Never Ever Give Up Hope



Do you want to succeed? Need to be inspired? Want to be a victor instead of a victim? Are you looking for coping mechanisms? This show shares stories of everyday people who refused to give up hope in the middle of insurmountable circumstances; people who have transformed their lives and want to give you their secrets of success. Their message is one of hope, encouragement, laughter and inspiration.No subject is off limits, i.e. abuse, failure, health issues, depression, coping with stress.


  • Winners Think About What They Want to Happen

    23/03/2020 Duration: 30min

    Terry Tucker is an author, a motivational speaker, and an encourager. His blog, Motivational Check, gives daily posts of inspiration. Especially at a time we need it the most. Terry is a perfect example of someone who will meet a challenge head-on and maintain a positive and inspiring attitude.  In his words: "Suffering can be one of life's greatest teachers."  "My 8 year battle against a rare form of melanoma that presented on the bottom of my left foot reappeared in 2017 causing the amputation of most of my left foot in 2018. Cancer reemerged in 2019 causing two additional surgeries and recently my surgeon told me I most likely would not be here in 36 months." He has fought and won the battle over cancer more than once. After the amputation of his left foot, he remained hopeful and positive. He REFUSES to see himself as a victim. As a result, he has been successful in every area of his life. Winners think about what they want to happen...... Losers think about what they don't want to happen!  

  • How to Deal with a Cancer Diagnosis for your Child

    14/03/2020 Duration: 38min

    Jay Hix Jones is the host and executive producer of the UplifTV documentary series, The Experience, producer of “Hoarders” and as a media professional also worked on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and “Ice Road Truckers.”  Jay and his wife Kara co-authored the book The Experience: 40 Days to Reconnecting Your Soul. Together they operate the film production company Hungry Fish Media with Dr. Charles Hix.   Two years ago, Jay requested to be on Never Ever Give Up Hope but before we could do the interview, Jay's life was turned upside down when his four-year-old daughter, Hunter Rose, was diagnosed with stage four cancer.  Our relationship soon turned to friendship as I was privileged to follow this family's incredible journey dealing with pediatric cancer. You do NOT want to miss this interview of never ever giving up hope. This father's story will grip your heart and challenge you to never give up hope -- no matter how devastating your child's diagnosis is. Jay also discussed how he overcame extre

  • What can happen if you only dare to hope?

    29/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    Hope Mueller is an author, inspirational speaker, executive, and active not-for-profit volunteer. A results-driven leader and change agent, Hope is passionate about career development and community service, among others.  Her early years were marked by the experiences of a hippie commune. Hope's unique childhood shaped her approach and interaction with the world, with a gift of creating order out of chaos and turning vision into reality. To realize success: FOCUS on the solution instead of the problem Be comfortable with change Persistence, persistence, persistence, and laser-focused on goals Honest and raw with  no request for empathy or complaint Hopey chronicles the story of a courageous girl in a 70s southern Indiana commune, complete with flowers for dinner, a ball of acid in the freezer and orgies on the living room floor. The chaos of her formative years, which are littered with violent episodes, periods of hunger and assaults, leads Hope to set off on her own at the age of 15. Hope's

  • PTSD is NOT a life sentence. There is a Cure

    26/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    Cherie Doyen is an author and a lifelong researcher of suffering. She has helped hundreds of people around the world to completely heal from PTSD. The focus of her work is to help those who have struggled through trauma. On the heels of years of violent childhood trauma including sexual violation, came doctor after doctor, years of therapists and medications....Cherie was dying and no one knew why. Stress kills people every day. The words of her final psychiatrist were that he could not help her. Cherie became vigilant to find out why in a tangible and fixable way.  And she did.PTSD is NOT a life sentence. PTSD can be cured. There is freedom. Cherie shares her journey of recovery in her interview. She gives you steps on how you can help yourself or others to understand and deal with trauma.

  • What is Multiple Personality Disorder and is it Treatable?

