Never Ever Give Up Hope



Do you want to succeed? Need to be inspired? Want to be a victor instead of a victim? Are you looking for coping mechanisms? This show shares stories of everyday people who refused to give up hope in the middle of insurmountable circumstances; people who have transformed their lives and want to give you their secrets of success. Their message is one of hope, encouragement, laughter and inspiration.No subject is off limits, i.e. abuse, failure, health issues, depression, coping with stress.


  • If You Are Not Stretching and Growing, You Are Not Really Living

    16/04/2016 Duration: 36min

    Jon Stolpe is an author and active blogger. Jon Stolpe's Stretched is focused on "stretching" and challenging others to get out of their comfort zones.        He has a passion for family, leadership development, missions, and personal growth. Jon's organization, H.O.P.E. Helping Other People Everywhere, is doing just that.  In his interview he shared how we can all pay it forward.  As a construction engineer, Jon has helped build homes in Guatemala for those widows with children who were homeless.  On his blog he gives each of us the opportunity to be involved with this mission. During the interview, Jon shared the results of a survey Dr. Anthony Campolo, speaker, author, sociologist took of people who were over the age of 95.  He asked them if they could live their lives over...."What would you do differently?" The response was basically the same: REFLECT MORE -- Take time to listen RISK MORE  DO MORE TO LEAVE A LEGACY Do you ever feel like your life is off track?  If your answer is yes,

  • When Aging Parents Die, Sibling Rivalry Lives

    13/04/2016 Duration: 38min

    Deborah Carroll, former educator and educational publisher has written a book on a subject that is not easy for families to discuss.  The subject is death of aging parents.  Her book, Tales from the Family Crypt:  When Aging Parents Die, Sibling Rivalry Lives is a must read! There is nothing that can tear families apart faster or uglier than estate issues. In many families there are difficult, dysfunctional and even despicable siblings who want to grab money and power at a time when they should be communicating and pulling together as a unit. Deborah shares how her siblings would stop at nothing, even if it meant breaking the law, to take advantage of the dying parents.  We can't predict how our siblings will react when the time comes.  Deborah's book offers suggestions and tips to communicate long before the funeral, as disputes over eldercare and inheritances can be astronomically distressing.  Tales from the Family Crypt:  When Aging Parents Die, Sibling Rivalry Lives  is available on Amazon by clicking

  • It's NOT Failure - It's A Lesson

    09/04/2016 Duration: 42min

    Glenda Thomas is a relationship and marriage coach who had brain aneurysm surgery May 2015.  In her memoir, The Next Chapter: Glenda's Brain Aneurysm Journey, she shares that journey.   This is a subject that most of us know little about but we need to be made aware.  Here are some facts:   It is estimated that six million people in the USA have an unruptured brain aneurysm - that's one in 50 people.     The annual rate of rupture is approximately 8 - 10 per 100,000 - that is one every 18 minutes.  They are fatal in about 40% of cases.   Of those who survive, about 66% suffer permanent neurological deficit.  Approximately 15% of patients die before reaching the hospital.     Glenda shares the importance of keeping your blood pressure DOWN and taking some precautions.      Glenda's Motto: Do Something You've Never Done Before   In Glenda's book, The Change:  Insights into Self-Empowerment,  she is one of several authors who give life-enhancing realizations that touch every area of your life.  She shares some o

  • I Deserved the Abuse......And Other Lies

    06/04/2016 Duration: 47min

    Roxanne Fawley went from longing for death to loving life, from debilitating depression to being extremely happy.   In Roxanne's memoir But I Like It...And Other Lies, she shares her experience as a victim of physical, mental, and sexual abuse.  She wrote the book because she knows she is not the only one who believed the insidious lie that a woman likes or wants or even caused her own sexual abuse. She shows us how she has been completely restored to health and freedom that comes from knowing the truth and rejecting all the lies that may hold us captive and hopeless because of abuse. All proceeds from the sale of Roxanne's book goes to a local organization called Kalamazoo Anti-Numan Trafficking Coalition (K.A.H.T.C.)

  • Were You Part of A Drug Company's Dirty Little Secret?

    02/04/2016 Duration: 42min

    Shirley Ledlie wrote her memoir, Naked in the Wind -Chemo, Hair loss, and Deceit as a result of an unexpected battle she had to fight. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 47 and won the battle against the disease. BUT, after her treatment ended Shirley found herself in another seven-year battle with doctors and a drug company. Shirley Ledlie had an unstoppable determination to win her conflict as she uncovered the truth about a little-known side-effect of a cancer treatment drug, Taxotere.   Shirley's memoir is about lies, betrayal and how she became part of a dirty little secret.  It has affected hundreds of women all over the world and is still going on today.  Whistleblowers, irrational behavior and some madness -- it is all in her memoir.  It is humorous and inspiring in part and also desperate in others. Shirley's Motto:  If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.

