Never Ever Give Up Hope



Do you want to succeed? Need to be inspired? Want to be a victor instead of a victim? Are you looking for coping mechanisms? This show shares stories of everyday people who refused to give up hope in the middle of insurmountable circumstances; people who have transformed their lives and want to give you their secrets of success. Their message is one of hope, encouragement, laughter and inspiration.No subject is off limits, i.e. abuse, failure, health issues, depression, coping with stress.


  • Think You Are Indestructible? What happens When Your Life is Put on Hold?

    06/02/2016 Duration: 44min

    MaryLee MacDonald is an award-winning author, writing coach with a Master's in English/Creative Writing, and a caregiver advocate. She thought she was indestructible until life took a sudden turn.  She knows the stress long-term care as the main caregiver for her son-in-law who was afflicted with ALS. But that was not her first encounter with death of a loved one.  She knows the devastation of losing a spouse suddenly and the impact it makes on the entire family. Listen to MaryLee's story and you will be inspired.  Even more importantly, MaryLee will give you tips and coping skills to deal with these crises which can turn from a sprint into a marathon. Her website, Family Caregiver Support, is for anyone who has passed the ten-mile mark and can't yet see the finish line as they put their life on hold to care for a family member. Her novel, based on true-life experiences, Montpelier Tomorrow, immerses readers in what it is like to be sleep-deprived for months on end and what it's like to care for a patient who

  • Build your Personal Brand to Leave a Legacy and a Life Purpose Fulfilled

    03/02/2016 Duration: 52min

    Clare McAlaney, a best-selling author, has had a variety of careers before she found her true calling.  She was a policewoman who later became a prosecutor.  From there, she went to the corporate life while still earning degrees and seeking her creative self.   She established Creatavision Publishing by teaching herself what skills she needed in the field of marketing and branding.   But there were dark times in Clare's life. There was a time when she did not want to live another day - when hope was gone.     She is a pure example of someone who can turn their tragedies into victories.  She has only just begun her journey to pursue her dreams of success as a writer and publisher.     "Don't EVER Quit! When you do what you are put on this planet to do - you will become driven until you accomplish it"   Here is her exhilarating interview you will never forget

  • Helping You Reach Your Goals and Success as a Writer

    30/01/2016 Duration: 43min

    Cindy Sproles is an author, speaker, managing editor for Straight Street Books and SonRise Devotionals.  She is the executive editor and co-founder for Christian Devotions Ministries.     Her dream is to do nothing more than craft words that speak from the heart.  Her best-selling novel, Mercy Rains, addresses the tough subject of child sexual and physical abuse.   Even though it is set in another century it will take you to places you may not want to go but must...... as it addresses a current problem.     Her best-selling novel, Mercy Rains, is available on Amazon -- “At once chilling and compelling in its honest portrayal of nineteenth-century mountain life, Mercy’s Rain is a beautifully written story of man’s depravity and God’s mercy. Its pages are filled with memorable characters and gripping scenes, and at its heart is a message you won’t soon forget.” —Ann Tatlock   

  • Paying the Price for Fame and Living to Tell the Tale

    27/01/2016 Duration: 35min

    Michelle Christoffels, an author of No Glory For Me, was Australia's first registered, professional, female boxer, dual UNDEFEATED Victorian Champion and Australian Champion Kickboxer.   But there was a time in Michelle's life when she had a serious downfall, spending time in psychiatric care and a criminal conviction.   She went from street gangs to making national headlines -- she paid the price for fame! Just before her first professional match, she was drugged/raped by her manager and started her life on a downward spiral. Telling her story in this interview, she shares from her heart in a way that will keep you captivated.  She was considered Australia's toughest woman (and also a cop) yet was falling apart on the inside in the battle of her life/career.  As you listen you will realize that someone out there can HELP you, has felt your pain and can offer support uniquely and honestly. Her memoir, No Glory For Me, starts with a courtroom drama -- you don't want to miss this compelling story. Listen to thi

  • Nothing Destroys Hope More Than Shame/Guilt

    23/01/2016 Duration: 45min

    Lois Hollis entered the world of Open Heart Surgery as a registered nurse 50 years ago.  She went on to help develop one of the first Kidney Hemodialysis Units in the country. Today she has established a field of study as a Shame/Guilt Educator.  Her newly released book, Emotional Revolution = Evolution:  Releasing Shame/Guilt is a self-help guide to help us understand shame and guilt and the impact it can have on our lives. "Shame and guilt are not ours to own.....or to give!" "Guilt is the echo of shame that describes our unworthiness." Lois has a unique insight that she shares in her interview.  You will be educated and motivated!  

