Sasquatch Chronicles

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 750:47:09
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People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:638 Caesar From Planet Of The Apes

    22/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    A listener writes “I am originally from Miami, Florida. I lived with my grandparents in Clewiston, Florida which is right by lake Okeechobee. They lived in an unincorporated community called pioneer which is about 23 miles from Clewiston. And about 80 miles from Big Cypress preserve. A very rural part of the country indeed. I was about 10 at the time the encounter. It occurred during the summer time. So bearing this in mind many of the canals in the area were low of water. My grandparents owned a couple of acres of land, so they were far apart from neighbors. I loved being outside trying to find different animals and trying to catch black racers, rat snakes, and different turtles in the area. The surrounding area around the property were full of palmettos which were towered by evergreen trees. I would like the fence in the back of the property to go catch reptiles. I walked a half a mile deep in the woods and hit a small dry creek bed, which is where I found different animals from time to time. The creek exte

  • SC EP:635 Stalked In The Woods

    19/03/2020 Duration: 01h20s

    James writes "I've seen what could have only been a Sasquatch in Huntsville AL. Back in the 90s and since I've been living here in Washington state I have had three times things happen to me that can only be describe as weird and not normal animal behavior."

  • SC EP:634 Lakota Tribe Member Part Two

    16/03/2020 Duration: 01h42min

    Tom writes “Hey Wes I just listened to episode 628. I have some stories that line right up with what that guy was saying about the little people. I’m happy to share if you’d like to hear them.” Spoke to the witness and he shared with me several stories about the little people, lights and Sasquatch. The Lakota are a Native American tribe. Also known as the Teton Sioux, they are one of the three tribes of the Great Sioux Nation. Their current lands are in North and South Dakota. They speak Lakȟótiyapi—the Lakota language, the westernmost of three closely related languages that belong to the Siouan language family. Tom returns tonight to discuss little people, strange cryptids and giants.

  • SC EP:632 James "Bobo" Fay

    08/03/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    James Fay, or Bobo, was born and raised in Manhattan Beach, California, and has been interested in the Bigfoot mystery for as long as he can remember. As a teen, he became an avid surfer, a skill set he would eventually use to investigate reported Bigfoot sightings in remote areas of the country. While in college, Bobo spent his downtime in the woods attempting to locate a Bigfoot. Following college, he took logging jobs on Native American crews to absorb their knowledge of the sasquatch legend. In addition, he increased his Bigfoot knowledge by taking jobs building roads and commercially fishing in Northern California. Bobo says that he saw his first sasquatch while on an investigation with veteran Bigfoot researcher John Freitas in 2001. Since his initial sighting, Bobo claims to have glimpsed Bigfoots on a few other occasions, but it was this first visual sighting that moved him the most. Today, Bobo makes a living as a commercial fisherman out of Eureka, California. He continues to take odd jobs in unrela

  • SC EP:630 Camping In A Boneyard

    01/03/2020 Duration: 01h38min

    Johnathon writes “I would like to tell you my experiences. I grew up in a small town or village (depends on how you define Either or ) Slana, Alaska. Growing up me and my family didn’t have power or running water. My first experience was when I was 7 so to get water for the house we would have to load buckets in to the old station wagon drive down to the river. My job was to sit in the back and hold the jugs so they don’t tip over not like hold them on my lap but just hold them still. I remember pulling out of the pullout at the river and looking out the back window and seeing a (as I put it to my parents) big hairy dude stand up out of the ditch on the other side of the ditch. He had vary thick brown and dirty wight hair on his chest and on what we would consider his beard. Of course my parents didn’t believe me said I was just imagining things. The scary experience is what I’m really hear to tell you about to say nothing ever tried to interact with us would be a misrepresentation of the reality of living ou

  • SC EP:628 The Little People

    29/02/2020 Duration: 01h05s

    Ed from Indiana writes, “Listened to one of your shows tonight. He said he saw a little green man. I had an experience similar to his. I was arrowhead hunting here in Indiana, in the banks of the Ohio River. I had crossed over with a friend’s neighbor to the Indiana side. Just caught a ride over with him, and his wife on their boat. My plan was to walk from West Point Ky, back to New Albany Indiana. Well, I mean I started out across from West Point. This was the summer of 93. It was a great day, and I found lots of points. Some places were overgrown with poison ivy, and sumac. I had anticipated this problem, and had food, and essentials in plastic bags, so I could swim, or wade if I needed to. I stopped for about two hours to rest, and eat. I found a small runoff area, that had cut a channel down from the cornfields, to the river bank. So, I’m sitting there, just resting after I had eaten. I was facing south towards the Ky bank just enjoying the quiet of the river. I heard something off to my left,coming thro