    05/02/2020 Duration: 45min

    Finally diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder after a lifetime of mystery about who she was and why she was suffering, Irene McKain's memoir follows her path from the frightening abuse of her childhood to the exhilarating light of healing and transformation. Irene had 15 different personalities. Each one distinct and separate from another. This is not a subject we hear much about, but those who have lived through the pain of not knowing who they is very real! Through the publication of I Was More Than One, Irene shares the fact that mental illness is indeed an illness, not some crazy condition. It is treatable, and people who suffer from such an illness can lead normal lives. Her book is raw, honest, and a beautiful account of hurt turned into healing. Irene's interview will answer your questions surrounding multiple personalities.   There is hope.....there is always hope -- no matter how dire the situation  

  • How One Mother Changed the Law to Protect Our Children

    29/01/2020 Duration: 42min

    Carrie Kohan is a national child advocate, federal government witness, and public spokesperson who changed the face of a country. In addition to changing Canadian law, Carrie founded Project Guardian and Mad Mothers Against Pedophiles (MMAP) in 1998.  What MADD did for drinking and driving, Carrie wanted to do for pedophilia and the protection of children, by educating the public and change the laws.     Be that advocate Your cause needs a voice   When Carrie Cohan began her journey as a child advocate, pedophilia was a taboo subject. No one wanted to acknowledge or talk about it. As a lobbyist and advocate, she was instrumental in changing fourteen laws in Canada that now protect children from harm. Her legacies include Amber Alert, the Provincial and National Sex Offender Registries, the Child Protection Act (online sexual exploitation), amendments to the divorce act and immigration laws. She is the namesake of the "Carrie's Guardian Angel Law" which asks for a 20-year minimum sentence for serial preda

  • How to Get Through the Devastation of Divorce

    16/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    Small town drama makes Hollywood look like a walk in the park. For those going through a divorce in a small town and are ready to feel confident, capable, and competent, now is the time to take action. Denise Anderson is a certified life coach, mentor, speaker, and author of Small Town Divorce, A Road Map Through Devastation, Despair, and Drama. The lessons Denise learned while going through a dramatic divorce helped her create a simple path to personal power and growth. She discovered a commonality amongst people that holds them back and keeps them imprisoned in their own minds. Her first book describing the nuances of divorcing in a small town lays the foundation for the experience she evokes during her workshops and public talks. Denise Anderson has helped hundreds of clients go beyond their current life situation and painful past to a more fulfilling, purposeful and passionate place. Do other people's opinions and judgments have a positive or negative effect on you? What other people think is one of

  • How to Understand Your Emotional Language

    12/01/2020 Duration: 34min

    Have you ever put on your "I'm OK" mask to get through your day?  There is a better way that helps rather than drains your energy. Liana Allison is the Australian-based founder of The Institute of Empathic Leadership and an international award-winning Empathic Leadership Coach.    The Institute of Empathic Leadership is a powerful new kind of experience-based emotional intelligence coaching. Liana had a wake-up call in the form of an emotional and physical breakdown. She had to find a way to live the life that supported me and discovered the power behind Emotional Mastery. This has given her fulfillment and the joy of living a life by her design. Liana now shares this with other people around the world, helping them learn to understand their own emotional language, use their emotional software and feel confident going after anything they want in life. Listen to her compelling interview to learn how to relate to your emotions whether they are 'negative' or positive ones:  

  • What is the Greatest Area of Stress in Your Life?

    18/12/2019 Duration: 45min

    Stress is everywhere and in everything we do. Dr. Pete Alexander gives us some fast, effective tools to help deal with stress in all phases of our lives. Professor Pete Alexander is a results-based coach helping hard-driving leaders overcome their self-imposed barriers to success in business and life. A recovering, hard-driving leader with over 30 years of sales, marketing, and entrepreneurial experience, Pete successfully battled the negative effects of stress head-on and developed the LIGHTEN™ stress relief model that motivates his peers to take action in only a few minutes per day.  Livelihood Imagination Genius (unconscious mind) Health Time - take action Environment Network of relationships Dr. Pete is no stranger to stress: Growing up in an alcoholic and dysfunctional home he learned coping skills no child should need to know. At 13 he was seduced by a 46-year-old friend of his mother. At 14 he tried committing suicide with the encouragement of his mom and stepfather. At 23 he found his stepfather’

  • Living Well is the Best Revenge

    27/11/2019 Duration: 44min

    Jacqueline Carlisle is the editor-in-chief/creative director of Thinkmag an online digital glossy for sustainable living. Thinkmag is an online digital glossy for sustainable living featuring quality craftsmanship in design and service for all facets of a greener lifestyle. Stunning global editorials take you to beautiful destinations where reducing waste is paramount and luxury is compulsory.  Jacqueline overcame the effects of an abusive marriage and several deaths in her family by taking those negative events and creating something positive. Her creations are a MUST see -- they are exquisite and all eco-friendly.  

