Center Point Assembly



Center Point Assembly


  • Living Without Regret - Audio

    17/07/2011 Duration: 3204h00s

    Pastor Mike explores the concept of living without having major life regrets. Certainly the largest regret any would have is to not accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and not make Heaven their eternal home. Given that, the Christian can live a life full of true joy and happiness as they keep a "long-term" perspective in the actions they take daily. Understanding that regrets come in the form of what a person does or doesn't do based on living thru the "short-term" desires with a long-term attitude. No one ever regrets making Godly choices and saying no to sin...

  • Independence through Dependence - Audio

    06/07/2011 Duration: 3605h00s

    Pastor Mike celebrates the 4th of July Independence Day by looking at and discussing what it means to have true Independence in this world and of this world so that we will have freedom to live a truly fulfilling life. The way to have this Independence is through a complete Dependence in Jesus. He talks about three areas, Salvation, Following the example of Jesus life, and the process of living this life...

  • Holy Spirit - Who Is He? - Audio

    26/06/2011 Duration: 2991h00s

    Pastor Mike is beginning a series of messages that speak about the Holy Spirit that is available for all people today. In this message he concentrates on Who the Holy Spirit is, beginning at the very beginning of creation and his activity in the Old Testament era. We need a hunger for the power of God in lives and it comes from a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and His indwelling in our lives...

  • Father's Day - The 5 P's - Audio

    19/06/2011 Duration: 2481h00s

    Pastor Mike talks to Fathers on their day and encourages them to be Godly Fathers and a replication of our Heavenly Father. But first, the question was asked, is God everyone's Father? Think about that and then listen to hear if He is yours... Men it takes character to be a Father not just a procreator. The next generation and beyond are depending on you...

  • Titus - Living With Self-Control - Audio

    16/06/2011 Duration: 2949h00s

    Pastor Mike looks at Titus Chapter 2 and in doing sees the urgency that Paul gives Titus to live during all aspects of our lives with self-control. He tells men, women, young men and young women to live lives of integrity and self-control so that we are pleasing to God and effective witnesses.

  • Titus - Preach the Word - Part 1 - Audio

    05/06/2011 Duration: 2641h00s

    Pastor Mike begins this short series on Titus Chapter 2, where Paul is instructing Titus on how he should teach the church on teaching God's word and then how we should live it out... This is also communion Sunday and time is given to encourage is all to receive the Body & Blood of Christ in a worthy fashion...

  • Rapture & Times We're In - Audio

    29/05/2011 Duration: 1987h00s

    Pastor Mike is celebrating the Memorial Day holiday with a message that talks about true freedom, and that will happen when Jesus comes back in the clouds for his church... What a Blessed Hope that is for all the true believers as that will be the homecoming we all are longing for.

  • King Saul & King David - The Difference Maker - Audio

    22/05/2011 Duration: 3500h00s

    Pastor Mike looks at the lives of King Saul & King David and draws a number of relevant issues for us today. Both of the Old Testament men were Godly as they started out and both had serious sin issues - one survived and one didn't. What was "the difference maker" in their lives is the topic of today's message. The same "Difference Maker" is available for us today... Listen in to learn more and receive God's grace for you...

  • Judgment and Grace - Audio

    15/05/2011 Duration: 3607h00s

    Pastor Mike discusses the judgment and grace in a perspective that challenges us all to make sure that we understand really how God wants us to apply both in our lives. The bible clearly gives us mandates to judge or maybe a better word may be to discern the sin in our lives and in our Christian brothers' live so that we can help save both of us. Also, the proposition is made that we confuse "grace" with "compromise" when take liberties in our choosing to apply Grace when God directs us to live holy lives instead... God is the "GRACE giver" through the shed blood of Jesus...

  • Mother's & Jesus - how similar they are... - Audio

    08/05/2011 Duration: 2403h00s

    Pastor Mike and a couple Special Speakers, Cameron Canupp and Madison Way share a special topic, Mother's... Mothers and Jesus are very similar in the responsibilities they have in our lives, they are life givers, nurturers, educators, protectors and forever they love us - right into eternity....