  • If You Have Been Bullied - You Are Not Alone

    30/03/2016 Duration: 33min

    Teen Idol and pop star Meredith O'Connor is an anti-bullying icon who first rose to fame when her debut single "Celebrity" went viral on Youtube with over two million views the first two months of its release.    It became a radio favorite, bringing her a fan base which became a cult-like following once she had established her anti-bullying platform.   Her song "The Game," has touched the lives of thousands throughout the world, landing her a ten city tour as a headlining act for venues and schools.  Her next hit song "Just The Thing" was released on VEVO and Teen Nick gaining popularity on 17 radio stations in New York and over 400,000 views on VEVO. If you know anyone, especially teens, who have been the victims of bullying they need to connect with Meredith, listen to her gripping interview and download her songs.   Her passion is helping those who suffer from self-hatred or low self-esteem.  She wants you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE.    

  • The Lighter Side to Vision Loss

    26/03/2016 Duration: 44min

    Amy Bovaird is a ghostwriter, an author, educator and inspirational speaker.  She is an animal advocate and rescuer, working with domestic and international animal rescue groups. She has traveled the world teaching English and has been known to rescue camels on the side of the road who were left to die.   Amy suffers from Retinitis Pigmentosa, a hereditary eye disease that progressively steals vision and eventual hearing loss as well.   In her memoirs, Mobility Matters: Stepping Out in Faith and her second book, Cane Confessions:  The Lighter Side to Vision Loss, Amy shares her journey from denial to advocacy, educator, and optimistic motivator. Amy shares her story honestly; it is inspiring to anyone who has suffered loss.  She walks us through each step from denial to being able to help others through their journey to acceptance.  Amy shares how she has learned to laugh her way through trauma and this is clear in her interview and in her memoirs.  You will be encouraged by her story:

  • Love and Redemption: Overcoming Guilt and Moving On

    23/03/2016 Duration: 34min

    Maggie C. Romero, M.A., taught English as a Second Language in northern Virginia for seventeen years. She and her partner retired from full-time teaching and moved to New Mexico where they have lived since 2009. Maggie is a member of SouthWest Writers, Story Circle Network, based in Austin, Texas, and National Association of Memoir Writers.   Maggie knows the pain of addiction and in this interview will bring awareness to a subject many don't want to discuss.  Yet, it is around us wherever we look. It can affect any one of us.  Rich or poor, educated or not, it can strike anywhere.   Maggie shares her daughter's story. Before addiction, Angie was a world-class gymnast, a gifted artist and graduated from university with a B.A. in Journalism. But at 21, it all fell apart.   Maggie's purpose in writing her story was to heal from losing her daughter, Angie, to the Living Death of Heroin Addiction. She was determined to save her child from addiction and bankrupted herself in the effort to do so, had a b

  • How to Save Money on Things We Use Everyday

    19/03/2016 Duration: 39min

    Denise Seegobin is a blogger who teaches people how to save money on things we use every day. Her blog's focus is on ways to spend smarter and how to harness your creativity. She also works with companies in reviewing products and sharing those findings with social media, including giveaways. Denise knows the pain of losing your family.  Her parents died suddenly and then she lost her younger sister and her best friend. When asked how she coped with that, Denise said "I got my strength in knowing that they would not want me to give up. That no matter how many trials and tribulations, we have, life is a gift and we have to honor it by being the best we can be."   Denise loves researching and her blog is all about how to save YOU money.  She will research products for you and has dozens of products on her website she has researched for the best price and sometimes, free GIVEAWAYS.   Here is her informative interview about her website and she also shares her incredible story of tenacity and strength through trau

  • Yes, You Can Laugh Your Way Through Cancer

    16/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Being diagnosed with cancer can be frightening, but it also gives you license to get away with a lot of things you wouldn't do otherwise. Laugh With Kathy takes you on a journey through breast cancer and finding humor in the diagnosis, treatment and survival of the disease.    Kathy Lariviere uses humor to overcome any difficulties she encounters in life - including cancer.  Why? Crying gives her a headache.  Therapy is expensive.  But...laughing always makes her feel better.   If you know anyone who is going through difficulty, especially with a cancer diagnosis, they will thoroughly enjoy this interview with Kathy.     In her words: "Even though I didn't have a choice in the diagnosis I received, I did have a choice on how I got through it, and how I let my family and friends see me handle it." She manages to find the humor in the worst of circumstances. Here is her list of positives that came from her experience with cancer: I got to relocate my bustline (it has been moving south for years) I d