  • Everyone Has the Right to Be Understood

    16/11/2019 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Thomas Caulfield kept a secret journal for two decades which documented the legendary journey of his deaf son, Christopher, and his family's valiant attempts at helping Christopher be the best he could be. That secret journal was kept to present to his son as a gift when he was older. Dr. Caulfield never imagined that this journal would someday help others learn from their experiences and help face their challenges. As you listen to this interview realize that this is not an ordinary story of the struggles parents face when faced with devastating news about their child. This family and specifically their son Christopher is changing the world for people who are deaf. Amazing story Ephphatha is the legendary journey of Dr. Thomas Caulfield's Deaf son, Christopher.         When they learned their son had so little residual hearing - the ability to sense any sound—that even the best hearing aids in the world would have been ineffectual for him, Dr. Caulfield and his wife were devastated. They bega

  • Finding Your Way After Losing the Love of Your Life

    06/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    Mary Jane Black is an author and a literacy specialist for the State of Texas. Her debut memoir tells her inspiring story of finding love later in life, in the midst of abuse and pain. “She Rode a Harley” details the kick-ass adventures of a woman whose second husband, a biker since he was 13, taught her how to save herself by believing in her own strength, power, and individuality. Mary Jane writes courageously, as though her time spent riding Harleys has transferred to the page, with smooth, gliding transitions and powerful, engine-revving scenes. In her interview here, Mary Jane will encourage anyone who has loved and lost and how to be strong no matter what direction your life takes:

  • Don't Let Your Disability Define You

    30/10/2019 Duration: 28min

    Katherine Appelo is an Italian-American poet, blogger and songwriter.  Her passion is to help others make a positive impact by using their talents even when they may be physically suffering from chronic illness. Many people find it difficult to be productive when they live in chronic pain, especially from fibromyalgia.  Katherine shares how to 'give back' when life seems to be crashing around you. She shows us how to heal during times when circumstances may be out of our control.  On her website, Katherine Appelo Inspiration, she gives samples of her poetry and songs to inspire, coach and reflect on life.   You will enjoy her interview.    

  • How To Live Life Like Animals Teach Us

    09/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Joanne Lefebvre is a veterinarian promoting intuitive medicine.  Dr. Joanne's first book, "Animal Teachings from Hayley's Angel's Methods" is a guide for better living for both animals and humans.  During her years of practice, she helped over 10,000 pets when it was their time to pass.   She created a very successful in-home end of life care/euthanasia service and, sadly, became a prisoner of it.  The stress involved with watching so much anguish and suffering was overwhelming.  She fired herself and closed down the service.  She moved across the country to regain her balance and save her life -- the hardest challenge she ever faced.   Dr. Joanne explains what animals teach us and how to live our lives as they do.  She shares these lessons in her book and in her interview:

  • How to Survive Your Greatest Challenge

    18/09/2019 Duration: 37min

    Deborah (Deb) Brandon, PH.D., is a brain injury survivor.  She is also a professor in the Mathematical Sciences Department at Carnegie Mellow University.  Deb has raised awareness of and improved understanding of brain injury.   Deb is an award-winning author of two books:  But My Brain Had Other Ideas:  A Memoir of Recovery from Brain Injury and Threads Around the World: From Arabian Weaving to Batik in Zimbabwe." Deb's sheer stubbornness and determination got her through one of the greatest challenges anyone has ever encountered.  In her interview, she shares her secrets on how to realize your gains instead of your losses through any adversity. When Deb Brandon discovered that cavernous angiomas―tangles of malformed blood vessels in her brain―were behind the terrifying symptoms she'd been experiencing, she underwent one brain surgery. And then another. And then another. And that was just the beginning. Unlike other memoirs that focus on injury crisis and acute recovery, But My Brain Had Other Idea

