Never Ever Give Up Hope

How to Get Through the Devastation of Divorce



Small town drama makes Hollywood look like a walk in the park. For those going through a divorce in a small town and are ready to feel confident, capable, and competent, now is the time to take action. Denise Anderson is a certified life coach, mentor, speaker, and author of Small Town Divorce, A Road Map Through Devastation, Despair, and Drama. The lessons Denise learned while going through a dramatic divorce helped her create a simple path to personal power and growth. She discovered a commonality amongst people that holds them back and keeps them imprisoned in their own minds. Her first book describing the nuances of divorcing in a small town lays the foundation for the experience she evokes during her workshops and public talks. Denise Anderson has helped hundreds of clients go beyond their current life situation and painful past to a more fulfilling, purposeful and passionate place. Do other people's opinions and judgments have a positive or negative effect on you? What other people think is one of