  • Be Assured: There is Triumph After Pain

    12/03/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Phyllis Clemmons is a best-selling author of several books. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a Master's in Management, Human Resource Development and Leadership. In life, each of us has a common goal:  To get through life's challenges, troubles, and trials as if it were a medicine that brings us to a healthy state of being.  A state of being that promotes strength, wisdom, resourcefulness, creativity, determination, and hope. Phyllis states that it takes those trials to make our lives meaningful, colorful and complete, driving us to be creative, resourceful, determined, hopeful, and open. Each of her books has a common thread: There is triumph after pain There is a key to unlock every door There is a small voice whispering behind every choice we make   You will not want to miss her challenging and inspiring interview:  

  • Give Yourself Permission to be Real

    09/03/2016 Duration: 36min

    Jenna Forster is the founder of Women That Lead, an organization designed to help professional women achieve some really groovy things. Jenna is an Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author of two books. Jenna came to a point in her life when she was forced to deal with a physical diagnosis that changed everything.  As a result, she immersed herself into the field of neuroscience and is now a trainer certified in the Study of Brain and Neuroplasticity.In addition, Jenna is: Executive Coach Leadership Development Expert  Brain Science Expert Director of Operations and Training for the Executive Coaching University Has 13 years of Executive Coaching experience and has trained Executive Coaches in 38 countries Has 11 years of senior level management experience Is classified as one of the Top Executive Coaches worldwide Leading expert in combining Coaching and Neuroscience Passionate about the power of Women  Here are some of her valuable and challenging quotes that which she explains in her interview:

  • When You Know Better, You Do Better

    05/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Robyn Hill is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). She has a Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Pastoral Counseling. Robyn has her own private practice where she provides culturally and spiritually sensitive counseling specializing in depression, anxiety, and trauma recovery.   Robyn is also an author of books to educate on developing coping skills to improve emotional wellness, including A Healing Conversation: Beginning Steps Towards Dealing with a Painful Past.   Robyn has recently launched her new radio show “Mind Healing Conversations” where she discusses various life stressors affecting mental wellness and also to inspire healthier habits for improving quality of life.   In her interview, Robyn shares tips and coping skills for those who don't know where to start on their journey to better mental health.  You will sense her empathy and compassionate desire to help those who are struggling.  Her organization reaches as far as women in Uganda who need an education and assistance in becoming s

  • Tips On How To Start A Writing Career

    02/03/2016 Duration: 29min

    Marie Lavender is an award-winning best-selling author of 22 books, including Second Chance Heart.   She has been writing for over 20 years in a variety of genres.   Second Chance Heart and A Little Magick  placed in the TOP 10 on the 2015 P&E Readers' Poll. Nominated in the TRR Readers' Choice Awards for Winter 2015. Poetry winner of the 2015 PnPAuthors Contest. Honorable Mention in the 2014 BTS Red Carpet Book Awards. Finalist and Runner-up in the 2014 MARSocial's Author of the Year Competition. Honorable mention in the January 2014 Reader's Choice Award. Liebster Blogger Award for 2013 and 2014. Top 10 Authors on Winner of the Great One Liners Contest on the Directory of Published Authors. She has more works in progress than she can count on two hands. Since 2010, Marie has published 22 books in the genres of historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, fantasy, mystery/thriller, literary fiction and poetry. Her current series are The Heiresses in

  • The Most Beautiful People are Often Those Who Have Suffered the Greatest

    27/02/2016 Duration: 35min

    Dana Goodman is a published author, grief counselor and inspirational speaker.  Her memoir is entitled, In the Cleft, Joy Comes in the Mourning, which won top novel at the Wildsound Writing Festival.   Dana's life was hard and unpredictable.  No mother should have to bury her 13-year-old son, at the same time her husband and mother-in-law died.     Yet, Dana found love again and remarried.  Shortly after, her new husband was diagnosed with the same life-threatening cancer.     It is one of the rarest cancers in the world and there have only been 200 known cases.  How could one woman lose three family members and yet, find her joy once again?   You will enjoy her interview as she shares how we often live in tension - beautiful and ugly mixing together like paint -- pain and joy kissing each other.     Dana never thought it would be possible but somehow seeds of love and hope have spread like a tsunami in her life.  Pain has a way of being a lighthouse for others to find their way back to the shores of hope.  