  • YOU Can Have Optimum Health and Super Intelligence Wellness

    20/01/2016 Duration: 52min

    Kay Kei has a BC in Geophysics and a MS from Berkeley School of Engineering.  She is a certified Herb Practitioner and Soul Coach and a best-selling author.  She has worked as a geophysicist and also ran her own business as a condominium developer/builder for 15 years. One of the most exciting things about Kei is that she had declining health for four decades and after a diagnosis of breast cancer was able to take control of her health and realize optimum health for the past eight years.  She shares her journey of how she accomplished that. Kay is an energetic, intelligent, interesting guest who I thoroughly enjoyed having on my show.   In her first interview on Never Ever Give Up Hope (click here) she gave us insight into how to reprogram your brain to deal with STRESS.   In her interview today she shares how YOU too can have Optimum Health!  She wants to connect with you and help you on your journey to wellness and healthy eating.  She will guide you and help you to realize that improved health is easily wi

  • PREPARE to be shocked -- Hope was her only thread to survival

    16/01/2016 Duration: 55min

    CeeCee James has written a series of memoirs that you will never be able to forget.  Absolutely. Guaranteed. In her interview, I was at a loss for words. Having heard many stories of abuse, I never heard one as intense as CeeCee's. She is an incredibly gentle, warm woman who survived horrendous pain, neglect and hatred by her mother. Listening to her story, you will be drawn to tears and anger - as you hear CeeCee share how the only touch she had ever known as a child was one of pain. At TWO WEEKS old, her father burned CeeCee's face/body with an iron.  Her mother refused to feed or change her diaper because she did not want to be manipulated by a baby's cries. She wanted to teach her NOT to cry.  This is only the beginning of a lifetime of trauma.   She never remembers a time when she was not hungry....or cold.....or alone.....or hated.   Yet, all CeeCee ever wanted was.... love. Even as a toddler she worked hard to please her mother, hoping for one gentle touch or one kind word.  She never got one! EVER!  

  • As Bad As Things Are - They Could Always Be WORSE....Never Give Up

    09/01/2016 Duration: 01h18min

    Keith Dion has had an astounding career as a musician, songwriter, producer, and filmmaker.   But the story of what made this musician great goes much deeper.  What made this musician great is an incredible story of tenacity.   Severely abused and then abandoned by his parents, he determined he would succeed.  He was inspired to become a musician by Jimi Hendrix. Many years later he hooked up with Jimi Hendrix's bass player, Noel Redding.   Most well-known as being the producer, manager and bandleader for the late Noel Redding of The Jimi Hendrix Experience, he also has produced records for Arthur Lee and Love, and has played in New Zealand’s classic cult band The Ponsonby DC’s, as well as San Francisco alternative groups The Ophelias, 3:05 AM, and Corsica, producing records for all of them along the way.   Over the years he also recorded or performed with members of The Kinks, Thin Lizzy, Santana, The Counting Crows, Weather Report, Herbie Hancock’s Headhunters, and The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Most re

  • In the Blink of an Eye, Her Life Changed Forever - A Mother's Love

    16/12/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Stephanie Collins, an award-winning author of With Angels Wings, has degrees in psychology and nursing. But, in the blink of an eye, she had to leave her career to care for her FOUR special needs children -- as a single mom.  After 23 years, she is still changing her child's diapers - but her attitude is beautiful - a true mother's love. Her story is one of strength and courage.  If you know of anyone who is the parent of a special needs child, this is a 'MUST LISTEN to' broadcast.   Stephanie does not see herself as a victim but someone who became strong in the face of adversity.  Through sheer perseverance and tenacity, she proved anyone can be an overcomer.   In Stephanie's words "If you are feeling overwhelmed and ready to give up -- I did too. These feelings aren't indicative of a weak constitution or failure -- they are symptoms of humanity.  People BECOME stronger every minute they persevere.  Focus on you NEXT breath -- you WILL get there. I’d like to say it was love and faith that helped me to over

  • I'm Not Stupid - Just Disabled

    02/12/2015 Duration: 51min

    Wolfgang Wolf was a freelance copywriter and co-founder of Ogilvy and Mather Direct as well as their Creative Director.    In 1990, his life made a sharp turn.  He suffered a major stroke and should not have survived.  He shocked the doctors when not only did he survive but was able to do things they said he would never do again; walk, talk, and take care of himself.    Since his stroke, he has founded a registered charity, got a Bachelors degree majoring in Counseling and is a guest lecturer.   His book, How to Survive (After) a Stroke, is NOT a book of rehabilitation techniques and medical advice.  Rather, it gives invaluable support by sharing stories of numerous stroke victims about isolation, loneliness, stigma, fear, disability and pain. It is a book that addresses coping skills to move past these negatives.   He is an active blogger and would love to connect with you - especially if you have had a stroke or know anyone who has. He will offer advice and support.

