Snooze & Booze

Snooze & Booze: Ep. 151



Welcome back to another episode of Snooze & Booze! Clocking in at number 151, we have on once again Tommy to drop a few film reviews of the week. So as per usual if you haven't noticed by now, spoiler alerts ahead! However if you're all caught up with what's 'oot and aboot' in theaters, then you're good. Or if you have no intention of watching any new movies and don't give a shit, then listen anyway pwetty pwease =) It's funny how every movie is "The number one movie in America". How does that even happen? Maybe a few of them are here and there, but there's plenty of others that should be dubbed "The shittiest movie in America". With a caption like that it kinda makes you want to watch it and then becoming the #1 movie if it intrigues people enough. Interesting how that works, eh marketing department? But I digress. Enjoy the show! Peace.