Don Woods

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a correspondent with Vince for many years. He is a member of the .Merseycats and on Wirral 'The Cheshirecats' bringing the musicians from the Merseybeat era together each week to get money for childrens' charities. Visit the Cheshire Cats website5th September Don tells us about the Police farce, Tony's Book and remembers Gerry Marsden Don Woods 2012Click picture to get Don's WebsiteDon has some wonderful items on his website and is a past master at creating unusual songs and making videos and DVDs. Please drop by and enjoy his work


  • Worrizit?


    Prince Andrew has hit the news headlines after his recent interview on the BBC....where he virtually denies all wrongdoing in the Epstein appearance I felt was somewhat misguided.......... The TV Children In Need annual fundraising event has raised over 47 million pounds which will go towards a good cause....however with certain political parties promising to donate BILLIONS to better the country not forgetting intended high speed rail routes going BILLIONS over budget....... On the entertainment front we have the return of "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" which is very popular for some reason....I see they have stopped the killing of small creatures in the "trials" which is........ I was chatting to some friends about strange coincidences which most of us have had....the most unbelievable one I had was when I was working on Radio Merseyside with my pal And on the subject of Radio Merseyside the song this week is a jingle I wrote for Debbie Jones who had a daily competition where

  • A Tale of Political Correctness


    All this tripe about political correctness where you can't say this and you can't say that because it might offend someone, is becoming very tiresome....not to mention the 100 different genders we can choose from...this just proves how polite and tolerant the general public are by putting up with this garbage....when one of these publicity seeking characters come up with,for example, the expression"ladies and gentlemen" possibly being offensive or the many other stupid opinions it needs someone to tell them in no uncertain terms where to go....and when the P.C. brigade rise up-tell them as well....we are being manipulated by a bunch of morons whose only chance of a bit of "fame" is to come up with stupid ideas ....which actually offend ME!!!....but obviously the majority don't count anymore. For me to respect and enjoy entertainment there has to be actual talent....I have nothing against TV personalities making their fortune with very little of it...for example the likes of Jonathan Ross or Graham Norton wh

  • Rugby World Cup, Fireworks and Wirral


    Bonfire night is upon us once as usual the hospitals will have plenty to do dealing with burns and damaged eyesight...personally I cannot see the point of watching money go up in smoke to the sound of OOOH!... AHH!... from onlookers....but then again I appreciate some folk have nothing better to do ....we have just had the wonderful American import "Trick or Treat" which brought out the youths of certain parts of Merseyside throwing bricks through car windows and throwing stones at houses causing pointless damage....and guess what....there wasn't ONE 70 year old involved. ....we really needed to win that game which would have been a major boost for the it is we now have to listen to "they did well to get so far" which aint what it's about. ...but as someone remarked on Facebook that they have often required the assistance of a doctor or a nurse but they have never required the assistance of a pop star or for thought? I know this is only a minor point and there are

  • Don Needs a New Hearing Aid!


    Why doesn't ITV understand that the viewers want to hear what the presenters on Good Morning Britain and the guests are saying....they don't want to listen to them all arguing and shouting at the same's like an aviary full of crows,,,, I have enjoyed Strictly Come Dancing for many years....I like it because it involves actual TALENT from both the professionals and from the the spectacle of athletic guys and beautifully sculpted ladies gliding across the dance floor.with great live music from a fabulous band.......and I think it can wave goodbye to a lot of its viewers. And there is a move afoot to stop the utilising of live insects on I'm a celebrity get me out of here.....I couldn't agree more....there is no need to kill these creatures in the name of entertainment....a better idea would be to scrap the whole thing including Ant and Dec....who are well past their sell by date. The youngsters have decided the over 70s should not be allowed to vote.....and they are out of touch wit

  • It's all Rock n Roll to Don


    The BBC have received some criticism regarding their broadcasts from outside Parliament with protesters shouting out around them and waving banners across the screen....the question was asked as to why they do not interview politicians in a studio instead of giving publicity to brainless protesters....and as usual their answer was "because that is how we have always done it"...which is supposed to make it alright......a perfect example was the climate change protester standing on the top of a train making his point....the people's answer was top drag him off the roof and stick the boot in.....not that I condone that but.... I have been watching the rugby world cup which has been somewhat addictive....England were magnificent and the Wales France game was a classic and as I have always said we want WINNERS in sport....not those who "did well to get so far"... Harry and Meghan are back in the news....they are not happy with the constant intrusion into their lives by the media....with poor Meghan not really r

  • What Happened to Julie?