  • When the Rescued becomes the Rescuer

    28/11/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Mary McLaurine is a writer, a poet and a contributing blogger at Huffington Post. She survived a torturous childhood sexual abuse by her father but learned how to overcome the aftermath that affected her later in life.    She has much to offer anyone who has suffered from PTSD, sexual abuse and rejection.     She is an advocate for organ donation (as a recipient of a kidney after years of dialysis) and therapy animals, rescuing them from their abusive situations.    You cannot compare someone else's pain with your own.  It is pointless as we only know our own battle of what we have had to endure.  But you CAN be an overcomer and draw strength from your weakest moments.     It took a lifetime of raw emotion, endurance and determination to assemble her "mosaic."   The most beautiful part is not the multi-colored stones but the dusky, gritty grout that holds all the pieces together and made her unbreakable.  The broken pieces, sharp edges, soft curves, rough surfaces, and smooth stones are beautifu

  • Dream, Believe, Take Action!

    25/11/2015 Duration: 54min

    Petra Monaco is a survivor.  She endured abuse and extreme trauma which made her the strong woman she is today.  She is an author of two memoirs -  Betrayal:  The Journey - Childhood Memories and the Adult Awakening and Lennon Steps.   In foster care since she was two years old, she repeatedly survived rejection and learned how to forgive. When her four-year-old son was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called urea cycle disorder, it created chaos in his little body.  As a mom, she had to make the decision to save his life with organ transplantation -- THREE times!     No parent should have to watch their child suffer to this extreme.  But Petra chose to have a positive attitude no matter what!  She is an encourager and motivator and you do not want to miss her interview. Through her blog posts and coaching, she can help you set boundaries in your life while making it feel like an act of love to self.  Her interview is insightful, candid and compassionate. For those of you who crave FREEDOM, s

  • How To Become Your Best Self By Finding Your Passion

    21/11/2015 Duration: 54min

    Gretchen Crass, Owner of GST Fitness and Wellness, is a leading expert in the area of fitness, nutrition, & spiritual health. She is a personal trainer, nutritionist and lifestyle transformation coach helping people on their journey to become their "BEST SELF."  Gretchen had a rough childhood suffering molestation and rejection which led to Anorexia.  She is now sharing her story with solid advice on how to know your true self.  "The mind is a powerful thing and we need to use it for the greater good rather than against ourselves."   She is a coach for the Special Olympics as well as a Child Ambassador for World Vision. Gretchen has been featured in fitness magazine publications, such as Flex Magazine, Oxygen Magazine & Muscular Development Magazine. She has been interviewed on Salem Radio’s Mohsin Program numerous times as well as Sioux Country Radio Sports After Dark Program. Gretchen has also been featured on Montgomery County Cable, for her healthy nutritional and cooking advice for children.    G

  • You CAN, You SHOULD, and if you're BRAVE enough....YOU WILL

    18/11/2015 Duration: 44min

    Marquita Herald is an inspirational author of Resilient Living -- Build Inner Strength and Master Life's Challenges with Confidence and Courage.     Her book and website of the same name is aimed at inspiring readers to develop the capacity for emotional resilience.   The prevailing view of resilience is that it helps one to "bounce back" from a crisis. Marquita shows us how to "BOUNCE FORWARD."     Fear and dysfunction didn't run through her family -- it galloped. Through personal experiences and serious research, she now teaches courses on how to exercise resilience in any situation.   Three Keys she shares are:      Develop self-awareness Take responsibility for the choices you made Learn to manage your emotions through emotional mastery You CAN, You SHOULD, and if you're BRAVE enough....YOU WILL  

  • When You Wrap Up your Past, you'll Unwrap a Perfect Present

    14/11/2015 Duration: 45min

    Ben Starling is an author, artist and boxer.  He is passionate about marine conservation and boxing which are central themes in his upcoming novel.   Ben has a Master of Arts from Oxford University and is Oxford's ONLY ever Quintuple Blue (which is a varsity champion five years running).    He has both coached and boxed competitively and with an advantage -- he boxed intelligently.  You must listen to his interview to hear his views on how this relates to life and gives you the upper edge!   From losing his partner to ovarian cancer to his passion for saving marine life, Ben's life experiences inspired him to intertwine them into his short stories and his novel.   His passion for life and love are evident in his stories. Click here for the Amazon link.     His compassion is evident in his interview.   Do you live a fear-based or love-based life?  Listen to his interview to get the answer.  

