved sadly had health problems beforehand...and 300 of us have contacted the the other 68 million of us must hope for the best....then we have entries on Facebook telling us that people are buying hand sanitisers for 99p and selling them on Ebay for £14....which is probably a load of nonsense....and not forgetting the rugby players who mustn't shake hands....then squash together in the scrum with their heads in between each others would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

  • LlanfairPG in Wales and Wirral


    The corona virus has dominated the news.....we now have 40 cases in this country and we are being told to "self isolate" if we don't feel well....especially if we have just come back from Italy or the media have done their job by creating a supplies of anti bacteria hand cream etc have run the price of some of these cures has strangely gone up....maybe I'm wrong but 40 people is hardly a major epidemic?.....but there you go....but we can all be assured our wonderful government will solve the problem....masks are sold out but apparently they serve no purpose - hand washing is the answer....and we must stay away from crowds...but it's O.K. to travel on London buses according to the mayor....I give up.

  • Water, Water, Everywhere......


    The Coronavirus has been headlining the news with our local hospital in Wirral being featured and the floods which get worse in certain parts of the country so the media has no problem filling their news if you want to be depressed watch the news..

  • The Price of Fame


    Very sad to hear of Caroline Flack taking her own life....she was an excellent personality and TV presenter.....again this is an example of the price of put yourself in that position and you become a target for the media to utilise you as news to justify their jobs and not giving a toss about your feelings....she was recently reported by her boyfriend for GBH but he dropped the complaint but the police decided to take it I hope the police and the media are happy now not forgetting the sad pieces of manure who sit in their hovels sending vile messages on twitter...............with todays gutter press and gossip hungry media you are only news when you are on the way up and when you are there they plough in to try and bring you down so you become "news" again.

  • First Corona now Ceira


    The news has been dominated by the weather and the Corona virus....both of which being sensationalised as usual by the media....on one hand we are being told that the virus is under control then on the other it is a serious threat....which makes sure we are all put into panic mode...then we have the floods and high speed winds with reporters standing on promenades with waves splashing up like they always do this time of the year...and rivers bursting their banks and flooding they do every year....but this can't possibly be solved because we need to spend billions on high speed rail to save commuters 20 minutes on their journey.....but it's O.K. because it gives our news programmes a bit of ammunition to scare us all with.

  • Chinese Virus and Arrowe Park


    The Chinese virus is headlining the news with holiday makers being quarantined in our local hospital....Arrowe Park....they have to spend two weeks in solitary to make sure they don't have the virus......this hasn't gone down too well with the locals but the reason is it's close to the Royal Hospital in Liverpool which has a tropical disease section and any problems with those at Arrowe Park will be dealt with the media keep referring to THE Wirral which as you know grates on's's an area like Cheshire and Lancashire.....we don't say THE Cheshire!! has been corrected on some news rogrammes...they must have seen the complaints on Facebook.....and as you can imagine masks were instantly sold out...say no more.

  • The Life of Brian


    With the loss of Terry Jones comedy has lost one of its geniuses...he was part of the Monty Python team who were so far ahead of their time....long before comedy was ruined by so called political correctness which has left us with zero humour distributed by 12th rate "comedians"...The Life of Brian was a masterpiece and totally summed up the stupidity of the majority of the human race...and what made it even funnier was all the pompous critics who totally missed the point of it...especially the Americans who regarded it as me it was the greatest and cleverest film ever made....the Pythons will sadly never be replaced

  • Speedbumps Now Causing Climate Change!


    Now I've heard it all.....wait for it...speed bumps on side roads are being blamed for adding to climate change according to "experts"...because it causes cars to brake and the dust from the brake pads gets into the atmosphere and could obviously effect the climate....I'm not quite sure what planet these "experts" are the answer is obviously to take the speed bumps away and allow the brainless morons to think they are Lewis Hamilton and hope they don't kill too many pedestrians.....there is a major problem in this country with idiots who speed and the obvious answer is to put speed cameras everywhere and they would make a fortune in fines until the situation sunk into the solid bone heads....but that must be too simple.