    In the world today we have wars going on,we have hurricanes destroying lives,we have increasing knife crime and what do we get on the argument between the wives of footballers Jamie Vardy and Wayne Rooney......and this is NEWS!!..... When will the world realise that we haven't all evolved at the same rate?...there are humans out there still example of which were at the England/Bulgaria game causing it to be halted because of their racist chants.. The climate changers are still causing problems in London....still blocking the traffic and utilising valuable police time...not to mention disrupting everyday lives...but of course they are "saving the planet".... After all the hype regarding the film about Elton John....Rocketman........I should have waited for it to come on the telly then at least it wouldn't have cost me ten quid to get depressed.......just sing mate. The song this week is from one of my albums called DooWop Days.I wrote all the songs from my memories of the ro

  • Pointless Climate Change Protests


    Knife crime is at it's highest .level in this country especially in London which isn't helped by a mayor with a peanut for a you would think it's hardly the place to have a pointless march by moronic climate changers who block the main roads requiring the police to waste valuable time sorting them out......the stupid march won't make the slightest difference.. Prince Harry has caused a bit of a stir by announcing he is taking the press to court.....he feels him and Meghan have been badly treated by the press and he intends to sort them out.... . ..but one thing I noticed...apart from being somewhat expensive EVERY price ended in 99p.....we had £6.99 up to,wait for it.....£1499.99....which is absolutely ridiculous....this activity seems to be very popular with traders these days because they think the public will believe things are a lot cheaper than they are ...they must think we are all stupid... I was delighted to see local girl Katarina Johnson Thompson get her much deserved gold medal at

  • I'd Like to Strangle My Boss!


    There was an interesting item on the morning news regarding gun crime in the U.S.A.....they had an ex policeman talking about how he runs courses teaching young kids how to protect themselves should someone come into the school and start shooting at everybody.... Boris is still hanging on in there trying to sort the country out despite being accused of touching a woman's knee 20 years ago....if this was part of a novel you would never believe it....what the hell this pathetic allegation has to do with politics is beyond me.. I recently ordered two tee shirts from Amazon....only one arrived so I contacted them...they told me they would refund the money for the two tee shirts and I could keep the one I had.....was Wetherspoon....don't you just love's that for a two finger salute. If you ever visit the Roman City of Chester you can actually find some Romans still there....they work for the council and are disguised as traffic wardens....and you don't even have to park on a yellow line to get a tic

  • Collapse of Thomas Cook


    Thomas Cook,the worlds oldest travel agent have hit the headlines with the announcement that they've gone bust....which has naturally caused panic amongst holiday makers who are either due to go abroad or who are already there and don't know how they will get back....a nasty situation indeed but it does show the true colours of some of the "friendly hosts" Turkey for example a hotel has locked holiday makersin until they get the money owed to know...those wonderful caring friendly hotels who suddenly change when the spending stops....bit like those friendly witty carsalesmen who are your best friend until you don't want the car they are trying to sell you....then suddenly there is a swift change of personality.

  • Don-s Identity Crisis Deepens


    According to some half wit who appeared on the ITV morning news programme there are 100 different choices as to what gender you want to now it's not just LBGTQyou can add on another 95 "genders" there you go.....and this nut case is actually given television time to tell us that this is what children should be taught in school....Piers Morgan had a field day with this fool.....he told him it was like interviewing Dianne Abbot....because she didn't know what she was talking about Vince we can be one of 100 I think I'll mountain goat.....I might even march through the city with a big banner. I've just got my car tax reminder....£235....I speak to people who pay as little as £15.....some don't pay anything...because their vehicle isn't "damaging the planet".....soI get PENALISED for driving a car of my choice!!.....we are supposed to think that this will stop us buying diesel cars.....which it won' will just make money for the vehicle licen