  • They Sold Everything They Owned to Rescue 5 Horses from Unknown Fate

    11/11/2015 Duration: 52min

    At twenty-six Jackie’s fiancé died and shattered her heart, her world crumbled. Leaving behind a loving family, a great career and fashionable home, she ran away from the tortuous feelings. Landing in Australia she quickly met Noel and married him. Both Jackie and Noel were quite possibly on the rebound! Together they purchased a thirty-three-foot sailing boat and sailed around the world.   Crashing within the first twenty-four hours, Jackie realized life would never be the same again; a floating home with no fridge or hot water, and with a dinghy instead of a car. Suffering self-doubts, she became fearful of her new world.   Not only did Jackie deal successfully with the challenges of her new existence, she also battled with the testosterone fueled nautical world to become both a professional captain and a qualified maritime teacher. Most importantly, Jackie found herself.   She’s sailed around the world one and a half times and trekked in the bush with five rescued horses for several months. Sh

  • Flat and Fabulous - After the Mastectomy

    07/11/2015 Duration: 33min

    Chris Tryon is an author, motivational speaker and cancer survivor.  Her book, Dear Sister, Today is..., is her personal journey through the various stages of breast cancer including valuable lessons she learned.  In her interview and her book, she wishes to share these insights resulting from her research, to empower her sisters who may be going through similar circumstances.   Most women are not aware they have a choice.  Most women are not aware the complications that can happen as a result of reconstructive surgery. Most women are not aware of the discomfort and agony this surgery can inflict.   Chris' message is to these women, all women!   In quoting Nicolas Cage, the actor: "If a guy only wants you for your breasts, thighs, and legs.....send him to KFC. You are a lady, not a cheap value meal!" Using the Toastmasters and Facebook platforms, Chris is on a campaign to get the message out to women of all ages.  "You have a choice!"  

  • Here's How Parents and Teachers CAN Make a Difference

    04/11/2015 Duration: 44min

    Daniel Blanchard grew up in East Hartford under rough conditions.  He learned how to fight on the street and later used that knowledge to become a state champion wrestler. This is my SECOND interview with him and if you are a parent, a teacher or a human (!) you can glean secrets from this man's insight and enthusiasm. Daniel has recently been appointed by the Speaker of the House to the Special Education Advisory Council to Connecticut Department of Education; an incredible honor.  He has seven degrees in education and was also picked by the American Federation as the voice of educational reform.  He is an award-winning author, speaker, and educator. As a teacher and coach for teenagers, he drives life lessons into them.  He teaches them how to succeed in an imperfect world and never give up on their dreams. He is a key factor in helping them change their lives.   His interview will touch your heart and motivate you to get to know your teenagers on a new level - and relate to them!   Feeling Lucky? is about

  • Be Active, Be Social, Be Engaged, Be Purposeful, and Be Complicated

    31/10/2015 Duration: 49min

    Ruth Curran drew on her experience successfully overcoming a traumatic brain injury to become an expert on maximizing brain function through lifestyle modification and "turning up the noise on life." She shares her insights and proven techniques for amplifying everyday experiences in Being Brain Healthy. Curran has a master's degree in cognitive psychology as well as more than 28 years of experience as a strategist, business development executive, and organizational behaviorist.    Curran is passionate about the connection between the brain and daily functioning and believes everyone—regardless of age or stage of life—has the ability to use neuroplasticity to live a richer, deeper, more fully engaged life. She has created a series of photo-based thinking puzzles, games, and apps that help players work on cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and executive functioning.   Ruth claims that it is more likely each of us knows more people with brain injury than cancer.  Think about it -- chemo brain, strok

  • Trapped: My Life with Cerebral Palsy

    28/10/2015 Duration: 36min

    Fran Macilvey is an author and motivational speaker.  Her first book, Trapped, tells the story of her life with cerebral palsy.   Fran was born premature and disabled, the younger of twins. She shares her earliest years to the joys and frustrations of marriage and motherhood.  Her book shines a bright, fresh light on the myths that “spastics” live with – and reveals the common ground that she endeavors to share with the rest of the world. She worked as a lawyer for ten years before turning to her first passion, writing. In the midst of home-making and the demands of child-rearing, I write about my experiences so that others can understand how challenging it is, to maintain the appearance of a “normal” life with a disabling condition. I also like to write about making the most of life, and my next two books are about how we can do that. In Fran's words....... "My first tool for coping is to surrender. A quote in my IN box lately came via Ingrid Bergman, who said, ‘Happiness is good health and a bad memory’ 

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