Don Woods

Will Lockdown Succeed?



The lockdown continues and the virus continues to seriously affect the least the majority of people obeyed the rules over the Easter holiday...with of course the usual morons who don't think it applies to them....but it's hard to see where this will end...the number of casualties continues to rise so our "isolation" doesn't seem to be having much effect......and of course all the amateur politicians are wading in on Facebook with their pointless criticisms of the Government....which serve no positive purpose....whingeing and whining from your armchair solves nothing.....yes action should have been taken earlier but it's a problem we have never had and certainly weren't expecting....however we still have planes landing from overseas and passengers not being checked which seems a bit stupid but the main thing at the moment is the lack of protective equipment for the I say I don't know what the answer is...if there is one.