Snooze & Booze



Greetings! This is Steve and Loaf and we're a humble podcast from Long Beach, CA. We drink and talk about anything and everything. Not very politically correct and nothing is ever "too soon". Thanks for listening and spread the Gospel.


  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 159

    19/12/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Coming in at number 159, we got a little no-guest mini episode.

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 158

    01/12/2019 Duration: 01h25min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 157

    23/11/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 156

    19/11/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! We are currently at episode 156 and on this episode we welcome back Thomas for another film-filled episode.

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 155

    23/10/2019 Duration: 01h40min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Currently at episode 155, we got a funny one for you! We welcome back Omar to the show and we have a new guest joining us, please welcome Stephanie. On this episode we cover parenting and how age appropriate certain topics are i.e. homosexuality, Joker and it's mental illness implications, and horror movies. Watching any horror flick, you can't help but criticize the poor decisions the people in the movie make trying to get out of the situation they're in. I doubt any of us would fare any better in a real-life horror movie. Scared and panicked, I think we'd embarrass ourselves if we watched our own horror movie deaths play out. Better off dead, I guess.

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 154

    01/10/2019 Duration: 02h45min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! We're coming in at episode 154 and on the show we have Omar Williams joining us. Tonight we discuss film and originality (or lack thereof in some instances), comedians and what they do, raising families, and musicianship. With enough practice anybody can attain an admirable level of skill, playing things that have been played countless times before to the point they become taboo (go to a music convention or even a Guitar Center and start playing Stairway to Heaven and see how fast it takes for someone to shut that down). Applying that skill into creating something new is where that true talent lies. Anybody can play, but not everyone can create.

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 153

    01/10/2019 Duration: 51min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Although it says it's episode 153, it isn't actually. Originally we recorded a full and awesome episode with guests Jackie and Omar, but due to some technical difficulties the episode didn't record and didn't realize it til later. So in the meantime there's an episode we've had on the back-burner for some time now that'll hold you off until the next one. This episode consists of your lovely hosts and The DOC himself doing a midnight walk-through of the Sunnyside Cemetery in Long Beach. EVP's, spooks, and ghouls galore. Well, not really. It was still pretty cool to see all the old gravestones and the creepy ambiance. Peace out!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 152

    19/09/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Clocking in at episode 152, we got a fun one. On the show we have Texas-native Marcus joining us. This episode has probably one of the best openers ever. Let's just say some voicemails from an angry ex-wife should be preserved for generations to come. Also on this episode is quite an interesting anecdote involving a strip club, drunken lap-dances, and grabbing the stripper's cell phone by mistake. It will make you wanna get drunk and visit your local adult entertainment establishment and create a stripper story of your own and all at the same time supporting a local business. It's a win-win ;) Enjoy!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 151

    27/08/2019 Duration: 03h05min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Clocking in at number 151, we have on once again Tommy to drop a few film reviews of the week. So as per usual if you haven't noticed by now, spoiler alerts ahead! However if you're all caught up with what's 'oot and aboot' in theaters, then you're good. Or if you have no intention of watching any new movies and don't give a shit, then listen anyway pwetty pwease =) It's funny how every movie is "The number one movie in America". How does that even happen? Maybe a few of them are here and there, but there's plenty of others that should be dubbed "The shittiest movie in America". With a caption like that it kinda makes you want to watch it and then becoming the #1 movie if it intrigues people enough. Interesting how that works, eh marketing department? But I digress. Enjoy the show! Peace.