  • Easter "Setbacks" - Audio

    24/04/2011 Duration: 2565h00s

    Pastor Mike celebrates the Easter season with a message of hope leading us all to the "Cross of Jesus". Even though to the those living in that day, the week of Jesus death was a "setback" to them it ultimately is VICTORY over death... For us today, we have "setbacks" in our lives that bring us stress and much turmoil, the key for us today, as it was for the people that lived in Jesus day, is to keep our eyes on Him and on the things of heaven... The cross is our victory!

  • Power of Progress week 2 - Audio

    17/04/2011 Duration: 2899h00s

    Pastor Mike finishes up the Series on the Power of Progress in our spiritual walk. Progress is an absolute must in our Christian life, we must diligently purpose to make progress and become mature Christian disciple of Christ. This week we focused on the "Pace of progress", the "Building on a Solid Foundation" and "Willingness to Change" as is necessary for progress to happen...

  • Power of Progress week 1 Review - Audio

    10/04/2011 Duration: 2547h00s

    Pastor Mike takes a week to review the beginning of the Power of Progress sermon series. With the importance of the believer making constant forward progress it makes sense to review the basics as the sermon series continues...

  • Power of Progress week 1 - Audio

    27/03/2011 Duration: 1921h00s

    Pastor Mike presents the first of a couple weeks discussion on the Power and absolute necessasity of Progress. Progress is a requirement of a living organism, be it a personal life or the life of a body of believers, namely the church. Progress is a required element and requires a desire to grow. Spiritual progress is not automatic, it requires a desire and a commitment... More will be said about this in upcoming weeks...

  • Power in Peace - Audio

    20/03/2011 Duration: 2610h00s

    Pastor Mike continues the Power series in the discussion of the Power in a Peace Seeker... The person that chooses to seek peace in all areas of his life is a powerful Christian. One that is Heavenly Effective thru the Earthly Relevance of living in Peace thru the tribulation and storms of this life... As a person overflows in peaceful living, he draws attention to him self that he can re-direct to Jesus as the source of his peace, he can then use this peace to be a witness for Jesus...

  • Power in Perseverance - Audio

    13/03/2011 Duration: 2898h00s

    Pastor Mike continues the Power series by speaking of the Power in Perseverance in three major areas: Prayer, Concerns of Life, Endurance for Eternity. This is a message of encouragement for those that are caught in the trap of hopelessness and despair that life's just too hard and too long... Don't give in and don't give up... The finish line is just ahead, keep on keeping on...

  • Power in Purpose - Audio

    06/03/2011 Duration: 2920h00s

    Pastor Mike expands the series of Power in Process, Power in Priority to Power in Purpose. In this message he defines Godly Purpose as the combination of Godly Priority and action together resulting in the Godly result of "Eternal Purpose". Pastor Mike discusses Jesus' life as a perfect example of his purposes and how we need to match up to them so that our purpose really is defined as being "Christ-like"...

  • Power in Priority - Audio

    27/02/2011 Duration: 2391h00s

    Pastor Mike continues the series of various areas of Power - from the Process to the Priorities that we have in our lives. God wants to be the first priority in our hearts, but the question we must ask ourselves is: are we putting Him there? Listen on for other challenges as we are to judge ourselves...

  • Power in Process - Audio

    20/02/2011 Duration: 1903h00s

    Pastor Mike talks about how God is a God of "process" and how He works in our lives through the "process" of living. We on the other hand measure our life by the "events" that happen during our life. God certainly sees the "events", but yet He is more concerned about the "process" that leads up to and what happens after the "event"occurs... "Events" are temporal, "Process" is eternal....

  • One Body - Many Parts - Audio

    13/02/2011 Duration: 2140h00s

    Pastor Mike digs into the passage in 1 Corinthians 12 and talks about the diversity of gifts and talents in the body of Christ yet stresses the importance of everyone seeing how significant their unique gifting is to the church body. As everyone embraces their role and responsibility and applies themselves, the result is a healthy and growing church AND a reward laid ahead for the those that are "faithful over a few things" on this earth...

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