  • SC EP:627 I Put My Gun Up And Fired

    21/02/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Dustin from Colorado writes, "Two years ago my oldest daughter of 9 at the time keep begging me to take her bear hunting so I did and all we did is drive the side by side around because taking a 9 year old out and blowing on a call hoping to have a bear come at you at a dead run and hope your gun shoots true and the shot is effective and the dam thing don't get pissed and kill you is stupid with a 9 year old girl in tow.   Well fast forward to last fall I had a big bear coming into the water hole I had sat at for a few days, but the timing never was right to fill my tag. My kid keep begging to go and being the mean dad I am I said no. so one day my kids where at my fokes house while I was working and my oldest went to my dad and told him she wanted to go out hunting tomorrow with me but I wouldn't let her and why is that papa. Well he told her it's not safe to take your kids at a younger age out predator hunting. Deer and elk hunting is safer but not bear and he told her this story that I had never heard unti

  • SC EP:625 Dragged Off By A Monkey

    14/02/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Happy Valentines Day! Tyler from Indiana writes “I have a few encounters myself with something I can’t explain but my ex-girlfriend had a monkey thing try and drag her to the woods when she was about two years old. Her uncle came outside when she started screaming and it let go of her then it grabbed their dog and drug it up a tree her uncle grabbed her ran inside got a gun and shot it and killed it. They called the sheriff’s department and they came out and told them to dig a hole and burn it then cover it up and as far as to my knowledge its still there in the ground because they said nothing came and took it out.. They said there was more then one of them but they only shot one little one. I thought she was pulling my leg but when I went to her grandmother’s house she pulled out the newspaper clipping of the event happening its a small town in Indiana..”   Visit for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

  • SC EP:624 The Abomination

    09/02/2020 Duration: 01h20min

    I will be welcoming Cliff to the show. Cliff is from Louisiana and has hunted his whole life. Cliff had an encounter with a wolf like creature he stumbled on while hunting. He said “I don’t know…I just don’t know but this thing terrified me, when it stood up it was 13-15 feet away from me and it was big. It turned and looked at me and it felt evil, I raised my gun and it took off. I have never seen anything like it before and I have never seen anything run as fast as this thing did.   FABRIK, who you'll recognize from their song "Black Lake" played on our outro, is working on their second album. Let's show them some support!   Dave (bassist for FABRIK) writes, "Our second album, Impermanence, is ready for release. We’re so proud of it that we think it deserves to be on vinyl. So, we’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign for you to pledge and pre-order your copy on vinyl or CD, along with a few other goodies."   Check out the Kickstarter page here:

  • SC EP:622 What Was That?

    02/02/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    Tonight I will be speaking to three eyewitnesses. My first guest Carl comes to us from Ohio, and he shares with us an encounter he had as a child outside their rural Ohio home.   Our second guest Scott (also from Ohio) writes, ""My encounter took place in the fall of 1983 or 1984. Me and a friend were coming back from getting Pizza around 6:30 at night as you know in the fall the sun goes down early so it was quite dark along this stretch of road. This road was 2 lanes with a 3-foot berm that was 2 or 3 feet lower than the fields beside the road. we were coming around a corner and we saw a dark mass standing on the side of the road. When we got closer we could see it was brown and very tall, my friend had a Subaru that had a sunroof in it and when we drove by it looked down at us it's head was over the road and I look through the sunroof and its head was right there. I couldn't make out any facial features but the eye shine was red. We just looked at each other and said did you just see that we both agreed we

  • SC EP:620 This Thing Was Looking In My Deer Blind

    26/01/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Winston writes "I had an encounter in 2010 from central Texas. I saw this thing from head to toe....within 30 to 40 yards from me. No obstructions between us. I seen it all....muscles moving under the fur, the mid tarsal break halfway up the foot, it’s face....everything." Spoke to the eyewitness and he said "I was heading towards my deer blind and I smelled what smelled like a dead animal. This thing was looking in my deer blind....I was shocked... I drew what I seen and put a quick me side beside it for comparison"   Check out the episode page on our website to see Winston's drawing here:   I will also be welcoming Pat to the show who is a military veteran from Canada. He will be sharing his Sasquatch encounters with us. When I spoke to the witness he said "I wanted to tell you about this strange black dog I had a run in with in Afghanistan. It was jet black and seem to show up out of no where. I think it was more of an entity

  • SC EP:618 I Thought It Was A Man

    19/01/2020 Duration: 59min

    I will be welcoming two guests to the show: Cathy had an encounter in Washington State, and Chris had an encounter in Canada. Both witnesses thought they were looking at a bear until the creature got up on two legs and walked off. Cathy said “I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, I thought it was a strange bear until it popped up on two legs and walked off like a man.”   Visit for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

  • SC EP:616 I Chased This Creature Across A Walnut Orchard

    12/01/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Tonight we speak with Norm who is a retired California Highway Patrolman. Norm goes into great detail about what he saw back in 1958 on his father's property. He said “We were doing work for my father on the property when this thing showed up. Keep in mind this is the late 50’s and no one talked about Bigfoot or Sasquatch like they do today. I got a great look at it, we tried to keep up with it in this 1941 pickup. I would be happy to come on and share what I saw many years ago. I eventually became a police officer and never spoke about what I saw. There was other strange things going on that property but it was always blamed on something else."   Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