  • Do You Know What You were Meant to do? Are You Doing It

    24/02/2016 Duration: 36min

    Dianna Corcoran, Australian-born singer, guitar player, song writer, producer, musical entrepreneur and two time Golden Guitar winner in the Australian Country Music Awards including Artist of the Year, is one of Australia's most distinguished vocal and songwriting talents.  She has earned over 400 awards with numerous #1 hits including an upcoming Hollywood movie opening theme. This hard-working, genuine country girl has an almost 7th octave vocal range, an infectious personality, and brings a fresh sound to country music. She has driven over 46,000 miles, by herself, to promote her music and meet her fans in small towns across America.    She has an unusual view of competition in this business, that can be related to any business.  She is in one of the toughest industries yet has accomplished incredible success - through tenacity and determination.  Humility and warmth are often foreign to achievement in the music industry, yet it is in her nature.   You will not want to miss this young star's interview and

  • The Cancer Olympics is Everyone's Worst Nightmare

    17/02/2016 Duration: 01h02s

    Dr. Robin McGee is a Registered Clinical Psychologist.  She has taught at the university level and has published in professional journals in the field of child psychology.   Dr. McGee was an active, fit woman in her forties when she developed frightening symptoms.  Four doctors either ignored her complaints or belittled them.  She waited TWO years for a diagnosis and by then, had stage three rectal cancer.   The Cancer Olympics is Robin's account of a gutsy, no-holds-barred middle-aged woman's fight against THREE formidable enemies:           Late-stage rectal cancer           The Medical establishment           Archaic government policies   The Cancer Olympics illustrates how a support blog for a cancer patient turned into an engine that challenged unfair drug policy. It illustrates how a community of ordinary people, connected by the internet via social media, formed a grassroots movement that tackled the government. And it illustrates how a supportive community can sustain the hope and e

  • Did You Know You Can Love Yourself Inspite of Your Abuse?

    17/02/2016 Duration: 42min

    Maya Hope Kitwana wrote her memoir, Breaking my Silence, to share her powerful story but also in hopes of comforting those who have suffered in silence.  She shares why it is important to:             Share Your Story           Forgive Your Abusers            Face Your Abusers             And......   FORGIVE YOURSELF   Many victims of abuse have a difficult time to forgive but also to love themselves.  They must, realize they have NOTHING to be embarrassed or ashamed of -- they were the abused and often just little children.   She offers tips on how to break that cycle of abuse that many families endure.   She shares how your past helps you to be the kind of parent you desire to be.   Breaking My Silence tells the story of survival after a troubled childhood of rape, incest, and abandonment. After carrying the weight of her past for over thirty years, Kitwana began therapy and writing in a journal.  This developed into her memoir -  the beginning of her healing process. She hopes to encourage other victims o

  • Teach Yourself How to Love and Forgive YOURSELF

    10/02/2016 Duration: 49min

    Lane Cobb is an author, speaker, and a life and wellness coach.  Certified by Coaches Training Institute, WellCoaches, LLC, and International Coaches Federation, Lane is committed to teaching women and girls how to have healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and healthy mind-sets.  With over 20 years of coaching experience, Lane brings a diverse and extensive body of knowledge to her speaking, coaching, and writing.   As a sought-after expert in the fields of transformation, motivation, and healing, Lane is an example to women who seek to ignite their passion, live their purpose and achieve their greatest potential. Lane is internationally certified in multiple coaching and healing modalities and is a graduate of Peak Potentials Train the Trainer Program. Lane says:   "Take the time to listen to someone tell their story.  There is healing in sharing your story -- everyone.....has a story."  

  • Think You Are Indestructible? What happens When Your Life is Put on Hold?

    06/02/2016 Duration: 44min

    MaryLee MacDonald is an award-winning author, writing coach with a Master's in English/Creative Writing, and a caregiver advocate. She thought she was indestructible until life took a sudden turn.  She knows the stress long-term care as the main caregiver for her son-in-law who was afflicted with ALS. But that was not her first encounter with death of a loved one.  She knows the devastation of losing a spouse suddenly and the impact it makes on the entire family. Listen to MaryLee's story and you will be inspired.  Even more importantly, MaryLee will give you tips and coping skills to deal with these crises which can turn from a sprint into a marathon. Her website, Family Caregiver Support, is for anyone who has passed the ten-mile mark and can't yet see the finish line as they put their life on hold to care for a family member. Her novel, based on true-life experiences, Montpelier Tomorrow, immerses readers in what it is like to be sleep-deprived for months on end and what it's like to care for a patient who

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