  • Let's Talk about Real Problems


    The Iranian crisis has been heavily covered on the news with everyone having an opinion as to what will happen next.. Then we have the the fires in Australia which are REAL problems....we sit back and watch it all unfold on the news and comment on how awful it is but when you give it a bit of deeper thought it is...... On a lighter note we have a selection of new game shows on our TVs...."Cash Strapped" which features Bradley Walsh who is never off our screens... I took my 5 year old Grandson to the local panto in New was Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.... We also have the return of Dancing On Ice where one of the contestants has already injured himself.. the song this week is about one of the greats...Burt Lancaster....there were a few rumours knocking around in the past about his "preferences" as he apparently spent a lot of time in male company..

  • Bah and Humbug witrh Don's Christmas!


    After all the panic buying and aggression in the shops and traffic totally out of control with cars racing around and honking horns it is finally over and we can get back to's ONE DAY!!! that's all. And as for the television over the Christmas period....again I despair....rubbish films and repeats of quiz shows....pure garbage on virtually every channel....even finding a decentfilm on Netflix is a major job......... And on the subject of television I would love to know what is the point of "pundits" on Match of the Day.....all they do is discuss what we have just seen...why don't they just pipe down and get on with the next match?. Mike Pender has been awarded an M.B.E......which just about sums up the awards system in this country as only those of a certain age will remember Mike and as he left The Searchers many moons ago I have a pal who drives an an all electric TESLA.....when he bought it (which cost 60 grand) he was pleased with it as he had the promise of zero tax and free hook ups to

  • There's Something Very Strange About A Cowboy


    The election is over.....the Conservatives wiped out Labour with Jeremy Corbyn being blamed...because as we know in this country SOMEONE always has be now it seems we are back to where we were all those years ago....and those who voted for Labour still aren't satisfied and on we go....I made one of my rare appearances at the polling booth which is a waste of time on our peninsula as labour always get indeed they did this year....the only time I enjoyed the elections was when I used to be the presiding officer at various polling stations on the day......and I got 60 quid...I wonder what they get these days?

  • Mighty Big Girl


    Again we have a bit of racism and misbehaviour at a football match....this time it was the Manchester derby when some idiot threw a lighter and hit one of the players and someone else did "racist" monkey chants.....and what do we get..."It's lack of education"....when will the top brass in football realise you can't "educate" morons who are solid bone from the neck up.....perhaps some of the money they make could be used on modern technology to spot these low life and ensure they are banned forever....I always enjoyed Cantona's answer when he was insulted by a fan and he jumped over the barrier and drop kicked him in the chest....OOH AH.

  • He's Me Mate


    The London terror attack has been headlining the news....and questions being asked as to why the terrorist,who had been in jail,was released early.....and needless to say the politicians wade in blaming their opposition.. I used to produce demos for people who would send me their rough versions of their songs and I would put them into a presentable state to send to of the songs has always remained in my mind... have been watching the TV series of The Crown which Is quite divulges information which I didn't know about which must be able to be made public after so many is obviously dramatised for TV purposes but the Royals don't come out of it too well. And on the subject of the Crown...the young lady who was allegedly treated so badly by Prince Andrew 20 odd years ago is over here stating how bad his dancing was and how he sweated all over her and how she was "trafficked" over here for sex.. On the music front we are,as always at this time of year,subjected

  • Christmas in Our ?Ouse


    .I am not a fan of Prince Andrew but I find it disgraceful how the media have treated the situation turning it into a witch this point in time there is no proof whatsoever as to any wrongdoing on his part....certainly nothing illegal...but the media pile in trying to find something to fill their newspapers or news rogrammes....the latest BIG NEWS is he went riding with his what...and Nicholas Witchell reporting on nothing from outside the Palace on a dark rainy night which he could have done from the studio...not to mention the film crew.....mind you the BBC have to find ways to spend the 3 billion they get from licence really is pathetic...there are far more important things going on in the world....the only thing I've learned from this fiasco is that Andrew is even dimmer than I thought.

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