  • How to Live Life Like a Dog

    24/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Maureen Scanlon is the founder and CEO of Maureen Scanlon Life Coaching. She is a relationship expert, motivational speaker, and positive change integrator who has successfully helped people make positive changes to overcome past experiences and negative thinking. Most people go through their daily routines oblivious to the beauty of life and others around them. They often do not realize the impact they have on the world -- and miss out on so much.  Maureen was in an abusive marriage to an alcoholic. While her young daughters were asleep in the next room, her ex-husband tried to strangle her. As she was starting to blackout, she realized she HAD to survive because no one could care for or love her babies as she did. It gave her the strength she needed to turn the situation around by inner strength. Maureen has lived the pain of having to admit her daughter to a mental health institution when she was suicidal and fighting drug addiction. This made Maureen feel like a total failure as a mother. Yet, through t

  • Living in a World of Sexual Secrets

    18/08/2019 Duration: 43min

    Patricia Eagle was thirteen when the sexual relationship with her father - a relationship that began when she was four years old -- ended. Patricia's journey is one of courage and hope as she finds the strength to see what was unseeable - and finally speaks the unspeakable to help herself and others. For Patricia, shame became too great a burden. Not speaking up added to that weight. Sexual abuse is so prevalent - so many abused children, so many perpetrators injured in some way that leads them to inflict injury - and all this in our big world of secrets. How can anyone get help when we don't talk about this? Patricia decided to step into that pool of courageous survivors who have told their story. She believes that continuing to stay silent would have killed her. In Patricia's interview, she addresses the questions many people have regarding the sexual abuse of children. Have attitudes about addressing childhood sexual abuse changed? What can we do to erase the stigmas about openly discussing these issues

  • How to Counter the Lies You Tell Yourself

    07/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    Tina Yaeger is an author, podcast host, licensed counselor, life coach, and a speaker with a passion for encouragement.   Tina teaches how to bust through common lies women believe and how to counter falsehoods.  A self-image makeover helps women identify the issues which handicap them and how to recognize and refute negative self-talk.  She will help you unlock the secrets to mental strength and to recognize common habits that can be toxic. Tina is 'wired' as an encourager and is passionate about helping others who struggle with low self-worth.  As a young teenager, she felt unlovable which led to an eating disorder that lasted into her college years.  During her third year of college, still in the grip of the eating disorder, she was assaulted and has vivid memories of shuffling along the gutter, leading for death after this attack.  In her interview she discusses:  the key ways to identify a lie specific lies about femininity and significance how to counter falsehoods

  • Do You Want to Be the One Who Starts the Chain Reaction?

    03/08/2019 Duration: 29min

    Darrick T. Miller Jr. is an author and motivational speaker who is reaching his generation -- black male and female millennials. His books are written with a two-fold purpose. First to inspire hope and faith to a generation of men and women who feel there is little hope for them. And, secondly, to anyone who wants to understand and relate with millennials. No matter what your age or race, Darrick has tremendous insight and passion to help others. His message: DARE TO BE YOU! and Do NOT allow circumstances to change you. Each of us can benefit from Darrick's books and this interview. Darrick's books are designed to guide and direct you as well as ignite your dreams despite any negative circumstances, age, or race. He discusses subjects that are taboo in many circles - but desperately need to be shared. Darrick believes that each of us has a message that can make an impact. All we need to do is find our gifts and calling.

  • How Do You Deal with Accidental Death of Your Fiance

    27/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Natalie Jenkins is from a small town in Kentucky.  She has a bachelor's degree in foreign languages and enjoys writing.  A simple life that she planned to share with the love of her life.  She got engaged and 14 days later, her fiance was killed.   Her story begins with his death.  Not only did she have to cope with her grief but his accidental death was covered up by the authorities because it was a policeman who killed him.   Her pain almost drove her insane and she struggled with living in the past while trying to look to the future.

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