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 150

    31/07/2019 Duration: 03h06min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Yee, we're officially at episode number 150!! We couldn't have done it without all the support from our fans... agh who we kidding, we do all this shit ourselves 'cause nobody else gives a shit. *runs away crying in slow-motion in a field of tall grass* Anywho, on this most momentous of occasions we are joined by long-time fan favorites The DOC and the Arabian Prince himself, Daryl. Tonight we tackle buying shit on Amazon, military story shenanigans, and the way your family gives you shit. Nobody keeps you in check the way the fam bam does. You could be the CEO of the biggest company on the planet and somehow they can make you feel like the toilet clog in the shitter. Talk about being humbled, eh. Truth be told it doesn't feel all that great, but definitely keeps you from growing up to be an entitled cunt. Just facts, brah. Enjoy the show!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 149

    24/07/2019 Duration: 01h58min

    Welcome back, Bue Trelievers (See what I did there?) to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Clocking in at episode 149, we have a great one for you on deck. On the show we have once again the very lovely Lucy Sarabia to promote her YouTube channel where you can keep with what's going down in her dm's. Well her life in general, so be sure to subscribe, like, and comment. We also touch on parenting, work, and the always welcome subject of death. Is it really dying that's the issue or rather how you die? I mean, it seems that once you're dead you don't really have much to worry about anymore. Besides flesh-eating bugs and necrophiliacs. How you die, on the other hand, can be as peaceful and painless as never waking up from sleep or a slow and excruciating death in some kidnapper's basement. One also has the option of 'checking out' early. Whether by your hand or someone else's, you're going to die one day and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Seriously, some of you might die while listening to this epi

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 148

    09/07/2019 Duration: 02h37min

    Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! It has been a minute since we've had a chance to give you guys a decent audio copulation so thank you for bearing with us! We are currently clocking in at episode 148! Coming up on episode 150 real soon! This episode is actually two episodes rolled into one. Another earthquake hit while we were recording and had to cut it short. Side A consists of fan favorites Jackie and Tommy joining us to discuss movies and the wonderment of sex and violence within and whether or not it should be censored. Side B we have Gwen joining us to discuss her first gig and the what's hot and what's not of music today, yesterday, and I guess the day before that? Well, you get the idea. So tune in to whatever app you use to listen to podcasts on and turn the volume up so high that people come banging on your door telling you to turn it down, to which you can cordially tell them to take a bunch of those stupid fireworks they've been popping for the past month and shove 'em in wh

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 147

    18/06/2019 Duration: 03h16min
  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 146

    08/05/2019 Duration: 02h41min
  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 145

    22/04/2019 Duration: 01h25min
  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 144

    21/03/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    Yo yo yo! Welcome back for another round of Snooze and Booze... ness! This is just a wee mini episode to get us back into the groove and back on schedule. Just a little catching up on what's new and reminiscing on things we thought we forgot. Specifically blackouts and those wonderfully embarrassing details we'd rather not remember. Ain't life grand? Anywho, tune in and in the very near future we'll have plenty more episodes to "Shinshi Shinshi" into your head all nice and deep like. (For those that don't know, that's an SNL reference if you wanna Google it ;-) Teehee ). Cheers!

  • Snooze & Booze Presents: The Killer Podcast Ep. 3

    07/03/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    (A-la Dracula) Good evening. Velcome beck, to anowther epsodoekf ei vpsdjc pefjv. Okay that wasn't Dracula, I just had a mild stroke. Anywho! We have Tom back on the mic for episode 3 of The Killer Podcast! Joining us this evening are Gwen and Snooze & Booze favorite, Jackie! Tonight We're going to be slashing through The Shining among many other ghoulish things... like Jim Carrey. All topped with inside jokes and incessant chuckling. Spooky shit, bro. So tune in!

  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 143

    08/02/2019 Duration: 02h23min
  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 142

    21/01/2019 Duration: 03h10min
  • Snooze & Booze: Ep. 141

    07/01/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    Welcome back vatos to another episode of Snooze y Booze! Clocking it at number 141, we got another old-school mini episode for you guys. We take a look back at 2018 and all the tears, loves, and laughs we experienced; on the show and off. Twas a good one, ladies and gents. It's pretty self explanatory. Happy New Year! Oh and for all the dumb and drunk shit you guys pulled this year, try to raise the stakes in 2019. That way we'll have something to talk about. Nobody want's to hear about you "getting in shape" or "the new you". We wanna hear some legitimate and epic drunk shit like,"I blacked out and let loose all the animals in the zoo!" You get the idea. Cheers!

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