  • Don's Mid-Life Crisis


    I never thought I would say this but it's GOOD to see Piers Morgan back on ITV in the morning....the programme was rapidly sinking with the poor replacement presenters while he was away.... I have always been a fan of Judge Rob Rinder....until now....He has been given a chat show on channel 4....I watched 15 minutes of it and turned it off... Bury football team have been headlining the news with their removal from the football league....which they have been in for over a hundred we keep getting told... Another news item was The Pope getting stuck in a whoever is responsible can expect a bolt of lightning very soon....this reminded me of when I used to record peoples songs for them back in the 80s and one was called "Our Lady of Chestacova" which was where the then Pope was from (Pope John Paul 2)... The song this week is entitled The Ballad of Barbara Stanwyck" and is a track off my album Stars Over 45.....Miss Stanwyck doesn't come out of it too well as I never got what it was abou

  • The Lovely Una Stubbs


    The fools who made a joke about the burning of the Grenfell Tower by making an effigy of it burning and which ended up on social media were taken to court and the case was thrown out....this has naturally not only caused distress to the victims it has also caused a public outcry.....but the point is there was no case because there was no offence.....the activity was sick and tasteless but didn't break any laws.........nowadays we seem to think you have to be careful what you say in case someone screams "racist" or "sexist" but what people don't seem to understand is unless you are likely to cause a riot you can say what you like.....because someone is offended doesn't make it an speech still exists and it's time we all realised that. The media are once again still attempting to wind everyone up with the recent cost of Prince Harry's and Meghan's flight abroad....they must search for hours for a pathetic story to fill their newspapers...or should I say toilet papers......this time it involv

  • Simply Not the Best!


    Prince Andrew has hit the news regarding his connection with Epstein the billionaire who was jailed for under age sex trafficking....and has since allegedly committed suicide...and Andy has been accused of being involved which the Palace has loudly denied....and as you can imagine the press are having a field day... We have been going on for ages about the standard of entertainment on the television....well we were right....recent viewing figures show that almost 50% of the viewing public now stream...preferring Netflix and Amazon to the tripe that is on normal TV....can they not see's a bit like the BBC refusing to play pop music back in the late everyone listened to Luxembourg and pirate radio...then they eventually got the do these buffoons get these top jobs.....we don't want to watch soaps...we don't want to watch cookery programmes...we don't want to watch appendix operations in A & E...... There has been a new coin made to commemorate D is a gold coin wi

  • I Love You-Simple Message


    The floods in Yorkshire have had a lot of TV coverage...especially the dam in Whaley Bridge which has been damaged with the pressure of water in the Also the terrible mass shootings in the U.S.A. have been featured on the news.....I don't really know what the answer is to this as it is very easy to carry out one of these atrocities if you have that mentality.... There has been an item on the news regarding someone being awarded £10,000 pounds compensation because they were deeply offended by the Queen's picture which was hanging up in Storemont... There was a feature on the radio regarding an electrician who had suffered a number of break ins into his van and had thousands of pounds worth of equipment stolen... I watched a fascinating programme on TV about how the Victorians built covered the building of the Manchester Ship Canal which gave Manchester access to the sea for their imports and exports... The song this week is one I wrote for David Alexander which became the title track on

  • Go Boris!


    We now have a new Prime Minister.....Mr.Boris out come the critics and protesters as they now have a target to help display their complete lack of brains and indeed knowledge..... We have had a week of very hot weather.....not as hot as other places in Europe...but this is the bit of sunshine we have been waiting for for months has caused total chaos..... There is a new programme on Channel 4 called The Latish Show With Mo Gilligan who is quite a likeable chap and it's a chat show with a bit of entertainment thrown in... I also watched a travel programme which was very featured New York and the public protection group called "The Guardian Angels".....who are volunteer "police" whose purpose is to prevent crime..... And finally we must give a mention to the luxury cruise on The Brittania which ended up in a huge brawl... The song this week is about the magical city of Chester....

