Tonos Radio



Every week, Sabrena and Matt face the fitness and nutrition industry head-on. In a show dedicated to wading through BS and pseudo science with some laughs and absurdity, Matt and Sabrena encourage listeners to embrace the tension and enjoy the journey.


  • September Featured Athlete: Garrett Gilbert

    01/09/2015 Duration: 13min

    We are so excited to introduce you to our September Featured Athlete: Garrett Gilbert. Garrett is a full time med student who also competes in local CrossFit competitions. In this episode you will learn how he handles his busy schedule and why he chooses to prioritize his own health and fitness during such a hectic chapter of his life. You are all invited to Garrett's Special WOD, Saturday, September 5th at 9 AM.

  • How to CrossFit (well) for a long, long time: Part Two

    25/08/2015 Duration: 29min

    We all want to be healthy and happy into our Golden years, is CrossFit the best way to get you there? Coaches Matt and Kyle think so, and they're here to show you how. This episode is a bulky one so get ready to dive in the deep end and learn: How you can apply the movement... consistency... intensity principle to make your life better; What makes any exercise routine worthwhile; How to tell if a Coach cares about you or your money; Your most important goal when starting CrossFit; Why you are more important than your job; How to get into the gym even when you don't want to; How elite athletes perform at their very best year after year; Who the most dangerous person in a CrossFit gym is.

  • How to CrossFit (well) for a long, long time: Part One

    18/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    We all want to be healthy and happy into our Golden years, is CrossFit the best way to get you there? Coaches Matt and Kyle think so, and they're here to show you how. This episode is a bulky one so get ready to dive in the deep end and learn: How you can apply the movement... consistency... intensity principle to make your life better; What makes any exercise routine worthwhile; How to tell if a Coach cares about you or your money; Your most important goal when starting CrossFit; Why you are more important than your job; How to get into the gym even when you don't want to; How elite athletes perform at their very best year after year; Who the most dangerous person in a CrossFit gym is.

  • Featured Athlete: Leah Huddleston

    13/08/2015 Duration: 12min

    Introducing Iron Hill Athlete, Leah Huddleston.

  • Do you need a massage? Check out Dark Horse Massage.

    11/08/2015 Duration: 26min

    Today we talk with the man with the magic hands, Jeremy Collum of Dark Horse massage, about making you feel and perform better. We cover: aches and pains, knots in your muscles, foam rolling lacrosse balls and rumble rollers (aka myofascial release), performing for sports, powerlifting and what to do when you keep getting injured.

  • How to fail in the gym

    30/07/2015 Duration: 30min

    Coaches Matt, Sabrena and Kyle discuss mistakes they have made in the gym and how they have made the most of every situation. Your time in the gym is precious, learn how to optimize each met con, make huge strength gains regularly and make every group exercise class perfect for you.

  • How to do CrossFit during a pregnancy

    23/07/2015 Duration: 07min

    Our July Featured Athlete, Elise Hubbard, talks about her experience of doing CrossFit while pregnant.

  • Meet Stephanie Orr, DPT, and CrossFit Coach Extraordinaire

    21/07/2015 Duration: 16min

    Stephanie Orr is probably already one of your favorite coaches, but did you know that she is also a physical therapist? Stephanie's speciality is spinal cord injuries... we all have a lot to learn to become safer, more effective humans.

  • The other 23 hours of the day

    14/07/2015 Duration: 27min

    Coaches Matt, Sabrena and Kyle discuss how to optimize the other 23 hours of the day to make the most of your time in the gym and how to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle that you can truly enjoy.

  • What we eat and why we eat it, Part 1.

    30/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    Matt, Sabrena and Kyle dive deep into building a healthy mindset around food, how to eat well with a busy schedule, and making delicious habit changes that truly stick.

  • What we eat and why we eat it, Part 2.

    30/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    Matt, Sabrena and Kyle dive deep into building a healthy mindset around food, how to eat well with a busy schedule, and making delicious habit changes that truly stick.

  • The Hill Radio with Miles Metschke: Using CrossFit to overcome fear, manage diabetes & conquer life

    26/06/2015 Duration: 24min

    Memorial Hill OG Miles Metschke rocks the show with tons of great insight into making the most of every WOD.

  • How to do a proper warm up

    23/06/2015 Duration: 23min

    Half-assing a warm up is all fun and games until you get hurt by going too hard, too fast. And while you may not get injured, you may leave money on the table by not making the most of your warm up time. Learn how to avoid these costly mistakes, now.

  • How to start an exercise routine that sticks

    16/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Coaches Matt Scanlon and Sabrena Merrill discuss finding an exercise routine that works for you for a long, long time. They go over the stages of change, sustainability and how to overcome common obstacles that throw us off track.

  • June's Featured Athlete: Megan Sheeley

    11/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    Get to know Megan Sheeley: CrossFitter, Orthoptist and Awesome Human Being.

  • Are you fit enough for Olympic weightlifting?

    09/06/2015 Duration: 25min

    Olympic weightlifting is a sport practiced by hundreds of thousands and mastered by none. Are you giving it the time and respect it deserves? We dive deep into what it takes to hit PRs in the snatch and clean and jerk while also improving in CrossFit.

  • No pain, no gain?

    02/06/2015 Duration: 25min

    Coaches Josh, Matt & Kyle discuss what sort of pain is good for you, and differentiate tweaks from injuries. If you're feeling banged up, listen now.

  • Take your golf game to the next level with Janine Young

    26/05/2015 Duration: 33min

    Janine Young is a Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Professional with over 15 years of experience helping golfers take their game to the next level. She has worked with professionals like Tom Watson and Phil Michelson and now spends much of her time helping recreational golfers get the most out of their time on the course. To learn how to improve your golf game now, listen to this episode. To learn more, check out her website and schedule a session at

  • On competing in CrossFit, 2000 calorie breakfasts and the circus

    19/05/2015 Duration: 27min

    Sabrena, Matt and Kyle discuss what it takes to specialize in a sport and dive deep into CrossFit and aerial silks. If you've been looking to take your performance goals more seriously, this episode is for you.

  • Matt Scanlon wants to help Kansas City become fitter

    11/05/2015 Duration: 22min

    Matt Scanlon introduces the new community wide initiative: Move KC. Do you want to be an ambassador for fitness and healthiness in your community? Listen up to learn how you can make KC a better place to live.

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