  • SC EP:614 A Creature Interrupts The Hunt

    05/01/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    We speak to Devin, Todd and Mason from New York. Devin writes, “I was using my hen call and I was getting no response from anything it was pin drop quiet with a slight fall breeze every now and again would pick up. I came to the edge and I could see the shelf and it was empty no turkey’s so I went down to see if I could find a track. Once I popped over the edge it hit me the feeling of like I am being watched looking for tracks. I ignored it thinking it was just a squirrel or something so I ignored it continuing my investigation for the disappearing Turkey. I looked for about 10 minutes duck walking around looking for tracks when I stood up next to this tree looking down into the ravine with my gun propped on my boot like Daniel Boone would with his Kentucky long rifle. This overwhelming feeling like I was being watched was still in the back of my head when my brain said “TURN AROUND NOW!” so I did and as I turned from the corner of my eye I saw a massive red, brown auburn blur retreat from the edge which I j

  • SC EP:612 The Last Show

    28/12/2019 Duration: 58min

    The last show of 2019! Doug from Utah tells about a strange encounter he had while working as a hunting guide.   We'll also be talking to Matt from Arkansas who writes, “When I was a child at my grandparents farm. I was playing outside when I saw a little animal as I approached the little one a big one came from behind a tree. He motion for me to come to him I backed away then he pointed at the baby then pointed at me and wave for me to come. I started towards him and he stepped towards me then my grandma yelled for me to come to the house he heard her and blended behind the tree that when I noticed there were more and they all disappeared. The baby crawled like a cat. Both my brothers had encounters so has my dad. I was also hit in the head with a rock once. I lived in southern Arkansas when this all happened. Sorry for the messiness of the email doing it on my phone. If you would like to hear the story I would like to tell you about it I’ve never told anyone because I felt crazy.”   Visit our website HERE f

  • SC EP:610 Encounters With The Strange

    20/12/2019 Duration: 01h10s

    Patrick from Ohio writes “I’ve debated sending this email. I honestly wrote off this particular experience as an over active imagination as a youngster but after listening to your podcast for about a month now I am wondering. When I was about 10 I saw a “predator”-esque large human shape in a tree in my backyard. I had not seen the predator movie until 2 years later or so but when I did I immediately went back to what I witnessed. I have also experienced ghosts, angels and demons. And when I saw some glowing red eyes out of a back window at a small church I was a pastor at I initially thought it (again) my imagination. However, I gotta say I think it may have been something different. Not sure if this is any interest to you but having heard several other folks offer similar stories has suggested a different potential answer to these experiences. Just thought I would briefly share it with you.”   Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

  • SC EP:609 I Do Not Hunt Anymore

    15/12/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Kevin from Texas shares a terrifying encounter he had while out hunting, which caused him to give up hunting all together. Here is an excerpt from his original email, "...I stood up, turned and took step back around the island of brush in the little clearing/secondary cover heading towards the truck, which was still running by the way, that is when I heard, then felt and then briefly and vaguely saw the scariest thing I have ever encountered, anywhere. It was the longest 1 1/2 to 2 minutes of my life. It felt like I was moving in slow motion   I heard the raspy, gruff high pitched scream almost simultaneous during my standing and about face to move in it’s direction, and looked up at an angle in the place where I thought it originated. I did not see anything, but I definitely heard it. I could feel the steps it took as it started to run away. Looking back, I think it was startled in my sudden change of position or was having issues locating me. Anyway, I looked up, what would be up, what the hell would be up?

  • SC EP:607 Expedition Bigfoot

    08/12/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Tonight "Expedition Bigfoot" debuts on the Travel Channel. Russell Acord will be stopping by to discuss the new show and what we can expect. Here is a description of the show “An elite team of Sasquatch specialists journey into the unforgiving Oregon wilderness in search of Bigfoot. The three-week expedition, based on science and expertise, may finally pull the elusive beast out of the pages of legend and lore and into reality.”   For more information on "Expedition Bigfoot," check out their page HERE.   Bill will also be joining the show and sharing encounters he has had on his property in NY. Bill said "We always had strange sounds and odd things go on that property. It has been in my family for years. My son saw what was causing all of the strange occurrences." See the drawing Bill's son did of the creature he saw on our website HERE.

  • SC EP:604 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles III

    27/11/2019 Duration: 02h05s

    Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying some time off and spending time with loved ones. As is now tradition for this time of year, tonight we’ll be looking back at some of my favorite episodes from this past year for the “Best of Sasquatch Chronicles Volume III.”   Visit our website HERE for additional weekly shows and exclusive content.

  • SC EP:603 Strange Encounters

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    Blake, who has lived in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia has had several encounters. He writes, "My first encounter was in 2011 in Highlands, NC, the Nantahala, in what was basically my back yard. I didn't know what it was until later. I sort of let it go. My next encounter was with a friend outside of Fletcher, Nc. We were charged by a (roughly) 7 foot individual in the dark... then lights appeared and my paradigm started to change after that. I had to figure out what this was. So, in 2013 I started my investigations almost daily."

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