  • Did the Americans Land on the Moon?


    Just in case you didn't know...the Yanks landed on the moon 50 years ago and it seems to have received more coverage now than it did back then....personally I can't really see the point in space travel....we need to get things sorted out on this planet before we spend billions to find there's nothing actually out there.....the radio telescope at Jodrell Bank has also been featured on the news which is not far from where I live and I must say it is a very interesting place to visit.....there have been a lot of conspiracy theories about the moon landing and whether it was genuine.....I once visited Tromso in Norway to assist Monty Lister with one of his programmes for Radio Merseyside and met Patrick Moore.....I asked him if the moon landing was genuine and he nearly jumped down my throat shouting "Course it was!! I was there!!"....which was good enough for me.....great bloke by the way. On the same subject I was once on holiday in Florida and a hurricane had just caused serious damage to the south of the st

  • High Fliers!


    There has been a lot of coverage about drunkeness on airlines....especially Ryanair....there are gangs of partygoers getting on the plane and causing all sorts of trouble including throwing up leaving the other passengers somewhat distressed.....they have suggested breathalising passengers before they get on the plane....what a load of's about MONEY as always as greed triumphs over common sense....we are talking about an airborne vehicle which is dangerous enough without morons putting the staff and other passengers in danger.....simple answer ....ban the sale of alcohol at the airport and on the plane...what's the problem?...oh yes I forgot...profit is far more important. The standard of driving in this country has hit a new low.....the police seem to be losing their's time to get some idiots off the road instead of giving the "points" on their licence.......anyone travelling at ridiculous speeds through 30 mph areas should have their licence taken away for at least 5 years and

  • Wimbledon, Glastonbury Lionesses and Bands!


    Glastonbury has had blanket coverage on television....and for once wellington boots were not required and everyone had a good time once they had recovered from the price of the tickets....Stormzy went down well for some strange reason...apparently the MUSIC festival is now the place to air your political views....this sort of rubbish should be performed in a cellar somewhere and leave the big venues to musicians....but this is only the opinion of a senior citizen who is thankful to have enjoyed decent music over the years....I'm all for music "moving on" but let's keep it real... Still on the music front I know quite a few people who went to the Westlife concert in Liverpool... and quite rightly enjoyed it....HOWEVER if you wanted a T Shirt you would have to fork out 35 quid....then we have the ticket price on would think the organisers would have a bit more respect for the fans instead of ripping them off....or is that O.K.? me "boybands" like Westlife and Boyzone are simply doing what a

  • Laughter


    The march into the private function by the women envirommentalists has caused a lot of controversy...Philip Hammong was the guest speaker........the press have had a field day condemning the bloke who "grabbed one of the women by the neck and bundled her out".....which begs the question as to what if she had been carrying a gun or was even a suicide bomber....oh no...they were ladies with sashes explaining who they were....obviously they shouldn't have got past the security (if there was any) but the way I saw it on TV the bloke in question (Mark Field) grabbed the back of the woman's neck and bundled her out.....had he grabbed anywhere else they would be screaming sexual the old days I would have agreed that Field was out of line but times have definitely changed....he was not trained and did the right there are calls for him to be sacked....if they had found a gun in her handbag he would be regarded as a hero..... and the stupid women involved need some serious education.....just m

  • Googie the Liverpool Duck


    .The BBC have a programme called "Newswatch" where they read out comments from the public (mostly adverse).....I had to laugh last week when there were several Emails regarding the scrapping of free TV licences for the over 75s....the Emails were rightly harsh and asked why so much money was spent on sending reporters abroad for things that could be done in the studio...and why they pay such ridiculous salaries to their executives....and that was explanation....they simply went on to the next subject with some representative of the BBC coming on and basically seeing no wrong in anything they WHY BOTHER WITH THE PROGRAMME? Jo Brand has been severely criticised for a joke she made about Nigel Farage after some idiot threw milkshake at him.....she quipped that battery acid would have been better......I am fan of Jo Brand but I thought this comment was well out of order....especially in the present climate where it is very easy to put ideas into the heads of the neanderthals wandering aroun

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