Snooze & Booze

Snooze & Booze: Ep. 149



Welcome back, Bue Trelievers (See what I did there?) to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Clocking in at episode 149, we have a great one for you on deck. On the show we have once again the very lovely Lucy Sarabia to promote her YouTube channel where you can keep with what's going down in her dm's. Well her life in general, so be sure to subscribe, like, and comment. We also touch on parenting, work, and the always welcome subject of death. Is it really dying that's the issue or rather how you die? I mean, it seems that once you're dead you don't really have much to worry about anymore. Besides flesh-eating bugs and necrophiliacs. How you die, on the other hand, can be as peaceful and painless as never waking up from sleep or a slow and excruciating death in some kidnapper's basement. One also has the option of 'checking out' early. Whether by your hand or someone else's, you're going to die one day and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Seriously, some of you might die while listening to this epi